One Step to The End

Chapter 1328: Undead


Tuna Tian arrogantly looked up to the sky and laughed, the old black demon stared at him furiously, and the seriously injured Kyuubi also sat up from the mud, and said angrily: "You really are a traitor, even if you eat the treasure with your skills, you Can't let our demons rise!"

"Funny! Do you think the blood flag crocodile will lead you to rise..."

Tuna Tian smashed Hei Fahai's head with a sneer, and said with a sneer: "It doesn't think about how to strengthen itself. It will be the first to escape when it encounters danger, and Zhao Yunxuan has said it. It will make us all become puppets of monsters, and I will at least make you all alive as the Demon King!"

"Quick! Open his stomach while he hasn't absorbed the strength..."

Zhao Ziqiang suddenly yelled, and together with Chen Guangda and the others, they raised their swordsmen and yelled like the underworld. Taking the sky also slashed past.


The old black demon blasted out with a punch, but Tunartian's strength apparently skyrocketed. After a burst of sound, both sides retreated, but the old black demon said angrily: "Nine Tails! Killed this dead traitor together," I will lead the monster race to glory!"

"Kyuubi! If you dare to be nosy, I'll kill you..."

Tuna Tian glared fiercely at Kyuubi, then swung the knife and slashed at the old black demon, and the seriously injured Kyuubi was only half-life left, but she still let out a howl, and rushed towards her with a kick. Tuna Tian, ​​in the end, made Tuna Tian slash to the ground.


Qisha suddenly jumped out of the underground cave. In order to avoid the ground fire, Zhao Guanren was riding her into a deeper cave. Zhao Guanren finally climbed up and said in surprise: "Hei Fahai, why are they themselves? Fighting?"

"Tuna Tian ate the orb, you can help..."

Zhao Ziqiang stomped and shouted impatiently, but just didn't rush into the river bed, Chen Guangda and Liu Tianliang also sat on the floor with diplegia, clutching their chests and said in pain: "Quick, hurry up and grab the Orb back. It's all up to you. We are so injured!"

"What **** acting, exaggerated to death..."

Zhao Guanren murmured angrily, and suddenly threw the demon knife to Zhao Ziqiang, rushed to the river bed and threw two lightning balls, and shouted: "Blood-flag crocodile! I'll help you, quickly push Tunatian over. I slaughtered it to get the orb!"

"Without your help, avoid..."

The old black demon suddenly shot hundreds of black glows, which enveloped Tunartian almost in the blink of an eye. Tunartian suddenly resisted in a hurry. He finally found that the power of the soul orb was insufficient, and all was consumed by the Black Fahai. The strength is at most a tie with the old black demon.

"Miao Mi! Take your mother away..."

Zhao Guanren rushed forward regardless, Qisha picked up Nine Tails and jumped back to the shore. Unexpectedly, Zhao Ziqiang suddenly flashed in front of her. After swaying the knife, he suddenly threw out an empty Congliang pearl. Smashed on her old lady's head.


The nine-tailed cat demon was taken away at once. Qi Sha, who was out of balance, fell to the ground and let out a meow in anger, and rushed to Cong Liangzhu desperately, but Zhao Ziqiang did not attack her. It was an abrupt stomping and a low voice.


A flying sword suddenly shot out from the mud, and the **** Tuna Heaven was just a few meters ahead. When he was shocked, it was too late. The flying sword pierced his chrysanthemum, and he instinctively covered it. Ass, the front of the chest suddenly opened wide.


The old black demon blasted his punch at the right time, blasting through his soul shield defense with only one blow, and slammed into Tunartian’s chest, not only blasting a hole in his chest, but also blasting him out. Hundred meters away, he fell into the mud with a scream.

"Brother Yang! You are amazing..."

Tuna Tian was just not far from Zhao Guanren, he rushed forward and raised his hand, and pulled out the Black Soul Orb from Tuna Tian. The old black demon shot past with anxious lightning, and shouted: " Give me the beads, we are in a group!"


Zhao Guanren suddenly threw the bead into the sky, and the old black demon immediately moved in a snake-like manner. As soon as he took hold of the bead in the air, he was surprised when he started it. It turned out to be a black grenade. It exploded in the palm of its hand.


A flying sword suddenly shot from behind, Zhao Guanren also shot a lightning ball at the same time, Chen Guangda and Liu Tianliang played the most powerful move, the four together attacked the fallen dark old demon, but the dark old demon did Yelled furiously.

"Damn liar!"

A tyrannical shock wave burst out of the old black demon, which immediately shook their attack away. It didn't even hurt a single hair. Who knew that Zhao Guanren suddenly squatted down, kneeling as a sign, and shouted: " Brother! Don't get me wrong, put away your spirit shield!"


An innocent friend stunned the old black demon. It instinctively put away its soul shield and went down. It did not notice that Zhao Ziqiang had already jumped into the air, quietly urging the Scarlet Moon Demon Sword, and suddenly a condensed blood appeared. Mang, slashed at its Tianling Gai severely.


The old black demon slammed his head at the moment of his death. The **** light slashed down its ears, chopped it from its shoulder to its ass, and cut it in half in the air. The two corpses fell from side to side in an instant, weird. The blue blood was splattered everywhere.

"Oh~ The mission is complete..."

Liu Tianliang cheered in excitement and waved his hands to high-five Chen Guangda, but Zhao Ziqiang, who was about to make up the knife, suddenly crossed the knife. The black old demon spouted a blue light from his mouth, and shot it on the Scarlet Moon Demon Sword. He was knocked out.

"Fuck! It won't die like this, just cut it..."

Liu Tianliang hurriedly drew his sword and wanted to rush over, but Chen Guangda threw him to the ground, a blue light shot from them suddenly, just looking at the two parts of the old black demon, he stood upright in a daze. , Just like two black bean sprouts, it uproots and grows quickly.

"I'll go! What kind of monster is this guy? Gecko doesn't bring it like that..."

The four people stood up in disbelief, but Qisha held Congliangzhu and said loudly: "The blood-flag crocodile has trained the immortal body. It can be defeated by you, but you can't kill it at all. Kill it 10,000 times. It's useless, anyone who knows will release my mother soon!"

"You brag and don't write drafts. There are no creatures that can't kill. Do you treat it as a water bear..."

Chen Guangda spat in disdain, but Zhao Guanren frowned and said, "Qisha didn't lie. At the beginning, Zhao couldn't kill his body, so he could only seal it in the soul-suppressing tower, and the soul was divided into eighteen pieces. , It seems that I can only smoke its soul!"

"Fart! Everything has an upper limit. If you can't kill it ten times, then kill it a hundred times..."

Chen Guangda kicked his feet and shot it out. The old black demon had turned into two black dragons, hundreds of meters in length. Both of them screamed harshly, spewing out two purple flames, before and after. Attacked at the four men.

"Throw the beads! You play the small ones, give me the big ones..."

Zhao Ziqiang slammed a knife through the purple flames and shot the head of a black dragon. The other three also threw out Congliang beads and ganged up small black dragons, but the body of the black dragon was like liquid, no matter what the attack was. It's like hitting a puddle of oil.


The two dragons roared again and shot tens of thousands of black arrows within their bodies. Not only was the power of the black arrows terrifying, they would be blown out even if they blocked them. The next two hurriedly got back to Congliangzhu.

"Boom boom..."

A series of explosions were comparable to a volley of cannons. Zhao Ziqiang used all his strength and failed to break the defense. He was blown into the monastery at once, and the demon knife drew a lot of blood from him, almost making him faint on the spot. Chen Everbright and Liu Tianliang were also bombed to the ground.


Zhao Guanren was blown up high, and before he landed, a black arrow shot wildly, and enveloped him in all directions, but seeing that he was about to be blasted into flying ashes, Qisha suddenly jumped up. , Dragged him down from the air.


Qisha was severely hit by a black arrow behind her, her red soul shield suddenly shattered, and a mouthful of blood sprayed on Zhao Guanren's face, holding Zhao Guanren and falling to the bank of the river, said dazedly: "Let me go. Come out, mother, please!"

"Bitch! You saved him, you should die for me too..."

The two black dragons suddenly merged and merged into a larger black dragon. Thousands of black arrows were shot out in a single mouth. Zhao Guanren quickly turned over and picked up Qisha, jumped into the hole and fell sharply. In a raised rock.

"Boom boom boom..."

Black arrows bombarded the top like a carpet, and gravel and mud continued to fall from the cave. Zhao Guanren hurriedly pulled out Congliang Zhu from Qisha's hands. After throwing it on the rock, the nine-tailed cat demon suddenly appeared in the smoke. , But still very badly injured.

"You take care of her, don't let her go up again..."

Zhao Guanren handed the Qisha into the arms of Nine Tails, but Nine Tails said: "The Blood Flag Crocodile is not an immortal body, it is a hybrid freak, born with the Nine Life Body, it has died four times before. , You have to kill it five times, but it will be more powerful every time you die!"

"Thank you! Looking back to play ball with you..."

Zhao Guanren touched her cat’s ears, and jumped onto the ground with a kick of her feet, just in time to see Zhao Ziqiang vomiting blood again and flying upside down, even the Chiyue Demon Sword fell to the ground, and Chen Guangda and the others were unable to fight back. Can only run around in embarrassment.

"Old Zhao! Hold on, we still need you..."

Zhao Guanren dashed forward, scooped up Zhao Ziqiang on the ground and ran away. Zhao Ziqiang said in pain, "That guy is stronger than before. We must find a way to sacrifice the soul of the white jade pagoda. Light Fighting is impossible!"

"The Black Soul Orb has no power anymore, and the White Jade Pagoda can't be killed even if it is sacrificed..."

Zhao Guanren suddenly jumped to the wall of the temple courtyard, threw him on the firewood stack, jumped onto the courtyard wall to release the last bit of thunder power, five sky thunders blasted towards the **** Jiao, finally slowing its attack. I was afraid that Zhao Guanren would release another bolide.

"Come on! Let's fight Xixi together and try again..."

Zhao Guanren suddenly slapped his chest, and the long-lost "friend red envelope" suddenly burst out of his body, hanging in the air exuding a seductive red light. In addition to a golden "open", there is a line of small characters on it-two hundred. Friends help is full!

"Fuck! Why did I forget the red envelope..."

Liu Tianliang jumped onto the courtyard wall in excitement immediately, slapped his chest murderously, his friend's red envelope immediately appeared, but Chen Guangda suddenly dropped his chain, and he opened his hands with embarrassment, and Zhao Ziqiang was also embarrassed. .

"What the hell? Don't you even have friends..."

Zhao Guanren looked around in surprise, but Chen Guangda was depressed and said, "Big brother! You must be a true friend to get sponsorship, not even a subordinate or a lover. Who would dare to be a friend of a eunuch? A dozen likes!"

"I only have... one like..."

Zhao Ziqiang rubbed his chest bitterly, Zhao Guanren rolled his eyes immediately, and had to follow Liu Tianliang to double dots on the red envelope, only to hear a pleasant "silver cashier sound", two dazzling golden light from the red envelope It shot out, suddenly illuminating the dim surrounding...

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