One Step to The End

Chapter 1333: The Secret of the Blood Girl

On the third day of Zhao Guanren’s demobilization, Liu Wuya personally chopped off King Yan’s head and several key figures in the Baili family, leading to the surrender of the King Yan army without a leader. Under Liu Wuya’s long-planned operation, an army of 70,000 Make a turn to kill the corpse in the southwest.

Without the obstacles of the Yanning and Ning armies, Chen Guangda only took 50,000 horses and went south with light load at the fastest speed. The Yang family knew the result of the surrender, and they leaned back on the sea, desperately resisted, and continued to be them. Of the earth emperor.


The downpour continued, and finally brought some coolness to the sweltering July, but Zhao Wangjun’s cavalry troops stopped and entered the camp set up in advance. In order to protect themselves, the relatives of Baili’s family were almost on the way. Desperate to contribute money and effort.

"Lord Zhao! The old man is here to visit you..."

A large group of local tyrants and evil gentry swarmed over. Zhao Guanren was sitting under the canopy smoking a cigarette. He was reminded by his staff before he got up and bowed his hands. He smiled and said, "Master Yue! My son-in-law has been busy with the war, and he is really ashamed of not being able to visit him in person. Pingping she..."

"Wrong! Your Twelve Wife's name is Wenwen..."

The staff teacher gave him a quick poke, and Zhao Guanren hurriedly changed his words and led people in. After a short greeting, he finally met the house, patted his chest to ensure that they would not be implicated, and would divide the Baili family's territory. The local tyrants also said Strong support.

"The prince! A large number of refugees came ahead, and there are also many defeated soldiers of King Ning's army..."

A detective horse galloped over, and Zhao Guanren immediately put on a poncho and iron hat, and led a group of cavalry to the front camp, only to see that countless refugees were coming, all of them dragging their families with their mouths. There are still many broken soldiers begging for rations.

"Hey! Come here all of you and talk about the war ahead..."

Zhao Guanren dismounted and came to the open space outside the camp. Several military leaders hurriedly led the people over and said mournfully: "Tanzhou is all zombies. You can't kill without beheading, and the soldiers who died will be turned into zombies by them. I can't resist it at all, I have already entered Hengzhou now!"

"Come on!"

After Zhao Guanren beckoned, he said loudly: "Go and let the logistics team pull out the steamed bun cart, and each person will give them a few. Do you know how big the corpse soldiers are and how did King Ning die?"

"If you go back to the prince, after the people along the way are killed, they are all turned into zombies. There are countless numbers, it is hard to estimate..."

A military chief urged sadly: "When Tabai discovered the zombies, King Ning took the iron cavalry to encircle and suppress them. How did he know that he fell into the trap of the corpse soldiers. When the 30,000 iron cavalry rushed towards us, we only found them. The corpse has changed, we were killed by surprise, and we had to flee for our lives separately!"

Zhao Guanren asked again: "How many people are left in your army, and are there any troops to resist?"

"There are more than 20,000 people on our way, and I don't know the other direction..."

The head of the army said: "The corpse soldiers are expanding too fast. As long as they are dead, they can transform into corpses. I heard that your vanguard is building a line of defense in the Xihai area. Upon arrival, it is said that the Tubo rebels have also suffered, and they have collapsed without fighting!"

"You are here to repair for two days, and wait for the pawns from the rear to come up, and you will be incorporated into my logistics unit..."

Zhao Guanren confessed a few words and left, checking the situation of the refugees all the way forward. Fortunately, he had already issued an order to allow the counties and towns along the way to accept the refugees in batches, and the temporary military camps built for them could be used by the refugees when they were vacated. A large quantity of grain and grass is being transported from the rear.

"Order to go down, discard the armor and baggage, and march forcibly in the early morning of tomorrow..."

Zhao Guanren reluctantly issued the order. The marching speed of the infantry is too slow. Forty kilometers a day is the limit. Only a cavalry with one man and two horses is considered better. They can run nearly a hundred kilometers a day, yet they are sacrificing supplies and weapons. in the case of.


Twenty thousand Qingqi ran more than three hundred kilometers in three days. It was already exhausted to the extreme, but before the dead army arrived, they came to the rolling river of Gan River. Several pontoons.


A large group of Fumo masters greeted them, clasped their fists and said, "The corpse soldiers are marching too fast. They will be able to reach the riverside at noon tomorrow. The fortifications have only been built. The armor and artillery are all in short supply, but I have tried my best. Attract them to come!"

"Let the soldiers rest for a good night, and wait for the large troops to arrive..."

Zhao Guanren, who was in the dust, changed his horses and patrolled the simple fortifications along the river bank. Fortunately, the water volume during the rainy season was relatively large, and the river bed did not dry up. He had dealt with the dead for many years, and he knew their advantages and Where is the dead spot.

"Three more pontoons will be built here, and the blood pool will start bleeding..."

Zhao Guanren personally crossed the river to supervise him. Hundreds of large water tanks have been buried on the other side. People who killed chickens and goats turned the water tanks into blood tanks. There were also many criminals who had committed crimes and beheaded directly by the water tanks. , A strong **** gas immediately rose to the sky.

"Come on! Come and have a meal..."

Zhao Guanren looked at the large numbers of refugees who were crossing the river. The dead clan, like the living corpses, went mad at the sight of blood. The superior leaders could not hold it back, and they did not infect corpse poison, but they were smarter than the living corpses. The most important thing is that the zombies will martial arts, and the scheduling is also higher.


Zhao Guanren slept in a loft near the river. He got up in the morning and took a shower, shaved his beard, changed into new clothes before going out. Looks like, the tense atmosphere has also relaxed a lot.

"Brothers! First hit the red eyes, and then hit the yellow eyes after the red eyes. I found the little purple-eyed devil, so I must blow it to death..."

Zhao Guanren personally preached to the soldiers, and said loudly: "There are two important points for zombies. If you cut your head, you will die. If your dantian is broken, you will be scrapped. Don’t think that the ugliness of zombies is terrifying. , Let's put them on the grave!"


The soldiers roared with laughter, but Zhao Guanren said again: "Zombies like the yin and fear the sun, and will never attack under the big sun. Although they have night vision capabilities, their eyes are not so good. They hold their breath a hundred steps away. They will treat you as their own!"


The officers and soldiers were amazed. Zhao Guanren continued preaching tirelessly. Not only did he repeat every position, he also let people pass the news down. Even ordinary citizens knew the dead clan, and the fear was also in his heart. Gradually dispersed.

as predicted!

The dead army did not launch an offensive at noon, looking for shelter in the shade, dragging it around until the afternoon began to gather, when it entered the line of sight, it was close to the evening, only to see a large black tide in the black tide, rushing at an extremely fast speed. To the river's edge.

"Haha~ it's all green, and there are very few yellow ones..."

The generals were excited while standing on the watchtower. At first glance, there were little green-eyed zombies, and the skeleton racks were filling up. The primary yellow fire eye was at most one-tenth, and the red fire eye was also rare, and the purple fire devil was even more. One can't see.

"Don't be happy too early, whoever fights is not the cannon fodder who rushes first, the same goes for the dead clan..."

Zhao Guanren held the binoculars calmly. In fact, this point of zombies is nothing. Without the skull tower to carry out large-scale corpses, it is difficult to overwhelm in a short time, but they only have 40,000 people on guard, and there are still large troops. It took several days to arrive.


After the captains gave orders, hundreds of small steel cannons were fired all at once, igniting the kerosene in the trenches on the opposite bank. Three long trenches were dug, and three fire dragons were quickly formed, so that the zombies had to go. Jump in the fire pit, otherwise the companions behind will push them down.

"Boom boom boom..."

The small steel artillery fired artillery shells in an orderly manner, but compared with the hundreds of thousands of dead people, it can only be described by a drop in the bucket. But the artillery is bombing, the fire is burning, and there are explosives buried in the ground. The zombies went up to the sky.


The zombies finally rushed to the pontoon bridge laid for them. The pontoon bridges were built in the narrowest area. Waves of arrows rained over the sky, either shot on the spot or plunged into the river, and the shore was already long ago. The earth wall was erected, and a large number of spearmen squatted on the wall to wait.


The captains of each team yelled, and tens of thousands of spears stabbed out. They just wanted the zombies to disperse across the bridge, unable to condense into an overwhelming offensive. A wave of people stabbed tired and changed another wave. Stabbed the corpse away from under the wall.

"Artillery! Kill the red-eyed..."

The roars of the soldiers came one after another. They had gone from the initial tension and fear to numbness and initiative, and under the stimulation of a large amount of silver, even ordinary people went up to help, and they had regarded the zombies as ordinary anti-thief.

The battle continues...

The zombies attacked at night and ate during the day. They didn’t even let go of their own bodies. They stopped and played for five or six days. The large troops at the rear finally arrived. Thousands of artillery and small artillery bombarded indiscriminately. Soon. It reversed the passive defense situation.

"Cross the river! Don't let Ziyan run away..."

Zhao Guanren finally led the army across the Ganjiang River. The soldiers no longer regarded zombies as monsters. The cavalry went around and suppressed the skirmishers. The court has issued a reward order. A corpse can be exchanged for five taels of silver. Even the common people carry knives everywhere. Look for.

"Lord! There are two purple eyes in the valley, let's surround it..."

A cavalry rushed over with excitement, but when Zhao Guanren arrived, the two little demon kings had already been **** by Zhao Ziqiang, and even the confession had already been asked. They were just the primary Zihuoyan, and naturally they were not Zhao Ziqiang’s opponents. .

"Blood burst magic pattern! It seems that it is really the blood girl..."

Zhao Guanren ran over on horseback and saw the magic patterns on the two corpses at a glance, and Zhao Ziqiang stepped on them and said: "They are indeed controlled by the blood girl, but there is a larger army of corpses that is attacking you. Lao Zhangren’s Longyou Army is not in charge of the Blood Ji, but a dragon!"

"What one-stop? One-stop service..."

Zhao Guanren jumped off the horse in wonder, but Zhao Ziqiang rolled his eyes and said: "It is not a dragon that takes a bath, but a black dragon. It is said that it is a monster dragon from another world, and it is probably the mount of the old black demon. Your future father-in-law!"

"Damn! Black Dragon Girl, her father, how did I forget it..."

Zhao Guanren slapped his head, but Zhao Ziqiang said, "There are many things you forgot. It is said that Xue Ji was born in the imperial Yichun Academy, and the old black demon was actually a scholar of the previous dynasty. The Sun-Shooting Sect founded by Xue Ji, regard her as the Goddess of Sun-Shooting!"

"Ah? No, is the blood girl an oiran..."

Zhao Guanren was dumbfounded, and Zhao Ziqiang patted him on the shoulder and said: "There may be some discrepancies in the details, but one thing must be true. The old black demon is a member of the Yang family. Master Yang must call him a great grandfather, and it is the blood that gave him the black man. The old demon is broken!"

"I'll go! This melon is too big, let me take a good stroke..."

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