One Step to The End

Chapter 1361: Jedi escape

The large metal space was icy and noisy. Thousands of people fled chaotically to the two "flying coffins", but suddenly, time seemed to freeze. Thousands of people stood still, and the noise disappeared instantly, and it was quiet. To the point where the needle falls can be heard.


Zhao Guanren and the others also froze suddenly. The sudden silence was like being strangled by someone's neck, but three dazzling beams of light suddenly shot down from the top, covering all three of them, and the crowd also separated left and right like a tide, weird. Retreated to both sides and bowed his head.


There was a sparse applause. The three looked up in surprise. A group of aliens were standing on the gangway and applauding. The golden golden queen, the elven man with pointed ears, and the alien with big head with white eyes, were like leaders. Like being clustered in the middle.

"8176! Few people can get praise from this queen, but your strategy is perfect..."

The golden queen laughed and said: "We threaten to blow up the protective layer to divert our focus, and then force the insiders to close the defense system and assist you in sneaking in. If this is not a long-arranged test, you may have succeeded. NS!"

"What are you testing? Why did you get us here..."

Zhao Guanren and the others pulled off the hood abruptly, and walked to the spaceship in disbelief, while the Golden Queen and others also slowly stepped down the gangway, standing on a slightly higher step overlooking them.

"Where there is war, soldiers are needed, but high-level creatures don't want to face death, so three alternatives were created..."

The Golden Queen proudly said: "One is a synthetic person, which is the player in your mouth, the other is a bionic, which is the Logi who often accompanies you, and the third is a native, which is the canned person you are most familiar with. We built this here for Test their pros and cons!"

"Does this still need to be tested? It must be the best for bionics..."

Xia Buer frowned and said, "If it is purely for combat, the bionic is not afraid of death but also agile, and when the synthetic human reaches a place with weak signal, the reaction will become slow, not to mention the canned person, there is no weapon but only escape. For!"

"No! Bionics are robots. Will you hand over the battle of life and death to a machine..."

The Golden Queen shook her head and said: "One of the biggest enemies of the Blue Star Alliance is the AI ​​robots that mankind once made, but they have generated a sense of rebellion, not only destroying the maker, but also creating a machine empire, continuously attacking the outside world! "


Lin Tao said in surprise: "Then you are also making bionics, and your words sound contradictory!"

"No! Machine empires are pure machines, but bionics are basically living creatures. Machine empires will not identify with them, nor do they think they are machines, but many people still don't worry about them..."

The golden queen laughed and said: "So the synthetic man was created, but you have also seen the shortcomings of the synthetic man. The manipulator has to go to the front line, and the distance will be delayed. The canned man has a lot of problems and has to solve their food, drink and Life, if you are not satisfied, you will rebel!"

"I understand, you have created three kinds of dead ghosts, and you are arguing for choices..."

Zhao Guanren narrowed his eyes and said: "You have come up with a test match and want the data to help you make a decision, but there is also the most direct reason. The three dead ghosts represent the three forces. Your interests cannot be weighed, causing someone to secretly Do tricks!"


Suddenly, the golden queen fell silent. The elven man picked his nose subconsciously, and a young human woman also looked to the side, all of which was a manifestation of a guilty conscience.

"If it is not for the difference of interests, the three products can be used together..."

Zhao Guanren spread his hands and said: "Robots can weaken their intelligence and act as a loyal wingman for Canners, while Canners can go to the front and remotely control synthetic humans to fight against robots. They can also stand from the perspective of the entire alliance and do things that robots cannot decide!"

"Things are not as simple as you think, your knowledge of the alliance is too shallow..."

The queen proudly said: "Okay! Now that you have won the championship, Queen Thorin of the gods of the gods, in the name of the chief referee of the star field, will announce that you are registered citizens of the Blue Star Alliance and grant you the rank of captain. , Kneel down to this queen!"

"Kneel? Do you think I'm stupid..."

Zhao Guanren suddenly pulled out the knife from the protective suit and sneered: "The humans behind you are sweating, and the guy with pointed ears hides the weapon behind him, and you suddenly discovered that we are coming in, and you made a sly. Looks like, in fact, I'm afraid of death, right?"


Queen Thorin covered her mouth and laughed. The others also laughed, but an ugly walnut head said with disdain: "It's really stupid primitive people. This is all AI bionics. One instruction can crush you. To pieces!"

"They can't be blamed. Primitives don't understand this at all..."

Queen Thorin waved her hand and smiled: "8176! If you are not satisfied with the reward, hurry up when I am in a good mood. I can satisfy you as long as I am not excessive, but I hate that others show weapons to me and put them away. Don't ruin my good mood!"


Thousands of staff suddenly moved. Not only did they rush forward half a step, the guards also raised laser weapons, and a group of headless robots appeared outside the door, as well as dozens of small unmanned fighters. , Flew out of the lifeboat.


The three humans suddenly laughed in unison, and Zhao Guanren ridiculed: "I didn’t know what to do, but you showed up as soon as the robot came in. It shows that you are really afraid of death, or care about the big heads with white eyes. It is one of the few here. One of the living people!"


The white eye urn sounded angrily and surprised: "I don't quite understand what you mean. Apart from the difference in race, is there any difference between me and them?"

"Our pure-blooded earthlings can feel the existence of the soul..."

Zhao Guanren leaned on the knife and said, "There are only five people here who can count as creatures. You and the pointed-eared elves, the walnut-headed people, and the two females. The rest includes Queen Thorin. They are all soulless puppets. They have nothing to do with robots. Any difference, am I right?"

"What are you talking about? They are not alive..."

Suddenly the young woman bounced off like an electric shock. Her female assistant exclaimed and jumped behind her, and the white eyes and the elves also reacted at once, unexpectedly "swish" floating in the air, only the walnut man scratching his head foolishly .

"What's the situation? Don't you know that they are puppets..."

Zhao Guanren and others raised their weapons in surprise, while Queen Thorin said angrily: "Asshole! We are the noble cosmic gods, how can we have ridiculous souls like human beings, guards! Give me these **** things. Kill the primitive!"

"Hold on!!!"

The black-haired young woman suddenly yelled and shot a large virtual screen with her bracelet. Who knew Queen Thorin actually appeared on the screen, frowning and said: "Song Laurent! Why use the emergency channel to come out... hey~ that fake Who is my guy?"

"Kill her, it's fake..."

White eyes yelled and flew to the distance. Song Lauren suddenly overturned from the gangway, but the fake queen and others reacted extremely quickly. When the robots were about to shoot, they shot out like cannonballs, all of a sudden. Shot into the spacecraft.

"Boom boom..."

The laser beams all shot out, creating a bunch of scorched pits on the spacecraft, but no one thought that the thousands of crew members also betrayed suddenly. The guards exploded the robot and other synthetic humans were suddenly crazy. He got up and pounced on the only living people.

"Fuck! What's the situation, infernal affairs..."

Zhao Guanren hurriedly slashed with a knife left and right, Xia Buer and Lin Tao drew their guns and shot desperately. Fortunately, only the guards took laser weapons. The laser beams directed at them were blocked by the crowd, but a single shot could penetrate more than a dozen people. It's a big hole like a burst.


Song Laurent and the female assistant yelled in horror. They each took a lipstick-sized laser pointer and ran around the spaceship while shooting. The elf man had been shot down. White eyes were flying around on the roof, strong walnuts. People are being besieged by hundreds of people.

"Lin Zi! Cover me..."

Xia Buer suddenly knocked over a few synthetic men and rushed towards the two guards. Lin Tao quickly covered him with a submachine gun. He only saw that he was bowed and jumped out, and suddenly cut off the calves of the two guards. The laser gun that has been taken away will be fired.


Who knows that Xia Bu'er was suddenly dumbfounded. The laser gun had no trigger at all, and the red letter "biological information does not match" was displayed on the gun. He suddenly understood that the laser gun was for special use. lonely.


The escape boat suddenly encountered a strong air current, blowing a large group of people to the ground, and the roof hatch slowly opened. Seeing that the escape boat retracted the gangway, it hovered directly, and the two thrust engines were more powerful. It is emitting blue light and heat.

"Aren! Get on the spaceship, the robot is coming..."

Datou Lu and others suddenly rushed in, holding up a submachine gun and shooting the synthetic man frantically, but Zhao Guanren suddenly rushed towards Song Laurent and the others. If the two women were not brought on board, the primitives were afraid that they would be even cabins. The door will never close.

"Close the door! Kill the gunman..."

Zhao Guanren threw out a few electric **** desperately, but his skill was not as good as before. He only blew up a small group of people. He could only run and kill with a long knife, but the synthetic people were all crazy, desperate to go. He threw himself on him.

"Help! Help..."

Song Laurent and her female assistant were beaten with swollen noses and swollen noses. If the spacecraft hadn't blown people away, they would have been beaten to death by the synthetic man, but as soon as Zhao Guanren killed him bravely, the two women crawled and fled to him. , Subconsciously holding the laser pointer indiscriminately.

"Give me!"

Zhao Guanren snatched two laser pointers, inserted a long knife into the waistband of his pants, raised the two laser pointers to open the bow left and right. Not only did this pen not require biometric authentication, it could shoot continuously by pressing the button, and it could shoot with one laser. Wear a head.

"Haha~ Sacred tool! High-tech is different..."

Zhao Guanren had headshots in surprise, and he was not idle at his feet. He kept kicking the people who rushed over. It was a pity that he couldn't deal with the escape spacecraft. Fortunately, the guards with guns had been killed, but the door was smashed by the robot. ring.

"Can't let them fly out, we'll be over if they go out..."

Song Laurent shouted anxiously. At this time, the top cover was half opened, and the spacecraft was already floating to the top, but Zhao Guanren suddenly yelled, only to see Xia Buer smashing out an electronic brain. Shoot high to the top.

"Shoo, hoo..."

Zhao Guanren raised his hand and fired more than a dozen lasers. When the laser pointer finally ran out of power, the electronic brain exploded with a bang, but what they were aiming at was not the spacecraft, but the opening mechanism on the top cover. The top cover stopped.


Suddenly the escape boat hit the top cover with one head, and the entire space it hit was stunned. The metal cover that opened on the left and right was also deformed, but the escape boat was about to hit up again after it was lowered, and one of them was about to hit hard. Posture.

"Are there any weapons on the spaceship? Can you blast it down..."

Zhao Guanren put on a knife and rushed to another escape boat. Xia Buer and the others had already guarded the gangway, but Song Laurent said anxiously, "No! But there is a transport ship outside. If they control the crew as well, they will release nothing. We are dead for humans and machines!"

"Go! Go to bed, no! Get on the boat, let's knock it off..."

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