One Step to The End

Chapter 1378: Galactic Picket

The Golden Third Fleet has more than 400 large and small warships. Not counting the tens of thousands of small warplanes carried by the mothership, this force is enough to destroy the entire Red Sea constellation, and the Red Sea people can only be killed if they don’t want to die together. The shy teacher asked the guilt.

"My Excellency, your request is too much, the thieves have already handed it over. This is completely their private behavior and has nothing to do with the government of our planet..."

In a luxurious conference room, the senior leaders of Red Sea Star were all aggrieved, and a dozen golden men were domineering, and the white-faced correction was to one side. She finally knew how big the poke basket was. She couldn't carry a small life.

"Bareka is a senior officer, and her behavior represents your military..."

A golden lady sternly said: "What you stole is an obliteration bomb. This is a strategic weapon, enough to enable us to start a war at all costs. Her Majesty is very angry now. It is useless to kill a little thief. You have to suffer. punish!"

"Everyone! Excuse me..."

Fei Liwen suddenly opened the door and walked in, saying, "Minister! The fleet of the Baimu tribe has arrived, and their deputy chief has come in person, accompanied by the only survivor of the Cannery base, President Kaier, and the Kama people. The ambassador has also arrived!"

"Well! The meeting is suspended for a while, I will meet in person..."

The ladies put away their cold and stern momentum and led a group of golden people out of the conference room, while the leaders of the Red Sea Star stared at Barrica and shouted angrily: "Look at the good things you have done. Tired, how could the Legion produce such an idiot as you?"

"Bareka! I really don't understand..."

Commander Locke asked bitterly: "Everything was going in a good direction. The Ancient Corpse Squad joined us sincerely. Why do you have to anger them? Are you stupid on the pseudo-frontline? Yet?"

"Really Sorry……"

Bai Ruika said with a weeping voice: "I read the accident report of the canning base, just want to teach them a lesson for the dead comrades. I didn't expect it to be like this, but they showed me the video. The golden guy was lying and the accident was caused by them. of!"

"Do you have evidence? No evidence is slander..."

Locke slapped the table angrily, but a leader was puzzled: "Wait a minute! What is a pseudo-frontline? Didn't she withdraw from the 7th theater?"

"Rock! You missed your mouth..."

Someone ridiculed: "Although War Zone No. 7 is on the front line, it is rarely attacked by the enemy, so it is called a pseudo-front line. Many powerful children will be sent to gilded. Berika is one of them. Her father is Interstellar. Vice President of the Chamber of Commerce!"

"Dad! I found the Ancient Corpse Squad, they are on the Star Cruise..."

A light mature woman suddenly ran in. It was Annie who stole goods with Zhao Guanren last night. She closed the door excitedly and said: "Zhao Guanren not only has a full record of the accident, but also evidence of the golden man's crime. He copied all the core information. Coming down!"

"Very good!"

A big leader immediately stood up and said excitedly: "Hurry up and invite them to the space station. You must get their evidence. No matter what they ask, they will agree. No matter how much they ask, they will not exceed the golden man. Locke, too. go together!"

"Vice President! I want to take Barika with me..."

Lieutenant Colonel Anne pulled Bai and said: "She is the one who offends people. She apologizes personally to be effective. I also have a small request. If Bai Ruijia can serve her crimes, I hope to forgive her for her crimes!"

"As long as the ancient corpse team forgive her for her stupidity, I will try to protect her, but dismissal is inevitable..."

The vice president nodded and sat back. Anne excitedly pulled Lieutenant Colonel Bai and ran away, Commander Locke also hurriedly followed out, and Zhao Guanren and the others had already slept with their heads and were eating on a space cruise ship.

"You see how big this lobster is, guess how much it is..."

Lu Datou was holding an oversized lobster, and said excitedly: "Ten yuan a piece is still the price of space. People say that in the Red Sea it only costs two yuan a piece, and there are bath crabs larger than king crabs. There is no one to eat in the Red Sea. Looking ugly affects appetite!"

"Don't be forced, hurry up and everyone will have one..."

Chen Guangda stretched out his hand and snatched the big lobster, broke it in half and stuffed it into his mouth. A group of guys all ate their mouths full of oil, but soon they saw Annie walk in and pulled Barrica over to take a deep bow. Bow, Locke also followed awkwardly.

"Huh? Isn't this Lieutenant Colonel Bai University, what a bow, are you not a head iron..."

Zhao Guanren licked his fingers carelessly. Anne and his daughter hurriedly stepped forward to intercede, but Zhao Guanren dropped the lobster and said, "Sorry! I have promised the Baimu tribe to become naturalized on their orange planet. Their fleet should be coming soon, right?"

"You, did you call the White Eyes..."

Locke looked at him in disbelief, Zhao Guanren wiped his hands and said, "Yeah! President Kaier and I are good friends. He said he wanted to introduce his grandfather to me and return to Orange Star with them by the way, so I helped Not to you!"

"Check out! Go to Orange Star Hipi..."

Zhao Ziqiang and others wiped their hands and stood up, and walked out without looking at Locke. Annie hurriedly followed up and begged. Finally, Zhao Guanren walked out of the restaurant and asked: "Anne! We are also friends, but why should you let me save this? Stupid woman?"

"To tell you, Barika is my ex-wife..."

"Cough cough cough..."

The eight men coughed coughingly from the smoke, and Chen Guangda asked in tears: "Didn't she say that her fiance died in the Western World? How come you are your ex-wife again? Are you gay?"

"Yes! We are a same-sex couple, we divorced two years ago..."

Anne hugged Lieutenant Colonel Bai and said: "We had a disagreement over the conception. She went down to the front line and met her fiance in the barracks, but her fiance was also a woman, who was shot and killed in the valley by you. Cowgirl in black!"

"Look for us for things like conception, as much as you want, free of charge! Enough..."

Liu Tianliang grinned and pulled his chin, but Zhao Guanren was depressed and said: "Okay! For your sincerity, I don't want to get into trouble anymore. I can give the evidence to you, but I have three conditions. As long as you agree!"

Annie suddenly said with excitement: "You said, we try our best to be satisfied!"

"First! We are going to set up a mercenary organization, mainly to fight against the Empire and the Yonghen Clan..."

Zhao Guanren said positively: "You have to invest 5 billion in capital and provide us with a patrol ship. Second! Open all bases to supply us and sell all necessary arms. Third! Evidence must be made public. , Let the whole universe know the face of the golden man!"

"Zhao! Are you crazy..."

Locke stepped forward and solemnly said: "I can promise you the first two conditions. As long as it is against the machine empire, we will definitely support it, but the golden people are the most hated race. If we expose the matter, we will be better than we are now. More miserable!"

"They don't want you to live at all, what they want is to control the universe..."

Zhao Guanren pointed to his chest and said, "The golden guys will use the money you invested to create a puppet army that belongs to them. Synthetic and canners are both passive. If you don’t have the guts to expose them, then you will continue to treat them with nothing. Now, don’t ask me what evidence I want!" "You go to the space station to rest first, we need some time to negotiate..."

Locke walked back in a hurry, Zhao Guanren and the others also followed Annie and entered the spaceport through the long corridor, but they only drank half a cup of tea before Locke walked back excitedly and told him that all the conditions were agreed. NS.

"We still have a small request..."

Locke rubbed his hands and smiled: "We sincerely invite you all to join our Red Sea galaxy. You don't need to engage in any mercenary organization. We will set up an independent battalion for you. The personnel accounts will be managed by you, and the battleships and weapons will be provided by us. !"

"I promised the white-eyed people, I don't want to disappoint my friends..."

Zhao Guanren took out a button hard drive and handed it to him. Locke knew that the hard drive was full of data, and he ran back in a hurry, while Annie was so thankful that even Berica was completely convinced and bowed honestly again. Apologize.

"Wait for a good show to come on..."

Zhao Guanren lit a cigarette with a smile, and it didn't take long to hear the quarrel in the venue, and the white-eyed people also had a whole set of evidence in their hands. After the red sea people slapped the table and tore their faces, the white-eyed people followed Xingshi to inquire about crimes, and the Kama people followed suit. .

"Hey~Kel! My old friend, what are you arguing about..."

Zhao Guanren strode to the door of the venue, just as Baimu Kaier went out with a few of his fellow clan, and walked over quickly after hearing the sound. Rarely, he gave him a hug, but still coldly said: "The conspiracy of the golden man has been exposed. Now, this will be the biggest scandal of this century!"

"You must have taken the opportunity to knock them a lot..."

Zhao Guanren smiled and patted his arm, and Kaier nodded and said, "If the golden man wants to turn the article, he must pay a great price, yes! The deputy patriarch agreed to support you in establishing a mercenary group and invite you to join. Foreign white-eyed people!"

"Oh! So I can sleep with Shiraito girl, can't I..."

Zhao Guanren smiled playfully. Kell instinctively looked at a woman with white eyes, who had the same head and thick neck as him, still a bald head, and he said weirdly: "We never refuse foreign pursuits, just foreigners. Never... In your words, just get our points!"

"Just kidding! Our weapon system doesn't match..."

Zhao Guanren smiled and broke a few words with him. After Xia Buer had a chat with Kaier, he walked into the bathroom generously, opened the door and entered the escape route, looking only at a big golden horse. , Is leaning against the wall and smoking a cigar.

"The ambitions of the Red Sea people have been exposed. This time they are going to play big..."

Fei Liwen blew the smoke and whispered: "I have proposed to use the production line to destroy the empire to calm the anger of all races. The queen asked me to command a squadron. As long as I can knock off the production line, I will have May become the commander-in-chief of the Third Fleet!"

"Don't worry! The production line is definitely a meat grinder..."

Zhao Guanren leaned over and said in a low voice, "There are not many people who really dare to go to the front line. Therefore, the more passive the queen, the greater your value. You should take someone to eliminate the sneak attack robots. After you show your abilities, you will come back. Support my mercenary group, I will help you become the commander-in-chief!"

"Your efficiency is too high, I can't keep up with your rhythm, I haven't slept all night..."

Fei Liwen looked at him crookedly, Zhao Guanren patted her crotch and smiled: "Then fight this ambush first. Don't think about anything else. After returning, take a good rest for a few days. , I will definitely let you gradually replace the queen's clone!"

"I hope so! By the way, what is the name of your mercenary group, have you figured it out..."

"Galactic Picket..."

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