One Step to The End

Chapter 1503: head shot

"Stop! Don't run, just shoot again..."

Captain Zhang’s shouts rang all around, and the call for reinforcements actually alarmed the suspect. It was obvious that an inner ghost had provided a tip. The two suspects climbed the wall and fled separately. The three male police officers could only chase separately. The policewoman also frightened and frightened people.


A gunshot interrupted the yelling, and Captain Zhang, who was chasing alone, fell to the ground, but he rolled on a lazy donkey and hid in a corner. He quickly stood up against the wall and shivered, panting and cursing, "Mother! Guns, this is terrible!"


Team Zhang also hurriedly fired a shot into the sky, stiffened his head and bent over and chased it out, but this area was a city village to be demolished, and the roads extending in all directions made people dizzy. Holding the gun, spinning around blankly and nervously.

"Lao Zhang! Ahead, ten o'clock..."

Zhao Guanren suddenly jumped over his head. Team Zhang shuddered again, and hurriedly pulled his legs down the path to chase him, but they heard two more gunshots, but they came from far behind. Another suspect also shot.



A gunshot was accompanied by a scream, and it was Zhao Guanren’s voice. Team Zhang made a bad cry and rushed out of the alley. He happened to see a tall kid wearing a mask and a cap and holding it. Gun, seeing him turn back is a shot.


Team Zhang suddenly retracted and stretched out his hand to shoot, but there was a running sound right after him. He scolded and chased him out. He didn't know where Zhao Guanren fell, but just when he bypassed a self-built house. , The cold sweat wetted his whole body.

"Don't move! Throw the gun away, or you will be killed..."

The killer stood in the back door of the self-built house. Team Zhang, who froze suddenly, turned his back to him, raised his gun in cold sweat, and said coarsely, “Don’t be confused. Now you can surrender for mercy and kill The police never looked back!"

"Throw away the gun! Go ahead..."

The assassin urn shouted angrily. Team Zhang had to slowly throw the gun on the ground, and walked forward stiffly. The upper hand kicked the gun away, but a figure suddenly shot out from the second floor. A kick on his shoulder.


The killer flew out and rolled two or three times. The gun in his hand was lost. Captain Zhang looked back in surprise. It turned out that Zhao Guanren rushed over with a swing stick. He quickly went to pick up the kicked pistol. But the assassin rushed into a path again and again.


A swinging stick slammed on his back, and the killer was smashed into a big horse. He quickly rolled and fled into a side alley. When Zhao Guanren chased him, he repeated the trick again, and suddenly he stuck to the wall and pulled out one. He stabbed the dagger violently out of the alley.

"Ah hit~"

Zhao Guanren yelled strangely, and patted a brick sideways, and patted it on the killer's face. The killer suddenly snorted and fell on his stomach. His nosebleeds instantly stained his mask, and he turned over in a daze. , Brandishing a dagger indiscriminately.


Zhao Guanren kicked his dagger flying, bent over and ripped off his mask. He immediately discovered that this product was not like Lu Ting at all, but he had the same eyebrow shape as Lu Ting's, and he also attached a pair of double eyelids. Sticky stickers and wearing a mask just look like Lu Tingshen.

"Asshole! Very good at playing, Xia Mingdong instruct you to do it..."

Zhao Guanren stepped on the opponent’s wrist and took out a mobile phone from his jacket. The killer said in pain, "Let me go, I can tell you who is the real murderer of your son, otherwise You never want to know the truth!"

"Cut~ You first say I will let you go, otherwise I have a hundred ways for you to speak..."

Zhao Guanren put his mobile phone into his pocket and picked up his dagger unkindly. Captain Zhang also came over at this time, but he was not alone, but he was holding his hands with a bitter expression on his face. The accomplice held a gun behind him.

"Hey mom~ you are too dishevelled..."

Zhao Guanren hurriedly pulled the killer up, blocked him with a dagger, and the other party was wearing a hat and a mask, and grinned and said, "Jin Yongyan! It has been gone for many years, don’t come here without any harm, but you shouldn’t remember. Who am I?"

"Oh~ take a bath in a pot of boiling water-acquaintances..."

Zhao Guanren pulled the killer back into the alley. Hearing the voice, the other party was obviously a middle-aged man, not tall and very thin. He mocked: "You are like a ghost. Can your mother recognize you? If you take off the mask, you won’t recognize it!"

"Haha~ You really have a split personality..."

The middle-aged assassin laughed and said, "I suspect that you are not Jin Yongyan at all. He would not speak like you, and he does not have the courage of you. Give you time to count three!"

"I won't change! Lao Zhang sacrificed his duty because of his duty, you will undoubtedly die if you kill the policeman, hehe..."

Zhao Guanren continued to back away with a hippy smile. Captain Zhang was crooked by his angry face, and the middle-aged killer stared at him in anger, but the young man suddenly stopped and said loudly: "Shoot me, don't let him know who Kill his son!"

"Let you force it!"

Zhao Guanren pulled out a brick from the courtyard wall, and a brick slapped him into a faint. He quickly dragged him to the back alley to hide, and said with a smirk: "You let the people go and go quickly. This kid is dizzy. It can only drag you down, so don't embark on the path of being shot!"

"I will kill you sooner or later..."

The old acquaintance fired two shots at him, kicked Captain Zhang and ran away. Captain Zhang ran into the alley and ran into the alley, hiding by the wall, his legs were weak, and he panted: " You are too cruel, don't you care about me as a killer?"

"If I let him go, we will both have to die. Take him out quickly. I'll break it..."

Zhao Guanren pulled out two more bricks from the wall. His thief cat squatted down to the intersection. Captain Zhang had to carry the killer on his back and ran forward. Many residents around discovered the situation, but no one dared to show up, all Close doors and hide to watch the excitement.



Captain Zhang suddenly screamed and lay on the ground. Zhao Guanren turned his head in surprise. A crossbow arrow shot through the killer's head and also pierced Captain Zhang's right ear. A courtyard wall not far away was actually lying on the ground. Wearing a crossbowman wearing a balaclava.

"Hurry up!"

Zhao Guanren rushed over with two bricks. Who knows that the crossbowman is also a ruthless person. After retracting, he suddenly jumped out and shot an arrow towards his chest, but he raised his hand to block, and the brick suddenly It broke into two pieces, causing the crossbow bolt to bounce to the ground.


The eyes of the masked crossbowman burst, and he turned his head like a ghost. Zhao Guanren smashed two bricks without hitting anyone. When he chased to the back of the yard, the opponent had run out of sight. He was concerned that the opponent had a gun. I dare not chase too deeply.

"Jin Yongyan! Zhang Mingshan! Where are you......"

The shouts of Xu Ning and others finally sounded around, Zhao Guanren responded depressed, and when he walked back to take a look, Team Zhang was squatting down behind a pile of red bricks, looking at the headshot of the killer’s body. The blood in the ears is not wiped.

"Why are you squatting? Hurry up and find your gun, the other party may throw it away..."

Zhao Guanren walked over and handed him a cigarette. Team Zhang stood up crying without tears, and said bitterly, "I have been a criminal policeman who has been working as a young man for 20 years. The suspect was held hostage twice in ten minutes, and the suspect was on his back. It’s really shameful to be killed!"

"It's fine if people are okay, they planned too well, and I almost got the trick..."

Zhao Guanren smiled bitterly and patted his arm. The belated support finally arrived, and Captain Zhang broke out, and his eyes were cracked and roared: "Who the **** leaked the secret, I'll let someone take it. Hold your gun to your head, don't let me catch you, a gangster!"

"Why did it happen like this? Who killed it with an arrow..."

Deputy Team Leader Li and others were stunned when they saw the corpse. Team Zhang yelled again before turning his head to find the gun, while Zhao Guanren came forward with a cigarette in his mouth and said: "The killer was killed by his accomplice, but he was not involved with him. Young people and sturdy individuals are hiding in the courtyard!"

"It's impossible to leak the secret, we have been very cautious..."

Deputy Team Leader Li irritated: "After Zhang Detachment called me, I immediately notified the special police to gather. Several of our leaders were all present. No one was allowed to carry communication equipment. The walkie-talkies were distributed only when they arrived at the scene. Which link went wrong? Up!"

"Director Lu! This is the killer's cell phone. Let the special police **** it to crack it. Don't make any more troubles..."

Zhao Guanren took out his mobile phone and handed it to Lu Mingjia. Lu Mingjia distrusted the task force and asked three special police officers to leave quickly. At this time, the people who eat melon finally dared to come out. Several leaders had to let people maintain order, and at the same time sighed and informed the technical team. .

"Brother Yan! Lu Ting said that he has never ordered takeaways, and the phone that ordered takeaways is not his number..."

Xu Ning pulled Zhao Guanren aside and said, "The other party just ordered the meal in his own tone, saying that the errand delivery staff would come and pick it up. He also provided video footage of home surveillance. Someone rang the doorbell, but he was not on the cat’s eye. I saw people, so I didn't open the door!"

"There are so many tricks, this is a dangerous move..."

Zhao Guanren said thoughtfully: "Lu Ting turned the police's attention to himself to **** the real murderer. With sufficient alibi, the police can't extract a confession by torture. They can only watch him continue to get away with impunity. By the way! Do you believe him?"

"No! Since he lied to me to take the medicine, I never believed him again..."

Xu Ning said guilty: "I didn't know what was wrong at the time. The whole person was like being hypnotized. There seemed to be a voice in my mind saying, "Forgive him. He is also very pitiful, and...Jin Yongyan hugged left and right. , You don’t have to feel guilty, and then I can’t help it!"

"Guangxingren! Let me grab a current one this time, dare you make a little more..."

Zhao Guanren mumbled while looking at the sky. Xu Ning didn't know that he hugged left and right, and Xu Ning's nature was kind and not greedy. Suddenly doing this kind of dirty thing could only be induced by the light stars.

"What did you say?"

Xu Ning looked up for a moment, and Zhao Guanren patted her shoulder and said, "Ningning! You are being used by others, I shouldn't be angry with you, you are a good girl, stay away from my evil, don't make trouble for yourself anymore. Now, the two of us are destined to have nothing to do with each other!"

"I'm sorry! I have done something like that, I really don't have the face to ask you to forgive me..."

Xu Ning hugged him with tears and said with tears: "I love you sincerely. I never wanted to hurt you in the past. I just hope you don't hate me. I am going to resign and take a good rest. If you still have If you miss me a little bit, I...wait for you anytime!"

"I won't hate you. I'm a good friend after we're separated. Let's take a good rest..."

Zhao Guanren chuckled and comforted her a few words. In fact, he is not qualified to resent Xu Ning. He has always regarded Xu Ning as a tool person.

"Ring Ling Ling..."

Zhao Guanren’s spare cell phone rang suddenly, and when he picked it up, he heard people say anxiously: “Boss! Chengguang Group sued us for infringement. The procuratorate sealed all the company’s accounts. Their people also took the opportunity to make malicious acquisitions, and many shareholders rebelled. It should already have a holding!"


Zhao Guanren picked his nose and asked, "Can you make a hostile takeover without going public? Then you can ask them if they want my shares. I can get a 10% discount on the cash!"

"Boss! Don't be kidding, once the company goes public, your assets can double dozens of times..."

The other party said anxiously: "They are just trying to prevent us from listing. What is the use of your petty profit? There are more troublesome things. The procuratorate is looking for you everywhere and has already turned over your office. The bottom is upside down!"

"Ha~ Beijiang Pizza Hut! It really is not a vain name. The efficiency is really high. You can ask them to come to me at the police station. Remember to go through the handover procedures..."

"Ah? You have been caught again, this is not the end..."

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