One Step to The End

Chapter 1526: Fall

"Niko! Niko! Wake up soon..."

A familiar shout sounded in his ears, causing Zhao Guanren to suddenly open his eyes. He looked into the corner of the bedroom in surprise. A layer of mist rose up sometime, and a vague figure stood in the corner, beside the bed. The night light of his can't illuminate the other party either.

"Brother Teddy? Why are you here..."

Zhao Guanren quickly opened the quilt and sat up. He instinctively glanced at Zhu Qin beside him, but the bedside was actually empty. He quickly patted his dizzy head and got out of bed instinctively and stood up. He suddenly felt the devilish energy. Eroded his skin.

"Don't come here, I'm in the soul world..."

Chen Guangda’s voice was low and hoarse, and the black figure was also erratic. Zhao Guanren stopped immediately and heard him sternly say: “We don’t have much time, don’t talk nonsense, the strong son is defeated, and he is dead. Up!"

Zhao Guanren was surprised: "What did you say? How could Brother Qiang die? What happened?"

"I don't know! But there is only one possibility..."

Chen Guangda clenched his fists and said: "He took the order from Queen Thorin, and he became a maiden. Only in this way can he lose his level, and I have completed the task and made a request to them. , We take over the task of Hadron!"

"What did the mutant say?"

"It can be replaced, but at least four of our six brothers must succeed..."

Chen Guangda lowered his voice and said, "At present, I am the only one who has succeeded, and only the hadron has failed. You are still in the mission world, but you can only go by yourself if you want to succeed. I just discussed with the two sons, we think you are going. The most suitable!"

"I haven't been a woman before, so what's the use if I go..."

Zhao Guanren said anxiously: "The Yongye pass is really too difficult. It spans seventeen years and involves hundreds of people and affairs, and no crimes at all are allowed. You are an experienced eldest brother, so let's go. If it doesn't work, let the two sons go, he is most familiar with women's ladies!"

"I can't, I have **** phobia, I will die if I go..."

Chen Guangda waved his hand and said, "My victory made the mutant shut up. It proves that it's not that life is too hard, but that they can't do it. Don't lose the chain. Only six of us have the best eloquence. Then we will be together. Go and persuade them to see if they can get in!"

Zhao Guanren asked, "How is Liangzi, I am most worried about him and Lin Tao?"

"Don't worry about Ryoko. That kid is Qing Chuan. He just cut his braids and prepared to rebel..."

Chen Guangda said depressed: "Actually, there was no such thing in the mission, but he did not say clearly that he did not rebel. The chrysanthemum suffered from an electric drill, but the two sons were the most dangerous. He had mental problems when he landed, and he would lose control if he didn't take medicine, Lin Tao It's not much better, I can't contact him at all!"

"This is troublesome. If they lose the chain, I won only three votes..."

"So you are the top priority, half of the winning rate is at least bargaining..."

Chen Guang raised his fist and said, "If you lose, you will be completely out of the picture. We are not humans, ghosts and ghosts. Until now, I don't want to end up with aliens. I also want to go home and see my wife and children, brothers! Come on, Ollie!"


A flower suddenly appeared in front of Zhao Guanren's eyes. Not only did the fog in the bedroom disappear, and the sky outside the window was already bright, but he stood in the corridor on the second floor, wearing only a pair of boxer briefs, and a group of relatives in the living room looked up in astonishment. he.

"Chen Teddy! You bastard..."

Zhao Guanren ran back to the bedroom with a red face and picked up his mobile phone to find that it was past eight in the morning. He was obviously fascinated by Chen Guangda's tricks. He didn't even know that Zhu Qin got up and left. Today is New Year’s Eve, relatives. We naturally get up very early.

"Husband! You won't be sleepwalking anymore, your relatives shocked you..."

Zhu Qin and Jiang Xin walked in from outside the door, both wives are all brand new, custom-made evening dresses with high-end jewelry, Zhu Qin walks in the style of Gao Leng Yujie, while Jiang Xin is a **** lady. Just know who the original wife is.

"Huh~ let Liu Yinyue squeeze it dry last night, I was sweating coldly..."

Jiang Xin angrily stepped forward and twisted him, Zhu Qin also walked over to help him dress, and said coldly: "You can be honest with the little vixen, I can treat her as if she doesn't exist, but don't bring her son out to touch me. It's the same as who has never given birth to a son!"

"The structure is small, right? I am a prince in ancient times, and you are an orthodox princess..."

Zhao Guanren said shamelessly: "You come to lose your temper with me about your concubine, and you are not afraid of being jokes about your incompetence. Or you can change with Jiang Xin or Zhong Yao, and they promise to keep your concubine neatly and obediently, you Just sit and enjoy the blessing!"

"This is a good idea. We will remarry after the Chinese New Year. This princess will never complain..."

Jiang Xin smirked and laughed, Zhu Qin pushed her away, knelt down to help Zhao Guanren put on socks, and said: "Everything else is easy to say, but you brought so many widows back for the New Year, Sun Yulin's first seven capitals It hasn't been, it's really bad luck!"

"I want to say that there are spies among those widows, do you believe..."

Zhao Guanren sat on the bed and sneered. The two women looked at him in surprise, but he said: "Sun Yulin's cronies have a ghost, and the woman who is not him is next to his woman, so tonight's New Year's Eve dinner is a special event. Ghost Appreciation Conference!"

As the saying goes, the poor are in the downtown area and no one asks, and the rich has distant relatives in the mountains. After Zhao Guanren freshened up, he just sat in the kitchen and ate a few breakfasts. Friends and relatives from all walks of life came to visit, even those from the second wife’s house. It's all here.

"Walk around! I can't stay at home anymore, all go to the banquet hall..."

Zhao Guanren was surrounded by relatives and went out. It was really my community. I was in charge. I saw that on the lawn of Lantai community, there was an inflatable gymnasium overnight. There were more than 50 tables and seats in it. A dazzling lighting stage.

The inflatable hall is full of heating, and the bars and cafes in the leisure area are also set up. Bartenders and tea artisans are serving, there are also several professional croupiers serving card tables, and there are small animals playing with the children outside. The employees of the property company are busy going round and round.

"Have you put on your makeup? I want to meet a guest..."

Zhao Guanren yelled in the WeChat group, and soon the little widows came in line. Not only Sun Yulin’s women came, but also the widows of Zheng Weilong and others were all here, all dressed up in dazzling brilliance, Fat swallows are thin, contending for beauty.

"President Kim! Happy New Year..."

The big bosses and shareholders also came with their family members. Businessmen have no days off. Those who celebrate the New Year have to come to socialize. The subordinates carry New Year’s gifts in large and small packages, and the leaders are unable to come in order to avoid suspicion. Greeting each other on the phone.

"Sit anywhere at home, don't be polite..."

Zhao Guanren stood at the door and constantly shook hands with the guests. Zhu Qin held him as a mistress, while the errant Jiang Qiang could only sit down and greet her with a smile on her daughter, while Liu Yinyue stayed inside consciously and did not hold him. The son was brought out to grab the limelight.

But the guests were quickly surprised to find that there were still a long line of women standing behind Jiang Xin. The first women to bear the brunt were Zheng Weilong's widow Yang Lan, Xia Fangfei and Jiang Han.

Even Li Nancy, who hadn't seen her for a long time, came, welcoming guests with her mixed sister, and finally it was Sun Yulin's wife Zhong Yao, who was married in fact! Behind Zhong Yao were attorney Gao and the car model, but none of the mistresses appeared.

"What the **** is this? Why are these widows and ex-wives here..."

The guests whispered to each other, and some people said with a smile: "President Jin has never played cards according to routines. Don't underestimate these widows. Those who can stand at the door are not ordinary people. Just say Yang Lan. Her elder brother just got promoted. Go to the top!"

"No! Zhong Yao turned his face with the grandson family, and her uncle immediately stood up to support him. He didn't dare to leave it before. It was Yang Lan and her brother who nodded..."

"This is called resource integration. Li Nancy is engaged to Shaodong from a large consortium. They are the guests of the president. The fiancée can accompany Mr. Jin to celebrate the New Year. The relationship is really unfathomable..."

The guests talked about talking, and the little widows were like a mad bee and a butterfly, shuttled endlessly among the many guests. Today, all the people who came are with faces and faces, and Zhao Guanren, who is surrounded by a she-wolf, they I don't expect any breakthroughs.

"I'm going! Are you too arrogant and gamble together openly..."

Captain Zhang suddenly walked in from outside the leather curtain and looked at a few professional gaming tables in surprise. Not only did he hold the plump and gorgeous widow Ding, but the two also held their children separately. A family of four was too big. Years, look happy and happy.

"Are you an occupational disease criminal? You bet on a point card, which can be redeemed for New Year gifts..."

Zhao Guanren took out two red packets and handed them to the children, and said with a smile: "Zhang Detachment! Look at your two eyes with dark circles, you can relax a little bit, but sister Ding is like a wolf and like a tiger, you should be careful to let her squeeze an adult. , Can't be considered as a death on duty!"

"Dying you, am I so hungry..."

Ding Mei gave him a bite of shame. Captain Zhang smiled and handed her daughter to her. He took Zhao Guanren to the side and said in a low voice, "We let Tan Sigou make his mother dumplings and sent them to the interrogation room last night. Give him food, he cried after eating, and said he wanted to see you!"

Zhao Guanren was surprised: "Seeing what I did, didn't you refuse to meet before?"

"He wants to know who is blaming him. At first there was evidence pointing to you, but he didn't think it was..."

Captain Zhang said: "He admitted that he hired Huang Rui and others and asked them to go to the police to destroy the exhibits, but the deaths of Zheng Weilong and Sun Yulin and others have nothing to do with him, let alone spies following him, so he wants to meet you face to face. Chat, he will tell you where the bones are!"

Zhao Guanren asked: "Did he explain other things? Does he know where Wu Chengguang is?"

"The evidence is like a mountain! Basically, he guessed that Wu Chengguang was hiding in the North American generation, and he had to ask Wu Chengguang's wife for the specific location, but that woman was also very cunning..."

Captain Zhang said: "The process of the incident is consistent with what we learned. Five deaths and two were killed, and one accomplice was killed half a year later, but they didn't know Zheng Pingping's affairs. They always thought it was Sun Yulin who killed them, and they didn't. I know that Zhang Pinghe appeared with his boss!"

"Tan Sigou can really pick a day..."

Zhao Guanren shook his head and said: "You can't let me go to the detention center on New Year's Eve. I'd better find time to meet him in two days, but you have to keep your eyes open tonight. If the spy is not new, you can't do it. Okay, there will be a show tonight!"

"No! I'm going to stay with Meimei, I didn't bring a gun..."

Captain Zhang looked at him wanting to cry without tears. Zhao Guanren laughed and walked away, opening his arms to the gate, and saw the tall Lu Mingjia coming in, carrying a delicate gift box in his hand, generous and generous. Gave him a hug.

But Zhao Guanren just sent her a message, asking her to come over for New Year’s Eve dinner when she was free. It was originally a polite remark for the New Year’s Eve, but she actually gave up being with her family and came alone to celebrate the New Year. On the contrary, her sister and colleague Xu Ning, directly declined the invitation...

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