One Step to The End

Chapter 1542: Sudden return

The night of the tenth day of the new year...

The people have resumed their normal work rhythm. Zhu Zhirong also left the house in a low-key manner. He wore ordinary sportswear, a peaked cap and a mask, and he walked out of the fishing village without hurries and came to the seaside. Man in the woods.

"I'm here, wait up to ten minutes for you, and I'll leave if I don't show up..."

Zhu Zhirong hid by the tree, holding his cell phone, and hung up after saying a few words, but just about to shut down and pull the card, he entangled in opening WeChat again, and logged in to a trumpet that few people know about, but just connected More than a dozen messages came in succession.

"Brother! They said you killed the second sister's son, is it true..."

Zhu Ming’s voice sounded in the voice message, Zhu Zhirong sighed helplessly, but Zhu Ming’s voice continued to sound: "Brother! Where are you? Come back and come back, you are a manslaughter, not a murder. If you get involved with the spy, you won't be able to look back!"

"Brother! Something happened, you can't go to Wu Chengguang, he knows you killed his dad..."


Zhu Zhirong’s face changed suddenly, and he hurriedly clicked on the next message: "Brother! Call me, Ruan Desheng was captured alive by his brother-in-law, and he confessed that you killed Wu Chengguang’s dad. Wu Chengguang is your online, he will kill. Yours!"


Zhu Zhirong quickly turned his head and walked outside, but a flashlight suddenly illuminated his face, only to see two men coming from outside the forest, and then extinguished the flashlights and said sharply: "Zhu Zhirong! You are not a baby anymore, why doesn't the phone turn off? Don't you want to live anymore?"

"Brother Shui? Why did you come here in person..."

Zhu Zhirong stepped back subconsciously, and hurriedly threw the phone on the ground and smashed it to pieces. A black-faced man walked over and grabbed his bag, opened it unceremoniously, turned it over, and frowned, "Where are the things, dare you to play tricks? I killed you!"

"This is half of the information, only I know where the other half is..."

Zhu Zhirong took out a USB flash drive from his arms and handed it to the other party, “I’m not going to sea with you anymore. Wu Chengguang’s side is not safe. I want to talk to him. He promised that my five million dollars has not yet arrived. I will give you the rest immediately!"

"You have to leave here wherever you go, and talk about it when you get on the boat..."

The black-faced man went to pull him as he said, but Zhu Zhirong pushed him abruptly, flashed to the edge of the forest, and said: "I won't get on your boat. I will deliver the money if I see the money. I won't be able to take one less. But the first-degree wanted criminal can do anything!"

"Fourth! Go outside and stare, I'll call Mr. Wu..."

The black-faced man frowned and took out the satellite phone. After saying a few words, he pressed the hands-free button. Zhu Zhirong quickly stepped forward and said: "Mr. Wu! I risk my life to do things for you. You can't save my money. I will live on this little money for the rest of my life!"

"Did you **** fail to check your account? I sent it to you half an hour ago. Delivery..."

Wu Chengguang yelled impatiently, Zhu Zhirong quickly took out his spare cell phone, but the old fourth who had just left suddenly appeared from the back, suddenly wrapped a rope loop around his neck, and the rope was hung on a tree branch, and he immediately caught him. Hanged in the air.

"Uh uh uh…"

Zhu Zhirong suddenly rolled his eyes and struggled desperately, shaking his two legs in mid-air, but he was suddenly put down, but he could only barely touch the ground on his toes. He immediately cried and said, "Mr. Wu! Don't kill me, you. I didn't kill Dad!"

"Fuck! I hired you before I told you, you bastard..."

Wu Chengguang shouted angrily on the phone. Brother Shui jokingly stepped forward and pulled out a dagger. Zhu Zhirong stood on tiptoe and pleaded: "Mr. Wu! I really don’t know that is your father. He wanted to call the police at the time. I have to push him!"

"Sure enough, it's you! Ask him to hand in the information, and kill him if he doesn't hand in..."

Wu Chengguang gave the order fiercely. Brother Shui put the dagger on Zhu Zhirong's body and said with a smile: "The money is definitely gone, but I can keep my life for you. Anyway, you are also a wanted criminal who was shot. Where is the information? Let you be the eunuch!"

"I said, I said! You let me down first..."

Zhu Zhirong tilted his head up in pain, and waited for his feet to land before panting, "I uploaded the information to the cloud disk. I can send you the account and password, but, but you have to let me go first, I You must post it, report me if you don’t post it!"

"Report your mother! If you don't tell me, I will kill you now..."

Brother Shui stabbed him in the thigh, the fourth child also hung him abruptly, Zhu Zhirong almost fainted in pain, and when his toes landed again, he was scared to urinate and cried: "In In my shoes, let me go, please!"

"Huh ~ cheap bones..."

Brother Shui squatted down and took off his sneakers and took out two insoles to take a look. Sure enough, a small pit was taken out of the left sole. There was a small USB stick hidden in it. He picked up the satellite phone and smiled: "Mr. Wu! Found it! Now, both USB drives are ready!"

"Kill him, send me the picture..."

Wu Chengguang hung up the phone coldly, Zhu Zhirong suddenly cried out in horror, but the fourth child hung him in the air and tied the rope directly to the tree pole. Brother Shui also sneered and took out his phone and stood. Get up and take a picture of him.

"Put down your weapon, hold your head and squat down..."

A dozen flashlights were suddenly fired from both sides, and a dozen black-clothed special police officers rushed over. The two of them were so frightened that they wanted to run. Unexpectedly, a few special police officers also burst out from the rear, and they all pointed their guns at them. The two immediately hugged their heads and squatted down in horror.


The rope on the tree was suddenly cut off, Zhu Zhirong fell to the ground with a buttock, pulling away the noose in pain, panting, but seeing that the special police had surrounded him, he immediately cried and said: "Uncle policeman! I want to Turn yourself in, you guys take me away!"

"Now turn yourself in, don't you think it's too late..."

A man walked over with a smile, Zhu Zhirong's eyes suddenly burst, and the cry stopped abruptly. It was his brother-in-law Zhao Guanren who came.

"Zhu Zhirong! You think I don't nod, can you run out of Lantai Community..."

Zhao Guanren stepped on his chest disdainfully, Zhu Zhirong immediately started crying, but Zhao Guanren slammed his big mouth, turned and walked in front of Brother Shui, and said: "The picture is taken, send it to Wu Chengguang, don't let him He is waiting!"

"Jin Yongyan?"

Brother Shui looked up at him in surprise, followed with a heavy sigh, and could only pick up the satellite phone to send the photo. Zhao Guanren snatched the phone over, and soon received a message-the high seas! Trade in the same place!

"Hurry up and take the blame, or just wait to be shot..."

Zhao Guanren knocked on Brother Shui’s head with the phone, and soon the two guards were also brought over, and a leader of Guo’an came over and said: “The smuggling vessel is under control, and even the captain and the sailor caught it. Have they accounted for the location of the transaction?"

"High seas! It is estimated that Wu Chengguang will pick up the goods himself..."

Zhao Guanren handed the satellite phone out, but his cell phone rang suddenly. The leader of Guoan saw that it was an overseas call and hurriedly asked the special police to keep quiet. The mouths of Shui and others were also covered.

"Old Wu! Are you here to report good news to me..."

Zhao Guanren walked out of the forest and pressed the hands-free button. He only heard Wu Chengguang say: "Zhu Zhirong has already worked out. I will send you the photo later. If you are a man, you will honor your promise and don't mess with my family. I didn't. Fucked your mother and children!"

"Look at this trouble, my sister-in-law is so polite, she must ask me to sleep..."

Zhao Guanren replied jokingly, but Wu Chengguang snorted coldly, "Huh~ I don’t care if you kill them. I don’t care about them, but you have to let go of my mother and my son. My parents and children will be misfortune. I will kill them for you. Zhu Zhirong, you can't break your promise!"

"It's not that I don't let anyone go. I lied that you have more than seven billion inheritance. Your wives each asked me for one billion..."

Zhao Guanren said depressed: "They said that I ate food and people were asleep. They would not leave without paying the money. But where can I get so much money, your son crying poorly in front of your mother every day, forcing your mother to do it? Desperate with me, thinking I hacked your money!"

"The surname is Zhao! You **** don't play tricks with Lao Tzu, the big deal is that I will die with you..."

Wu Chengguang suddenly roared, but Zhao Guanren contemptuously said: "Why don't you call to ask? Your property has been frozen. Your whole family is spending my money. Hurry up and let your second-hand mother-in-law get out. From now on, the two will not owe each other!"

Zhao Guanren hung up the phone after speaking. A police officer immediately jumped out of the command vehicle and said: "We have traced to the approximate position. Wu Chengguang is already offshore and is moving towards the high seas. Do you want to inform the sea? police?"

"Notify the Marine Police to be dispatched and continue to monitor his phone. He will definitely call his mother again..."

Guo'an leaders clapped their hands excitedly, satellite phones can also be located, but the general police do not have this kind of technology.

"Brother-in-law! Save me, I didn't mean to harm your son..."

Zhu Zhirong asked the special police to **** him out and squeezed his head into the police car, but Zhao Guanren sneered and got directly into his off-road vehicle. Zhu Zhirong did enough to shoot him twice. Anyone Can't save him.

"Hey? My mission is complete, Lao Jin, what do you mean..."

Zhao Guanren reacted as soon as he closed the car door. He fulfilled all Jin Yongyan's last wishes. His ex-wife and current wife took his love to death. Jin Yanyan went back to school after the holiday. The murderer of her son was also caught, and the enemy's family was completely resolved. Up.


Time suddenly stopped, and all the people outside the car froze. Only Zhao Guanren rubbed his hands in excitement and raised his head to accept his return.

"You have been with my wife and daughter for so long, don't you want to be alone with them..."

Yong Ye’s voice suddenly rang in his ears, but Zhao Guanren smiled bitterly: “How can I say goodbye, saying that I should leave after completing the task, not to mention that it’s your wife and child. what!"

"But you have brought so many women, and a few are pregnant, how can I do it..."

Yong Ye’s voice seemed a little depressed, Zhao Guanren smiled again: “It’s just a PY transaction, and severance pay is not required for them. Find a good way out for them. They will naturally leave you and give birth when you are pregnant. Not bad for that little money, it's so good to have more children!"

"Are you not emotional with them, even if it's a little affection..."

"A dog has feelings after getting along for a long time, let alone a human..."

Zhao Guanren leaned back on his seat and smiled: "But I have a clear distinction between public and private work. Your wife is your wife. I have never been affectionate with them. At most, I have friendships. Besides, I also have my own wife and children, and they are all waiting in their hometowns. Look at me, I miss them so much!"

"Okay! Thank you for giving me a life lesson. It's not that life is too hard, but that I can't..."

Yong Ye suddenly sighed and said: "You are the third to complete the task, but Zhao Ziqiang was defeated. He died at the level of the Golden Queen. Chen Guangda persuaded Thorin to let you do it again, but you must enter Suo. Lin's body, they collectively recommended you!"

"Bad son! I don't agree, the scholars can kill you, you can draw lots if there are seeds, don't don't! Let me go back and have an interview with Thorin, don't just start, help..."

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