One Step to The End

Chapter 1544: Polarity reversal

Five o'clock in the morning...

Zhao Guanren was awakened by the young man's body. Han Beichen's hormone secretion was obviously too strong. The surging blood made him, an old driver, feel like a heartbeat, and he almost couldn't help having a tryst with the "five girls".

"This kid really loves chicken jelly..."

Zhao Guanren got up depressed and dressed, choosing only simple T-shirts and sneakers, but he flipped through the bedroom last night and found out several sets of Su Xiao's underwear. If this continues, he will sooner or later. You have to do things that are angry and grievous.

"Hey mom~ It's a long file, just like a fool..."

Zhao Guanren walked to the living room and looked at the floor mirror. Zhang Beichen was tall and thin and dull in the mirror. He couldn't bear to look directly at the door of the second bedroom. He twisted the doorknob slightly. He didn't expect the door to be locked, but There is also a moving head window above the old door.

Zhao Guanren took the chair and placed it quietly outside the door, put his head on the moving head window pasted with frosted paper, and looked into the bedroom through the gap in the edge.

The mother and daughter slept on a big bed with a mat, wearing only close-fitting nightdresses and pajamas. The floor fans shook creakingly, but Su Xiao, who seemed weak, had a fruit knife next to her pillow. Female Zhou Yangduo's bed also leaned on a stick.

"Sure enough, I'm under the fence, bear the humiliation..."

Zhao Guanren shook his head and got off the chair. He took the phone left by Han Beichen’s father. He still had more than two hundred dollars before leaving the house. Han Beichen is a seventeen-year-old boy. Naturally, there is nothing wrong with his young body, but in terms of strength and response. They are too weak.

The sky was just getting dark.

Going out is a long corridor with four houses on each side. It is obviously the layout of an apartment building. There is a stairway at the front and back. There is also an old-fashioned elevator. He came directly to the window of the cloister.

"What kind of ghost structure is this, Tiankeng..."

Zhao Guanren looked out the window weirdly. Two seven-story "concave"-shaped buildings were facing each other on the roof of a shopping mall. There was a fire escape on the left and right. The courtyard in the middle was the parking lot on the roof of the shopping mall. Unspeakable sense of depression.

"You won't leave the dead, will you?"

Zhao Guanren thoughtfully entered the stairway. Since Queen Thorin asked to live, it would certainly not be a simple matter of money disputes, otherwise Zhao Ziqiang would be able to solve it, and the light stars would not kill her, so there must be a powerful one. External threats.

Zhao Guanren jogged along the street when he got out of the building. No matter what kind of trouble he might encounter, he had to familiarize himself with the terrain and keep up with his physical strength. After he ran the streets and alleys nearby, It was already bright.

"Uncle! I pushed my hair, round head..."

Zhao Guanren walked into a barbershop in an alley, and the old man pushed his idiot hairstyle in twos or twos. It was only slightly longer than a bald head. Not only did he feel more energetic, he also didn't seem to file as much. It was a little sunny boy. Mean it.

"Two dollars!"

The uncle put up two fingers, and Zhao Guanren realized that prices were very low. It was estimated that the housing prices had not yet taken off. When he ran outside the real estate agency, the average price in the urban area was only more than three thousand and one level, seventy. A pension of more than ten thousand yuan counts as a lot.

"Ring Ling Ling..."

The cheap Laozi’s Ericsson cell phone rang suddenly. Zhao Guanren took a look from his trouser pocket. The word “big baby” was displayed on it. But after he picked it up suspiciously, Su Xiao’s voice suddenly sounded and asked him to go. Where is it?

"I went downstairs to buy breakfast, and I'll be back soon..."

Zhao Guanren frowned and hung up the phone. Su Xiao kept telling him last night that he was only a classmate with Han Beichen’s father and died before further development. It seems that Su Xiao didn’t tell the truth. What a mess.

After Zhao Guanren bought three breakfasts, he came to the mall downstairs of the apartment, but after entering, he found that it was a shopping street. Most of the shops were closed. Only the doorways were still open, and there were a variety of shops, from snacks to clothing stores. .

"Boss! Please send three pieces of mineral water to 402, and two boxes of instant noodles..."

Zhao Guanren walked into a small shop. He didn't know what kind of danger he would encounter. He simply came to a prepared one, and then went to buy emergency items such as swing sticks, folding knives, and flashlights. Of course, masks and cigarettes are also indispensable.

"Achen! Why are you buying so much mineral water,..."

As soon as Zhao Guanren took the elevator to the fourth floor, he saw Su Xiao standing at the door with his pregnant belly. The shop owner was moving goods to his house, and he looked at the electronic watch on his wrist. It was already 7:30 in the morning.

Su Xiao was surprised again: "Huh? Why did you shave your hair early in the morning?"

"Refreshing! Didn't the property clean the water tank on the roof? You can't drink the water from the previous two days..."

Zhao Guanren walked over, handed over breakfast, and walked into the living room with a big bag. It is estimated that Zhou Yangduo is also a scumbag. She didn't start washing until 7:30, but she is indeed young and beautiful, with a tall head and long legs. Blame her boss for keeping her.

"Wow! Crystal shrimp dumplings, are you rich? Buy such a good breakfast..."

Zhou Yangduo ran out of the kitchen in surprise. She was wearing denim shorts and a white T-shirt, and with a very nice fragrance, she hurriedly pinched a shrimp dumpling and put it in her mouth, muttering and laughing: "You How did you shave your hair, just like a little hooligan!"

"If you have money and don't spend it, isn't it just a pile of waste paper..."

Zhao Guanren walked into the toilet with a stinky sweat and shouted: "Aunt Su! Call my teacher and say that I am sick and need to rest for two days. Later, I will accompany me to report the loss of my bank card. My dad's deposits are also You have to get it back, you bring all the relevant documents!"

"Hey! Got it..."

Su Xiao readily agreed. Zhao Guanren immediately closed the door and opened the shower, then quietly lit a cigarette and leaned against the door. He immediately heard the mother and daughter whispering, but couldn't hear what they were talking about.

"You don't care about my business, as long as you can do well, no matter how much I give, it's worth it..."

Su Xiao suddenly said with hatred: "The little **** ghost said that he would give me five thousand yuan a month and let me do that with him, otherwise he would not only drive us out, but also tell people that I seduce him. If you want to slap him to death, how could a child be so bad!"

"Bad son! I will definitely make him pay..."

Zhou Yangduo stomped his feet in a rage, Zhao Guanren shook his head speechlessly, had to put out his cigarette butts and took a shower. After the washing, Zhou Yangduo also went to school. Su Xiao, who hated itchy teeth before, served Zhao Guanren enthusiastically. Eat and drink.

"I took the money to buy you a skirt, your clothes don't look good..."

Zhao Guanren smoothly touched her pregnant belly. Su Xiao didn't reject anything. He smiled and said, "You are embarrassed by Aunt Su, but you are now a little man in the family. Aunt Su listens to you, but don't buy too expensive. Yeah, I want to keep the money for you to go to school!"

"You go get things, ready to go..."

Zhao Guanren lowered her head and drank the porridge again. Su Xiao walked into the bedroom and half-covered the door, but Zhao Guanren inadvertently raised her head and suddenly found that she was standing by the bed and changing her clothes. Although she was facing the door, she was absolutely It was a deliberate seduce.

"I'm going! This girl is not a good person..."

Zhao Guanren never thought it would be like this. Su Xiao's movements were very slow and graceful, but after putting on a white dress, she turned around and said, "Smelly boy! You peeked again, why are you sitting stupidly?" , Come and help me close the zipper!"


Zhao Guanren put down the bowls and chopsticks and walked in, helping Su Xiao to close the zipper on the back.

"Reward you for a hug, so you can't mess around when you go out..."

Su Xiao replied and lowered her head shyly. Zhao Guanren frowned and hugged her from behind. He just touched her belly. After letting go, Su Xiao turned her head in surprise. This expression was enough to explain one thing, Han Beichen's scale is definitely not so low.

"The sweatpants are too loose, I don't want people to see..."

Zhao Guanren smiled and spread his hands, Su Xiao covered her mouth and sneered, and said: "You are also afraid of being ashamed, you are usually like a wolf, okay! The head of the family, the big baby is with you, let's take a taxi. I am afraid that taking the bus will squeeze my stomach!"

"Okay! Take a taxi, we don't need money..."

Zhao Guanren stretched out a hand, Su Xiao held his hand with a smile, but there was no more intimate action, but Zhao Guanren thought she had a leg with Laozi, but the signature of the "big baby" on the phone turned out to be What her son calls her.

"Go ahead and stop inviting people to gossip..."

Su Xiao opened the door and released him. The two went out back and forth and went downstairs. They took a taxi to the bank where the account was opened. After a series of tedious procedures, Zhao Guanren successfully got the new bank card, but the money in the card was only 600,000 yuan. That's it.

"Look! I'm talking about it, if I didn't change the password in time, your aunt could get all your money..."

Su Xiao took Zhao Guanren into the ATM room, took the bank card and said, "Withdraw five thousand yuan, I will enroll you for a cram school, and then take another five hundred yuan to buy food for half a month. We have to save. Just a little flower, your dad’s savings don’t have to come back!"

"I'll take another thousand to buy you a skirt, yes! How much do my dad save..."

Zhao Guanren stepped forward and inserted the bank card. Su Xiao waited for him to take out the money. He kissed him on the cheek with joy, quit the bank card and handed it to him, shook his head and said, "I don't know. Well, you have to keep this card!"

"Okay! I'll call her..."

Zhao Guanren nodded and walked out, but Su Xiao said as soon as he left the house: "Achen! I won't accompany you. Your aunt wants to eat me. I have to go to the hospital for a pregnancy check. If anything happens, call me again. , I will go shopping with you this afternoon!"

"Then you slow down, I'll call you a car..."

Zhao Guanren helped her walk to the side of the road and stopped a taxi to take her into the car. However, he stopped one as soon as the taxi drove away. He got in the co-pilot and said, "Master! Keep up with the taxi in front of me. Old... Master’s wife seems to be going on a date!"

"Ha~ Catch rape, I like..."

The driver followed Su Xiao’s car excitedly. Zhao Guanren also took out the bank card in his pocket. Su Xiao did not expect it to be transferred. So he called the auntie and asked, "Auntie. ! Where is my dad's savings before his death?"

"Where is there any savings? I let the mother and daughter cheated all the time. Don't call me in the future. It's none of my business if you die..."

The aunt hung up the phone angrily, Zhao Guanren quietly put away the phone, while Su Xiao crossed half a city before stopping, and got out of the car wearing a sun hat and a mask, and Zhou Yangduo, who was supposed to go to school, also walked out. , And dragged two suitcases.

"I'm going! I've wronged Auntie, Queen Thorin is really not a fuel-efficient lamp..."

Zhao Guanren frowned deeply. Su Xiao didn't know what to say to Zhou Yangduo, but she stopped a taxi again and got in, while Su Xiao took out the bank card he had just transferred and walked in quickly. A bank not far away...

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