One Step to The End

Chapter 1548: haunted

"Beichen! I heard your stepmother say that your family has a small house in the Panshan Building..."

Gu Youyou's aunt begged: "If you don't rent it out, let me rent it out for a month. My neighbor's house caught fire the day before yesterday, and my bedroom was set on fire. The house really can't live in the house anymore. I've been crowded with relatives, I need time to decorate it!"

"Does Yoyo live with you, where are her parents..."

Zhao Guanren leaned against the door and lit a cigarette. The other party blinked a little unexpectedly, but he didn't expect that a high school student of him still smoked.

"Yuyou's father died, her mother remarried, and the other party's family is twin sons..."

The aunt said helplessly: "It's inconvenient for a little girl to live in the past. My husband works out of town all the year round, and we don't have any children, so Yoyo lives with me. I haven't found a suitable house for the past two days, and many people don't want to. Rent to me for a short time!"

"Let me ask for you, I don't care about this..."

Zhao Guanren smiled and took out his mobile phone. The house he lived in was in the Panshan Building. He didn't know if there were any other houses, so he subconsciously followed Shuangmawei and called Su Xiao at the same time. One room and one living room.

"Didn't you let me rent it, your parents' relics are all inside..."

Su Xiao asked a question in confusion. Zhao Guanren took a few words to understand that Su Xiao and her daughter lived in a small apartment before, but Han Beichen deliberately got the mother and daughter to live in a big house in order to get close to the water tower. The apartment is also on the same floor.

"Okay! You can move in tonight, sister, what's your name..."

Zhao Guanren hung up the phone and threw the cigarette. The other party covered his mouth and smiled and said, "Xiao Bei! Your mouth is so sweet. Auntie even told you to call you young. My name is Shi Xiaomei. I saw your stepmother at the parent meeting last time, and she was quite stubborn. Big belly, it's almost time to give birth, right?"

"Su Xiao is also my tenant, not my stepmother, so I won't charge you the rent..."

Zhao Guanren turned his head and walked out of the swimming pool. A large number of police had already rushed over. Gu Youyou was standing outside the courtyard with relatives. Shi Xiaomei ran out happily and told her about the short-term rental, but Gu Youyou was wrinkled. raised his eyebrows.

"Auntie! Han Beichen is a bit perverted..."

Gu Youyou pulled her aunt aside and said in a low voice, "He has women's underwear and stockings in his schoolbag. Someone saw him quietly taking it out and smelled it, and he always rubs girls' **** on purpose. I don't want to live in his house. I'm afraid he will do something disgusting!"

"We don't live with him. Is it okay to have a separate room and one living room..."

Shi Xiaomei rolled her eyes at her and said with a smile, "Boys at his age are all just like dogs in heat, so it's normal, not to mention that he saved me before, and the female monster made him beat him to the ground. This guy can be trusted!"

"You're just looking for a house for free, and he stole your underwear when you look back, so just cry..."

Gu Youyou made a cute face, Shi Xiaomei covered her mouth and smiled, and quickly dragged her to say goodbye to her relatives, and then followed Zhao Guanren out.

Shi Xiaomei coaxed Zhao Guanren as a child, but Zhao Guanren was chatting with her. Shi Xiaomei soon found out that this was a mature little man. Gu Youyou's face was red.

"Little hooligan! It's killing you..."

Shi Xiaomei twisted Zhao Guanren in a charming manner, and this scene happened to be seen by Su Xiao and her daughter, Su Xiao stood beside the newly bought second-hand car, frowned and said, "Achen! What are you doing, the small house is not cleaned up. , how do you let people live?"

"It doesn't matter! I don't go to work anyway, I'll clean up while I live..."

Shi Xiaomei walked over to look at her pregnant belly and said with a smile, "Su Xiao! If anything happens during this time, you can come to me, but I didn't expect you to be a stepmother and a tenant of Xiaobei's house. , did you buy this new car, it's so beautiful!"

"Get in the car!"

Su Xiao opened the door lukewarmly and got into the car. Auntie Shi Xiaomei and Zhou Yangduo sat in the back row, but don't look at Zhou Yangduo's usual pungency, she is actually a little girl, and when she saw the male star keychain on Gu Youyou's schoolbag, The two immediately chatted eagerly.

"Aunt Mei! Let's help you bring your luggage first..."

Zhao Guanren turned his head and said, "I'll call you a moving car tomorrow. It will take a month to renovate the house. Some things have to be moved in, so as not to get dirty or lost, I'll order some dishes to eat at your house tonight. Let's warm up your house together!"

"Oh~ you're such a little warm man, you're so sweet, just be my niece-in-law..."

Shi Xiaomei squeezed his face happily, and Gu Youyou immediately said in shame, "Auntie! What are you talking about, I'm just classmates with him, and besides, I already have someone I like!"

"People may not like you..."

Shi Xiaomei glanced at her contemptuously, Zhao Guanren smiled and didn't say a word, he was courting Shi Xiaomei to put pressure on Su Xiao, don't look at Su Xiao's downfall, but this girl is still very arrogant, buying a used car can Can't get over her.

"Welcome! Iwaki Building..."

Zhao Guanren pushed two suitcases out of the elevator and came to the door of a room in the corner of the fourth floor, while Su Xiao kept looking bad, threw the key to him and turned away, Zhou Yangduo didn't feel anything, opened the door. Happy to go back with the things.

"come in!"

Zhao Guanren opened the security door and walked in. 409 is a small apartment that goes up and down the stairs. The first floor is a small hall, toilet and kitchen. The bedroom is on the second floor. cardboard boxes stacked in the corner.

"Wow~ It's much better than I thought, just wipe the dust off..."

Shi Xiaomei put down her large and small bags in surprise, ran to the floor-to-ceiling window and opened the curtains. Who knew that she could not see the scenery on the street at all, only the dimly lit apartment building on the opposite side and the patio of the parking lot, but the two aunts and nephews Still quite satisfied.


Shi Xiaomei turned around and leaned against the window, and said curiously, "Xiao Bei! Do you live with their mother and daughter? Su Xiao's face is about to collapse. You won't be in love with her daughter, right?"

"The child in her womb is mine..."

Zhao Guanren pulled off the cover and sat on the sofa, Gu Youyou dropped her schoolbag with a bang, and looked at him like a ghost, and Shi Xiaomei was even more surprised: "What did you say, you, you and Su Xiao went to bed, She can be your mother!"

Zhao Guanren couldn't help laughing and said, "Can't you hear the joke?"

"Fuck! I think you two have something to do..."

Shi Xiaomei's big eyes twitched, but Gu Youyou said, "Han Beichen! This kind of joke can't be played indiscriminately, after all, you two live in the same room, you are still a sophomore in high school, how can Aunt Su see you when it spreads out? Human?"

"People don't live to be seen by others. Only by living their own lives can they live a smart and unrestrained life..."

Zhao Guanren lit a cigarette nonchalantly, Gu Youyou rolled his eyes at him and stopped talking, and diligently wiped the table and mopped the floor with her aunt, while Shi Xiaomei wore a pair of beige cropped trousers, and when she squatted down to wipe the TV cabinet, her buttocks seemed to sag. As big as a grinder.

"Tsk tsk~ It's really good to be nurtured..."

Zhao Guanren raised Erlang's legs and praised, Shi Xiaomei turned her head to look at him, and after Gu Youyou finished dragging the floor, she picked up her schoolbag and asked, "Beichen! Why don't you review it? The teacher talked about the key points today, do you want me? Copy your notes?"

"No need! I want to take a good rest for a few days and relax my mind..."

Zhao Guanren, a scumbag, was most afraid of going to class. It happened that all the meals he ordered were delivered. Shi Xiaomei hummed a little song and turned on the air conditioner in the living room. Only then did Zhao Guanren notice that there was no air conditioner in his house. After going out, he planned to buy two air conditioners to enjoy.

"Aunt Su! Come over for dinner..."

Zhao Guanren opened the door of 402 with the key. Su Xiao and her daughter both took a bath and were sitting in the living room watching TV.

"Han Beichen! I drafted an agreement about that used car..."

Su Xiao pointed to the documents on the coffee table, and said in a serious tone, "I will take care of the car for you, and I will transfer it to you when you are an adult. I will pay for the transfer fee, and don't think that it is a lot of hundreds of thousands, you are just sitting on the mountain. After the money is spent, what do you get for life?"

"It's not a bad thing to be high-spirited, but I still have hundreds of thousands of capital, what about you..."

Zhao Guanren walked over and turned off the TV, and said with a smile, "Now the Internet is full of gold. As long as you have a pair of eyes that are good at discovering, you can make a lot of money sitting at home. Tomorrow you go to buy a laptop, and I will take you to fly!"

"You didn't drink the bar, why did you blow it..."

Su Xiao got up with a cold face and walked into the bedroom, only said I'm not hungry and closed the door, but Zhao Guanren didn't force her, just pulled Zhou Yangduo out and asked, "Do you know why your mother is angry? "

"It's not that I'm angry, it's that I have to draw a clear line with you..."

Zhou Yangduo closed the anti-theft door and said helplessly: "You have two stinky money to waste, buy us clothes and a car, if you are a working adult, it's fine, but you are a child. , what do people think of us, they really think they are cheating you of money!"

"Your mother thinks that only she can cheat my money, and she will be uncomfortable when outsiders interfere..."

Zhao Guanren shook his head and smiled and said: "You really don't know your mother too well, she is jealous that others have air conditioners, she can only blow electric fans, I will take you to buy an air conditioner tomorrow, and I will say that you earned it through your work-study program. Set the stage for dismissal!"

"Really? Don't coax me..."

Zhou Yangduo held him back a little excitedly, and whispered: "My mother's life is not good, and her self-esteem is very strong, you don't bully her in the future, as long as you listen to my sister, you will have a chance to feast your eyes, but you are not allowed to peek at me. Take a shower, lying on the ground like a ghost, scaring people to death!"

"Actually, I like to look at my legs. I will walk in stockings tomorrow..."

Zhao Guanren raised his eyebrows with a wicked smile, Zhou Yangduo punched him angrily, and happily took him into the small house. The aunt and nephew had already packed their meals, but they were still wearing the clothes they used to go out.

"Let's have dinner! Can Xiaobei drink beer and accompany auntie..."

Shi Xiaomei took out a dozen cold beers, Zhao Guanren looked at the canvas shoes on her feet, nodded and sat down at the table, Gu Youyou put down her book and sat down, while Zhou Yangduo worked in a bar, she was bold Open a beer and drink with them.

"It's so hot outside, I really don't want to go back, you have to buy an air conditioner tomorrow..."

After drinking and eating, Zhou Yangduo, who was slightly drunk, was a little drunk, and staggeringly took Zhao Guanren and left the small house.

Zhao Guanren looked at the electronic watch on his wrist, it was already past eight o'clock in the evening, but when they walked to the door of the house, the lights in the depths of the corridor suddenly flickered like a breeze, flickering frantically, and there was a dark shadow in it. looming.

"Who is it? Why does it look like a haunted..."

Zhou Yangduo stared forward in confusion, the looming shadow looked very infiltrating, but Zhao Guanren opened the door, pushed her in and said, "The debt collector is here, go in and accompany your mother, I won't call you. Don't open the door if you knock!"


Zhao Guanren slammed the anti-theft door shut, pulled out the large folding knife behind his waist and opened it, but there was a sudden click behind him, and the peanut shell he spread on the ground was smashed by someone...

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