One Step to The End

Chapter 1550: I want to be a devil

In 2005, there were still many gangsters in Linchuan City. Controlled knives were easy to buy. Zhao Guanren parked his car outside an alley, and soon a man came over with two heavy bags in his hands. It was the owner of the military store that he visited during the day.

"Brother! Although it is made in China, the quality is absolutely reliable..."

The boss glanced at Shi Xiaomei in the co-pilot, and stuffed a large bag into the car. After Zhao Guanren opened it, there were four soft anti-stab vests, which may not be able to prevent the female doctor's bone spurs, but the survival rate will be greatly improved, especially Su Xiao and her daughter need protection.

"I brought a few more things, do you want sugar cane..."

The boss stuffed the second bag in again. After opening it, it was full of cold weapons, including daggers, dog legs, oriental knives, and bayonets. There were also two combined three-edged short guns. After coming out and docking, it was a short spear more than one meter long.

"Be angry with the sugar cane! No, you can settle the bill..."

Zhao Guanren only took two strong light batons and two combined three-edged pistols, but after thinking about it, he took two daggers.

The boss said sugar cane means pistol. He heard that he knew he was a connoisseur, so he took back the rest and said: "Friendship price, you can give two thousand five, and take care of my business in the future!"

"Pay! You want me to pay for your troubles..."

Zhao Guanren turned his head to look at Shi Xiaomei, Shi Xiaomei took out her wallet with a pout, and paid the money reluctantly, while the boss threw a cigarette to Zhao Guanren and said with a smile: "This sister is so beautiful, next time. There is a rich woman who can help me introduce one!"

"Can you do it nine times a night? If you're not afraid of dying on her belly, I can give her to you..."

"Isn't it? Is there such a large demand..."

The boss looked at Shi Xiaomei in surprise, Shi Xiaomei punched Zhao Guanren in shame, and Zhao Guanren laughed and drove away.

Shi Xiaomei's face was flushed, and she didn't look as open as she appeared on the surface, and said angrily, "Why are you so bad at such a young age, what rascals are you talking about!"

"Take a little fresh meat like me for a drive at night, you are not rich, who is rich..."

Zhao Guanren picked up an electric baton and handed it to her, and said, "This is an electric baton. After the safety cover is opened, press the red button to stab people, and the monsters that cannot be electrocuted can turn it over. If you seize the opportunity, run away. Also put on a stab-proof vest at the back!"

Shi Xiaomei clutched the electric baton and said in panic, "My little brother, what are you doing? You don't want to fight with monsters, do you?"

"Monsters eat people unscrupulously, but why do they run away when they see the police..."

Zhao Guanren said sternly: "It's not that they are afraid of the police, but they are planning bigger things and don't want the police to break things, so even if you hand over the bag, the monsters will not let you go. There must be something very important in the bag. things, understand?"

"I don't want the money, I'll give it all to you, I don't want to die..."

Shi Xiaomei immediately burst into tears, but Zhao Guanren smiled and said, "Don't talk to me, it's hundreds of thousands, are you willing to not, you are divorced from your husband, and you don't have a stable income yet, so the risk is not for the sake of it. money!"

Shi Xiaomei was immediately surprised: "How did you know that I was divorced, I never told anyone!"

"If something so big happens, you don't make a phone call. It's not a divorce or something..."

Zhao Guanren chuckled: "You husband and wife have been separated for a long time. You smoke, drink and play mahjong again, but you don't have a concubine outside. Your husband must have cheated, and you must have lost a lot of money by investing in stocks. Your husband is angry. I'm going to divorce you!"

"Oh my God!"

Shi Xiaomei covered her mouth in horror, stared at the young boy, and said in shock, "You are really scary, you even know that I lose money in stocks?"

"Aren't you looking at stocks at night, the screen is green, you can still make money without losing money..."

"Hey~ don't mention it, the more you mention it, the sadder I get, but I'm not short of money..."

Shi Xiaomei said angrily: "After my ex-husband cheated, I left the house. I have savings and a shop, which is enough for me to collect rent and play mahjong at home, but after all, it is 700,000 to 800,000 yuan. Who wouldn't be tempted to see it? Thinking of it will lead to death!"

"People die for wealth, birds die for food..."

Zhao Guanren drove the car into the hospital gate, slowed down and glanced at both sides of the road, Shi Xiaomei hurriedly took out a stab-proof vest and put it on her body, thinking about it, she picked up Gu Youyou's school uniform and put it on the outside , holding the electric baton nervously.

"Don't be nervous! They haven't followed..."

Zhao Guanren stopped behind a small forest, and outside the forest was an independent yard with many pipes extending out of the yard.

There is a cement boiler room in it, but the person who burned the boiler died in the afternoon. It is estimated that no new people have come here. The boiler room is dark.

"You protect me a little bit, don't leave me..."

Shi Xiaomei took out a bunch of keys from her bag and got out of the car. She nervously stepped forward and opened the courtyard door. Zhao Guanren put the combined three-edged gun in his waist, turned on the strong light bar and walked in. When he entered the door, he saw the whole floor. coal, while the boiler room door is open.

"Go in and get the money, don't turn on the light..."

Zhao Guanren walked into the boiler room to illuminate left and right. Shi Xiaomei quickly turned on the light on the electric baton, ran to a small iron door in the corner, unlocked the padlock with the key and walked in. She quickly took out a black travel bag and put it in a room. Zhang iron table.

"Lights out! Go get my bag..."

Zhao Guanren walked over and opened the travel bag. He poured out a lot of money from the bag, as well as a few short sleeves and trousers for washing. Except for a few rolls of beautiful knives in the interlayer, there were no special items. , he had no choice but to hold the bag and touch it carefully.

"Have it!"

Zhao Guanren's eyes lit up, he took out the sponge backing from the bag, and pulled out a small silver tin box. But when he opened it, it turned out to be a small stone, the size of a quail egg, irregular in shape, bloodshot, and acid. Smelly smell.

"What's the matter? Sarizi..."

Zhao Guanren used the light to observe carefully, but he couldn't see anything, but Shi Xiaomei ran in with the backpack again, so he had to put away the small iron box and put money in the backpack together with Shi Xiaomei. more than ten thousand.

"Xiao Bei!"

Shi Xiaomei looked at him apprehensively, and unconsciously regarded him as a big man, and asked, "Can this money be spent? It won't be stolen money, right! Did you find anything?"

"This money is for running away. The old money is not consecutive. I found an unknown stone..."

Zhao Guanren picked up the empty bag and walked to the corner, stuffed some briquettes and newspapers inside, and then he walked back when he was bulging, and said, "Put the bag on your back, open the back door, hide in the utility room, and wait until I ask you to call. When you’re in, you’ll be calling Chun in there, be a little bit more showy!”

"Ah? Why..."

"If you ask, just call, go inside and smoke the cigarette, turn on the flashlight..."

Zhao Guanren threw two cigarettes to her, threw the travel bag beside the boiler in the middle, turned off the flashlight and leaned against the window, Shi Xiaomei had no choice but to open the back door, raised her hand and got into the utility room, The small iron door was locked.

"Come on! Brats..."

Zhao Guanren assembled the stabbing guns, found the wires and other objects in the room to set up traps, and stuffed a gasoline bottle in the travel bag, but he waited for only ten minutes, and suddenly there was a sound from the roof, like The mouse is crawling.

"Xiaomei! You are so good, I'm going to die..."

Zhao Guanren immediately shouted in a muffled voice, and Shi Xiaomei also made an extravagant voice, but her voice was even more fake than watching a movie, but Zhao Guanren couldn't control so much, and leaned against the window and Between the doors, even breathing stopped.


With the sound of a gust of wind, a black shadow gently fell outside the door. Seeing that there was a flashlight shaking inside the small iron door, the shadow on all fours climbed in immediately. Zhao Guanren immediately shot out, and the opponent was naked in the middle. big brain.

'not good! ’

Zhao Guanren knew that it was not good when he shot the top of the gun. The opponent's skull was as hard as iron, and he stabbed the opponent in a big somersault. He quickly let out a scream to cover up the opponent's roar, and the black three-edged short gun stabbed out again. .


This shot suddenly pierced the opponent's eyeball, and the headshot generally went straight into the brain. Zhao Guanren took advantage of the opportunity to pick it up in the air. Who knew that Han Beichen's strength was too weak, so he threw the opponent out and smashed it in the boiler. The side doesn't move.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

There were sounds of jumping and landing one after another outside. Zhao Guanren quickly flashed back to the wall and leaned against the wall, but two tall figures rushed in side by side. He immediately picked up the thick wire on the ground with his foot and tripped the two of them. A dog eats shit.


Zhao Guanren suddenly plunged into one person's big eye socket. Who knew that after the other person screamed strangely, he grabbed his stab gun, he immediately let go and pulled out the electric baton behind his waist, and while the other person jumped up, a stick stabbed into it. its mouth.

"Clap clap clap..."

The electric baton suddenly crackled in the opponent's mouth. The electric shock was a semi-magical attack. The opponent was knocked on the ground by the electric shock, and Zhao Guanren pulled out a sharp knife with his left hand, bent down and stabbed the opponent's eye socket. middle.


A gray shadow suddenly smashed through the window. Zhao Guanren immediately abandoned his knife and drew his gun. After flashing to the large boiler, two bone spurs instantly shot from the door and both shot into the iron-shelled boiler. attract his attention.

"Ha~ you're here again, do you dare to pretend..."

Zhao Guanren turned on the electric baton to shine brightly on the other side. The gray-skinned monster had only one eye. The other one had blinded him before, but a pair of men and women shot in outside the door. The man was a middle-aged man with a square face, and the woman It is the female doctor who eats people in the afternoon.

"Boy! Who are you, who dares to meddle in our business..."

The female doctor opened her arms viciously, and pierced two snow-white bone spurs from her palm, while the middle-aged man was like a hedgehog, not only pierced two thin bone spurs from his fist bones, but also his forehead and back. He took two steps to the side.

"Haha~ I can't change my name, I can't modify it..."

Zhao Guanren raised his head and smiled arrogantly: "I am Zhao Ziqiang from Nanzhou. The young master has always taken subduing demons and eliminating demons as his mission, and fighting injustice as the core. My motto is, if I become a Buddha, there will be no demons in the world, if I become a demon, Ten wives!"

The female doctor said fiercely: "I care how many wives you have, kill him!"

"Hey! Don't move, I'll blow it up if you dare..."

Zhao Guanren suddenly pressed the electric baton with a crackling sound, pointed to the wires on the travel bag beside his feet, and smiled: "I stuffed a big firework in the bag, enough to blow the contents of the small iron box into pieces, if you don't believe in evil, you can Come and try and see if that little rock breaks!"

"What do you want, hand over the things, and spare you not to die..."

The female doctor glared at him coldly, and the middle-aged man was always looking for an opportunity to strike. The bone spurs of this guy could obviously shoot out.

"What are you doing? Strong buying and strong selling..."

Zhao Guanren said disdainfully: "Why should I give the things I picked up by my ability to you? If I want to take the things back, I will exchange them for money. Five million should not be less than one cent, otherwise I will say goodbye to it!"

The middle-aged man suddenly shouted: "No! Kill him..."

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