One Step to The End

Chapter 1564: sin

Zhao Guanren felt like a second beep. On the passenger seat was a girl who pretended to be too young. She didn't know how to smoke and learned to smoke. The white T was still a "Hello KT", and there was a man in the back seat. Two women, telling childish and ridiculous adult jokes.

"Mr. Han! Your car is not bad, but it's not more than one million..."

Da Tingting is the girl of No. 4 Middle School, she smiled with a cigarette in between: "Hua Shao's big Ben is really cool, last time he took us to Di Bar to play, and Sister Hong from No. 7 Middle School squatted to give her a ride. I'm toasting, Miss Ben can call her over with a phone call, and I'll settle things for you in the future!"

'O sin! ’

Zhao Guanren sighed in his heart, he really went back the more he lived, and he actually joined a bunch of little kids in the society, and he really had no face to face the elders of Dongjiang.

"You can only go to the disco when you are eighteen. Where is Young Master Hua..."

Zhao Guanren drove the car into a small road. He had been driving without a license. He could easily be stopped with a few little kids, but he took another look at Da Tingting. In fact, she was pretty, and Da Tingting was not White call, Tingting is really big.

"Of course! I'm an adult since I started school..."

Da Tingting patted him on the shoulder old-fashioned and said with a smile: "But with my brother-in-law covering me, minors can go in and play, but you have to pay back the money first, anyway, your big boss is not less than tens of thousands of yuan. , Hua Shao will come to Haozi's house to find you later!"

"Dabei! Where are you going, my house is on the left..."

Haozi suddenly shouted from the back row, the poor chubby was not with him, he was sitting alone between the two girls, but Zhao Guanren had already keenly discovered that this kid has always been well behaved and seems to be the same as Da Tingting. a pair.

"You show the way, how can I remember this broken place..."

Zhao Guanren turned around and drove into an old community. He followed the directions and came to a small courtyard. There was only one large bungalow in the courtyard. Haozi pushed the door and got out of the car energetically. door.

"Wait a moment!"

Zhao Guanren took out his wallet and said, "Da Tingting! Bring the camera, when will you get along with Haozi?"

"Yo~ you have sharp eyes..."

Da Tingting took out the card camera from the bag and handed it to him with a smile: "Haozi asked me to play with him, I will ask my brother-in-law to accept him as a younger brother, and we are just talking for the time being, you give me a thousand Just a dollar, I'll let my little sister accompany you to have a good time!"

"The price is quite affordable, but I want to have fun with you..."

Zhao Guanren turned on the camera to browse the photos, and sure enough, the first one was Gu Youyou. The beautiful mature woman beside her was naturally her mother, and her temperament was even better than that of Shi Xiaomei, but the photos were all taken in the toilet, and many girls and their parents were victimized.

"Ha~ You're awesome, even your sister Ting is so cool..."

Da Tingting folded her arms and said with a smile: "Da Bei! It's not that my sister looks down on you, you are lustful and courageous, but unfortunately you don't have any brains. If you pay another 50,000 yuan, your sister will settle your affairs for you, but I will If you're cool, at least 100,000!"

"You are so valuable..."

Zhao Guanren blew a breath of smoke on her face, Da Tingting raised her chest and said arrogantly: "Of course! My brother-in-law is Hua Shao, who dares to touch me if he doesn't nod his head, Haozi begs me like a dog all the time, I I didn't give it to him, 100,000 yuan is cheaper for you!"

"You can think about it, but I have something to ask you..."

Zhao Guanren took out more than 3,000 yuan and raised it in his hand, and asked, "You are also a man of the Tao. I spend money to buy news according to the rules, and I don't tell you what to say. Who is to blame me, and us. Those little films that were filmed have always been Hiroshi's tricks, right?"

"How stupid are you, the sixth class flower is Haozi who is messing with you. He knows that you have inherited the inheritance, and he deliberately asked Brother Niu to set you up..."

Da Tingting grabbed the money and said, "All the films you shoot will be given to my brother-in-law. Chen Jian has made Brother Niu do it several times in order to get the films back, you! Learn more from Haozi. He bought this small courtyard himself, and you made the money for him!"

"Tell your brother-in-law to bring the film and finish it..."

Zhao Guanren picked up the messenger bag and got out of the car, playing with his mobile phone and entering the yard. Da Tingting collected the money and happily followed.

"Da Bei! Cool, the covers are ready for you..."

Haozi leaned against the door of the room and laughed harmlessly. When Zhao Guanren walked into the room, he saw that two girls were drinking soda on the sofa and looked at him with a smile. The bedroom was set up as a projection room, and there were A dozen plastic chairs.

"I want to revisit the classics and miss the school days..."

Zhao Guanren threw a Huazi at random. Haozi ran into the bedroom with a smile. There was a computer connected to the projector. He also took out a basket of discs and threw them on the table. Hidden folders.

"Who is it? I think Ding Zi and his sister are the prettiest..."

Haozi, like the owner of the video room, lit a cigarette and raised Erlang's legs. Zhao Guanren walked over and saw that there were more than 30 folders on the screen. Tough little fat guy.

"Do you have a backup? I want to buy a copy to enjoy at home..."

Zhao Guanren walked over and sat next to Haozi, Haozi blew his smoke and said with a smile: "Dabei! We agreed at the beginning, only here for the brothers to appreciate, and never go outside, but who will let us both be good Brother, take a USB stick and copy it yourself, 10,000 yuan!"

"Then I'll look it up by myself, go and meet your boss..."

Zhao Guanren drove Haozi away and opened the folder, and there were a dozen photos, all of which were secretly photographed Su Xiao and her daughter, but there was only one video in it. Su Xiao was not pregnant yet, sleeping soundly on the bed alone, and even Han Beichen opened it. She doesn't know her clothes.

"I'm going! The shaking is really powerful..."

Zhao Guanren estimated that Han Beichen was too nervous, the screen shook like an earthquake, and the video was only over two minutes long, and he couldn't even see Su Xiao's face clearly. As soon as he arrived, Han Beichen disappeared as soon as he started to use it. No one knows who enters.

"Those little beasts, ten years is a light sentence for you..."

Zhao Guanren rummaged through the drawer and found two dilapidated digital cameras, which turned out to be negatives. It is estimated that it was the equipment that Haozi provided to the boys to tempt them to share their family members and then squeeze their money.

"Da Bei! My boss is here, come out quickly..."

Haozi suddenly shouted outside, but Zhao Guanren had already found a screwdriver, removed the hard drive and put it in a satchel, then turned on a camera to record mode, and hid it in the middle of the desk calendar on the table, and then he just stood there as if nothing had happened. stand up.

"You're deaf! Let you come out, can you hear..."

Haozi's attitude suddenly became fierce, and a group of men and women walked in outside the door. The men were all young social people, and they all smiled maliciously.


The elder brother Jin Lianzi, headed by him, is only in his thirties, he wears shirts and trousers like a young man, and puts his arms around a girl with heavy makeup and smiles: "Boss Xiao Han, you finally appeared, I thought you wanted to default on your debts, I'm about to take some time to go to your house to find you!"

"Master Hua! I dare not not come..."

Zhao Guanren took out two stacks of money from his bag and said, "You forced me to work in the sixth shift, and if I didn't make it, I broke my legs and filmed my scene. I've had enough of your threats, you guys. Give me the film, and I'll be unlucky for 20,000 yuan!"

"Twenty thousand? If it's less than 200,000, don't think of this door..."

Hua Shao stepped forward and sneered: "You have made so many girls from me, do you really think you don't need to pay me? You also promised to let your sister sleep with me, and if you don't have any money, give me the car and I'll give it to you. Convert it to 100,000 yuan, and give the rest another day!"

"Don't deceive people too much, I have already given you a lot of money, you are extorting..."

Zhao Guanren clenched his fists and trembled all over, and he gave him a kick when he came up with a flat head. As a result, he screamed exaggeratedly, knocked over the camera in the desk calendar, fell to the ground and shouted: "Don't hit me, I I really have no money!"

"Hand over the car if you don't have any money, do you hear..."

Hua Shao and the others frowned in confusion, not knowing where he had such a big reaction, but he jumped up again and slapped the table hard, crying, "Don't hit again, I beg you, ah! Help! , don't hit me with a knife!"

"Is this kid crazy?"

A group of people looked at him in disbelief, but Zhao Guanren suddenly took out the camera. After pressing the stop button, he took out the memory card and put it in his pocket. He also took out a throwing stick from the bag, grinning. Said: "Now I can practice with you, criminals!"

"You let the donkey kick your brain, and you dare to record..."

Hua Shao almost made him laugh angrily, and his subordinates also pulled out the machete. As a result, Zhao Guanren suddenly stepped forward, knocked over two people with a bang, followed by a flying foot and kicked Hua Shao's face, making him He fell to the ground with a nosebleed.

"Hack him!"

The three thugs shouted in anger, and even Haozi picked up a steel pipe, but in the blink of an eye, the three thugs fell to the ground screaming again. Zhao Guanren kicked his crotch.


Haozi clutched his crotch and screamed and fell to the ground. A few women outside the door screamed in fright, but just as he was about to run away, someone blocked the door, only to see Hua Shilong brought seven or eight brothers with him and said excitedly with a knife and stick. : "Ha~ Young Master Han! You're really good at it!"

"Block the door! Let me have a good time and talk about it..."

Zhao Guanren yanked the girl with heavy makeup, a big mouth turned her to the ground, Hua Shilong and others simply blocked the door, and Hua Shao, whose face was covered in blood, roared again, and actually took out a hand. The dagger slammed into Zhao Guanren's waist.

"Watch out!"

Hua Shilong shouted in shock, but Zhao Guanren smashed the dagger with a wave of his hand, kicked Hua Shao in the face, grabbed his hair and dragged it to the edge of the sofa, and raised his right arm. He broke his arm with a "click" sound.


Hua Shao howled piercingly, his eyes rolled over and he fainted. Who knew that Zhao Guanren would continue to shoot fiercely, breaking the arms of the five gangsters, and even Haozi's front teeth were knocked out. Now, in pain, he lay on the ground and cried.

"I go!"

Hua Shilong shrank back in fright, and the brothers he brought were even more speechless. The ruthlessness of this young man's attack shocked them all.


Zhao Guanren picked up a bowl of water and woke Hua Shao, stepped on his face and asked, "Where is the film, and what my classmates shot?"

"Me, my girlfriend's bag, and my home..."

Hua Shao shivered and burst into tears. He no longer dared to pretend to be a triad, and his girlfriend's face was swollen. He sat on the ground in horror, opened his bag, took out a box of three memory cards, and panicked. Zhang handed it to Zhao Guanren.

"I'm talking about some heartless guy who changed Buick's big run mark..."

Hua Shilong walked in and sneered: "Isn't this the original security guard of Huadu Ballroom, who specializes in blackmailing children, you are considered to be **** mold today, and you even knocked on our Young Master Han, Young Master Han! How to deal with it? Do you want to dig a few holes and bury them?"

"Don't! I was wrong, let me go..."

Hua Shao shouted in disgust, but Hua Shilong was just to scare him, and Zhao Guanren didn't dare to bury so many people even if Zhao Guanren gave one million.

"Don't fight with the rich. Two hundred thousand can buy you a leg..."

Zhao Guanren squatted down and patted his face, then turned back and said to Haozi, whose mouth was full of blood: "Haozi! Don't you like to see other people's mothers? I will go to your mother, but I will accept your girlfriend first, Dating. Ting! Take your sister with me!"

"Han, Young Master Han! It's none of our business, you know..."

Da Tingting cried and helped the girl with heavy makeup, Zhao Guanren scolded him before walking out, hugged Hua Shilong to the corner of the courtyard, and said, "I want to negotiate with people, you support the scene for me, don't cut people, If you don’t fight, you will spend 100,000 hard work every day, up to five days!”

"Damn it! What kind of business are you doing? Of course you did such a good thing..."

The flower dung dragon nodded hastily, Zhao Guanren hugged him and whispered again, and then called out Sister Da Tingting again, and took them to the car to leave...

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