One Step to The End

Chapter 1569: revenge

"Don't take the opportunity to transform, I can kill you if I transform..."

Zhao Guanren took Brother Xiong's two broken legs back, only to see that granulation slowly grew out of the wound, and actually connected the broken legs, but he groaned twice in great pain, and the broken legs also moved twice. , the wound also miraculously followed.

"Very good at playing, two mobile phones..."

Zhao Guanren took out the mobile phone in Brother Xiong’s pocket. One should be for daily use. The text messages are all conversations between friends and women, while the other one does not have any text messages, and the number is not signed, but one of them is from Cao Dong online phone.

"Go ahead! My question is quite simple..."

Zhao Guanren picked up his mobile phone and looked at Brother Xiong, Brother Xiong gasped and said: "My boss is called Tengu, he is waiting for news at Pier No. 2, the plan is to create more monsters, more panic, and then our organization will come forward to clean it up. Machines infiltrate and take over regions!"

"Who are you fooling?"

Zhao Guanren raised his knife and pointed at him, and said, "Tiangou has gone to pick up Cao Dong, he is just an errand, don't expect anyone to save you, King Kong has already been killed by us, if you don't tell the truth, I will chop you up!"

"Don't bluff me, I don't know who King Kong is, but King Kong is a fifth-level body. Once he makes a move, he will make a lot of noise..."

Brother Xiong said sternly: "We call each other by code names, many people have never met, my boss is Tengu, and the boss of Tengu is called Ba Ye, I have never met him, and Linchuan has been abandoned, no longer Carry out any plan, we're here to dig you out!"

Zhao Guanren pointed to the back and smiled: "Do you know what that **** stole, how dare you bring a few people to catch her?"

"I know there may be an ambush, but everyone wants to wash the marrow pill, I can only take risks..."

Brother Xiong shook his head helplessly, and Zhao Guanren said ironically, "Xishui Dan? Who came up with such a fantastic name, do you still want to become immortal?"

"We never thought about becoming an immortal, but it's okay to live for another hundred years..."

Brother Xiong moved his body and said: "Suijue Dan can make us evolve and no longer suffer from low-level mutations. In fact, we don't want to kill people and set fires, but our transformation has failed. It hurts to death!"

Zhao Guanren asked again, "What's the name of Tiangu and what is his identity?"

"Boss! Help me..."

Brother Xiong suddenly looked out of the door in surprise, but just as Zhao Guanren turned around, two bone spurs grew on his feet, and he kicked Zhao Guanren violently, but Zhao Guanren cut his leg with a knife, He turned around gracefully.

"Do you think I'm stupid, I've used this trick badly..."

Zhao Guanren sneered disdainfully, but Brother Xiong roared again, and suddenly raised a right leg that only had a knee. A small, stumbling bone spur suddenly grew on the knee, and it was also connected to minced meat and black tendons. But it pierced his head.

"Why, why can't you just say something if you have something to say..."

Zhao Guanren shook his head depressedly, turned around and walked to Ma 6's car, Yoyo's mother and her best friend both got under the car, Yoyo's mother shivered instinctively, and said with a smile that was uglier than crying: "Dad! Thank you. You saved me again!"

"Come out, you idiot..."

Zhao Guanren suddenly pulled her out. Mother Youyou didn't know what was going on. Who knew that her ankle was suddenly grabbed by someone. When she turned her head in surprise, her grim-faced girlfriend turned out to have black tendons on her face. bit her calf.


Zhao Guanren chopped off Chen Fei's hand with one knife, pulled out Shi Jinlan and threw it aside, and Chen Fei roared from under the car, crawling out like a female ghost, not only his face was covered with twisted black tendons, but also Both eyes turned blood red.

"Chen Fei!!"

Shi Jinlan covered her mouth and screamed in horror, but Chen Fei didn't care about her broken arm at all, she screamed at Zhao Guanren again, Zhao Guanren frowned and pierced her heart, Chen Fei slapped her whole body hard, and slapped her with a single claw. His knife slapped open.

'What a lot of strength, corpse transformation within ten minutes, highly effective corpse poison...'

Zhao Guanren murmured to himself, and stabbed Chen Fei's head with a knife. Chen Fei knelt down in front of him, and roared twice with a black mouth, then fell to the ground without moving, scared. Shi Jinlan shivered wildly.

"When did you get hurt, I didn't see it..."

Zhao Guanren squatted down in confusion, Shi Jinlan came over and said in a trembling voice: "When you appeared, Chen Fei got up and wanted to run back, I saw Brother Xiong's hand raised, she screamed and fell to the ground, and then I got under the car with her!"

"Poison Dart!"

Zhao Guanren walked to the front of the car and picked up a small poison dart, and said, "Shi Jinlan! This poison dart was shot at you. Your unlucky best friend blocked it for you, but you sold black cotton, cheating your girlfriend's money, and your character is rare. Bro, don't call me dad again, I don't have a shameless daughter like you!"

"No! Black heart cotton is not mine, those goods belong to others..."

Shi Jinlan said embarrassedly: "Chen Fei is not a good thing, she is stealing my husband behind her back, half of my family's bankruptcy is because of her, I just got my money back, and I was kidnapped, all because of her. Whistleblowing!"

"But you found her when you were desperate, which shows that you have a bad character and no friends..."

Zhao Guanren shook his head contemptuously, Shi Jinlan bit his lip and stopped talking, but Zhao Guanren wiped off the fingerprints on the poison dart again, inserted it back into Chen Fei's body, and finally took out the money bag from the car and pulled it out. Shi Jinlan's passport was thrown at her.

"This, this is my money..."

Shi Jinlan pointed weakly at the big bag, and Zhao Guanren said disdainfully: "Do you want face? This is the money I stole from the monster, and it has something to do with you. If you don't go to the community, you say I'm not a good thing, you deserve to be beaten like a dog!"

"How did you know, did my sister tell you..."

Shi Jinlan raised her head in surprise, Zhao Guanren stepped forward and suddenly unzipped her jacket, actually took out a small flat box from the inner pocket, and said, "The tracker told me that you dare to steal with your brain. If I come one step late, you will die!"

"I don't know, it's the first time I've encountered this kind of thing, woo..."

Shi Jinlan immediately covered her face and cried bitterly, but Zhao Guanren put on the big bag and left, went forward and pulled out two bone spurs, and said without looking back: "Don't blame me for not warning you, the police will come later or the monsters will come, you Either die or go to jail!"

"Wait for me! Dad, Dad..."

Shi Jinlan hurriedly shouted and chased out, but who knew that Zhao Guanren walked into a grass, got out from the cut railing, went into the alley and opened an off-road vehicle, I don't know when he changed the car. , Shi Jinlan quickly drilled up.

"Why are you following, hurry up and run your way..."

Zhao Guanren took out tens of thousands of dollars from his bag and threw it to her. Shi Jinlan cried and said, "I'm sorry! I thought you were a bad person, and you were with the monster's traitor, so I didn't listen to you. You took me to find me. Sister, please, Daddy!"

"You can pull it down, I will cut off the relationship between father and daughter with you..."

Zhao Guanren drove away from the alley in disdain, Shi Jinlan took a sip of water from the car, quietly looked him up and down from the corner of his eye, and asked tentatively, "The warehouse is mine, the police will definitely find me, Can you help me think of a way?"

"Not happy! Not happy! I'm the most annoying **** like you being smart..."

"People are afraid, they don't know you, I promise I won't dare next time..."

Shi Jinlan pouted pitifully, her expression was exactly the same as her daughter's, and her tone was the same as that of her sister, and the two sisters were also similar in six or seven points, but Shi Xiaomei was a hot and **** girl, and Shi Jinlan's temperament was even better. It has the smell of a white-collar royal sister.

"Good brother-in-law! Smoking..."

Shi Jinlan suddenly rolled her eyes, and affectionately helped Zhao Guanren to light a cigarette.

"Stop doing this! My sister and I are innocent, whiter than your thighs..."

Zhao Guanren took a breath and said: "But you are in big trouble, you heard what Brother Xiong said, you stole what they all wanted, and your identity was exposed, monsters will come to you continuously, today I'll let you hide in the community for a night, and ask for more happiness tomorrow!"

"Brother! Just show me a clear path, I will listen to you in everything..."

Shi Jinlan patted her thigh sadly, but Zhao Guanren turned on the music, shaking her head and humming, ignoring her, until he stopped outside the previous community and let Shi Jinlan go down.

"Take the stairs! I'm your dad..."

After Zhao Guanren finished speaking, he kicked the accelerator and drove away. Shi Jinlan stomped angrily, so she had to put tens of thousands of dollars in her arms and quickly ran into the community. There is a fingerprint lock on the security door.

"I'm your father, it should be..."

Shi Jinlan bent down and muttered, and tentatively entered 594088, the security door opened with a "ding bell", and her eyes suddenly lit up.

"Bastard! I'll be a bully, one day I'll be your mother..."

Shi Jinlan scolded and opened the security door, but when she looked inside, she was overjoyed. Her daughter and sister were actually waiting in the living room.

"Mom! You're back..."

Gu Youyou jumped up from the sofa suddenly, and Mother Youyou burst into tears with excitement and rushed over to hug her daughter and cry.

Shi Xiaomei hurriedly closed the door and sighed, "Ah~ sister! You can't discuss with me if you have anything to do. If you don't come back, you'll be beaten in the face. Are you happy now?"

"Wow~ I'm scared to death, do you know how many people died..."

Youyou's mother was crying and wiping her tears, Gu Youyou hurriedly asked what was going on, but Shi Xiaomei pulled her away and said, "Your mother ran into a monster, fortunately you ran into Xiaobei, go watch TV in your room, I'll talk to your mother Talk about an adult!"

"Mom! Don't cry, it's all right, Beibei is very capable..."

Gu Youyou comforted a few words in distress, walked into the bedroom obediently and closed the door, Shi Xiaomei then pulled her sister into the kitchen and said, "Don't talk about monsters in front of Youyou, Xiaobei killed a lot of monsters for me, The monster has been looking for him!"

"What's the matter, are you also being targeted by monsters..."

Youyou's mother looked at her in surprise, and Shi Xiaomei recounted her experience, and finally added: "So we have affected Xiaobei, not Xiaobei, but I really didn't expect you to have something to do with it. Wait for Xiaobei to come over and talk about it!"

"Sister! Do you think he is Han Beichen, can a child be like him..."

Youyou's mother whispered: "Brother Xiong let him cut off his limbs, and Chen Fei also let him stab him to death, he is just like no one, and he thinks and acts as an adult male, more old than the old hooligan, anyway. I think he is definitely not Han Beichen!"

"We can admit the wrong person, but will Yoyo admit it? That's her classmate..."

Shi Xiaomei smiled bitterly and said, "Maybe this is the genius boy. The death of his father made him grow up overnight. In short, he will not hurt us and will protect us, but he is a little careful. If you want to slap him in the afternoon, he must have deliberately done so. Fix you!"

"No wonder, I said why he always dislikes me..."

Youyou's mother rolled her eyes and said, "But he also took a lot of risk to save me, and he was determined not to make money. I'm afraid he came for Yunyou, but he is too dangerous, little boy. Mei! Let's go tomorrow, or he will hurt Yoyo!"

Shi Xiaomei said in surprise: "Go? Where can you go, the monster group is very powerful?"

"I know! It's more dangerous to stay with him..."

Youyou's mother said in a hurry: "We have to take Youyou away, and leave at dawn, and I have a way to deal with monsters, as long as I sell the Xisui Dan, the monsters will not only stop killing me, but will also give me A lot of money and we can sit back and relax!"

"What is the Washing Marrow Pill..."

Shi Xiaomei looked at her in confusion, and Yoyo's mother whispered: "I hid it on the top of your toilet, they thought it was one, but I actually have two, one ten million, you will get it later, Give one to Han Beichen, and the monster will hunt him down!"

"Sister! You will avenge your kindness..."

"What kind of revenge is revenge, whether he likes it or not, go! Listen to me..."


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