One Step to The End

Chapter 1609: Requiem Bell

"Kill me!"

Qianhe raised his two knives and let out a coquettish shout. The overwhelming aura shocked the whole building, but the next second it was cold. The promise and Xiaofeng outside the door were no longer visible, and the double eagles showed their heads and ran away. In the living room, only Jiang Lei and Wang Huanshui were left with stiff faces.

"You don't want to live, kill him for me..."

Qianhe stared at the two of them in shock and anger, Wang Huanshui did not speak, and Jiang Lei also murmured: "Anyway, no one can run away, or... Let's wait until Master Man comes, after all, there are some things that haven't happened yet. To figure it out, let’s first listen to what Master Man means!”

"Pfft~ Hahaha..."

Zhao Guanren suddenly laughed loudly and said: "What are you pretending to do at night, this young master is embarrassed for you, the Panshan Building is my site, no one will end for you when the car overturns, hurry up and call the barbarian over, otherwise I'll cut you into thousand crane noodles!"

"You two wait for me, I will kill him and settle the account with you..."

Qianhe sprinted towards Zhao Guanren with one kick. Who knew that Zhao Guanren would run away, but Qianhe stabbed the wall with a knife. The bone knife went through the wall in an instant, straight into Zhao Guanren in the corridor, and even punched the wall. Blast a hole in the face.

"The monster is upstairs, everyone is ready to fight..."

Zhao Guanren nimbly dodged the attack, shouted and rushed out of the building of Building 1. Many people gathered in the parking lot to discuss, and immediately exploded when they heard the shouting. The men and women quickly copied the guys and formed a team. And Qianhe also rushed out suddenly.

"We are the apostles of the Society of God, and we were ordered to arrest Han Beichen..."

Qianhe jumped to the top of a car, and two tertiary bodies jumped out from the left and right sides, standing murderously on the low wall, and Qianhe said loudly: "Those who obstruct the divine meeting will be killed. Helpers will be sheltered by the God Society!"

"What's the matter? Why did a mutant girl pop up again..."

The men all looked at Zhao Guanren in confusion, Zhao Guanren stood in the open space and smiled: "These monsters and Lao Shui are not the same group, they are the ones who released the corpse poison, these monsters are insane, all of them have the formation of killing the king! "


The men shouted in unison, and it was completely instinctive to raise their shields and spears. In the blink of an eye, they were divided into a bunch of seemingly scattered formations, and the women also ran upstairs very quickly, pulling bows and arrows to catch nets. People have the slightest hesitation.

"You dare to go against the gods because of you, you are simply seeking your own death..."

Qianhe said coldly: "Huansha! Double eagles! Fire phoenix! I'll give you one last chance to take down Han Beichen's dog's head before Man Ye arrives. tonight!"

"Little bastard! Who are you talking to, see if someone is taking care of you..."

Zhao Guanren sneered again: "The trapped beast in the cage still wants to be majestic, forget how he got here, didn't we empty the living corpse, do you have a chance to drive over, this battle is for you, I have already I've been waiting for you for a long time!"

"Bitch! I'll let you pay your debts with blood tonight..."

A loud curse suddenly sounded from upstairs, and two men suddenly fell from the sky, smashing heavily on the ground in front of Building No. 2, one of them was Captain Chen Guangzhi Chen, and the survivors he brought along, both of them were Broken head.


Qianhe looked up in surprise, and saw Hua Shilong standing at the window on the sixth floor, staring at her with a grim face, but Su Xiao's mother and daughter were still standing beside him, and Qianhe immediately shouted: " Man! Su Xiao is not on the fourth floor, they are on the sixth..."


An explosion suddenly came from the fourth floor, the window of Shi Xiaomei's house shattered, and a figure was thrown out by the strong firelight, and fell heavily into the center of the parking lot, but he had not yet completed his transformation, and a left arm had been blown up. Rotten.


Zhao Guanren shouted and rushed up, Qianhe also yelled at Man Ye, and shot at Zhao Guanren almost desperately, and the mutant who fell to the ground was obviously the second character Manzi, and he hurriedly rolled out. .

"Where to run!"

Zhao Guanren rushed up to raise the knife and was about to split, but Qianhe's speed was not unpleasant. As soon as he raised his hand, he shot the bone knife in his left arm, but she did not expect that Zhao Guanren's target was her. right under her.


The long knife suddenly slashed through the bend of Qianhe's leg, and cut off her right calf with a single slash. Qianhe, who was in the air, let out a scream, and fell on the ground and rolled out, but the barbarian didn't care about her at all. Break out like a cow.


The barbarian suddenly knocked over a team of fighters with top shields. His arrogant power was as his name suggests. His body grew rapidly, and he turned into a gigantic beast in his breath. Several nets failed to stop him. He, let him rush to the edge of the parking lot.

"Master Man, hurry up, I'll stop..."

A third-level body suddenly jumped off the low wall and shot at Zhao Guanren frantically with a bone spur. The barbarian jumped up and rushed downstairs, but no one expected that a bone knife suddenly stabbed out of the building and stabbed at once. He slid into Barbarian's chin and pierced his head directly.


The barbarian spat out a large mouthful of blood, and the bone knife was suddenly withdrawn from his chin. He flew into the sky as if he had received an uppercut, but the attacker who attacked him also jumped out from below, standing coldly. On the low wall, it was a fourth-level body again.


The barbarian slammed his head up and fell to the ground. Qianhe and her men turned their heads in surprise and saw that the fourth-level body was not Jiang Lei, who had nowhere to go, but Wang Huanshui, who had mutated. He shouted murderously, "Kill them, a Don't let it go!"

"Old Shui! Powerful..."

Zhao Guanren smiled and gave a thumbs up. At this time, he heard the sound of "dong" again, and the head of a third-level body was chopped off. Jiang Lei also transformed into a shot, and Shuangying was naturally no problem. Shuangshuang rushed to the last tertiary body.

"You **** traitors, die for me..."

Qianhe, who had a broken leg, sat on the ground and screamed loudly. She raised her arms like a madman and wanted to shoot. Who knew that a cold light flashed in front of her, and her arms were chopped off at the elbows. She screamed again and fell down. On the ground, he stared at the promise in shock.

"You always look high, do you think you are amazing..."

The mutated promise stepped on her chest and said coldly: "A little corpse king kicked King Kong away, and his whereabouts are still unknown, but you all escaped like dogs, and you still want to pull us into the water, really Brainless idiot!"

Qianhe asked painfully: "Why did you betray the Shenhui, are you from Sun Zhengcheng?"

"You're so sad, I said that you still don't understand, none of us are..."

Xu Nuo glared and said: "We are a group of survivors, just trying to survive, you killed Han Beichen and who would take us away, just rely on you idiots, you are also poor wretches who are still dying, and you still want to make a contribution to the end of your life. , I've never seen you so stupid!"

"What did you say?"

Qianhe asked in disbelief: "Is it just to live, you are all evolutionaries, you can kill with a little unity, and living corpses can't stop you!"

"Promise! Don't tell her, she didn't realize the seriousness..."

Wang Huanshui came with the **** bone knife, lowered his head and said, "Qianhe! I always thought you were a very shrewd woman, but I didn't expect you to be just like that. I told you on the walkie-talkie that a little corpse king almost Destroy us as a group, how dare you be so naive!"

"It is your honor to sacrifice for the God Society, have you forgotten the oath you took before joining the society..."

Qianhe roared with split eyes: "King Kong is not dead, he is gathering our subordinates, he will know everything that happens here, you **** traitors, all of you will be beheaded by him, and your soul will also be there Tormented in hell, forever and ever!"

"Have you ever been to hell, I've been to..."

Zhao Guanren came over and sneered: "I can tell you responsibly that after you die, you will enter the opposite side of this world, and those who have been killed and hurt by you will come to greet you, but you can't see me, and only those who do evil will project. In hell!"

Qianhe said grimly: "Don't bluff me, I will go to heaven, and the messenger of God will come to pick me up!"

"Have you seen the copper bell on the wall? It's a requiem bell, with or without a bell..."

Zhao Guanren pointed to Building No. 2 and said loudly: "Normal people can't hear its sound, only the ghost can ring it. If you regret or are afraid later, you can ring the requiem bell. The bell will teach you A way to avoid the pursuit!"


Everyone turned their heads and looked over in amazement. There was a copper bell hanging outside the window on the second floor. There was no impactor inside the bell. There was only a triangular yellow paper talisman hanging on a thin rope, which was hung by Zhao Guanren himself, but everyone always thought that he It's just superstition.

"If you have another life, remember to be a good person and don't go astray again..."

Zhao Guanren stepped back and waved his hand gently, Jiang Lei immediately stabbed it with a knife, resulting in the death of Qianhe. This knife was even his name, and he was determined to work with Zhao Guanren and the others, and Wang Huanshui and the others could only do it. put all one's eggs in one basket.


Jiang Lei let out a sigh of turbidity, pulled out the bone knife and said in confusion, "Young Master Han! How did you know they would come? Barbarian just wanted to kidnap Su Xiao, right?"

"The only police walkie-talkie is in Chen Guangzhi's hands. The civilian walkie-talkie can't hear the police frequency, but Ke Xuelin had her walkie-talkie repaired and accidentally discovered that he was contacting Qianhe..."

Zhao Guanren leaned on the knife and said: "What is the anti-pornography operation, rescue the survivors without authorization, it's all a plan that I discussed with Ke Xuelin, just to provide convenience for Chen Guangzhi and find the secret agent who connected with him, but I didn't expect Qianhe to be easy. Rong, and poisoned innocents!"

Xu Nuo said in surprise, "Ah? Then didn't we wrong Officer Ke?"

"It's not that I wronged me, Beichen stopped me in time..."

Ke Xuelin came out with the grenade launcher and smiled bitterly: "I really didn't think about what I did, fortunately I made up for it by accident and found out the cancer in the police force, but if I'd been more vigilant, Sister Hua and the others wouldn't Killed!"

"You've done a great job, we didn't even know she was coming..."

Wang Huanshui asked solemnly, "Young Master Han! Have you heard about King Kong's whereabouts? He didn't even show up when the barbarian died. It stands to reason that he either died or escaped, but I was afraid that he would also keep an eyeliner, and another one would appear. Chen Guangzhi is incredible!"

"King Kong is a fifth-level body after all, and he has already escaped from the city..."

Zhao Guanren said: "Chen Guangzhi used the radio to contact King Kong. He hid in the previously sealed flower garden, and his subordinates suffered heavy casualties. Only Heiyue and two horses were left, so Qianhe thought she could go out too, but Chen Guangzhi did not. Said that the corpse tide had crossed the border, and King Kong lost contact again!"

"It's good to lose contact, but don't make any more fools..."

Wang Huanshui and the others were all relieved, but who knew that it suddenly rained in the sky, everyone carried basins and buckets without any instructions, and happily welcomed the arrival of the rain. It's as simple as a corpse.

"Damn! This guy is not a barbarian, and he is not a fourth-level body..."

The eagle suddenly shouted in surprise. The expressions of Jiang Lei and the others changed dramatically, and they rushed to the corpse that was assassinated by Wang Huanshui, but Zhao Guanren took out a flashlight and rushed to the low wall to take a picture downstairs. A large, lonely figure was found.

"Han Beichen! If you don't die this time, we will meet again..."

The fourth-level mutant raised his head, and the flashlight suddenly shone at the crossroads. There were two corpses with different heads. The blood was constantly flowing from the poles, which had already attracted the nearby living corpses. It kept ringing.

"Bastard! The barbarian wants to lure the corpse king over..."

Jiang Lei and the others were lying on the low wall angrily. If the corpse king did not come, they would be re-surrounded by the group of corpses, but Zhao Guanren followed the intersection diagonally opposite and shouted: "Listen to my advice, go there to survive. , believe me, father will not lie to son!"


The barbarian snorted and shot in the opposite direction, quickly disappearing into the darkness, Jiang Lei hurriedly turned his head and said, "Shuangying! You guys should bring people down to collect the corpse. There is a big corpse king in that direction, bring it to us. But it's all over!"

"What's the hurry! It's raining, get a bar of soap, I'm just washing my hair..."

Zhao Guanren happily took off his shirt. Who knew that there was a sudden "ding" sound, and hundreds of people froze in unison. Unbelievably, they looked at the second floor of Building No. 2, the requiem bell that never rang. It swayed back and forth...

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