One Step to The End

Chapter 1644: news of death

"Dong dong dong..."

The sound of intermittent explosions came one after another, and the thick smoke rising into the sky and even the roar of corpses one after another could be seen from a distance, but Su Xiao had already taken the attitude of a strong woman and took the town's leadership team to appease the impetuous. people's hearts.

"Did you hear it? The gunfire is getting farther and farther, and we have turned the situation around..."

Standing in the open space outside the air raid shelter, Su Xiao said loudly to the crowd of Wuyangyang: "I have always been rewarded and punished clearly. The militiamen who have just escaped have all recorded demerits and punishments. I'm going back to the camp!"


Dozens of militiamen quickly gathered in front of her, but the mayor hurriedly said: "Director Su! Young Master Han is still on the front line, and he doesn't know how the battle is going. Let's wait for the news from Lieutenant Chen, it's a matter of going back now. It's useless!"

"You're afraid to stay here, but our Han family has no cowards..."

Su Xiao pointed at the foot of the mountain and said, "We've been in formation for so long, and we won't let the enemy rush over easily, but the living corpses don't have eyes. If they rush into the town, who will be responsible for the mess? But our home, come with me!"

"Go! Follow Director Su and protect your homeland..."

The sycophants quickly raised their arms and waved high, and the **** men also shouted, and followed the high-spirited Su Xiao down the mountain.

"Director Su!"

The two soldiers hurried up and shouted: "No, there are mutants running over, and Lieutenant Chen died!"

Su Xiao pretended to be surprised and exclaimed, "What's going on, is Chen Xiao dead?"

"We are all concentrating on dealing with the living corpses, but I don't know where two mutants appeared..."

The soldier panted and said: "The mutants suddenly attacked Lieutenant Chen's command car. Lieutenant Chen's car rolled into the river, and the grenade he wanted to throw didn't go out, it exploded directly in the car, and we even fished out the body. If you don't come up, the two mutants also ran away!"


Su Xiao scolded angrily: "Those damned scumbags, I will never let them go, how is the battle ahead, is there any news about Han Beichen?"

"I don't know! I only know that they were ambushed and suffered heavy casualties..."

The soldier said angrily: "The enemy has already fled, and the fortifications built by Han Shao are very effective. Only a small number of living corpses ran over with such a big movement, but the road was blocked by living corpses, and it would be difficult for them to return even if they were safe and sound. , there must be a traitor who betrayed Young Master Han!"

"I will definitely find out the traitor and avenge the fallen soldiers. Let's go..."

Su Xiao gritted her teeth and walked down the mountain. She used the power at hand to win over a lot of people to work for her. At this time, when everyone heard the enemy ran away, they came down together. Su Xiao almost called forward. Back in the back of the town.

"The workers went to the middle school to clean up the dormitory, and asked all the officers, soldiers and police to come and gather..."

Su Xiao strode to the small square in front of the school. There were not many living corpses outside the town, and they were not dangerous. More than 300 soldiers quickly lined up in front of her, and more than 20 police officers also counted. When they arrived, the four chariots all came back.

"The enemy has already attacked the door, but we must first stabilize and stabilize the morale of the army before we can take revenge..."

Su Xiao delivered a righteous and awe-inspiring speech, and her speaking skills were almost the same as Zhao Guanren's. She quickly reorganized the soldiers, and quickly expanded the size of the militia battalion. All of them were handed over to her cronies, and then all leaders were called for a meeting. .

It's getting dark!

But the missing Zhao Guanren still has no news, and none of the old brothers have come back, but Qiaotou Town has recovered, and everyone is talking about Zhao Guanren's life and death, but his office is full of people, but the people sitting in it have changed. Become Su Xiao.

"Director Su! There is an urgent document that needs your signature..."

A gentle man with glasses suddenly walked in, walked over to Su Xiao and opened the folder, but there were only three words on the white paper - Han is dead!


Su Xiao raised her brows suddenly, took the folder and covered it, and said, "Okay! Everyone, let's go back to dinner first, we must calm the emotions of the people, and we will have a regular meeting tomorrow morning. We are determined to win the granary in Baihe Town. !"

"Director Su! You should rest early too, Han Shaoji will be safe and sound..."

The leaders got up and left the office one after another, Sven Man chuckled and closed the door, walked back to Su Xiao and said in a low voice, "Master Jin appointed me as your contact person, he is waiting for you by the radio station, Han Beichen's head I'll bring it to you tonight!"

"You go out too, I told him myself, and told the secretary that I didn't see anyone..."

Su Xiao waved her hand impatiently. After the gentleman walked out with a smile, she immediately shredded the white paper in the folder, followed the locked door into the lounge, sat in front of the desk and turned on a radio station. Put on the headset and operate it skillfully.

"Hey! Zhou Haichuan, what do you mean..."

Su Xiao picked up the cigarette on the table and lit a cigarette, only to hear King Kong laughing in the headset: "I didn't believe you were an ambitious woman before, but now you've finally revealed your true self, are you satisfied now, I can take it personally Send your little husband's head over here!"

"I'll reiterate it to you again, that little hooligan is a gangster, not my husband..."

Su Xiao leaned back on the chair and said coldly, "I know very well what calculus you are playing. You need a lot of grain and weapons to recruit troops and buy horses. You are here for the Baihe grain depot. I can give you some of it, but your claws will not be enough. It's best not to reach out, I know how to mobilize the corpse tide!"

"Ha~ It seems that you have learned a lot from the hooligan..."

King Kong smiled and said, "Su Xiao! For the sake of a lover, I won't play hard with you. I want half of Baihe's food, or I'll send Han Beichen's head over and tell everyone that you betrayed you. If you don't know him, then you will be yelled at by everyone!"

"You don't need to scare me, I'm not the Su Xiao of the year..."

Su Xiao took a breath and said, "Don't do things that you regret, but don't forget that I can still contact the army, but I can give you half of the food, and even help you negotiate with my ex-husband, I am the only one who can The person who helped you, Brother King Kong!"

"You are such a terrible woman. I am all thanks to you today. I hope you will have the last laugh..."

"It must be me who has the last laugh, but cooperation is the best policy. I wish you a good dream..."

Su Xiaomi smiled and turned off the radio, then got up and looked out of the dim window, and said with a smile, "Han Beichen! You are absolutely right, a good team knows what to do, no matter if there is a commander or not, thank you. You fulfilled me!"

"Dong dong dong..."

There was a sudden knock on the door, Su Xiao snuffed out the cigarette butt, took a deep breath, and walked out to open the door, only to see Zhou Yangduo walk in and close the door, anxiously pulling her to the sofa sit down.

"Mom! What are you doing..."

Zhou Yangduo asked anxiously: "Beibei's life and death are unknown now, but you have withdrawn all the people he arranged. People say that you are ruthless and you start to fight for inheritance without seeing the corpse. Have you ever loved? He, or are you in love with someone else again?"

"Duoduo! Han Beichen violated me. I tried to love him in the past, but I couldn't..."

Su Xiao shook his head helplessly and said: "I really can't fall in love with a gangster, if it wasn't to protect you, I wouldn't bow to him at all, and he's just a bastard, he plays with women outside our backs, Chen Xiao His belly made him big!"

Zhou Yangduo covered his mouth in surprise and said, "How could this happen, when did he get along with Chen Xiao?"

"Chen Xiao often goes out with him, people see their car shaking, and the dancer..."

Su Xiao took her hand and said, "Duoduo! I know you love him, but he is really not a good person. He is a wolf in sheep's clothing. Prepare for the worst. Let him run away, we will depend on each other for our lives again, we must live well!"

"Don't say such things, okay, Beibei will be fine..."

Zhou Yangduo shook off her hand and cried, "Mom! Why do I feel like you've changed? You and Beibei were in love with each other before, and you want to give him another daughter. Is it all from the show, you? If you are pregnant again, are you ready to kill it?"

"Duoduo! You can't ignore my pain just because you love him..."

Su Xiao said with red eyes: "Han Beichen threatened me with you, there is another face in front of me, if you don't believe me, go ask Shi Xiaomei, he pulled Shi Xiaomei with a belt, put his foot in her mouth, and burned me with a cigarette butt. Do you want me to take off my pants and show you?"

Zhou Yangduo was stunned: "What? He, he scalded you with a cigarette butt, why did he do this?"

"Duoduo! Han Beichen is perverted, he bit me and pinched me, forcing me to call him dad..."

Su Xiao tore off her shirt with tears streaming down her face. Her left chest was indeed bruised, but then she had to get up and take off her trousers.

Zhou Yangduo hurriedly pressed her back, hugged her and cried, "Don't take it off, I believe it!"

"Duoduo! Han Beichen didn't forget my grudge against his father, he kept me just to torture me..."

Su Xiao also hugged her and cried, "I almost turned against him when I was in Panshan, but for you, I could only bear it with gritted teeth, let him vent his animalistic desires on me, and forced a smile in front of him, so he Not only am I not saddened to die, I am even glad that I am finally freed!"

Zhou Yangduo choked: "Mom! Why didn't you tell me earlier, why did you hide it from me?"

"You love him so much, and Han Beichen is so good at acting, what can I say..."

Su Xiao stroked her head and sobbed: "I'm an old woman, as long as he doesn't kill me, he will survive through gritted teeth, but he did a good thing before he died, at least he left it for us. A shelter, Duoduo, you have to work hard, Mom will count on you in the future!"

"Mom! I won't let you be wronged again..."

Zhou Yangduo stood up and wiped away her tears and said, "But I hope you can treat the baby well, he is Beichen's only blood, don't blame him for your resentment, if Beichen comes back, I... I will definitely have a showdown with him. of!"

"Fool! The baby is the flesh that fell from my body. I love him as much as I love you..."

Su Xiao dragged her and said something for a while, and didn't go out and go back to the bedroom until late at night.

Unexpectedly, Shi Xiaomei ran up and crawled, crying and shouting: "Su Xiao! Beichen has an accident. A mutant ran over and threw a box with his head in it!"


Zhou Yangduo's eyes rolled over and fainted on the ground, so frightened Su Xiao squatted down in a hurry, and said in a hurry, "Shi Xiaomei, don't cry, let the guards get rid of his head, so that no one can know that Beichen is dead, otherwise the camp will be resettled. Must be messed up!"

"Woo~ I'm not going, I don't want to see his head..."

Shi Xiaomei also cried and slumped on the ground. After Zhou Yangduo woke up leisurely, Su Xiao hurriedly asked Shi Xiaomei to take care of her. She hurried downstairs and quickly found her cronies to deal with her head. no…

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