One Step to The End

Chapter 1671: eighteen

at dusk.

The bombing outside the county had already ended, and the roars of corpses could not be heard one after another. The only thing that could be seen was the flames rising into the sky from a distance. It seemed that fires were burning in many places, and black smoke filled the entire industrial area. Burnt barbecue flavor.

"This army fights in a well-structured way, fight once, stop once, stop, burn once, master..."

The survivors of the baths gathered by the window, still chatting excitedly, while Zhao Guanren sat behind a tea table, a slender tea master sat opposite him, wearing a small cheongsam with blue flowers on a white background, elegant. Show him a tea ceremony.

"Brother Bei! Someone brought it, and they are all hiding in the hotel next door..."

Xu Nuo suddenly came up from the downstairs, only to see that Xue Ming and his wife were leading more than ten strange men and women, most of them were young and middle-aged men and women, but there was also a brown-haired foreigner, but the people in the bath were not surprised at all. I already knew they existed.

"They have factory security, shareholders, and engineers, but it's all on the bright side..."

He promised to go to the table and handed over a stack of documents, and said, "Three of them are members of the Shenhui periphery. They are responsible for covering the operation of the black factory. !"

Zhao Guanren picked up the documents and flipped through them, and asked, "How big is it, can it be extended to a tire factory?"

"Let me translate, our engineers are foreigners..."

Chen Meijun led the foreigner men and women to the front and started chatting to them, but Zhao Guanren spread out a map and said in English, "Your oral English is not good enough, how large the underground factory is, mark it!"


Chen Meijun coughed in embarrassment, and the foreign engineer immediately stepped forward to grab a pen and drew a circle and a diagonal line.

"I don't know how big it is. I was blindfolded and sent to the equipment room..."

The foreigner straightened up and said, "Below the plastic factory is just a laboratory. After entering, you have to take a golf cart. The real main building should be in a mountain, but I have a good sense of space. I think it is about 800 meters northeast. !"

"Let me guess..."

Zhao Guanren said with a playful smile: "The reason why you feel like you have entered the mountain is because you saw an old-fashioned air-raid shelter, and the equipment room is very tall. If it is an underground building, such a big project can't be hidden from the surrounding villagers!"

"Hey~ have you ever been down..."

The foreigner said in surprise: "It would be amazing if not, you are absolutely right, the equipment room is more than ten meters high, I felt the uphill, a very long uphill, so I thought I entered the mountain, not Go underground!"

"I'm just guessing, promise! You summarize their information..."

Zhao Guanren threw a cigar to the foreigner, promised to beckon the newcomer to enter the big private room, then bent down and asked in a low voice, "How do you know there is an air-raid shelter? Is the main building on Jinji Mountain?"

"Not bad! It's becoming more and more important to see the big picture. I also asked the local people to know..."

Zhao Guanren patted her long legs and said with a smile: "Jinji Mountain in Jinji Town has an anti-nuclear fortification. It was said that missiles were to be stored back then, but the construction was stopped halfway through, but half of the mountain was hollowed out. The reason the factory was built here!"

"It turns out that it is no wonder that there are no living corpses in Jinji Town..."

Xu Nuo nodded thoughtfully, kissed him on the face, and turned to leave.

It soon got dark, the generator started to power the whole building, and the professional cooks had already prepared the meals, but the survivors were clearly divided into two waves.

One wave is ordinary people, who eat and drink mindlessly, while the other wave is people who are related to the gods. A dozen people are sitting in the far corner, speaking very cautiously, only Xue Ming is immersed in cooking, Say nothing.

"Guanren! Why does promise keep talking behind your back, is she with you..."

Zheng Weilong raised his beer mug suspiciously. He was drinking face-to-face with Zhao Guanren, and only Zheng Pingping was with him. He promised to sit alone in the small box with Chen Meijun. Although the door was open, the two women kept their mouths closed and whispered. .

"There is privacy between husband and wife, not to mention the promise is not my wife..."

Zhao Guanren patted Zheng Pingping's thigh and said with a smile, "Pingping! You and Chen Meijun are acquaintances, what kind of woman do you think she is?"

"I'm very professional, I'm very capable, I'm very demanding of myself..."

Zheng Pingping poured a glass of beer for him and said, "But she's just superficially easy-going, but she's actually a very arrogant woman. I always feel that she despises her husband. After all, her husband is a second-generation rich man and cannot be compared with her in terms of ability. But I really didn't expect her to cheat!"

Zhao Guanren joked: "Why? Is it because she despised Lao Long?

"Ah? She, she even told you about this..."

Zheng Weilong blushed and said embarrassedly: "It's normal for Chen Meijun to despise me, but she doesn't despise President Du of Star Group either, he is the fifth king of diamonds, so if you say she cheated on an internet cafe with a brat, I'm all for that. I can't believe it!"

"Thanks to your self-knowledge, this woman is more complicated than you think..."

Zhao Guanren smiled and didn't say much. After eating, he lit a cigarette, walked downstairs alone, walked around the bathroom and the changing room, and walked out through a wall. Hole, came to the hotel next door.

"It's me! Report it..."

Zhao Guanren took out the walkie-talkie and put it on, and turned into the private room through the side window of the hotel. All the tables, chairs, and benches were taken away. He took out his flashlight and walked to the door of the room to take a picture. It was very quiet in the dark hotel. The hall is also a mess.

"Master Han! All four groups of observers are in place, and the individual radars and thermal imagers are all set up..."

A man in the headset replied: "We arrived at 4:30 in the afternoon, and we haven't found any special living corpses yet, and apart from the group of people promised to take away, no other survivors have been observed, but there is a The boy turned in from the outside!"

"Outside? How old a boy..."

"Fifteen or sixteen years old, he turned into the hotel from the smoking hotel next door, as if he had burned something..."

"Understood! Continue to monitor..."

Zhao Guanren raised his flashlight to check the private rooms one by one, but they were basically covered with dust, and everything that could be used was moved to the next door. No one came for a long time. Until he appeared this morning, there are people who have something to do with the gods. Temporary transfer.

"Little bitch! Your identity is definitely not simple..."

Zhao Guanren went upstairs and walked around again. There were no footprints on the dusty ground, and there was no basement in the two-story hotel. He had to turn off the flashlight and go back the same way. But as soon as he returned to the first floor of the bathing place, there was a burst of noise from the women's bathroom. Waves of laughter.

"Damn! You will die at the hands of a woman sooner or later..."

Zhao Guanren took a look outside the women's bathroom, and saw that Zheng Weilong had only one pair of pants off, and was chasing after two coquettish technicians, but the other men were not idle, drinking and bragging in the lounge, and a group of girls We chat.

"Master Han!"

Manager Xu suddenly walked downstairs and smiled tenderly: "Tell me who you are interested in, and I will arrange it for you, to ensure that you are served comfortably, anyone can!"

"If you have a fart, let it go! I really think of myself as a prostitute..."

Zhao Guanren leaned against the stairs and lit a cigarette, Manager Xu came over and said in a low voice, "I promised to take Chen Meijun as an assistant. Although I am also a mutant, I was not familiar with Chen Meijun before, and... I don't think she is very reliable. !"


Zhao Guanren smiled and stuffed the cigarette into her mouth, and said, "You are going to hand me a certificate, Chen Meijun won't take you to play, right? Then tell me your judgment, what I lack is talent. !"

"I think Chen Meijun wants to be an undercover agent to inquire about you for Xinshenhui..."

Manager Xu whispered: "Chen Meijun has a close relationship with the Sun family. Once the plan of the Xinshenhui is successful, she will definitely become one of the high priests, and she could have left this place, even now she has a way to go, so she must stay. There's an unspeakable secret!"

Zhao Guanren asked: "Is it for the factory, but she is not immune to corpse poison, how can she go?"

"I don't need corpse virus immunity, she has a disposable vaccine in her hand..."

Manager Xu said: "The one-time vaccine is specially designed for mutants. It can be injected immediately after infection, and it will keep her corpse unchanged within 12 hours, so she can leave without having to stay and make compromises, so it must be for the things in the underground factory! "

"Tell me what her husband said, and tell me if you have any new discoveries..."

Zhao Guanren picked her chin and walked upstairs swaggeringly. He saw a 16- or 17-year-old boy. He was handsome but very thin. When he saw him, he lowered his head and turned his head. Just dig into the toilet.


Zhao Guanren suddenly rushed into the men's toilet, kicked the big boy to the ground, pulled out the pistol fiercely and closed the door.

"Do not kill me!"

The big boy turned over in a panic, and his grey sweatpants immediately got wet.

"What are you running for?"

Zhao Guanren loaded the pistol abruptly, walked over and sneered condescendingly, "What were you doing in the smokehouse this afternoon, do you think I don't know about your affair with Chen Meijun?"

The big boy cried and said, "It's none of my business. She asked me to help her destroy things. I have nothing to do with them!"

"What was destroyed, how did she tell you..."

"Two bags of documents were burned, and there is also a mobile hard disk, which is related to the underground factory..."

The big boy leaned against the wall in fear, and said in a trembling voice, "Meijun said that once you get the information, you will definitely kill the donkey. You will only reuse her if you burn things, and she remembers those things in her mind. No one knows except her!"

"My lord?"

Zhao Guanren jokingly squatted down and said: "It's so affectionate, you two are going to bed, isn't the mature auntie good at playing, aren't you afraid that Xue Ming will kill your babe?"

"No, didn't go to bed, she said I didn't love her enough, she couldn't just give it to me..."

The big boy shook his head in a panic, but Qi Zhao Guanren slapped him on the head and scolded: "Why are you going to the grave to burn newspapers and fooling your father, how can you not touch such **** girls, **** what?"

"I think so too, but she just doesn't agree. I'm about to be killed by her..."

The big boy said with a crying voice: "Chen Meijun is a bit perverted, she wears white T and white socks every time, and puts on two ponytails, and asks me to call her the monitor, only allows me to kiss and hug, and I have to ask for every touch. She, and she forced me to kiss her feet and put socks in my mouth!"

"How old are you, little virgin, this is normal..."

Zhao Guanren looked at him with a funny face, but the big boy was stunned: "Normal? I really can't understand the world of your adults, oh! I, I'm just seventeen years old, and I'm only in the first year of high school this year, uncle! Please! Don't kill me, okay?"

"My name is brother! I'm only eighteen years old, I'm pink and tender..."

"What? You're a year older than me..."

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