One Step to The End

Chapter 808: Eight floors

"Don't force me, we just want to live..."

The white guy squeezed two grenade violently, the safety plug had been pulled out by him, and he stood in the middle of the aisle. The forty people who had awakened quickly stood up and quickly divided into two waves, but only the one standing beside the other side six people.

"Boy! You are the live version of "Mr. Dong Guo and the Wolf"..."

Zhao Guanren slowly walked to the edge of the podium, carrying a knife and disdainfully said: "I saved you regardless of relatives, but you have a blue face and say I am forcing you, what am I forcing you, don't say that you are holding two grenade. Even if you are holding a nuclear bomb today, Lao Tzu can cut you off!"

"Sorry! We don't want to hurt anyone, but we have to do it..."

The young man wiped the cold sweat on his head and said: "The controller is on the 9th floor underground. They are a group of Japanese people who have been besieged by evil angels. They know the way to leave, but the exit is on the sea. The escape boat can only take a maximum of twenty. People, so..."

"So you want to escape by yourself..."

Zhao Guanren looked at him mockingly, and the guy quickly said: "No! They only have five people, which means we still have fifteen places. As long as you can promise not to kill us, we will take you to find them. You assign!"

"Are you Liu Yining?"

"Yes! It's me..."

The guy nodded gently. Who knows that Zhao Guanren just wanted to speak, Zhu Dating shouted in the crowd: "Fuck your shit! Liu Yi would rather not have a southern accent. You look like Ding Guoli, godfather, don't believe it. What he said, they are lying!"

"Come out mustache, is it interesting to hide your head and show your tail..."

Zhao Guanren looked around at everyone noncommittal, but no one was there to speak, and the guy holding Lei looked at his companions blankly.

"It seems that there is a lot of things on Mustache, you have to be found out today, everyone spread out the ID number..."

Zhao Guanren sneered and waved his hands. His people immediately spread out and picked up their guns, and reported their identification numbers one by one. In addition to Mrs. Pan and Xiao Bo'er who were occupied, there was an unexpected person dumbfounded... Female sniper Nancy.

"Haha~ I didn't expect it..."

Zhao Guanren ridiculed loudly: "Each of us has an identification number, and one sentence can prove ourselves, but Liu Yining, you are also a real cow, a big master ran to me to change sex, I think you are Hou Yi going out—— Find the day!"


Everyone who understands laughed, and the gun was pointed at Nancy. Who knew that Nancy stuttered in English: "No! I, I'm Yamamoto Ken, not Liu Yining, you can talk to me in Japanese, I just compare I like women’s bodies, not to hide anything!"

"Are you Gay? Die gay..."

Zhao Guanren suddenly realized something, and Ken Yamamoto's face turned red, and he whispered: "Yes! I found out that I like men after I got married. Later, I and I fell in love with Liu Yining. I told him the secret of the air defense alarm. I also helped him communicate with the controller quietly, but I haven't done anything bad!"

"Zi Rui! You do the translation..."

Zhao Guanren asked noncommitantly: "When asked how he got in touch with the controller, what did the other party ask them to do?"

"Several lonely people have military radios in their hands, but they don't have batteries. When we discovered the secret of the air defense alarm, we cooperated and contacted the controller..."

Yamamoto said sincerely: "The other party said that they can control the sand people and asked us to come to the Ninth Floor to rescue them. They also told us a special way to avoid the evil angels on the seventh floor, but we failed in the end. I entered here without knowing it!"

"Little gay! Don't avoid the important, I am not an idiot..."

Zhao Guanren stared and asked: "Why does Liu Yining want us to kill each other? What is his relationship with your wife? I saw him holding your wife's waist with my own eyes!"

"Zhao Sang! I am Hezi, Yamamoto's wife, let me explain..."

Xiao Bo'er bowed forward and said: "The escape boat has not enough seats. We can't leave without creating a chaos. But Yamamoto-kun fell in love with Liu Yining. He felt very sorry for me, so he wanted me and Liu Yining. Together, so we can continue to take care of our mother and daughter!"

"Tsk tut~"

Zhao Guanren contemptuously said: "You are worthy of being Japanese. The couple actually cheated on the same person. In the future, you two can be sisters, but why do you want to occupy someone else's body, and who is the one who is occupying Mrs. Pan?"

"This is my daughter Yamamoto Na, but we are not taking it..."

He Zi grabbed Madam Pan’s body and said mournfully, “You may not see the situation at that time. It was very chaotic. Some people wanted to change their bodies, some were looking for themselves. Our mother and daughter were pushed down by others. You can choose a body at will!"

"Brother Xuan! Liu Yining is deliberately creating chaos..."

Song Qian gazed at the survivors with piercing eyes and said: "I heard him shouting to change his body, otherwise you will find them to settle accounts, and he went under the chair after he shouted, so no one saw him there. But things are definitely not as simple as it seems!"

"No matter what tricks he plays, he can't get out..."

Zhao Guanren grinned and said: "I will introduce myself again. My surname is Zhao Ming Guanren with the word Zixuan. The place you just entered is called the soul world, which is also commonly known as the underworld, which is still my wife’s natal family. Now I will send you back to see the king of Hades. The real Yama!"

"Zhao, Zhao Guanren? Why are you..."

A group of people stepped back in fright, but Zhao Guanren didn't talk nonsense with them. Suddenly he lifted the knife and threw out a spirit-killing slash. The light blade suddenly passed through the three people, hitting the boy holding Lei, and he suddenly turned up. With a dead fish eye, he fell straight back.


Suddenly, Shen Qingwen stepped forward and suddenly grasped Lei Boy and kicked it out. One head fell outside the church gate. Two grenade exploded in the corridor. All the other people who frightened him yelled. It is kneeling to beg for mercy.

"Haha~ Liu Yining! So you are here..."

Zhao Guanren suddenly jumped up from the podium, and raised his long knife high and smashed Huashan, but the three surviving accomplices did not respond. Instead, a small piece of meat crooked on the bench jumped from the chair like an electric shock. Get up and rush forward desperately.

"kill him!"

Zhao Guanren jumped on the bench and turned his head back. He was naturally frightening the mustache. Unexpectedly, this guy had been pretending to be dead in front of his eyes, and suddenly cut a hole with a knife, and the other party plunged into the hole in the podium, unexpectedly cracking. Drilled down in the opened floor.

"Where to run! Blow up your turtle son..."

Zhou Fafa didn't know what hatred he had with him, so he roared and threw a grenade in. After an explosion, he heard a scream, but when Zhao Guanren rushed to take a flashlight, he found that there was a cold storage underneath, and a figure stumbled. Is running out.


The cold storage door was heavily closed, leaving a row of bright red blood stains on the ground. The raw materials of a cold storage were fried in a mess, but the cold storage was obviously out of service for a long time. Many wooden boxes grew mushrooms, but there was a block on the door. English signage.

"Nine floors?"

Zhou Fafa and the others ran over and were surprised: "Why is there the 9th floor below? We are clearly on the 4th floor, and Yamamoto said that the evil angel is on the 7th floor?"

"Obviously we were hit by the illusion, and all came to the eighth floor..."

Zhao Guanren glanced back at the crowd and said, "The mutant girl in the temple is a group of angels. It is very likely that it got us here. The evil angel is not a **** demon, it is a wild soul general in the soul world! "

"This kind of thing is still wild..."

Zhou Fafa looked at him strangely, and the others were also dumbfounded.

"This is the black word of the soul world, especially the soul general who has not been incorporated..."

Zhao Guanren stepped forward and said: "The young woman who intercepted you is a carrier. A large number of black souls are absorbed in her body, making them kill each other like a gu, and finally an evil angel is formed. Fortunately, her brain is not very good. , Otherwise none of you will survive!"

"Yun Xuan!"

Shen Qingwen frowned and asked, "Who did this happen? Since he can break through the barriers of the soul world, it is certainly not a soul general who can do it. I'm afraid there is a stronger behind the scenes!"

"I don't think there is a soul handsome who wants to come out, but there are humans who want to go in..."

Zhao Guanren shook his head and said: "If the handsome soul is behind the scenes, it is impossible for only a little rookie to hold the door. I have guessed a possibility, but I can't say yet. If you want to leave, just follow me. Mustache knows. It's definitely better than us to hide!"

"Oba! Can we change it back..."

A blonde foreign girl hurried over. It was Xiao Bo'er who had changed her body. Zhao Guanren looked at her tall and beautiful appearance, and smiled: "Isn't it good for you to say goodbye to the past and start over. Did Mrs. Pan change it on purpose?"

"Hee hee~ Although it wasn't intentional, it's nice to be seventeen years old..."

Madam Pan walked over with joy. She occupied the beautiful age of Yamamoto Nao's girl, and she could get out of water with a pinch, but she was still anxious: "Oba! I planned to make a mistake and then it was wrong, but will there be any side effects?"

"It depends on what character Nanako is. Your character will gradually approach her..."

Zhao Guanren looked at her and said: "The human body is like a computer. The body is hardware and the soul is software. Hardware has a great influence on software. If Nanako has a bad temper, you will lose your temper for no reason, and you will often dream of her before. Some things to do!"

"Yamamoto Nao! What kind of character are you, isn't it a bad girl..."

Madam Pan quickly looked at her body, Nanako hid behind her mother awkwardly, but Zhu Dating said in English: "Don't worry! Nanako and her mother are very gentle, otherwise they would not be foolishly manipulated. Look at her. The transgender father will know!"

"Okay! Let's talk about these things later..."

Zhao Guanren glanced at the survivors and said: "I don't care what you have done before. From now on who dares to play tricks, I will throw him directly back to hell. Jonathan will put them all on and let them line up for the next nine floors! "

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