One Step to The End

Chapter 811: Nine eyes

"Zhao Guanren! Have you seen it? This is the power of black technology, not comparable to your rural tricks..."

The moustache stood in front of the armillary sphere and grinned. The thigh from which he was shot has recovered, and the spirit and aura of his whole person have improved a lot, and the phantom floating on his head has gradually become clear. A sixteen or seventeen-year-old girl in a white robe.


Zhao Guanren suddenly said something incomprehensible, and gently pulled Shen Qingwen behind him, while the white-robed girl with closed eyes suddenly opened her eyes, revealing a pair of completely black eyes without white eyes, and slowly tilted her head and said Sentence the same language.

"Haha~ I'm under Zhao Guanren, I've seen old people..."

Zhao Guanren clasped his hands and said with a smile: "The old man came from afar. As a local host, no matter what the conditions are for the goods under your feet, the juniors are twice as good as him. This will definitely make you happy to come, to return with satisfaction, and to be happy. Be a soul handsome, and go down into the abyss happily!"


Moustache widened his eyes in surprise, and subconsciously raised his head to look up. As a result, the girl stomped on his forehead, so scared that he hurriedly lowered his head and dared not look again.

"It seems that you are not an ordinary person, and you know the rules of the soul world well..."

The white-robed girl looked at him condescendingly, with no expression on her seemingly innocent face, and said in a very loli voice: "But once the Samurai Soul contract is reached, I can't change your mind even if you are ten times more than you, today you will be unlucky. !"

"Wait! Haven't you heard of the son-in-law of the dead race, the nemesis of the soul world, and Zhao Guanren, the demon king of the abyss..."

Zhao Guanren raised the Soul-killing Knife and said, "This is the Horcrux of the Soul-killing King. I also disperse the soul of the black demon. I will tell you that the predecessors are my respect for the old and the young. You are not a small soul commander. Girl, are you sure you want to be hard with me to the end?"

The white-robed girl bowed her hands coldly and said, "Bahuang Qingqiu Mountain, nine eyes! Please enlighten me!"

"Qingqiu Mountain? You are a vixen..."

Zhao Guanren took a half step back in shock. Nine Eyes finally showed a sly smirk. Before they knew it, the evil spirits had filled the surrounding area. She only heard her grinning and said: "Samurai is not a black soul. Once it comes out, you will never die!"


Zhao Guanren rushed out with a loud shout. Who knows that the sky is spinning suddenly, the space is twisted, upside down, and he collapsed without running out a few steps, but he did not have a problem with himself, but the black air changed his vision, quite Yu let him enter the illusion.


A wave of air suddenly burst under Jiumu, and nine snow-white foxtails shot out from the robe, like nine long snakes, and shot at Zhao Guanren. Zhao Guanren hurriedly fought his sword to resist, lying on the ground and slashed with eight spirit-killing slashes, slashing frantically. Different directions.

"It's useless! You have already hit my trick, you all have to die..."

Jiumu sneered and flicked the foxtail. The nine foxtails split into hundreds and thousands of them. The overwhelming cover turned towards Zhao Guanren. Mie Lingzhan easily passed through the "hair nets" without hurting Jiumu at all. The environment that stopped spinning also made Zhao Guanren dizzy.


Shen Qingwen rushed over with a treasured sword, but the other party didn't use profound energy at all. He flew her out in the blink of an eye, and the foxtail entangled her in the air, locked her limbs and hit the ground severely. Shen Qingwen was miserable. He fainted directly with a snort.

"Nine eyes! Come at me..."

Zhao Guanren roared and shot four lightning balls, hitting the foxtail with a crackle, and only heard Jiu Eye exclaiming on his head, the sky full of foxtail disappeared instantly, and the rotating space was suddenly frozen. The eye actually sucked on the ceiling above his head.

"Little bastard! I broke your illusion, see if you have any tricks..."

Zhao Guanren slashed upwards with a fierce stab. The twitching nine eyes didn't evade. He immediately noticed something was wrong. The blue blade mang instantly changed its direction. He felt it slashed behind him, and he heard "Dang". A crisp sound.


A treacherous laugh came from the rear, who knew that the environment had changed again. The front blinked and turned into the back. It was not the nine eyes that sucked on the top, but Shen Qingwen, who had passed out in a coma, let a steel bar hang in the air. , The real nine eyes are still floating in front.


Nine Eyes smiled proudly: "Zhao Guanren! You really have two things, so you can see through it, but your three-legged cat is not enough to deal with me, prepare to die!"

The black air suddenly covered the entire basement, making Zhao Guanren completely unable to see anything. He could only hear a strong wind shooting from the front at a rapid speed. He quickly swung his knife to counterattack, attacking the position of the 9th objective with the feeling, even if the 9th eye ran away. Can also kill the mustache.


A nasty move suddenly shot from behind, Zhao Guanren didn't react at all, he only felt a sharp pain in his left shoulder, and he was beaten out at once. After he hit the pillar with his head, his left arm was completely numb. Blood flows out without money.

"Come out if you have a seed!"

Zhao Guanren roared and jumped up. The Spirit Blade made him dance impermeable, but suddenly he felt the long sword in his hand soft, and a human head made him chop off sharply, falling on his feet and spinning around, but When he looked down, he realized that it was a survivor who had killed him.


Nine-eyed treacherous laughter came from all directions. Zhao Guanren, who was originally at the end of the crossbow, couldn't fight his old life. Jiu-eyed played with him like a cat and a mouse, giving him a shot from time to time, constantly increasing his injuries.


Zhao Guanren was suddenly flew out by a tail. The man was swept away before the knife fell. He fell to the ground with a full eye of Venus, but the strong black energy dissipated at this time. He actually fell and fell in front of the armillary sphere. Beard was standing not far away and sneered.

"Zhao Guanren! Are you capable of this? It really disappoints me..."

Jiumu triumphantly carried the spirit-killing knife and a shivering Wangzixun in his arms. Wangzixun pleaded crying: "Don't kill me, it's none of my business. I have a wife and children, please. Let me go, I don't want to die!"

"Who is your wife? Point it out..."

Nine Eyes jokingly held him in his arms, Wang Zixun raised his hand tremblingly, and Qin Manying who was hiding in the corner suddenly turned pale, but Zhou Fafa pulled her behind and pointed at He Zida. Yelled: "That is his wife, this is my wife!"


He Zi suddenly let out a scream, was sucked in by Jiumu Volley, and pierced her and Wang Zixun's body with a knife, and laughed amidst their screams: "Your wife was buried with you. Satisfied this time, go with peace of mind!"


Jiumu suddenly took a breath, and the two immediately shivered like an electric shock. The two misty souls were sucked out of their mouths, and entered the nasal cavity of Jiumu like a cigarette, waiting for her to pull out the bleeding mieling. After the knife, the two fell directly to the ground and died.

"Mom (Zixun)!"

Qin Manying and Nanako cried at the same time. Yamamoto Ken hurriedly hugged his daughter, knelt on the ground and cried with tears streaming down his face. All the others were so scared that their souls were not possessed, and they covered their mouths tightly, not even daring to show up. A bite.

Nine eyes smacked his lips and said: "It's not delicious, and there is no taste at all. Let's taste the taste of a soul chaser!"

"Are you sure? Sao Fox..."

Zhao Guanren stood up swayingly, his face covered with blood, holding on to the armillary sphere, nine eyes shook the blood on the spirit knife, and smiled contemptuously: "It seems that you are not relying on your own to kill them. Strength, you can't even protect yourself with this ability, so let's take it to death!"

"Okay! I will show you my power now..."

Zhao Guanren suddenly slapped the armillary sphere with force, and a lightning ball was also activated at the same time, which immediately lit the indicator light that the armillary sphere was extinguished, and Jiumu only noticed that a few crooked characters were engraved beside the lamp—thunderbolt thunderbolt. Kill you!


The armillary sphere suddenly turned crazy, the energy of the lightning ball obviously overloaded it, and the outer orbit was spinning like a helicopter. A powerful suction instantly had an effect on the nine eyes, but it had no effect on humans.


Nine eyes and a knife stuck to the ground, and the soul body was sucked and floated. She screamed anxiously, and the nine foxtails shot at Zhao Guanren, but they were greeted by two electric balls, and they greeted her fiercely. They bumped into each other, and hit her on the body.


Jiu-Mu let out a scream, uncontrollably let go of his hands, and was sucked into the armillary sphere with a "swish", but Zhao Guanren blasted out with a lightning fist again, hitting the back of Jiu-Mu with a punch. , Let her burst like a balloon.


The image of the nine-eyed innocent girl was instantly shattered, and she was blasted out of her real form with a punch. It turned out that she was not a vixen at all, but a big centipede with abdomen full of eyes.

"Depend on!"

Zhao Guanren had never seen such a thing either. As it flicked its tail fiercely, he subconsciously lowered his head and rolled out. He only heard a loud "bang" sound. The nine eyes that hit the armillary sphere exploded again, but But its upper body shot out like lightning.


Lin Zirui yelled in horror, and Jiumu slammed her head against the pillar she was hiding, and her slender body swung along with her, and she was caught up in one stroke, and the sickle-like centipede was long enough to penetrate Lin Zirui. In her body, use her body to fix herself.

"Let her go!"

Zhao Guanren hurriedly drew out the spirit-killing knife on the ground. The suction of the armillary sphere only had an effect on the soul body, but before he rushed over to kill him, the nine eyes "slid" and quickly narrowed and got into Lin Zirui’s mouth. Lin Zirui Rui Lima fell to the ground and convulsed desperately.

"get out!"

Zhao Guanren grabbed Lin Zirui by the waist of his trousers, suddenly lifted her into the air, and hit her abdomen with a knife. Lin Zirui immediately let out a retched "wheeze", unexpectedly squirting nine eyes out of her mouth. Jiumu was sucked out again.

"Watch out!"

Zhou Fafa suddenly exclaimed, only to see Jiumu shook his body and pulled on the pillar, and flew out with a "pop", just falling on the face of Dadu who was not far away. There was a cry, but Jiumu got into his mouth again.


A loud and earth-shattering noise directly knocked the audience to the ground. The overloaded "armillary sphere" actually exploded, bursting out a dazzling white light, and instantly engulfing the entire basement...

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