One Step to The End

Chapter 817: Tamarokuto

"Don't block the door, why should you go..."

Zhao Guanren grabbed Zhu Dating and went to the bathroom on the third floor. Everyone had already blocked the water in the corridor. After they squeezed in, only a girl was lying on the ground. Several men and women who were policemen were investigating the scene.

"How did you die? Has the monitoring been checked..."

Zhao Guanren squatted over and took a closer look at the female corpse. The female corpse did not appear to have any trauma. After turning over the female corpse, he discovered that the right hand of the female corpse had an electric shock. The whole body was wet, and the state of death was also in line with the characteristics of being electrocuted.

"It's electrocuted! The shower handle leaked electricity, and two other people also received electric shocks..."

A Korean male policeman said: "But it should be a man-made murder case. There was a broken wire on the pipe, but the wire was not aging, and the location of the wire was coincidentally, and the monitoring showed that Zhu Mingzhu had entered the boiler room. !"

"How could it be me..."

Zhu Dating said inexplicably: "I don't even know her. Why do I power her? I went to the boiler room to bake my clothes. My underwear was washed and dried in the boiler room. If you don’t believe me, you can go and see it. It's mine!"

"But one hour before and after the death, only you have been in..."

After listening to the interpreter, the policeman said: "Park Xiran is a member of the interrogation team. She interrogated a survivor from the same place as you. The same group said that she had made a major discovery, so she came to take a bath. You have every motivation to kill. Kill her!"


Zhu Dating looked at Song Qian, who was translating, and said blankly: "Did you make a wrong translation? What is the connection between the bath and the interrogation? Why did I have the motive to kill?"

"I'm not wrong, you don't understand if you are not a villager..."

Song Qian said helplessly: "Park Xiran has made a major discovery and wants to report to the captain alone. This is a good opportunity for her to be in charge. She must have her **** cleaned. Although I don't believe you will kill, but she is in the concussion zone. Survivor, Billy's gang!"

"Ha! It's ridiculous..."

Zhu Da quite disdainfully said: "You have ten steps, one post, three steps and one sentry. The old lady can only move within a limited range. How can you know what Park Xiran has tried? It is clear that you killed her and blamed me. This outsider, outsiders are so bully!"

"Dog left!"

Zhao Guanren said, "You should take Xiran's body down and take it out tomorrow for a good burial. Xiran's team members cooperate with the police to review the case from beginning to end. Professionals do professional things and report them as soon as possible. Submit it to me!"


The policemen stood at attention and saluted, Zhao Guanren grabbed Zhu Dating again, and carried her out like a chicken, and came to the boiler room not far away. There were two boilers in the boiler room, and there was a broken wire. , Hangs out from the line pipe and hangs on the pipe.

"Why are you hanging your underwear here, where did you get your new underwear..."

Zhao Guanren walked to a hot water pipe, and a set of black lace underwear was hanging on it. He touched it and it was still damp. The underwear had been curled and loosened, and he had obviously worn it for a long time.

"You knowingly ask, when do I wear new underwear..."

Zhu Dating hugged his chest with his hands and pouted: "I am not a countryman. Some people wear me to cover it. Anyway, I didn't kill the people. I washed my underwear when I took a bath and left it to dry. To wear something tomorrow!"

"You don't seem to be afraid at all..."

Zhao Guanren turned around and looked at her and said: "This is not a society under the rule of law. Almost all people below C6 have eaten human flesh. As long as they find a little evidence, Park Xiran’s fellow villagers will wipe you out first and then kill you. You are here!"

"But you can't rub the sand in your eyes..."

Zhu Dating said nonchalantly: "Even if you don't recognize my goddaughter, but you know that I didn't kill people, you will definitely not let them bully me, otherwise it would be equivalent to letting people slap you in the face and insult your IQ, yes. Isn't it right Boss Zhao?"

"Don't smile with Lao Tzu..."

Zhao Guanren grabbed her hair and pressed it against the wall fiercely: "Do you think I don't know? You once killed a mistress of the head of the bald eagle, the corpse that Moustache buried for you, you have a history of murder, The psychological quality is better than ordinary people!"

"Oh my god! If I had such courage, I would pee my pants..."

Zhu Dating said depressed: "I don't know the details of the deceased. Once we both took a bath in a hot spring, but when I came back from the toilet, she drowned. Liu Yining ran in and said that I killed someone, so I was confused with him. After throwing the corpse together, I finally realized that he planted me!"

Zhao Guanren asked, "Why must Moustache kill her? Didn't he let you join the Bald Eagle?"

"How can Mustache admit that he killed someone? I don't know about the Bald Eagle..."

Zhu Dating complained: "The deceased was not a mistress. She was the fiancee of a wealthy Japanese businessman. She said that her fiance would come to Yingsha Island to pick her up, take her to work in a laboratory for a period of time, and then go to a large manor in Australia to get married! "

"Xiguan University Laboratory?"

Zhao Guanren squinted his eyes immediately, but Zhu Dating shook his head and said, "It's not Xiguan University. I remember it is a pretty mouthy name. She also said that it is a P5 biological laboratory, one of the few top laboratories in the world, what is its name... …Tama Six Capitals!"

"Tama Six Capitals? Do you know where the Australian manor is..."

Zhao Guanren loosened her hair and turned upright. Zhu Dating scratched her head and said, "I forgot the address, but I told Qin Qin that she has been [笔趣阁] looking forward to going there to avoid disasters, she should Remember!"

"You said what you can do..."

Zhao Guanren said angrily: "I can't remember such an important thing, don't ask you, don't say it, you just haven't been beaten by the society, let the **** round you will know that you cry!"


Zhu Dating muttered contemptuously: "What's the point of saying that, if you are such an overbearing person, as long as you don't follow your wishes, you will change the law to torture people, and I can't please you with such a temperament, so wrong. Many, in the end, you still have to be ruined!"

"Zhu Dating!"

Zhao Guanren despised: "Can you make a face, when did I ruin you, do you think I'm very rare for you, a third-rate star?"

"I'm a third-rate, but don't be nasty..."

Zhu Dating was unwilling to show weakness and exclaimed: "Why are you spanking my butt? Why are you letting me open my collar to you? You are sexual harassment and bullying. You also told people that I should be called Zhu Sanshui, with tears flowing on it. Drooling in the middle, peeing on your pants underneath, you are perverted and nasty!"


Zhao Guanren said angrily: "You don't spit people here. When will I let you open the collar to show me? There are thousands of women here. Who can't I think?"

"Yes! There are thousands of women here, and they all follow you and flatter you..."

Zhu Da said aggressively: "Only I didn't tolerate you. You think I'm not pleasing to your eyes. If I cover my neckline, you will be furious. The subtext is that you don't need to read it, but we can't help but take it off. I think you are making yourself the emperor. Right, Daguanman Zhao!"

"You **** took the wrong medicine..."

Zhao Guanren rolled up his sleeves and said cruelly: "Since you have such an attitude, Lao Tzu will also show you my attitude. Although Lao Tzu is not the emperor, Lao Tzu is the prince!"

"The prince is auspicious! The daughter retires..."

Zhu Dating's face changed and he was going to flee, but Zhao Guanren grabbed her hair and slammed it on a thick water pipe. She immediately cried out in horror: "I was wrong. Don't power me, the pants I just changed, ah! Dad!"


Under a flash of electric light, Zhu Dating suddenly straightened his legs, raised his fisheyes, lay on the water pipe and pumped his whole body. After a while, he cried again and cried, "Why don't you? Be reasonable, you will bully women, woo~"

"You reason with me? Is Lao Tzu a reasonable person..."

Zhao Guanren loosened her hair and sneered: "Zhu Dating! No! Zhu Sanshui, the outside world has been turned upside down, and soon you will taste the viciousness of human nature, but from now on you are free, and tomorrow I will let you and survive. If you leave, I wish you a smooth journey!"

"Woo~ you are shameless! You will threaten people..."

Zhu Sanshui slumped and sat on the ground crying, hugging his legs and crying: "You can't drive me away. White prostitution is not a human thing. If you dare to chase me away, I won't let you go as a ghost! "

"Why are you more shameless than me? When did I prostitute you..."

Zhao Guanren looked at her inexplicably, and Zhu Sanshui wiped away his tears and said, "It's your business that you didn't prostitute, but I provide this kind of service. Besides, some of my godfather and goddaughter are innocent. You ruined my innocence. , You have to be responsible to me!"

"Fuck you mother! I'm too lazy to talk nonsense with you..."

Zhao Guanren kicked her away and left. Zhu Sanshui's wonderful work was considered to have made him well-informed. His tone was harder than anyone, but his attitude was softer than anyone. After he got out of the boiler room, he found that the police were still investigating. , So he went to look for the transgender Ken Yamamoto.

"Yamamoto! Have you heard of Tama Rokuto..."

Zhao Guanren walked into the lounge with his hands behind his back. Yamamoto took the embryo of a foreign girl and flung his long brown hair in style. He said in English: "Tama Liudu Mountain is in Xiguan, not far from Xiguan University. Top virus laboratory, P5 level!"

"Is the laboratory public?"

Zhao Guanren looked at her suspiciously, and Yamamoto nodded: "Yes! There are only three P5 laboratories in the world. It is said that they are more than 300 meters underground. When the virus just broke out, the Tama laboratory was the first one. Participated in a moment!"

"Well! Rest early, remember to contraception, you are a woman now..."

Zhao Guanren looked at her with a weird expression, Yamamoto nodded very shyly, but a female translator suddenly walked in and said: "Captain! The sheriff asked me to come over to inform you that the leakage protector has caused all sorts of signs. All show that the murderer is Zhu Mingzhu!"

"Then take her over for interrogation, you're welcome..."

Zhao Guanren sternly said: "If Zhu Mingzhu’s criminal evidence is verified, everything will be done in accordance with the rules of the island village, but whoever verifies is responsible. If a good person is wronged and everyone’s intelligence is insulted, the sheriff must also be responsible, and our island village must also speak. law!"


The female translator immediately turned around and ran out. Zhao Guanren also followed out absent-mindedly. He turned to see Li Qin leaning against her door, and smiled affectionately: "Master Captain! Your meal has not been finished yet, I I have another pot of soup, do you want to try it?"

"Very good!"

Zhao Guanren walked over with a smile. How did Lin Zirui suddenly show his head from the back, and said to the female village chief with hatred: "This shao fox is so courageous, he actually used my warning as fart, go and tell. The lady boss is here to catch the rape, I'm staring here!"

"The boss doesn't care, right? The director won't eat wild food someday..."

"Stupid! Can this woman be the same? The lady boss hates actors the most, you go..."

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