One Step to The End

Chapter 820: Mastermind

'do not want! Let me go, let me go...’

Zhu Sanshui screamed and struggled desperately in her heart, but her numb body was like a zombie, but she could clearly feel that an old man with a strong body odor was pressing on her, touching everywhere on her body, and the jeans were also peeled off. .

"She's not dead! She's still breathing..."

An old Korean man yelled in shock, and the other two were also shocked, but immediately someone handed a dagger and said cruelly: "Quickly cut her throat, don't let her scream out. After you find something Leave now!"

"Xiba! This woman is such a monster..."

The old man raised the dagger fiercely, and Zhu Sanshui, who was so gutless, finally realized that they weren't trying to take advantage of the heat, but were looking for something in her, but when the sharp knife was about to fall, someone suddenly joked outside the cave. :"do you need my help?"


The three men exclaimed at the same time. The old man threw the dagger in horror. He only saw Zhao Guanren standing outside the cave with the knife in his hand, beckoning and saying: "Come out and say, I will leave you a way to survive, otherwise you will know mine. means!"

"Sorry! Forgive us..."

The three old men cried out like bereaved concubines, tremblingly crawling out and kneeling to beg for mercy, but Shen Qingwen also walked out from the side and questioned in Korean: "What benefits the base has given you, dare to betray Master Captain, really Do you think the clothes you made are seamless?"

"We have biochemical capsules in our bodies. If we don't execute orders, we will be detonated and become biochemical monsters..."

An old man cried and said, "Captain! Let us go. The mastermind is Chi Junhao. He has been providing information to the base. He also forced us to kill Park Xiran. The base is crazy now. They want to bomb it with a nuclear bomb. The whole island!"

Shen Qingwen asked: "Why did he kill Park Xiran? Is it related to the mobile phone?"

"Yes! There is a list of spies on the phone with Chi Junhao's name..."

The old man said, "Chi Junhao is a member of the Eagle Head Association. The Eagle Head Association is the intelligence organization of the Bald Eagle. The Eagle Head will let him blow up the walls of the six-story warehouse. There are biochemical gas tanks hidden inside. Can push the captain to the ground, or poison him!"

"How do you leave after the poison gas exploded..."

Zhao Guanren stared at him, and the other party pointed to the rear and said: "There is an underground hangar in the camp, and there are helicopters in it to leave. Go and stop Chi Junhao. Everyone is out. He will definitely find a way to detonate the gas canister. He still has an underground hangar. A few accomplices!"

"Jonathan! Close the sixth floor and capture Ji Junhao and his Korean Star Club..."

Zhao Guanren gave instructions on the walkie-talkie. Shen Qingwen also escorted the three old men back, while Zhao Guanren went into a small cave, took out a small porcelain bottle, pulled out the cork, and poured some powder into Zhu Sanshui’s nose. Soon she sneezed fiercely.


Zhu Sanshui cried and hugged him, crying and begging: "Help me! It wasn't the person I killed, it really wasn't me. Those people who want to find something on me must be the one who killed me!"

"Who am I? Why should I save you..."

"You are my godfather, no! You are my own father, please beg my daughter..."

Zhu Sanshui couldn’t take care of his face. He hugged him tightly and never let go, but Zhao Guanren said jokingly, “Aren’t you very upright? Don’t you despise me? Why did you suddenly call him father? Can't be so nasty!"

"Woo~ My daughter was wrong, so I don't dare to do it again..."

Zhu Sanshui suddenly lay down and wept and said: "I know you are deliberately punishing me, you ruin me, ruin me to death, so that you won't get angry with me anymore. I really can't fight you, I'm afraid. You will be my real father from now on!"

"Zhu Sanshui! Please take a pee and look in the mirror, who the **** wants to ruin you..."

Zhao Guanren contemptuously said: "The bullet that hit you was an empty bullet. The police are also cooperating with me in acting, but they are all to draw the inner ghost out, and if people don't throw themselves into the trap, you will not be able to clean up if you jump into the Yellow River. Sooner or later you will be shot!"

"These people are too bad, they are lawless..."

Zhu Sanshui sat up crying, and Zhao Guanren lit a cigarette and handed it to her. Zhu Sanshui took a few trembling breaths before calming down. He put on his pants and said, "Who is hurting me? What are they trying to find on me? Ah?"

"Spell! Avoid the spell of **** meteorite..."

Zhao Guanren smiled and said: "Li Qin begged me to help you design a trap so that the person who harmed you would throw himself into the snare, so I asked her to tell people everywhere, I taught her a spell, and she wrote it down on a paper and gave it to you for safekeeping. The idiots are so eager to come to you!"


Zhu Sanshui said annoyed: "Qin Qing helped me so, I actually wronged her, I'm so stupid!"

"In fact, their goal at the beginning was Li Qin, you carried thunder for her..."

Zhao Guanren said: "Someone reminded Li Qin that the boiler room can bake clothes and pointed her in the wrong direction. But in order to eat with me, she told you about you. In the end, the more she thought about it, the more wrong she became. I found out the tricks together, but I didn't lock Chi Junhao!"

"Oh my God!"

Zhu Sanshui covered his mouth and said: "If it weren't for the cleverness this time, I would really be dead. The people in the last days are really terrible. I really can't adapt. My concept is still in a society under the rule of law. They said Kill me, kill me!"

"I told you a long time ago, the last days will beat you up..."

Zhao Guanren walked out triumphantly, Zhu Sanshui hurriedly chased him out, while wiping the blood from his head, he said weakly, "God! If you have grievances against me, you can vent it, or else always I am going to fall apart like this!"

Zhao Guanren said angrily: "Could you please point your face, which eye sees me wanting to vent you?"


Zhu Sanshui mumbled disdainfully: "I have been in my career for more than ten years, and I have seen any kind of man. From the first time I performed a unique skill for you, your eyes explained everything. Besides, you put me to death, no Just for that matter!"

"What is the look in my eyes, the white prostitute is still the overlord forcing the bow..."

Zhao Guanren stopped and stared at her, Zhu Sanshui lowered his head and pouted: "I'm guilty! You have seen too many women who give up and hug you. After you find that I have no good feelings for you, you want to see me such a hard-mouthed little bitch. Crying and screaming, please play with me to get a perverted sense of conquest!"

"What am I..."

Zhao Guanren raised his hand in shame and angrily, Zhu Sanshui immediately said: "Let me say it, ordinary tunes can no longer satisfy you, come on! The grass is still the woods, kneeling or lying down, anyway, I am afraid of you. Just don't play me to death, spoil it as you like!"

"Okay! I see when you can be so stiff, if you don't kill you, I will give you your last name..."

Zhao Guanren walked up angrily. Zhu Sanshui quickly picked up an empty mineral water bottle. After catching up with him, he squeezed the bottle forcefully and said: "I am like this plastic bottle now. No matter how you look at it or how you pinch it, you don’t feel pleasing to your eyes. , So there is only one solution!"

"Burn it! Crush it..."

Zhao Guanren glared at her fiercely. How did Zhu Sanshui blow hard at the mouth of the bottle, and the plastic bottle cracked and restored to its original shape, then handed it to him, "Blow it out. , If it doesn't work, just blow a few more!"

"Zhu Sanshui! I really missed you, you are a masterpiece..." Zhao Guanren stared at him and said, "The aunt with one head dared to play hooligans with me. I will definitely not punish you from now on. What do you like, tomorrow? I will leave this island, stay here and ask for your blessings. See you in the next life!"

"I'm already confessed, and I can take your posture. I can only take things out at this point. What do you want to do..."


A muffled noise suddenly shook the ground, and there was a scream from the mountain tunnel. Zhao Guanren's expression changed and he rushed up. The result was that the villagers ran out desperately, and many people rolled directly from the hillside. Come down.

"What's the matter? Something exploded..."

Zhao Guanren rushed to the tunnel and yelled loudly, but the number of people was too much. After rushing for several minutes, Song Qian rushed out and shouted: "It's not good! Chi Junhao and the others have done their best. They bombed on the fifth floor. The poison gas tank downstairs!"

"Close the airtight door, don't let the poison gas leak..."

Zhao Guanren yelled another anxiously, but Song Qian said out of breath: "No! The poison gas canister is installed on the ventilation pipe. Although the ventilation system is closed, there is no way to treat people below. Fortunately, everyone is on the same side. There are not many people who have been poisoned for eating at all levels!"

"Get out! Don't breathe, don't take anything..."

Shen Qingwen also rushed out with the soldiers. They put on their protective clothing in advance, but Jonathan scolded: "Chi Junhao is a bastard, I said not to kill him, but he still detonated the bomb, Guo Guo They were all killed!"

"Yun Xuan! We underestimated the strength of the Bald Eagle..."

Shen Qing Digest said under the mask: "Many people have been injected with biochemical capsules, and ordinary equipment can't detect them. Even the victims don't even know about them. Moreover, the order comes from an unfamiliar direction. It is said to be the secret of their family members under house arrest. Place!"

"Don't tell me! This place can't stay for long, all come with me..."

Zhao Guanren ran to the top of the mountain with everyone. This ghost place could not be left for more than a minute. There was a danger of being bombed by a nuclear bomb at any time. They ran to the collapsed campsite in one breath. The corn boat and two fishing boats stopped quietly. At the pier.

"Jonathan! You take people to find the underground hangar, and everyone else gets on the ship..."

Zhao Guanren hurriedly jumped onto the fence. Everyone knew the danger here, and all escaped to the corn boat. However, Jonathan and others quickly found the hangar, and under the hands of a group of people, a flat lawn unexpectedly slowed down. Slowly opened.

"Quick! Check whether there are explosives on the plane, and then dismantle the positioning system..."

Zhao Guanren quickly ran to the hangar. Sure enough, there were two helicopters parked below. They were only ordinary civilian models. However, the mechanics searched for a long time and couldn't find any explosives. They could only dismantle the positioning system, but it still made people think. feeling anxious.

"Take a boat! The helicopter is too dangerous..."

Song Qian held Zhao Guanren nervously. After thinking about it, Zhao Guanren felt unreliable. He had to ask the pilot to drive the helicopter on the corn ship. As long as the cargo compartment of the corn ship was closed, there were just a few ready-made aprons, and he took the rest with him. The people rushed to the pier.

"Set sail! All heading north..."

Zhao Guanren quickly jumped onto a fishing boat. Under the skillful operation of the sailors, he personally steered and left the pier. The two helicopters also steadily stopped on the corn boat, but as the three boats slowly left, his wrist The watch suddenly screamed loudly.

"Quick! Go ahead at full speed..."

Zhao Guanren picked up the walkie-talkie and yelled. The three boats roared immediately, but soon he heard two loud noises. Two terrifying mushroom clouds rose from the island. For a while, the wind and clouds changed and the waves were turbulent, and the entire sky was covered. It burned red, everyone was stunned, and a nuclear bomb actually fell...

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