One Step to The End

Chapter 829: Banned by ghosts and gods

"Don't be afraid! Can you understand me..."

Zhao Guanren walked into the secret room with a smile. The small secret room was arranged as a bedroom. There was no window but a small back door. A pair of Asian twins were sitting on the bed. Hold together.

"Kaiko, Miko?"

Luo Zixuan walked in in surprise, and asked, "Why are you two here? Haven't you been on Mal Island all the time?"

"Your Excellency Shimadzu picked us up secretly, two days ago..."

Kako trembled in English: "Shimadzu detained us here as hostages in order to persecute Wolfe. Then there was an accident outside. Wolfe came in and said that only he committed suicide can protect us, and someone will pick us up. Leave, let us raise his children!"

"This belly is probably seven or eight months old..."

Zhao Guanren squatted in front of the sisters, touched a chubby belly with one hand, and said with a smile: "I didn't expect Wolfe to be so affectionate. He actually committed suicide for two Japanese girls. This was given to him by Shimazu. His mistress?"

"Almost! Graduated from a prestigious university, from a family of artists, few men can resist..."

Luo Zixuan said helplessly: "Wolf’s family died, and he was injured during training. Under normal circumstances, he could not give birth again. Shimadzu arranged for them to have IVF. After the pregnancy, Wolf fell completely. He registered Kako as his wife and gave Miko a wedding!"

"Very good at playing! The sisters are not treating you badly..."

Zhao Guanren smiled and touched Jiazi’s calf. Jiazi was wearing a blue long skirt. He followed the calf and touched the skirt. The Jiazi who touched screamed "Mai", pushed his hand away and shrank back. , But Zhao Guanren dragged her back again.

Luo Zixuan exclaimed: "Zhao Guanren! Are you crazy? Stop it!"

"Linen belt! One library, one library..."

Zhao Guanren raised Jiazi's right leg abruptly and pulled out a voice recorder from under her skirt. The recorder was still working when the red light was on. The frightened Jiazi didn't dare to move, but Zhao Guanren smiled again. He stretched out his hand to her sister.


Meizi covered her pregnant belly with a pale face. Finally, under Zhao Guanren's gaze, she actually took out a pen from her neckline. When Zhao Guanren grabbed the pen and opened it, the pen was actually converted into a poisonous needle. It should be reusable.

"It turns out that you killed Wolfe, you bitches..."

Luo Zixuan yelled angrily, but Zhao Guanren turned on the recorder, and soon he heard Wolf's voice on the radio. Luo Zixuan's voice was also in it. At first, it was normal. It didn't change until Luo Zixuan went out.

"Kaiko! The headquarters will soon learn about our activities. Now I can only take refuge in Zhao Guanren and betray Shimadzu, otherwise only death is waiting for me..."

"But what about our parents, Hushou Maru will kill them, Wolfe! You commit suicide, you take all the guilt, and we will take care of your children..."

"Why should I commit suicide? I am just a little boy. My wife and children are not dead. They are all waiting for me in Australia. Zhao Guanren will definitely keep me, I, you..."

"Hold him, don't let him talk..."

"Cover him with a pillow..."

There was a dull voice from the recorder. The sisters were already shivering like white paper, but Zhao Guanren rummaged in the room again and found another radio station outside the small door. Direct access to the basement.

"Luo Zixuan! Now I know that IQ is not enough..."

Zhao Guanren walked back and smiled: "The guards of Wolfe are elite spies. They deal with criminals and spies all day long. They deliberately let Wolfe stay alone. The movement in the room can't be hidden from them, so I knew Wolfe. It was poisoned!"


Luo Zixuan grabbed Kako by the hair and said angrily: "Who is Hushou Maru, what on earth do Shimazu Kuki and the others want to do?"

"Trasumaru is the deputy commander of the branch, Masao Shimadzu, the eldest son of the Shimadzu family..."

Jiazi said pitifully: “They want to seize control of East Asia from the headquarters and use vaccines to gradually expand outward, so they care about the vaccine in Zhao Sang’s hands and don’t want the negotiation to break down. To protect our detained family members, we can only let Wolf is the guilty one!"

"Who owns the child in my belly? Hushouwan..."

Zhao Guanren sat in the middle and hugged the sisters, only to hear Jiazi squeakyly say: "I am pregnant with Hushouwan's child, and my sister is pregnant with Mr. Ben's. They are lovers, so let We gave birth to them!"

"Hey~ **** gay! You two won't have AIDS, right..."

Zhao Guanren hurriedly flinched and jumped up, but Luo Zixuan was surprised again: "What are you talking about? Vice President Ben and Hu Shou Wan are lovers. Are you sure it is my fiancé Ben? And if you are pregnant with their children, you are not afraid of Wolf. do you know?"

"Wolf won't know that he will be killed before we give birth, he is too disobedient..."

Kako said uneasyly: "You should know that Ben is bisexual, Ben is attack, Hushouwan is sufferer, Ben has always been dominant. The four of us used to sleep together. We both got pregnant naturally. We only got pregnant after pregnancy. We gave it to Wolf!"


Luo Zixuan was completely dumbfounded with her mouth open, but Zhao Guanren said with a laugh: "This is your fiance, don't you know anything about them? This kind of male-and-female perversion made me get goosebumps!"

"I'm just a deal with him, I'm just surprised that he got involved with Hushouwan..."

Luo Zixuan said annoyedly: "Ben wants to use my relationship with you to expand his influence in the group, and I also want to use his identity to climb up, so we are just a couple in name, and I am worried that he has AIDS, even There is not even performance kissing!"


Zhao Guanren smiled and said, "I know you are an innocent lady, but what the **** is Hushouwan?"

"Ben is the second-in-command in administration, and Huju Maru is the second-in-command in the military..."

Luo Zixuan said sternly: "The Shimadzu family controls more than half of the Japanese army, and Ben is their supervisor. The two people are not allowed to communicate in private. Maybe they teamed up to evade the branch president, or the president also joined them!"

"Not many people still do so many tricks, a group of sand sculptures swimming in the cesspit..."

Zhao Guanren put away the recording pen and said: "These two girls will be handed over to you. After you interrogate, give me a detailed report. It is estimated that the gangster will find a way to contact you and tell them that I will wait for them to negotiate. Don’t forget to take the capsule out!"

"I won't try!"

Luo Zixuan suddenly took out the vaccine bottle and said, "I know you are testing me and want to see if I will defect with the vaccine. I will go to the doctor to fetch the capsules and let him prescribe me a year of psychotherapy. Then go to the big man to wait for you!"

"Luo Zixuan! It's not that you are not clever, but you put all your energy on me..."

Zhao Guanren took her vaccine bottle and threw it on the ground. Under her angry and angry gaze, Zhao Guanren took out a small injection and slammed it on her neck. It turned out that this was the real vaccine.

"You scheming man, I will kill you..."

Luo Zixuan hugged him and bit on her lips, who knew her tongue went in again, she actually pressed him against the wall and kissed him for a while. Finally, her lips were drawn, and her teary eyes said, "I only know how much I have left after I leave you. Love you, it's great that you can come back!"

"Now I know how good I am..."

Zhao Guanren patted her waist and said: "When you come to the big man, enjoy life, and if you have anything to go to Lu Datou, that's right! Who is Wang Zhan on your phone?"

"Haha! Why don't you pretend, I know you can't help it..."

Luo Zixuan took out her mobile phone and gave him a smile, and said with a smile: "Actually, I don't have so many videos. At least I didn't find Zhang Xinyue's. The heroine of Wang Zhai is Zhou Miao, but it is with her ex-boyfriend. After I let them edit, She turned into an affair with a little white face!"

"Hell if you can find Zhang Xinyue, she gave it to me for the first time..."

Zhao Guanren smiled and put away his mobile phone, went out and called someone to watch the twins, and then walked into the last office. Looking at the sign, he knew that it was Shimazu Hisuki's room, and there was also a secret room behind his bookcase, just a secret room. It was locked.


Zhao Guanren kicked the small iron door open. After walking in, he was surprised to find that the old devil was the same person as him. A large cabinet was full of gift boxes, and each box contained a set of women’s underwear. With a few photos of the hostess, there are hundreds of boxes.

"The little devil is very specific, it turned out to be a mature girl series..."

Zhao Guanren looked through it curiously for a while, turned his head and opened the other cabinets. The cabinets were filled with all kinds of jewels and antiques, as well as a box of high-quality mutant liquid. Finally, he found a grayish one at the bottom of the cabinet. Big suitcase.

"Huh? Why is it dark green..."

Zhao Guanren looked at the three green crystals in surprise. Although only the thickness of his arm, they were all emerald-like dark green, but when he wanted to pick it up, he suddenly felt a slight abnormal noise on the top of his head.


Suddenly [the eighth district] then!

At the same time he was about to draw the sword, a white light burst out from his wrist, protecting him like a bare egg, and after hearing the sound of "dang", a black-clothed ninja slashed on the bare egg. , Was actually shot out fiercely.


Zhao Guanren hurriedly jumped up and drew his sword. He didn't see any mechanism on the roof. There was a flash of bare egg that surprised him. He was almost beheaded instead of protecting him, but he didn't have any time. Think about it, slash the ninja quickly.


The ninja suddenly drank and threw a handful of Kuwu. Zhao Guanren was happy at once. He was actually a female ninja. He slashed it directly, and the knife light easily cut Kuwu off with a "chuck" sound, and cut it against the skin. Broken the loincloth of the ninja suit.


The ninja threw his head up and fell down. The ninja suit was opened immediately. Zhao Guanren immediately raised his sword and looked at him. Who knew the size of the car lights was not clear, but saw a huge overshoulder dragon, and she suddenly shocked her left shoulder, the black dragon Come alive at once.


The black dragon let out a dragon roar, and suddenly became a misty black dragon, shooting at Zhao Guanren like a python, but Zhao Guanren didn't know the way, so he didn't dare to take it. It was cut into two paragraphs.


Half of the black dragon suddenly accelerated and blasted the wall open with one head. The female ninja also slammed at Zhao Guanren, but Zhao Guanren blocked the attack with a knife, and slammed the ninja's strength and tugged, and laughed: "Run naked. Bar!"


The ninja clothes made him tugged. The female ninja screamed and fell on her front, her entire back was exposed. Who knew she was a tattoo expert, and she actually had a double-horned evil spirit tattooed on her back. Carrying a **** woman's head in his hand.

"Xianshu! Ghosts and gods are forbidden..."

The female ninja jumped up again and gave a sweet drink. She didn't care about the happy happiness at all, but her hands were imprinted very quickly, but a cold arrow suddenly shot from the hole in the wall, and she hurriedly jumped out the door, one end. He smashed the window and jumped out.

"This samurai samurai is a bit interesting, but it will seal..."

Zhao Guanren picked up the torn clothes and went out. The two great masters leaped on the window sill silently. He looked at the direction of the female ninja fleeing and said: "Follow her and see if she has any accomplices, catch them all!"


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