One Step to The End

Chapter 841: Hometown news


A heavy soundproof door was opened, and there was only one iron chair in the empty soundproof room. A brown-haired foreigner was locked on it. She was wearing only close-fitting white underwear. Her left cheek was swollen and her saliva was mixed with blood. The corners of his mouth dripped, and he hung his head and looked weakly at the electric stick at his feet.

"Jessica! Hello, this is Zhao Guanren..."

Zhao Guanren walked into the room with the fairy Qu. The foreign girl moved her head a little, and said in a hoarse voice with a crying voice: "Let me go for God's sake. I'm just the president's bodyguard. What should I say? I've already said everything, I really don't know about Ben!"

"You are more than a female bodyguard, you are also Mike's mistress..."

Zhao Guanren squatted in front of her, picked up the electric baton, and looked at her with a smile: "Are you going to twist my neck with your strong thighs, and then sit me under your buttocks, using the opened hands. The tip of the handcuffs? , Against my throat?"

"No! I don't think so since you picked up the electric baton, I don't want to be electrocuted by you..."

Jessica raised her head to reveal a beautiful face, leaned back on the chair and released her back handcuffs, and smiled: "This is just a small test. You are as sharp as the rumors. I have been waiting for you to find the door in person. Let's take a cigarette, bad boy!"

"Don't you want to try my big cigar, smart female bodyguard..."

Zhao Guanren lit a cigarette and took two puffs, got up and stuffed it into her mouth, Lao Qu took a chair for him to sit down, and he smiled again: "Some people say you participated in the war, and Mike, a retired officer, is right. You have a soft spot, you know more than anyone!"

"Yes! So old Mike left me and died in mid-air..."

Jessica crossed her legs and smoked, and sneered: "But I'm really not familiar with Ben. He is a competitor of old Mike. I can't have private contact with him. Besides, I don't like the pervert of men and women. But I know who betrayed Qu Yaojiang!"


The fairy Qu hurried forward half a step.


Jessica blew smoke at him, and smiled: "You are really not suitable for this business. Your boss is like a dark and sharp knife, but you are just bottled water at a glance, and the betrayer has always been there. By your side, that's your good brother...remaining power!"


Qu Yaojing said, "Isn't Yu Li being arrested with me? How could he be a traitor? Don't talk nonsense here!"

"Haha~ You are so stupid, haven't you noticed that he is fatter..."

Jessica smiled and said: "There is also Luo Zixuan's credit. She took the initiative to join the Eagle Head Association, allowing the organization to easily break through the rest. It only cost a mere three million US dollars, yes! He also took people to hunt you down. My wife, she disappeared in the end!"

"Asshole! No wonder the little beast dared not come with me, he is a dead traitor..."

Fairy Qu squeezed his fists in anger, but Zhao Guanren picked up another bottle of mineral water, unscrewed it and handed it to Jessica and said: "I want to know the origin of the green crystal, and you should want to go to Australia Squirrel Valley, we It is a pleasure to work together!"

"Actually I don't know much, otherwise Old Mike would kill me instead of abandoning me..."

Jessica took a big sip of water and said, "But I really know some of the green crystal. Many people think it comes from East Asia. In fact, it was bought as a natural crystal. It was shipped from Australia to HK auction and finally entered. In the hands of the Bald Eagle Group, there are a total of nine!"

Zhao Guanren asked: "Where did you find it, and where is the auctioneer?"

"I only know that the place of discovery is in central Australia, as if it was discovered by explorers..."

Jessica recalled: “The auctioneer was anonymous, and he had a hand in the middle. It attracted the attention of the group after the virus accident. I also heard the old Mike mention it once. Knowing too much is not good for me. It may only be high-level people. Know the details, like Ben!"

"Why is Ben going to Tama Shrine..."

"I have seen all kinds of men, they all covet my body, including the interrogator..."

Jessica smiled and said: "You are just pretending to be interested in me. Actually I am not your food, so I have to talk about a suitable price. I not only know why Ben goes to the shrine, but also where your woman is. What is her name... Oh! Zhang Xinyue!"

"I am a serious businessman, as long as the price is right I will agree..."

Zhao Guanren drew the knife and inserted it into the floor tiles, and said with a smile: "At the same time, I also remind you, don't force me to take out your soul and see for yourself. Now you can talk to Tracy. She will tell you and collect the money. What is the price of lying!"


Jessica was startled slightly, who knew that a white mist suddenly appeared on the handle of the knife, quickly forming a woman's face in mid-air, staring at Jessica in pain and distorted, and let out a miserable cry, scared Jessica shrank back sharply.

"Let her go, please, I just want to get a vaccine..."

Jessica turned her head in horror, and said anxiously: "Ben contacted me after the crash. He said that the magic girl hit Ding Weiye and got into the helicopter to cause the fall. He asked me to lead you to P5. Laboratory, buried you deep in the ground with a bomb!"

"Wait a moment!"

Zhao Guanren hurriedly drew up the spirit-killing knife and said in shock: "Why did the devilish girl kill Ding Weiye? Is Ding Weiye dead?"

"The Devilish Girl wanted to kill Ben. Ding Weiye was shot in the melee and fell into a coma after getting on the plane..."

Jessica said with lingering fear: "They discovered that there was a magic girl after flying out. He deliberately reported to Tama Shrine, just to lead the magic girl to kill him, and I have a biochemical capsule in my body. He can use the control system at any time. Kill me!"

"You **** talk upside down, do you think I'm a fool..."

Zhao Guanren grabbed her hair hard, condensed a ball of lightning in the heart of his right hand, placed it in front of her and asked harshly: "Why does Ben contact you at a critical moment? Are you not Mike's bodyguard? Can't you have private contact with him? ?"

"I was bought by Ben to help him deal with Mike, and Mike only abandoned me when he found out..."

Jessica tremblingly said, "It was an accident that Ben went to Tama Shrine. The magical girl disrupted his plan, but he took away two green crystals. God! I know so much. Your woman's phone tells you!"

"Phone? What phone?"

"Satellite phone! Satellite phones in your country can be used normally..."

Jessica gasped and said, "Your woman has two satellite phones in total. They have been carrying them with you since the disaster. But they knew that Qu Yaojiang was arrested and they had to send a password message to get the call back. Off state!"

"I know the number! I also know the password..."

Qu Yaojing hurriedly said: "In the soul world, in order to identify the dark souls, you compiled a set of numbers for each of us. Except for you, only Zhang Xinyue and Zhou Miao knew about the coding rules. The captured people would send text messages to them. Call back!"

"Mr. Zhao! Please give me a vaccine. I have said everything that should be said..."

Jessica stomped her feet anxiously on the chair, but Zhao Guanren cuffed her up again and said: "I will grab Ben with my own hands and regain the biochemical controller from him. As long as you don't lie to me, I will definitely You will be free, let's go!"

Zhao Guanren walked out quickly and closed the door. After instructing the guards a few words, he brought Qu Fairy to the office on the second floor. Qu Fairy immediately wrote down two sets of numbers and said: "I'm going to find a satellite phone. unusable!"

"No! I just have..."

Zhao Guanren sat on the chair and turned on the watch, and let the watch perform analog dialing. Who knew that the first set of numbers hadn't turned off, and soon a waiting tone sounded. It was only after a while that a man picked it up. Say hello!

"Uh~ who are you? Do you know Zhou Miao or Zhang Xinyue..."

Zhao Guanren subconsciously spoke in English, and the other party also replied in English: “I’m not someone. I picked up this phone last week. It’s almost out of power. I don’t know the owner. This is Wellington, but it’s true. It’s amazing, this is the only phone that can communicate!"

"Wellington? Have you seen a few Asian girls, they should have brought their children..."

Zhao Guanren frowned unconsciously, and the other party said: "Oh! I heard the survivors nearby say that there is a group of very wild Asian girls driving in modified cars and gang shootouts, but I picked up this phone. When there was blood on it, it was packed in a small bag, I hope they are all right!"

"Can you tell me your specific location, if you can keep the phone open, I will give you a lot of supplies as a thank you..."

"I'm sorry! I have to ensure my safety and not reveal my position. You can go to Cannon Manor in Upper Hart to find out, I..."

The phone was disconnected before the other party finished talking. If you call it again, it will be turned off. Obviously, it is half out of power, and the other set of numbers is turned off. So he lowered his hand and asked, "Where is Wellington? Wellington is not a steak. ?"

"You have to supplement your knowledge of geography..."

Qu Yaojing smiled bitterly: "Wellington, the capital of New Zealand, is a coastal city with a population of hundreds of thousands. The nearest country is Australia. The number you just dialed belongs to Gaojie. The bloodstains may only belong to the enemy, but they are women soldiers trained under your hands. !"

"Damn! I always thought New Zealand was in Europe..."

Zhao Guanren scratched his scalp incomprehensibly, and had to send two text messages in a row, asking them to call back immediately when they saw the information, and then said dumbfoundedly: "These little ladies are running around the world. They are more tossing than me. It must be me. Mom is taking the lead!"

"Little Zhao!"

The fairy Qu suddenly said dejectedly: "I want to go back to Dongjiang to find my wife. She will definitely go back if she doesn't die. It's not that I don't want to stay to help you, but my mind is really not suitable!"

"Old song!"

Zhao Guanren handed him a cigarette and said: "You are doing very well, only you insist on not rebelling, but is it useful for you to go back? Is Dongjiang still a ghost town?"

"Dongjiang is no longer a ghost town, and a lot of people from other places have moved..."

Qu Yaojing lit a cigarette and said: "At the beginning, according to your requirements, the government allocated funds to build the city wall, and there was an armored unit stationed. The loss should be less than other places, but I forgot to let them buy a satellite phone, or make a phone call. I'll find out when I go back!"

"If you really want to go back, I will have someone take you back when I find the airliner..."

Zhao Guanren said: "The passenger plane will not be hit directly. It is best to run into a fighter jet to intercept you. You must report my name and say that there are 20,000 vaccines on the plane. Xiaodan, they will also take it home!"


Fairy Qu said in surprise: "You still have so many vaccines, don't you say that there are only five thousand?"

"Speak down! I have millions more..."

Zhao Guanren waved his hand and said: "But I can't afford the devils and Yang Mao. They have to find crystals for me. You have to be careful after you go back. If there is no fighter to intercept you, you will probably encounter warlords or gangsters after landing. I understand. ?"

"I know!"

The fairy Qu nodded and said: "Everything in the country is your own hometown. I know their tricks. You should pay attention to them when you are in a foreign country. You will be a Japanese son-in-law soon. Don't take a devil's mouth and let people hear it. uncomfortable!"

"Little devils don't smoke Uncomfortable Skies, the more they smoke, the more obedient..."

Zhao Guanren walked out triumphantly, but Song Qian rushed in and said, “Ben’s people sent out a distress signal. They were attacked by powerful monsters. Several people snatched a crystal. When Lou waited for us to rescue, everyone else ran away, including Ben and Ding Weiye!"

"Hurry up and send someone to get a group injection of the team members to save the hostages..."

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