One Step to The End

Chapter 893: Who is not the best

"Zhao Guanren! You can't refuse me, let us have a fair contest..."

Red Pili was suspended in the air and opened his arms. He stood between Zhao Guanren and the terminal. Zhou Miao and other women and Sha Xiaohong were in the house. There were hundreds of heavily armed militias on both sides, but the key It was Red Thunderbolt and another companion, and the invisible companion was hiding.

"If you were a boxing champion, would you accept the challenge of an unknown person..."

Zhao Guanren carried the knife and said: "I know you are a product of the laboratory, you should come from Shengtok. Among your mutants, what ranking did you get? If you don't even have the top three, I advise you to still Get out now!"

"You know a lot, I am from Santoque..."

Red Thunder smiled grinningly: "If I am not the best, how am I embarrassed to challenge you? This is not a task from any organization, but before I officially join the Bald Eagle, I need a beautiful golden belt to prove my strength. !"

"Everyone says they are the best, but Tyson also needs to pay for appearances..."

Zhao Guanren glanced at the electronic watch on his wrist, and only heard Xiao Ai say in his ear: "This evolved man is much stronger than Ben, reaching a mutation rate of 67%. The device on his chest has crystal energy. Can fire a deadly beam!"

"The appearance fee is the head of each other, isn't it exciting enough..."

The Red Thunder twisted his neck vigorously, but Zhao Guanren said again: "I don't have much time, so I don't want to be harassed by you endlessly. Tell me about the strong people on your rankings. I will come to the door and beat them one by one. You don’t know whether you live or die!"

"It's enough if you can beat me, I am the strongest..."

The Red Thunderbolt suddenly shook his fist, and the speed of this product was really fast to the extreme. Suddenly it revolved around Zhao Guanren frantically, and the afterimage formed a red whirlwind, followed by a crisp sound of "Kaka", hundreds of red lightnings unexpectedly It came out at the same time.

"Small bugs! The class door makes an axe..."

Zhao Guanren slammed a ball of lightning into the sky and drew the red lightning away. With a bang, it exploded in mid-air. The purple lightning instantly absorbed the red electricity, and unexpectedly caused a chain effect. A thick lightning shot towards the red thunderbolt.


The red thunderbolt suddenly stopped and hit with one hand. The lightning slammed down in his palm, but the power obviously exceeded his estimate. He just saw his body trembled fiercely, and the carbon glove on his right hand exploded. A withered hand like a black wood came.

"Jin Geng! Xuan San! Divine Yin..."

Zhao Guanren yelled something unintelligible, and then jumped from the ground. Two purple lightning **** shot out again, and the four female warriors moved at the same time. What Zhao Guanren yelled was exactly Report the location and identity of the hidden person.

"Haha! Thank you for charging me..."

Red Thunderbolt suddenly laughed, and even used his body to catch two lightning balls. The thick lightning that had been sawing in his palm suddenly changed its direction. In a flash, it turned into hundreds of small purple lightning. Two electric **** shot in all directions.


The four female warriors screamed and were electrocuted to the ground. The profound energy could not stop the thunderbolt and lightning. The surrounding militiamen also suffered. They fell to the ground violently and convulsed violently, and even the car batteries burst. It is a large-scale magic attack.


The two "Red Moon Slashes" smashed into Red Thunderbolt at the same time, and all the lightning shot at Zhao Guanren led away. However, Red Thunderbolt had just been clearly acting. His speed had already surpassed the limit of human beings, and he easily escaped with a shake of his body. Hongyue Zhan immediately reached Zhao Guanren's side.

"Go to hell!"

The red thunderbolt slammed his chest, and pulled out a thunder and lightning sword from the "energy lamp" on his chest. The red sword body flashed with lightning, as if it contained the power of destroying the world, and Zhao Guanren was in his eyes. It was like slow motion, even the head couldn't even turn around.

"I'm from hell!"

Zhao Guanren's head suddenly "twisted", and the evil smile surprised Red Thunder, but it was too late to stop.


Zhao Guanren's speed unexpectedly increased several times. The Red Luan Knife in his hand did not hit hard at all. Instead, he ran sideways and received it behind his back. No matter how the Red Thunderbolt hit his head, he seemed to have seen nothing.


Red Thunder took a long sword as a knife, but the sword could not be cut at all. When Zhao Guanren turned to the side, his left hand moved up, and he slammed the right wrist of the sword holding Red Thunder, and his thumb went into his acupuncture point. In the middle, his right hand suddenly lost strength.


Zhao Guanren didn’t use any big tricks, he directly twisted his body with an eight-pole "heart elbow" and slammed it against Red Pili’s chest. This blow was ten successful, and the energy light of Red Pili “clicked”. It shattered, and the leather jacket on his back cracked with a "chuck".

"Boom boom..."

Zhao Guanren made a three-shot combo like running water, uppercut, cleavage, knee top, the red thunderbolt did not even make a scream, he flew upside down in the blink of an eye, his right wrist was twisted into a twist, and his chest was sunken. It's big, and the person spews a big mouthful of blood before it hits the ground.

"Today, I will let you increase your memory, and the octogens will be broken, and the gods are also afraid..."

Zhao Guanren stood proudly with a negative knife, the red thunderbolt fell to the ground and vomited blood, and the energy lamp was flashing abnormal electric sparks. These mutants had a common stinking problem. They always like to use their superpowers to crush everything, but they are in the melee stage. Become a rookie.



The Hongluan knife shot the blade light without warning, and Zhao Guanren also made a crisp sound behind him, but his knife was always behind him, and the light red blade light was stabbed upside down. After the crisp collision sound, it burst out of thin air. There was a lot of blood.

"You are drilling here and there, do you really think I can't see you..."

Zhao Guanren sneered and turned his head, only to see that the air behind him suddenly distorted, and a naked invisible man appeared, making the Hongluan knife spit out blood in the air, looking desperate and horrified, and his appearance was also Insignificant middle-aged man.

"Boss! Based on your indicators, I created a scoring template with a perfect score of 100..."

Xiao Ai suddenly said: "The invisible man has a variability of 52, strength of 38, speed of 38, abnormal energy of 43, without an energy storage device, comprehensive combat power of 38 points, and a red thunderbolt of 82 points. Of course! This score is for reference only, environment, IQ and experience are not in the judging criteria!"

"82 points? Looks like I underestimated him..."

Zhao Guanren threw the invisible man out with his hand. The two injured female warriors immediately shot out from the bottom of the car, grabbed the invisible man and pressed it to the ground. At this time, the red thunderbolt also tore off the energy lamp, giving birth to life. A large mass of flesh and blood was also torn out.

"Hey~ It hurts and hurts to say the harshest words, to be beaten the most venomously..."

Zhao Guanren had a joking expression that couldn't bear to look straight. Maybe the measuring lamp was about the size of a can of Coke, like a big awl pierced in front of Red Thunder's chest. The complicated wires were all connected to the nerves. His whole body was trembling with pain, but the wound was rapid. heal.

"Go to **** you!"

Red Thunderbolt suddenly pressed the switch at the bottom, and threw the energy lamp at Zhao Guanren with a roar. The broken energy light instantly emitted a dazzling white light, accompanied by a rapid ticking sound, and Red Thunderbolt was even more "I will sacrifice heroically." "Looks like.


The watch suddenly reflected a ray of light, and it sucked all the light from the energy lamp, and it fell to the ground like a ball of electronic waste.


Red Thunder looked at the energy lamp with a dumbfounded face, and the invisible man pressed on the ground was also dumbfounded, but Xiao Ai said in Zhao Guanren's ear: "It's a pity! This energy storage device is too primitive, not enough time. The energy transmitted by the group!"

"Liar! You bastards..."

Red Thunder roared in humiliation, and he jumped up and ran away. His self-healing ability was very strong, and his broken right hand had recovered. However, Zhao Guanren looked at him with a smile, and seemed to chase him. No.


A long rainbow-like sword glow descended from the bottom up, and it was as fast as Red Thunderbolt. It was then that Red Thunderbolt realized that there was a female grandmaster in the bushes, and he slammed two flashes of lightning to fight.

But he never thought that someone was a champion in martial arts, how could the long-simmering trick be simple, she stabbed dozens of knives in an instant, forming a seemingly fan-shaped blade light, even if the red thunderbolt could stop a few , Can't stop everything.

"Puff puff…"

The Red Thunderbolt was shot into a hornet's nest in an instant, and at the same time he fell, the female grandmaster cut off his head with a volley, jumped up and grabbed it, and fell to the ground lightly, with a self-healing power. No matter how strong you are, you can't live.

"Brilliant red! Nice job..."

Zhao Guanren smiled and gave him a thumbs up. The female grandmaster blinked at him playfully, but there was an explosion before the words fell. The invisible man's head exploded without warning, and the plasma splashed the faces of the two female warriors. , Making them jump up in exclamation.

"I give you a chance, you dare to die..."

Zhao Guanren exploded and shot out with a kick, but the direction he was flying was actually a pile of militia corpses. He only looked at a bearded white man with bleeding nostrils. He suddenly opened his eyes and stared at him. He heard a "bang" in an instant. The ghost particle shield opened instantly.


Zhao Guanren fell to the ground with an upside down onion, his eardrums were buzzing, he didn't know how the other party made the move, as if he was hit by an invisible force of thought very quickly, and this force was also quite strong. Tough.

"Yanhong! Don't chase, you stay to protect everyone..."

Zhao Guanren got up and shot out again. The beard did not want to fight, and fled to the wheat field super fast. Although he didn't have the ability to fly in the air, he didn't touch the ground when he ran, and Zhao Guanren couldn't catch up for a while. he.


Xiao Ai suddenly reminded: "This is a woman who may change her appearance. Her mutation level is 86%, her strength is 48, and her speed is 73. However, her abnormal energy is as high as 92, and her overall combat power is 90 points. Two people are in ambush!"

"Want to lead me into the pit, it's not so easy..."

Zhao Guanren suddenly changed direction and walked directly towards the two ambushers. The big beard in front also stopped abruptly, and quickly jumped to a tree and shouted: "Stop! Otherwise I will kill your wife and Children, they are all in my hands!"

"It's not good for my wife and children, you have already touched my bottom line..."

Zhao Guanren stopped on the soil **** with a sullen face. Two people appeared in the wheat field at the front left, holding two large and one small three people in his hands, but the big beard said coldly: "We don't want to hurt women and children either. The premise is that you answer our questions honestly!"

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