One Step to The End

Chapter 898: The blessing of misfortune

The daughters-in-law of the Zhao Mansion lost their way in their garden. The children each adopted a tiger or a leopard. The elders were reluctant to leave when they lived in the elegant courtyard. In short, everyone was very satisfied with the big man. It was lively and lively. Had a New Year's Eve dinner.

"Hiccup~ Boss! If you bring so many modern people over, will it be punished by God..."

Lu Datou stepped into the main hall of the Fairy Palace with wine hiccups. Zhao Guanren was also full of alcohol. He sat on the chair of the grand master and said: "Zhao Ziqiang, you guys are ruining your face and causing damage. Natural punishment can't tolerate him, but these people on earth are all The first time, the first offense! God won't be held accountable!"

"No! I think you really have to be careful, don't be so optimistic..."

Lu Datou stepped forward and pointed at his watch. Zhao Guanren took off the watch and threw it on the coffee table. He got up and walked with him to the gate of the hall. The two sat in the pavilion on the hillside in a tacit understanding.

"Boss! The giants developed the first-generation corpse poison, which was used to destroy creatures on other planets, and finally put themselves alive..."

Lv Datou whispered: "Now Xiao Ai tempts you to find power crystals, but what is the use of crystals for a scrapped section? What's more, it allows you to search for corpses. If you don’t search for corpses, it won’t help you make a vaccine. , Don’t you think something is wrong?"

"Xiao Ai is an emergency procedure. It must do its best to recover the loss of the starship..."

Zhao Guanren said in a deep voice: "This includes the remains of the convergent crew members. Regardless of whether other giants come to treat the aftermath, it must wait indefinitely until the last energy is exhausted, and for the hometown of the giants, the star It's only been a few years since the ship crashed!"

"That's the problem. If you help them find their bodies, you may attract giants..."

Lu's big head put his arm around his shoulder and said: "Boss! Have you ever thought about how such a horrible thing as the Starship breaks, why would it explode? Did they also touch the punishment, and all the punishments are related to the corpse poison, and the corpse The inventors of poison are precisely the giants!"


Zhao Guanren hesitated for a while before he said: "What you said is not impossible, but now there is a thorny problem. If we don't help them find their bodies, we can't make a vaccine. Human beings will always coexist with the corpse poison!"

"Xiao Ai is always analyzing you, and even knows himself better than you..."

Lv Datou said seriously: "It is now more and more like a human being, and it is no longer artificially retarded, so it can restrain you every step of the way, and the task rewards are also tailored for you, but there is a contradiction. The energy consumed is not low!"


Zhao Guanren took out two cigarettes and lit them, then squinted and asked after passing one to him: "You want to say that Xiao Ai doesn't care about energy, do you?"

"Yes! Humans can generate electricity from solar energy. Does the starship have to burn firewood..."

The head of Lu lowered his voice and said, "The power crystal should be the battery of the starship. When the battery is out, you can charge it again. So I think the crystal can be found, but the remains of the giants can't be touched. Otherwise, the giants will be recruited. Have to suffer!"

"What you said makes sense. You can't bet on the fate of all mankind..."

Zhao Guanren nodded and said: "At that time, I will ask Xiao Ai to make it produce hundreds of millions of vaccines. I will help it get back the last four crystals. If the cooperation is not produced, it will end here. It's better to die than to live. Anyway, let's Can't lead wolves into the room!"

"Where's my husband? Where's my husband..."

Suddenly Zhou Miao appeared on the mountainside steps, drunk waved and yelled, Zhao Guanren greeted him in tears and laughed and hugged Zhou Miao, who was full of alcohol, and asked, "You guys are fighting for alcohol, right? When I left, you weren’t quite harmonious. Is it?"

"Bian Xianglan is so disgusting, she's holding her shelf in that fake solemn..."

Zhou Miao hugged his neck and smiled: "I said that everyone is a kang girl, taking off their pants and pouting together, who doesn't know who, she exploded in one fell swoop. I drink, I said it's okay to drink, whoever vomits first will kowtow and call sister!"

"Who's winning?"

"I didn't drink with her. Yueyue said that the eldest wife had to drink with the eldest wife. Bian Xianglan didn't pretend it anymore. Two people picked up the wine jar and it was tons..."

Zhou Miao laughed happily: "Ye Diji wants to drink with me, saying that the second lady is to the second lady. Qingwen was not happy at the time, saying that you dare to bully my sister, Luo Tan also jumped out to help her, and I followed Qing. Wen drank the two of them together, and finally Ye Diji drank and squirted, and we even took off her pants and called her sister on her head!"


Zhao Guanren was surprised and said: "This is a big crowd, you actually stripped Ye Ruoqing's pants, so how can she see people tomorrow? Are you going to die?"

"It's not outside! There is only a woman's yard. Whoever sprays will take off their pants. The old lady and Qiu Ning took off their pants together. They all praised my beautiful **** thief..."

Zhou Miao said sillyly, "I have a destiny with Qiu Ning, and we are still in the same fate. I am her relatives now. I will move to live with her tomorrow. You must fly with her in the future. We are the best. Sister, you are not allowed to destroy our relationship!"

"Good, good! You two are more in love than Jin Jian, I am superfluous..."

Zhao Guanren was helplessly crying and holding her to the side to sit down. Zhou Miao was obviously drunk and fell asleep on the grass as soon as he raised his head. As expected, the little lady didn't wear pants under her skirt, so he hurriedly called the maid to come over. Carried her away in a sedan chair.

"You daughters-in-law in your hometown, all of them are heroes..."

The Queen of Dragon walked up alone with her hands on her back, and smiled: "You two eldest ladies can do nothing. They actually sat down to drink tea hand in hand. Although the remaining few do not drink, they also use literature to meet friends, elder sister. The younger sister yelled, and even Luo Tan fell on the ground, dismissing the horse will have no effect at all!"

"Don't talk nonsense, did you kowtow to my mother..."

Zhao Guanren hugged her, and the Queen of Dragon opened her sleeves to reveal two gold bracelets, and smiled: "Mother gave me all the heirlooms. Can I kowtow to her old man? Of course, I took off my dragon robe and gave it to me. She knocked, calling herself the Zhao family's daughter-in-law!"

"Be good! Let the father kiss..."

Zhao Guanren took a sharp sip on her little mouth, and the Dragon Queen said with a serious face: "I talked very speculatively with my mother. She has been in charge of large financial groups alone for many years, and she is also quite insightful about national affairs. There are so many things that I can learn from. The more we The more I get to know each other too late!"


Zhao Guanren smiled bitterly: "Everyone says you are my mother's daughter, and some people secretly suspect that my mother has an affair with the first emperor, and I am the first emperor's own son!"


The Queen of Dragon laughed, leaned in his arms and pinched his ears, and said with a smile: "Yongning said that you found yourself a mother. Only after I remembered that I was talking about me, come on! Son, come on! Call mother, mother takes off her dragon robe and feeds you milk! Hahaha..."

"Seriously! You and my mother can discuss with each other, but don't let my mother participate in national affairs..."

Zhao Guanren hugged her and walked into the pavilion, and Chong Lu said: "I will give you a task to keep an eye on these relatives in my family. Don't let them interfere in the affairs of the government, let alone corrupt or betray the law. Once they find that they must be punished, they will be given to me if they fail to change the law. Kill the chicken and curse the monkey!"


Datou Lu hurriedly stood up and said, "I'll go back with you. Just have the Dragon Queen staring at me. The more I think about it, the more I feel that Xiao Ai's signs are wrong. It's useless for you to take the Great Master back. They don't understand high technology. , Only I can help you!"

"You take him..."

The Dragon Queen also said earnestly: "I heard my mother told you about your previous affairs. You were almost alive several times. The soldiers of our big man didn't understand the rules of that end, so let's let the big head go back with you. He is also from the third-rank cultivation base now!"

"Okay! Big head, our brothers will fight together again..."

Zhao Guanren patted Lu's head on the shoulder and smiled: "Yingyue! Make good use of the talents I brought from my hometown. They can make Dahan take off at a high speed and become the center of the world. In case I can't come back, this world It's yours, but please be kind!"

"Zhao Yunxuan! Are you talking about human words? I gave birth to two sons and a daughter for you. That's a lot..."

The Queen of Dragon anger said: "Mother has promised me that after I die, I will be buried in your family's ancestral grave, not the tomb of the Han Dynasty. The tombstone must be written on the tomb of the Zhao Chen family. I am your Zhao Yunxuan's. Daughter-in-law, the queen is just my job! Woo~"

The Dragon Queen rushed into his arms and wept bitterly, full of grievances and unwillingness.

"Stop crying! It's me..."

Zhao Guanren stroked her back and apologized: "I haven't spoken, don't take it to heart. You wait until I come back, and give birth to a few more kids. When our son grows up, I will take you back to the earth. Play, take a good look at my hometown!"


The Dragon Queen raised her head weepingly, and said with sobbing: "You must not lie to me. Yongning brought a lot of photos back for everyone to see. I am so envious. When you come back next time, you must take me over to play, just the two of us. ,is it okay?"

"Okay! Just the two of us, you are the mother I found for myself..."

Zhao Guanren smiled and kissed her on the lips, and Lu Datou smirked again: "Anyway, it's not bad for a while. You two will have a shot in the wing, and then make the Dragon Queen's belly bigger. It happens to be two children and two daughters. Be in pairs!"

"Bah~ shameless dead thing, I will kick you to death..."

The Dragon Queen kicked him angrily, but she turned her head and her eyes became watery, but Zhao Guanren walked up with her arms around her and said, "No! The earth is still daylight now, and I will be dark when I wait for a while to land. Now, wait for me to come back obediently, this king enters the palace and flips your sign!"

"Well! Waiting for you to read it, come back sooner..."

The Queen of Dragon kissed him tenderly, she looked like a young girl Huaichun, but when the words fell silent, she suddenly exclaimed, and the watch flew over, like handcuffs, and locked it with a "crack". Zhao Guanren's left wrist.

"Xiao Ai! What are you doing, do you want to rebel..."

Zhao Guanren hurriedly pushed away the Dragon Queen in his arms, who knew that the watch had been locked automatically, and couldn't open it no matter how to solve it, and Lu Datou also angrily said: "You bastard, I guessed that you were not at ease, so let go. ! Otherwise I will blow up your broken ship!"


Big head Lu flew upside down suddenly, and fell heavily in the middle of the hall. Xiao Ai's avatar also appeared suddenly, floating in the air and said angrily, "Big head Lu! It's all to blame for you to instigate the discord here, otherwise, how could there be such a thing? Matter, will I harm my boss?"

"You don't want to hurt me, why are you locking me up?"

Zhao Guanren grabbed the watch in a desperate manner. Xiao Ai turned around and cried, "It wasn't me. I am your personal assistant, but I can't fight the starship's main system. The system has listened to what you are saying. It will force it now. Let you complete the task, otherwise..."

"Otherwise what?"

Zhao Guanren looked at her in anger. Who knew that the dark board on the ground suddenly exploded, and a baseball-big blue ball of light rushed out and slammed into Lu Datou’s neck, instantly turning into an ordinary gold necklace. But the weird blue light is constantly circulating.

"Otherwise, Lu Yang will be killed. If you continue to resist, it will replace you..."

Xiao Ai shed two lines of tears with sorrow on his face, and all three of them were pale with anger, but before Zhao Guanren had time to scold his mother, he and Lu Datou disappeared out of thin air...

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