One Step to The End

Chapter 911: Wealthy and celebrities

"Are you **** fooling foreign devils?"

The whole restaurant was stunned by one sentence. The guests were sprayed with food everywhere, but Zhao Guanren calmly said in English: "Hey~ Jack! You can't say bad words, I think they are very surprised. Looks like, who taught you this sentence?"


Lu Datou leaned on the chair and said in English: "An Asian girl taught me. She can say when she says I'm not satisfied, what the **** are you fooling foreign devils?"


A room of guests roared with laughter when two fashionable beauties walked in. They must be artificial beauties who had undergone plastic surgery. They just couldn't see the signs of moving the knife. One of the women looked like Anglebaby and asked curiously: "Wu Aunty! What happened?"

"I don't understand, they seem to be dissatisfied with the dishes, saying that I fooled foreign devils..."

The lady boss rubbed her hands in embarrassment, and the beauty who looked like AB asked in proficient English. Zhao Guanren pointed to the next table and said, "We want to eat the same dishes as you. We have been to your country before. It is not such **** at all. vegetable!"

"OK! My name is Jessica, and she is my cousin, Candy..."

The beauty suddenly stretched out her hand and smiled: "Although I am a native-born Australian, I still understand the situation here. It just happens to be the New Year of the demolition. If you want to eat authentic delicacies, let me invite you to eat. I promise not to let you down!"

"Thank you so much! My name is Jimmy and this is my friend Jack..."

Zhao Guanren smiled and shook hands with each other. The two women were very curious about Lu's head, and asked him if he was Depp himself. Lu's head was full of arrogant denials, and deliberately muttered: "Candy! Strippers call this. name!"

"Hehe~ Let's go order first..."

Jessica awkwardly took away her female companion, and said angrily in Mandarin: "I told you a long time ago. I gave a more elegant English name. Only the lady will be called Candy. I will lose face with you. Talk less and don't shame me anymore!"

"Sister! Didn't we come to have a blind date? How embarrassing it is for the man to see..."

Candy glanced at the door with a guilty conscience, but Jessica said, "This is called riding a donkey and looking for a horse. The foreigner doesn't understand what we are talking about. Besides, if you look at their clothes, you can see that they have a serious job. People, if you want to take citizenship, just listen to me!"

The two women quickly ordered the dishes and ordered a box of beer to sit there. Jessica introduced herself very enthusiastically. It turned out that the little lady had contracted two farms and a factory with more than 300 people. As well as the armed transport team, it can be regarded as a serious and rich second generation.

"I'm working at ACS..."

Lv's big head replied arrogantly, Jessica's accent is not authentic, she is an immigrant from China, and her cousin can't even speak English well.

"Hehe~ Me too..."

Zhao Guanren smiled and touched the bottle with Jessica. Who knows that Jessica doesn’t even know what ACS is, but it doesn’t affect her enthusiasm at all. In the villa, she will say that she has a babysitter and a helicopter at home.

"Excuse me! Let's get lost, a customer came..."

Suddenly the sisters got up and left the table, only to see a gentleman in a suit walk in, and after a few words with them politely, the three of them sat in the deck together, but Candy, who had been laughing with him just now, suddenly toes Be proud.

"We all know your family situation. We can only say that it's normal, so let's get straight to the point..."

Jessica said in an accent: "Although my sister is a new immigrant, she is also a person with a reputation in China. Our family is one of the best in Cooke. If you want to marry my sister, 200,000 Australian dollars, independent real estate. One set, written in her name, how about it?"

"Two hundred thousand beauties, this is too high..."

The guy rubbed his hands and said: "Cook is now very tight on houses and land. If you want to buy an independent house, you have to spend a high real estate tax. Count our marital property!"

"Gnard's house is worth a few dollars, and I don't want my farm here..."

Candy rolled his eyes and said, "I didn't deliberately ridicule you. As far as your family’s conditions are concerned, I would never consider it before. Now it’s up to you to be honest. Your brother can take care of you when he works in the police station. I will pay you back after marriage. I have to feed myself, but 200,000 is too much for you?"

"that is!"

Jessica stood up and said: "Just our Lijuan's face, who doesn't rush to ask for it, I think you shouldn't delay our time, my foreign friends are still waiting for us to eat, but they work at ACS. , Do you know where it is?"

"I, I know! I'll go back to discuss with my family, you wait for my call..."

The young man stood up cramped, glanced at Zhao Guanren and the others, nodded cautiously, and ran away.

"Tsk tut~"

Lv Datou covered his mouth and said: "This bad habit of beauties can't be changed abroad, and the two sisters really dare to speak. One mouth is 200,000 Australian dollars. Who can take it out of ordinary family, ordinary foreigners even 20,000 yuan. It's choking!"

"It's not ordinary people who dare to go on a blind date with them. Our compatriots are the richest group of people here..."

Zhao Guanren smiled and ate a bite of spicy chicken. The sisters ran to the toilet to patch up their makeup. They asked someone to ask what ACS did. The other party replied: "Crime Investigation Bureau, the Australian version of the FBI, just last night The police chief was arrested!"

"Wow! So awesome, even the chief of the police dare to catch..."

The eyes of the sisters brightened in an instant, and they rushed back to eat and drink. Jessica was constantly teasing Zhao Guanren. Her sister suffocated her English and gave Qiubo to Lu Datou secretly, but Lu Datou had these two Tianyang eats too much fast food, and always ignores her.

"Do you know the psychic Mr. Zhao..."

Zhao Guanren cut to the subject after he was full of wine and dinner, and Jessica smiled with a pretty face: "Of course he knows, he has a piece of land on my farm, and he will come over with his wife to grow vegetables if he is fine, or go to my farm to play. Let's play, they should be feeding animals at this point!"

"OK! I have a job to find him..."

Zhao Guanren smiled and stood up. Jessica yelled in surprise and went out of the house directly. Her car was a dark green Mercedes-Benz G. She threw the key to Zhao Guanren and said with a smile: " Sir! Do you dare to drive while drinking?"

"Of course! This is our privilege..."

Zhao Guanren opened the door and got into the car. Candy also took Lu's head into the back row. The car drove straight out of the city. In fact, Zhao Guanren would also need to go out of the city. There will definitely be doubts.

"Oh! I forgot that the city has been closed, and no entry is allowed..."

Jessica suddenly covered her mouth and exclaimed, but Zhao Guanren drove to the back city gate nonchalantly. An ACS agent happened to read the entry and exit records. He lowered the car window and shouted: "Martin! Don't **** be lazy. , Help me open the door!"


The little agent quickly got up and opened the electric door. The Mercedes Benz G immediately whizzed away. Jessica immediately hugged Zhao Guanren in excitement, gave him a kiss on his face, and shouted excitedly: "You are amazing." , No one can go out, only you can do it!"


Zhao Guanren subconsciously hugged her waist. The character of this little lady is not very good. The face that looks like AngleBaby may also be neat, but beautiful is beautiful, and the slim figure is also the best choice. It can only be read on the phone. Socialite.

Unexpectedly, when he hugged his waist, Jessica slammed her head and kissed him tongue as if encouraged, but Zhao Guanren pushed her away and said, "Wow~ this is not good. You will affect my safe driving!"

"Sorry! You are so handsome, I'm so excited..."

Jessica looked at him happily, Candy in the back covered her mouth and chuckled, while Lu's big head kept pretending to be cold, but Zhao Guanren lit a cigarette and asked, "Why do you choose to live in the remote Cooke? , Just for business?"

"Cook is a transportation hub, many good things will pass through here..."

Jessica pulled her yoga pants and leaned against the car door to reveal a white belly, and said, "Of course it's not all for business. Some of our relatives are refugees and do not have the right to live in the city, and my father is here. This person has a lot of connections, so I can't bear to leave!"

"The rich are always like this!"

Zhao Guanren blew a mouthful of smoke without comment, and within a few minutes he drove to the door of a private farm. The farm was fenced with three layers of barbed wire. There was a high explosion-proof wall inside. Some snipers were standing on the tower, and white men were hired. The soldiers squatted in the bunker.

"Oh~ there is a horse! Can I ride..."

Zhao Guanren slowly drove the car into the farm, and a worker quickly opened the iron door inside. There were a dozen big houses and stables inside, but Jessica posted it up and whispered: "It's all my horses, but you Don’t you think I’m more interesting than a horse?"

"Oh! I want to ride them first, then you..."

Zhao Guanren stopped the car and smiled slightly. Jessica gave him a fist, but kissed him again before opening the door and getting out of the car. The farm was full of fellow villagers. A mature woman ran up and asked, "Daughter! What are you doing? Who are the two of them that came out?"

"My friend! They work at ACS, and they opened the door after shouting..."

Jessica held her head very proudly. At this time, everyone on the farm came out. There were at least two to three hundred men and women. After Zhao Guanren and the others got off the car, few who could speak English neatly, all nodded and bowed. say hello.

"Hello two sirs, I'm Jessica's father, Tony Chen..."

A middle-aged man with a big belly greeted them, shook hands with the two enthusiastically, and invited them into the house to make tea for them. After a while, Candy's father also came, just like the face of the leader. Yanjing tea plus a meeting gift.

"Where is the bathroom? We need to make it easier..."

Datou Lu suddenly winked and stood up. Candy's father personally led them out. After the two entered a simple cottage, Datou Lu closed the door and whispered: "I have seen Candy's father. Guess what the old guy is. people?"

"Have you ever seen it? You don't have an accent like a Northeastern person..."

Zhao Guanren looked at him inexplicably, but Lu Datou smiled and said, "Southern! The petty official was greedy. He just ran out before the disaster. I heard that he was greedy for more than 700 million. Even the mistress was brought out. His sister is here. They are all about to become rich, and it is estimated that the stolen money will be transferred to them!"

"I'll go! Then we have to be a good citizen and help the people..."

Zhao Guanren smirked. Who knows, the two of them shook together. The two intelligent assistants actually issued a warning at the same time that they were being scanned by strange energy. They immediately squatted on the crack of the door. It was a young woman in a white skirt standing not far away, her eyes were completely white.

"What the **** is this? It looks so oozing..."

"I don't know! It's probably the psychic and his wife, who is not kind..."

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