One Step to The End

Chapter 983: Gambler

"How can this be? What the **** is it..."

Lin Duoduo stepped back in horror. Zhao Guanren quickly threw down the comatose reminder and took out the military version of the Yinsi glasses, which looked like ordinary brown sunglasses. However, the Yinsi glasses were not night vision devices, so he still couldn't see clearly. What's in the dim hall.

"Hurry up and call the Gale Force Army and say there are ghosts here..."

Zhao Guanren pushed back and pushed Lin Duoduo. The Gale Army is a professional demonic army. Fighting with these monsters all the year round, it must be much better than ordinary people like them. But Lin Duoduo didn't run a few steps and suddenly froze like an electric shock. .

"What's wrong?"

Zhao Guanren looked back suspiciously. Unexpectedly, the originally empty corridor was full of black air that could not be noticed by the naked eye. There was also a large black air like long hair, which dropped from the vent and was tightly locked. Lin Duoduo's neck made her whole body tremble in pain.

'not good! ’

Zhao Guanren's expression suddenly changed. These black angers could not be seen without the Yinsi glasses. When he looked down, he was surprised to find that his legs were also curled up by two strands of "black hair" and penetrated his pants into him. In the body, he only struggled twice before he was paralyzed.

‘It’s over! The body is out of control...’

Zhao Guanren rolled his eyes in horror. This was the only place he could move. Following him, Lin Duoduo backed back together, like a corpse who had just turned into a corpse, twisting back in a weird posture, but a group of The Gale Army just came out.

‘Don’t come here, look at me, look at me...’

Zhao Guanren yelled desperately in his heart, but there was only a rattling gurgling sound in his throat. More than a dozen Gale soldiers joked and joked, completely unaware of the two retreating two people and the black air permeating the corridor. , Walked straight towards the two.

"Wait! The smell of rotten eggs seems to be devilish..."

The Gale Army stopped suddenly. They were worthy of the veterans who were dying on the front line, but their reaction was still a bit slow. Not only did they turn a blind eye to Zhao Guanren and the others, the black air of hair also suddenly locked them, causing them to tremble collectively. Up.


Several newly pulled horses fell to the ground. More than a dozen Gale Forces were full of grim faces, and they were all desperately operating their skills. A few even raised their hands, but black air suddenly erupted from the vents. Black Qi quickly strangled their throats.

‘It’s over! This time is completely over...’

Zhao Guanren let out a mournful cry in his heart, as strong as the Gale Army was attacked, they walked crookedly towards the hall, and Zhao Guanren and the others had retreated into the darkness, they were actually manipulated to come to the middle, slowly Sitting at a big table.


Zhao Guanren rolled his eyeballs laboriously. He and Lin Duoduo hid in the middle. Lu Datou and Zheng Yueer sat diagonally across from him. Crazy Dragon and others sat on his right hand side. There was another group of licensees, divided into two tables. Sitting in different positions, almost a dozen tables were filled with guests.

‘This is **** worth two thousand points, five thousand points is not enough...’

Zhao Guanren finally saw the mission goal. He only saw a large group of black energy floating on the ceiling. It was a demonic red-eyed ghost head, looking down at the crowd with a grinning face, and the long hair transformed from the black energy, all Submerged in the ventilation duct.

"Boom boom..."

A dull crash sounded. It was obvious that someone was fighting in the private room. The red-eyed ghost head seemed to have encountered the opponent. He even looked in the direction of the corridor, and then slammed into the ventilation duct. The sound of fighting soon suddenly stopped. Stop.

"Okay! The guests are here, you can start..."

A dull voice came from the top, the red-eyed ghost head slowly filled the vent, and two more people appeared in the corridor, one is a bare skylark, walking over like a puppet, but Zhao Feijia, who was not wearing pants, was actually caught Heiqi locked his neck and dragged it along the ground.


A few small lights suddenly lit up, just to see that there was a dealer standing at each table, even the Gale Army was forced to sit down, and the red eyes floating in the air after Skylark and Zhao Feijia were also forced to sit down. Guitou immediately uttered a low and weird laugh.

"I was very angry today because someone swept my gambling..."

The red-eyed ghost said with an annoyance: "You must accompany me to bet to the fullest tonight, but I am a very gambling person. As long as you win, I can leave, but everyone has only one chance. The bet is your fate. ,Hahaha…"

"It's none of our business, it's a place sealed by the Gale Army..."

Suddenly everyone was able to speak, and a woman cried right away, but her body was still unable to move, and the black energy still penetrated deeply into their bodies, but Hibari almost fainted. She was alone in the audience and followed Zhao Guanren is at the same table.

"Hoho~ I have a good figure, but my **** is quite white..."

Zhao Guanren laughed playfully, but this sentence was directed at Zhao Feijia. His neck could already turn left and right. Zhao Feijia was separated from him by Lin Duoduo and Skylark, and he blew a rogue whistle frivolously.

"damn it!"

Zhao Feijia was strictly controlled, the whole person was like petrified, but the scar face was still flushed red, and he asked anxiously: "Little Green Five! You are here to perform the task, you have such a strong one. Why didn't the evil spirits speak earlier?"

"Nonsense! If I knew there were evil spirits, would I still sit here..."

Zhao Guanren rolled his eyes helplessly, and immediately saw that the dealer’s eyes were all black, as if they were stained with ink, and he said in unison: "I play with each of you at the same time, only the simplest dice. . Bao, a bet must be placed within five minutes, start!"

"Pavilion Master!"

The mad dragon suddenly said loudly: "Only you know the secrets of the hidden missions. Only by completing the hidden missions can we pass the level. You can give everyone a trick. How to play? We swear to God, we will never grab points from you. !"

"What? Is the pavilion master here too, who is the Green Five..."

Another group of people also yelled in surprise. Crazy Dragon hurriedly slammed Zhao Guanren, but Zhao Guanren said calmly, "I don’t know how to play. You think I have a secret code for customs clearance. I try my luck every time. good?"

"Pavilion Lord!"

A man said anxiously at the next table: "You can't touch it every time, right? You have to have a trick. Don't hide yourself at this time. We will all be grateful to you. Life is dead!"

"Isn't the task just a question, kill the Quartet, you just want to go to this aspect, if I know it, I have already placed a bet, what more..."

Zhao Guanren stared at the table without raising his head. The gameplay of dice treasure is indeed very simple. Three dice are placed in the dice cup to bet on the size. Of course, they can also bet on the points of the dice, but their chips have only one life, only one. Place a bet in the grid.

"Skylark! This is your strength, I'll bet with you..."

Zhao Feijia squinted his eyes vigorously, but Skylark said with cold sweat: "This is the most beneficial gameplay for the dealer. The player can hardly take advantage of it. If I were in the dealership, I could kill the pass, unless It's really... gambling!"

"This is a matter of life and death, I shouldn't be on you when talking about the **** gambling product..."

Zhao Feijia stared in annoyance and anger. Skylark bit his lip and stopped talking. The others were also solemn, but Zhao Guanren looked at the dark-eyed female croupier and said: "Broker! Give my lord a root. , Another beer, iced!"


The croupier frowned slightly, seemingly unhappy, but Zhao Guanren yelled arrogantly: "No smoke or alcohol, what kind of bird casino do you open? Even if you ask Junket Operator to borrow money, they still know to give me two cigarettes. , Wish me a fortune, do you understand the rules?"

"Hold on!"

The croupier turned his head and went to the cart to fetch cigarettes and alcohol. Everyone’s eyes lit up. Unexpectedly, evil spirits could be assigned to serve. Everyone hurriedly followed by asking for cigarettes and alcohol. It could be delayed for a while, but They underestimated the power of evil spirits.


A dozen waiters and bunny girls suddenly pushed in. Everyone had dark eyes. They walked in like a robot to light up cigarettes and pour in alcohol. The croupier also started to operate quickly, and soon shouted in unison: "Five minutes It's here, please place a bet!"

"I won't bet, let me go, please..."

A woman cried out in fright. Who knows, she heard a "bang" before the words fell silent. The whole head burst like a rotten watermelon. The headless corpse fell to the ground with a "poof", and the scared women shrieked loudly. Yelling, but the **** can't move a bit.

"Place a bet!"

The croupiers shouted again in unison, but the crazy dragon suddenly shouted: "Listen to me, its wish is to kill the Quartet. We must believe in its gambling, as long as we all lose to it, let it Kill the Quartet, and its grievances can dissipate!"


The expressionless croupiers didn't speak, they just stood upright coldly, and everyone had a cigarette in their mouth, and the wine on the table could not be drunk at all, and the time was as dull as freezing.


Suddenly someone trembled and said: "Your licensees have to complete the task. It has nothing to do with us. If we lose, we will die. And the more gambling we have, the more we should win. If we win, we will let us go. Lost to it on purpose!"

"I can't do it deliberately, who knows how many points will be offered..."

"Place a bet! I count to three, and I will die if I don't bet..."

The croupiers patted the table together again, and the frightened everyone closed their mouths instantly. Even Zhao Feijia's forehead was oozing cold sweat. It seemed that he was completely helpless, and whispered: "Skylark! Don't worry about the task. , Leaving this is the most important thing, hurry up and place a bet!"

"A single chip can't even buy a combination bet, only the stroke size is the biggest win..."

After taking a look at the record card, Skylark hurriedly said, "I have opened four small ones in a row. The chances of this one opening small are still very high, but I think it will kill the leopards, brother three! Don't follow me. , You can buy a small one and buy a large one. If you can live for one, just remember to collect the corpse for me!"


The croupiers suddenly yelled, and the frightened people hurriedly called out the betting point. Zhao Feijia also looked like he was willing to give up, and said loudly: "Skylark! I will believe you once today. If you die, I will do it for you. Great burial, croupier! I'll bet the little one!"

"I bet big!"

"I'm betting on the kid..."

"I bet three to five..."

"I, I bet three six..."

Everyone shouted everything. Everyone was close to madness, but they had no way of knowing the evil ghost’s bet. There was only one life. Only Zhao Guanren kept squinting his eyes and did not speak until everyone had placed a bet. Later…

"The croupier! I want to raise, you lend me a few lives..."

Zhao Guanren suddenly spit out the cigarette **** in his mouth. Everyone looked at him with dumbfounded eyes. People who borrowed money for a car and a wife had heard of it, but the first time they heard about it, even the croupier looked at him like a fool. …

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