One Step to The End

Chapter 996: Infinite blind box


The rusty iron gate of the compound slowly opened, and the dilapidated office building suddenly turned into a gloomy ancient attic in a flash of light. The two red lanterns hanging in front of the door looked like the red eyes of a monster. But there is a plaque hanging on the doorway-Wujian Pavilion!

"Yo~ Your Lord Pavilion! You can count it, I thought you forgot the slave house..."

The fox walked out of the concealed gate and changed into a small black floral cheongsam, lazily leaning against the door frame and waving his big tail, while Zhao Guanren walked straight over and said, "Stop talking nonsense! The monsters in the pavilion can do it." Can't let other licensees control?"

"I said, Lord, you can't be polite when you speak..."

The fox rolled his eyes and said, "I know you can't believe that we are monsters, but we were born so that we didn't have a choice, you! You can give away the monsters you want. Anyway, this attic is yours, you let them go wild. I can't control it!"

The fox spirit twisted his **** and turned back into the building. Zhao Guanren followed up and took a look. The five groups of gray smoke were already in the hall. This was Lv Datou, Lin Duoduo, Chen Wucang, Zhao Feisui, and Zhao Fanxue. You can't see each other's appearance.

"Open the door! I want to stay overnight..."

The vixen leaned impatiently on the left corridor, but Zhao Guanren turned his head and walked to the right. The gray silhouettes of Lu Datou and others followed, only looking at the opposite square wooden doors. For any special marks, there are only capitalized numbers on each door.

"Damn! Why don't the numbers come in order..."

Zhao Guanren was suddenly surprised to find that the numbers on the door were all disturbed, and he saw more than one hundred numbers after walking a few steps.

"First of all, I am not messing up..."

The vixen came over and said, "From the first day I got here, these house numbers have been messy. Besides, these house numbers can't be taken down. But the left and right are all lucky. Isn't it the same wherever you open? No one knows what's in it!"

"Zhao Fei Sui! You spent 80 million, you choose one to make a sample first..."

A ash-smoky figure began to speak, although the sound it made was like a stuffy pot, it was known to be the head of Lu as soon as he heard it.

"I don't choose this layer..."

Zhao Feisui shook his head and said: "Under normal circumstances, the first ones to be caught are the little ones. The most powerful ones should be kept behind, and humans are very lazy. As long as the first floor is not full, they won’t go Floor, so I choose the top floor!"

"Please! Use your brain, OK..."

Hei Lanhua suddenly said, "The little one is naturally closed in front, but the big guy will never stay in the tail part. The middle one should be the most powerful. Since our Chen family has also been given a chance, then Let’s start with my lucky number, sixty-six!"

"You should use your brain..."

Zhao Guanren said without looking back: "These prison doors are made exactly the same, and the number plates are deliberately disrupted, in order to let the door opener try his luck. Sometimes good luck is also a kind of strength, but good things are generally not. It will be placed on the first floor!"

Zhao Guanren walked upstairs as he said. There are about forty rooms on the first floor, and at most five floors should be at the top. He didn’t rush to open the door, and walked upstairs along the wooden stairs, but he walked upstairs in one go. There is only one big room on the sixth floor.

"Damn! This cell is so big, it must be a demon..."

Lin Duoduo finally made a sound. The entire sixth floor was an attic with a sloping roof. There was nothing empty but a large cell suddenly placed in the middle. There were four large ordinary rooms, and the house number was Starting number-one!

"Little Five! I want this one. I like big ones..."

Zhao Fei ran over, but as soon as he knocked on the door, he heard a "bang", and a golden light slammed him out. Zhao Fei lay on the ground looking up and down, and cried out in horror: "What's the matter? , What hit me?"


The vixen covered his mouth and smiled: "You are not the pavilion master. Opening the door is tantamount to robbing prison. Fortunately, you just knocked. If you dare to kick it, you will be beaten up!"

"Zhao Laoliu! Are you sure you want this one? The greater the hope, the greater the disappointment..."

Zhao Guanren walked to the prison door and raised his hand. Zhao Feisui nodded without hesitation. He knocked on the door tentatively. He pushed hard without receiving a counterattack. He only heard a muffled sound. The large prison door slowly opened.


A fierce dog bark suddenly sounded, and the scared Zhao Guanren hurriedly jumped back. How did he know that a white little poodle ran out and bit on Zhao Guanren's trouser legs, shaking his head very violently, and as a result, he didn't even pull Zhao Guanren's trouser legs. rotten.

"Nothing? A broken dog is closed in such a big cell..."

Zhao Fei wailed without tears. There was only **** on the floor in the large cell, and there was no dog pot to eat. Zhao Guanren picked up the little poodle, flicked it suddenly, and the puppy immediately broke. He hugged his head and wailed,

"Congratulations! Harvest a mad lion dog..."

The vixen took out a red dog collar and put it around the poodle's neck, and smiled: "The rabid dog is very violent. It shows that the original shape can be as high as a hundred meters, and the devil has to retreat. Of course! That is a thousand. It happened many years ago, this old dog has lost his teeth! Haha~"

"Here! Your mad lion..."

Zhao Guanren smiled and threw the dog to Zhao Feisui. Zhao Feisui threw the dog to the ground with a sigh, but Zhao Fanxue said, "What are you anxious about? If you say that you can choose four things, you can choose the rest and give it to you. We, but if you are so lucky, let me come!"

"Listen to Wu Cang, start from the middle number..."

Zhao Feisui walked down weakly, the wild lion wagging its tail, and followed Zhao Guanren's back.

"Oh! What an old dog, there are few teeth left, it's so pitiful..."

Lin Duoduo very distressedly picked up the puppy and happily teased it along the way. The group soon arrived on the third floor. Zhao Fanxue came to the middle of the corridor and said, "Seventy-eight! Sixty-two! This is! Open the two rooms and see how luck I am!"


Zhao Guanren stretched out his hand and pushed away room 78. A large cloud of black smoke burst out. The cell was like fifty smokers squatting, but there was only one man in black with long black hair hanging down. Sitting cross-legged in the middle of the cell.

"Who are you? Where is Zhao Ziqiang..."

The black-clothed man slowly raised his head. He was actually a handsome middle-aged man, but this guy was obviously a ghost, his eyes were pitch black, and his body appeared translucent.


Zhao Fanxue stepped forward and said, "Zhao Ziqiang's forty-eight generations of grandchildren, Zhao Fanxue has seen seniors. My ancestors have already sat down nine hundred years ago. They came here today only to ask seniors to come out of the mountain and help my Zhao family resist the invasion of the demons. After success, seniors will be free!"

"Zhao Ziqiang is sitting down? Haha~ Retribution! Real retribution..."

The man in black jumped up suddenly, jumped to the door of the cell, looked up and down Zhao Fanxue, turned to look at Zhao Guanren, squinted and asked: "You are the pavilion master, why let a woman? Wow, are you also Zhao Ziqiang's grandson?"

"No! I am his son, Zhao Guanren..."

Zhao Guanren gave a smirk, the vixen's brows suddenly jumped out, and he quickly took out a soul-locking bead, sucked in the man in black and threw it to Zhao Fanxue and said, "What are you going to do with a dead ghost? As long as you have the Soul Locking Orb in your hand, you are not afraid that it will not be obedient!"

"Let's try number sixty-two again..."

Zhao Guanren didn't take it seriously. He rubbed his hands and pushed open the door of cell No. 62. A cold air immediately rushed to his face, only to see that the entire cell was covered by ice and snow, but there were no monsters in the cell. Only a black crystal sword was suspended in the air.

"Wow! The Excalibur of the Ice Element is simply tailor-made for me..."

Zhao Fanxue looked at the fox with excitement, and the fox shrugged and said: "Your luck is very good. This black crystal magic sword was once one of the top ten murderous soldiers. The old pavilion master destroyed the monster in the sword, although its power was reduced. Quite a lot, but ordinary people can also control it!"

"Great! Sombra Sword, it's mine..."

Zhao Fanxue rushed in excitedly, grabbed the Black Crystal Demon Sword in his hand, and looked back and forth with love, and Zhao Feisui also coveted: "This layer is all good things, I also want to open it on this layer. A blind box, I want the eighty-one!"

"Think about it, you're the last one in your house..."

Zhao Guanren turned his head and walked back. When he came, he passed by No. 81, but Zhao Feisui couldn't wait to chase after him, and kept rubbing his hands and begging: "Old ancestor! Bless my grandson to open a big one, otherwise they will all bully me. , I can only get one after spending 80 million!"


Zhao Guanren stretched out his hand and pushed the cell door open. As a result, Zhao Fei knelt down with a "puff" sound. He smoked his face and cried and howled. He only looked at a thin old man standing in the cell, his gray hair almost dragged. It was on the ground, with a broken tree vine as a cane.

"My Lord Pavilion! The old man has been waiting for years..."

The little old man walked out with a cane and bowed respectfully, but the vixen smiled and said, "Don't be upset! As the saying goes, the old man, the ghost and the old man, not too big or young, the worst, Master Kuteng was stomping back then. A stomping foot, a cruel character with thousands of heads down!"

"The hero doesn't mention the bravery back then, if the pavilion owner in the future has orders, the old will always follow their fate..."

Kuten bowed his hand respectfully, and the vixen took out a soul-locking bead and sucked it in, and threw it to the crying Zhao Fei, but Zhao Guanren suddenly raised his head and said in surprise: "Have you heard that, who is there? Playing marbles upstairs?"

"Where is there a sound? You heard it wrong..."

Several people shook their heads blankly, but Zhao Guanren could clearly hear the sound of a marble falling and rolling. He immediately turned his head and walked to the fourth floor, looking for the sound, all the way to the middle of the corridor, and stopped at cell number 19. Outside the door.

"Listen! It's still playing marbles, one by one..."

Zhao Guanren was lying on the ground suspiciously, but the tightly fitted prison door could not be seen inside, but the vixen squatted over and said: "Pavilion Master! Every prison door is an enchantment. There can be no voice coming out, I'm afraid it's you. There is a problem with his physical body, go back and have a look!"

"Hey! Who are you? Just talk if you can speak, or even knock twice if you can't speak..."

Zhao Guanren yelled unwillingly, the bounce of the marbles suddenly disappeared, and it took a few seconds to "kaka" twice. The vixen's brows also jumped twice, and his hands behind his back fiercely. Squeezed the ground tightly, seemingly afraid that he would open the 19th prison door...

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