
Chapter 115 Zefa found something! Chapter 115 Zefa found something!

Chapter 115 Zefa found something!

Fortress plan!

General Sengoku formulated a battle plan against the Roger Pirates.

Originally, the Navy only detected traces of the Roger Pirates’ activities on Suixian Island in the New World. Under pressure from the World Government, Cyborg had to send a large number of navy into the New World to search and destroy Suixian Island. Roger Pirates.

On the way here, Sengoku had been sending people to search for traces of the Roger Pirates, but his actions, apart from provoking some big pirates for the navy, had no real effect.

Even on the way from the Navy Headquarters to Shuixian Star Island, many excellent navies died on the sea of the New World.

Taking huge risks to dispatch the navy to this Shuixian Star Island, the Warring States Period was just trying their luck. Several decision-makers at the top of the navy actually did not have much hope that they would be able to find traces of Roger.

After all, the Roger Pirates are not fools. Although the navy thinks it has acted carefully, the other party may have already gotten the news. It is impossible for an operation of this scale to be concealed from the prying eyes of interested parties.

But what the Warring States Period did not expect was that the Kuzan tribe, which was the first to arrive at Shuixian Island, not only encountered and defeated the Golden Lion Shiji, but also discovered and captured two crew members from Roger’s ship on Shuixian Island.

Such a harvest surprised the Warring States Period.

At the same time, a plan was also born in his mind.

And this plan is the fortress plan.

The content of the plan is also very simple, that is, using Shanks and Bucky, the two crew members of the Roger Pirates, as bait to lure Roger and others to come to the Water Star Island to rescue them.

In order to deal with the attack of the Roger Pirates, the Warring States Period temporarily decided to turn the Suixian Island into a battlefield and a prison.

Waiting for the Roger Pirates to jump into this cage.

Warring States still knew something about Roger. Although his contact with Roger was far less than that of Garp, Warring States knew that it was absolutely impossible for someone like Roger to leave his subordinates alone, even if these two subordinates were just wanted. He’s just a brat who’s not even worthy of your order.

The Warring States Period planned to make Suixianxing Island the cemetery of the Roger Pirates.

The purpose of the meeting held today is to assign some important tasks and let each force be responsible for different things.

1. Relocate the aborigines of Suixian Island;

2. Build a defensive fortress;

3. Spread the news that the navy has successfully captured members of the Roger Pirates, let Roger and others know, and lure them to come to the rescue;

4. Patrol Suixian The sea area around Star Island was “cleared” out of the battlefield in advance.

As the meeting progressed, each matter began to be assigned to the heads of each army. The order received by Major General Kuzan was to build the task, and they had a share in building the fortress.

After the meeting, Kuzan and Yuanyi simply chatted with Sengoku and Garp, then returned to their ship and informed all the crew of the mission.

When the crew members heard that the navy was preparing to fight the Roger Pirates, they were all excited. The young sailors had no idea what a terrifying battle it would be.

As the order was issued, a tense atmosphere filled Shuixianxing Island.

A certain sea area in the New World.

A news bird flew across the sky, and a newspaper also fell and slowly floated to the deck of the Moby Dick.

Saatchi happened to pass by and saw the newspaper dropped from the corner of the deck, picked it up and looked at it. After seeing the news in the newspaper, Saatchi’s pupils suddenly trembled. He hurriedly took the newspaper and ran towards White Beard, who was sitting under the mast drinking. While running, he exclaimed:

“Dad! Something happened!”

” Something big has happened!”

Whitebeard was holding a huge wine jar in his hand and was drinking happily. Hearing that Sa Qi was so nervous, he slightly turned his head to look at Sa Qi and at the same time put down the wine jar in his hand.

“Why are you panicking? Saatchi!”

“No matter what happens, I’m here!”

When Whitebeard was speaking, Saatchi had already handed the newspaper to Whitebeard, pointing at the headlines, nervously Said:

“War! The navy plans to launch a war with the Roger Pirates!”

“There will definitely be a fight! On Shuixian Island!”

While Sachi was speaking, other crew members on the deck had gathered around and looked at each other. He pointed at the newspaper in Whitebeard’s hand.

When Whitebeard heard this, he looked at the newspaper in his hand attentively. When he saw the newspaper saying “The Navy captured two crew members of the Roger Pirates”, his expression became solemn, and then he laughed:

” Gu la la la!!”

“First the Golden Lion Shiji, and then Roger, you really dare to do it! Warring States, Garp.”

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“We are also going to help in this war!” ”

By the way , go and take Oden back to the ship!”

As he spoke, Whitebeard pounded the deck with Cong Yunqie, jumped up from the seat, and shouted loudly towards his sons on the deck:


“Get ready! Children!”

“Target, Suixianxing Island!”

Whitebeard had already traveled to most places on this sea when he followed Rocks a few years ago. He picked up Kozuki Oden a few years ago. After boarding the ship, he also took Oden to many places. It can be said that except for the final island that needs the guidance of the road sign text, Whitebeard has completed “traveling around the world”.

He has been to Shuixianxing Island, and there is even a permanent record pointer on the ship.

“Hahaha, Dad, will I be able to see Oden-san when I go to Shuixianxing Island this time?” “I

haven’t seen him for a long time. I miss him a little. I don’t know how he is doing now.”

Marco stood behind Whitebeard and smiled when he heard what Whitebeard said.

Hearing this, White Beard also showed a smile on his face, and said,

“You should be very energetic, right?”

“He is the one who likes fresh things the most.”

As he said that, White Beard looked at the sea in the distance, with a look in his eyes. I miss you a little bit.

At the same time that Whitebeard got the news and went to Suixian Island, the Roger Pirates who had just come out of Ravdru also received the newspapers delivered by News Bird.

On the deck of the Oro Jackson, Roger held the newspaper in his hand. After seeing the news reported in the newspaper, the joy of arriving at Lovedrew completely faded away.

Reilly on the side saw that Roger’s face seemed a little uncomfortable, and asked with concern: “Roger, what’s wrong?”

“Are you feeling unwell?”

“Do you want to call Kurokas over?”

Roger Hearing this, he shook his head and handed the newspaper in his hand to Rayleigh. At this time, Roger had also adjusted his emotions and laughed and said,

“Those two boys, Shanks and Bucky, were caught by the navy.”

“We, Garp, Sengoku and the others are going to have a big battle, hahahaha!”

As he spoke, Roger left the bow of the ship and informed the helmsman to speed up to Shuixian Island.

Faced with the obvious trap of the navy, Roger simply ignored it and stepped on it!

The sea of the new world is stormy.

The Navy Headquarters was completely quiet at this time.

A large number of navies entered the new world, and only some of them retained the Navy Headquarters. At this time of unprecedented lack of combat power, the Navy Headquarters did not encounter pirate attacks.

On this day, former Navy Admiral Zefa also welcomed an important guest in his office.

“Dong dong dong.”

After a knock on the door, Zefa, who was handling official duties, raised his head, looked at the door, and then shouted with a smile:

“Come in.”

After the words fell, the door of Zefa’s office was pushed open, and a The young navy man wearing a red suit and a white cloak of justice walked quickly into the office. Zefa noticed that the man was holding a small golden “treasure box” in his hand.

Seeing the person coming, Zefa’s smile became even brighter and he was the first to say hello:

“Oh! It’s Sakaski!”

“It’s really rare. Why do you have time to come to my place?”

“Your hand The one in there.”

Having said this, Zefa’s eyes showed some anticipation.

“Teacher Zefa, I found the thing you asked me to look for!”

“I don’t know if it’s what you want, though.”

As he said that, Sakaski placed the “treasure box” in front of Zefa. , open gently.

In the treasure chest was a white round fruit covered with cloud patterns. The moment he saw this thing, Zefa’s pupils shrank slightly and he looked up at Sakaski.

“Natural Devil Fruit!”

“Teacher Zefa, I found it for you!”

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