this chapter)

161. Chapter 161 You don’t want to think about you being a samurai either. 161. Chapter 161 You don’t want to think about you being a samurai either.

Chapter 161 You don’t want to be a samurai either.

At this moment, Kozaburo Shigetsuki appeared at the door of the dojo, immediately attracting the attention of everyone in the dojo.

Cyrus and Yixiao were still shocked that Jiguoyuanyi’s “demon sword” had such a strange effect. Then they heard from the old man at the door that Jiguoyuanyi actually had a demonic sword in his hand. ?

A demon sword almost killed Kozaburo Shigetsuki, but Enichi Tsukuni actually mastered two such demon swords? Does this mean that Jiguo Yuanyi’s life is really hard and a bit scary?

Cyrus heard some people say that people with hard lives can easily kill the people around them.

This world is about fate.

“Jigoku Yuanichi.”

“Navy, where are you from?”

Shigetsuki Kozaburo asked, taking off his straw sandals and placing the fishing rod in his hand outside the door. After walking into the dojo barefoot, he sat on the tatami, dusted off the soles of his feet, and looked back at Enichi Tsukuni.

“New World, Navy Headquarters.”

“What’s the point of asking this?”

Shigezuki Kozaburo heard Tsukuni Enichi’s answer and turned his head. Instead of answering, he looked out the door, his voice was He said in a low voice:

“Any famous sword will choose its master.”

“The reason why the demon sword is called the demon sword is not because the sword itself has any weird abilities, but because the demon sword will” The characteristic of choosing a master with a famous sword has been infinitely magnified and materialized.”

“People who are not strong enough or talented enough will be killed by the sword!”

“The sword did not choose you, but you held it. It feels that it Buried.”

“In order to find the master they like, famous swordsmen will do anything.”

Shigetsuki Kozaburo said as he stood up slowly, then walked slowly to Enichi Tsukuni, stretched out his He took action and stroked Yan Mo’s blade.

When he mentioned the knife, he didn’t regard it as an object at all. Shigetsuki Kozaburo’s tone was more like describing a child.

Enichi Tsukuni did not stop Kozaburo Shigetsuki’s movements, and cooperated with him by holding Yama flat and letting Kozaburo Shigetsuki caress him.

After a while, Kosaburo Shigezuki glared sternly at Kosaburo Shigezuki, who was still sitting on the ground, and cursed angrily:



“You know why Wado Ichimonji is not given to you for use. ?!”

“Because if a fool like you uses it, there is a high probability that he will be killed by it!”

Shigetsuki Kozaburo’s words made Cyrus and Yixiao look at each other in confusion. Regarding the famous sword, they still made such an argument. First time heard.

When Ji Guoyuan heard this, he frowned thoughtfully. In his mind, he also remembered something that happened in this world.

The Wadoichi script, like Enma, was written by Kozaburo Shigetsuki in front of him.

Enichi vaguely remembered that before Zoro got Wado Ichimon, this sword was locked in the attic by Shigetsuki Koushiro and had never been used. Later, it seems that it was because Koina, the daughter of Koushiro Shigezuki, secretly took a sword to duel the young Zoro, and Wado Ichimonji came to light again.

But a strange thing happened. Kuina, who practiced kendo all year round and was able to defeat many adults at the age of ten, with amazing fighting power, actually fell to her death because she lost her footing and fell down the stairs? !

You must know that children in this world are not the same “species” as children in the normal world.

Even children from ordinary families have terrifyingly strong ability to resist being beaten. People like Wang Lufei have been thrown in by Garp as long as he can remember. Deep in the mountains and forests, he was still safe and sound.

But for a child who has been practicing kendo for many years and can be said to have stepped into the threshold of kendo, to fall to his death is unbelievable no matter how you think about it.

Now when Enichi hears Shigetsu Kozaburo’s remarks, he suddenly understands why Koina died. I’m afraid she was killed by Wado Ichimonji. As Enki

Kuni who had been burdened with the name “Taiichi” two lives ago, First, we should remain cautious about this kind of thing.

“I’m sorry, father.”

Shigetsuki Koushiro finally regained some of his strength and said with his head lowered.

At this moment, although there was no expression on Shigetsuki Koushiro’s face, there was already a storm in his heart, almost! He almost died!

After strolling around the Naihe Bridge, Shigetsuki Koushiro was very happy for a moment. At the same time, he was also very curious about Enichi Tsukuni, the navy who had mastered “Yama”.

According to his father’s wishes, the other party didn’t just hold a demon sword in his hand!

This marine is obviously very young, and his aura does not give him that “powerful” feeling. Why can such a person master two demon swords at the same time?

“Sir, could you please explain to me what ‘unopened demon sword’ means?”


“Do you mean dawn?”

Ji Guoyuan raised the other long knife in his hand and interjected. He is very interested in this matter!

“Breaking Dawn is really a bad name.”

“Ah! If the Dawn you are talking about is the knife in your hand at this time, then it is it!”

“Pull out the knife!”

Kozaburo Shigezuki Under the instruction of Ji Guoyuan, Ji Guoyuan took off the sheath of Dawn. There was no cold light when the famous sword was unsheathed. When Dawn was pulled out, it was like a fire stick being pulled out.

“Yes, sure enough!”

“Boy, didn’t you notice that your knife is not sharpened?!”

Shigetsuki Kozaburo just looked at it for a moment, then looked at Enichi Tsukuni and asked. And his words made Jiguo Yuanyi couldn’t help but look slightly startled.

Not sharpened? ! How can it be? His knife was like chopping cabbage when cutting the pirate’s head, how could it not be sharpened?

Yuanyi stretched out his hand and touched the blade. Even without touching the blade, he could feel the sharpness of Dawn. Wasn’t it sharpened? how come!

At this moment, Cyrus also brought his head over and looked carefully at the knife in Yuanyi’s hand. After observing the blade, he asked doubtfully:

“Old sir, are you mistaken? Is this knife sharpened? !”

Shigetsuki Kozaburo heard this and shook his head, mocking: “You guys don’t understand swords.”

“This sword! It’s not edged! What I mean by edged is different from what you understand as edged.”

Tsukuni Although Enichi has been wielding swords for many years, at most he can only judge whether the sword is good or bad. As for what Kozaburo Shigetsuki said at this time, Yuichi has no idea at all.

But fortunately, Yuanyi doesn’t think he knows everything if he doesn’t understand, he will ask.

“If my sword is not sharpened, then how can I make it sharp?” ”

In other words, if it is sharpened, what kind of state should it be in?”

Faced with Tsukuni Enichi’s question, Shigetsuki Kozaburo sneered, took out the pipe from his waist, lit a cigarette for himself, and after taking a few puffs, he slowly replied:

“A weapon that kills people must be sharpened with blood, of course!”

” As for the state of the blade after cutting, how do I know?!”

Kozaburo Shigetsuki said with a smile, took a deep look at Enichi Tsukuni, walked to Koushiro Shigetsuki’s side, and helped his son up.

“Do you have anything else to do?”

“If not, please leave quickly.”

“This kid needs a good rest. He probably doesn’t have the energy to entertain you.”

“Old man, I have old arms and legs, you can’t Are you going to trouble me?”

Kozaburo Shigetsu started to drive people away after he helped Koshiro Shigetsuki. Although Enichi Tsukuni wanted to ask something clearly, he nodded when he saw Kozaburo Shigetsuki saying this.

“Then let’s say goodbye first and come back to visit you two when we have time.”

Yuan Yi walked up to Shigetsuki Koushiro, picked up the scabbards of Tian Yu Yu Zhan and En Mo from the ground, and was about to leave with Cyrus with a smile. Then, he suddenly thought of his purpose, leaned into the ears of the father and son, and whispered:

“The spoils of war were snatched by the seniors of the Navy from a samurai named Kozuki Oden.”

“The other party seems to be from Henan. In the country, the ‘Ryuu Sakura’ that Koushiro just used is also very powerful!” ”

Our navy is short of manpower. I really hope that powerful samurai like Mr. Shigezuki Koushiro can join our navy.” ”

I will be here . Stay on the island for a day. If you have any ideas, you can come to me at the port.”

After Ji Guoyuan finished speaking, he left the dojo with Cyrus and Yixiao. As for Shigetsuki Kozaburo and his son, they were still immersed in what Tsui Kuni Enichi had just said.

Watching Enichi and others leave, Shigetsuki Kozaburo muttered angrily:

“That navy knows Wano very well!”

“Ryuu Sakura. Samurai hehehe, Ryu Sakura! Samurai! This little bastard!”

( End of this chapter)

162. Chapter 162 Sa! Female sailors from the East China Sea! 162. Chapter 162 Sa! Female sailors from the East China Sea!

Chapter 162 Sa! Female sailors from the East China Sea!

(Novels Knights-Read novels for free)



When Jiguo Yuanyi, Yixiao and others came out of Yixin Gym, the streets were already crowded. Not far away, there was a crowd of people, and a group of residents gathered around, seemingly watching the fun, and among the crowd, there were muffled sounds from time to time.

When Cyrus and Yixiao heard the news, they both looked sideways. Cyrus even grabbed an aunt who had just emerged from the crowd and asked curiously:

“Hello, what’s going on over there? Are you there?”

“Is someone fighting?”

When Cyrus heard the noise, it should be the sound of fighting, but looking at the crowd, it didn’t look like a big battle. Normally, if there was a big war, people would have dispersed long ago. In this situation, it would be a small conflict at best.

“Yes, there is a navy arresting people.”

“There’s a lot of noise.”

The aunt said something unusual with a calm expression. When Cyrus heard this, his expression changed and he immediately returned to Yuanyi. Just when he was about to report, he heard Yuanyi say:

“Don’t worry, it’s just a friendly exchange between father and son. They are both sensible and won’t make too much noise here.” ”

Let’s go, I’ll treat you to a drink. When it’s almost done, let’s go back to the boat.”

Yuan said without even looking in that direction. Although Cyrus and Yixiao had doubts in their hearts, they had already said so when Yuan Yiyi said it, so they had no intention of finding out.

The two of them still quite trust Jiguo Enichi.

Shuangyue Village is not big, and there is only one tavern in the whole village. Although the tavern is a bit shabby, the wine sold in it is quite complete, and judging from the way Cyrus drinks, the taste of this wine should be pretty good.

Yixiao didn’t have the habit of drinking, so he just ordered a cup of tea. After a few sips, his attention was attracted by the gambling table in the corner of the tavern.

The world is like this, gambling and drinking are not separate at all.

Yuanyi did not stop Yixiao. Although Yixiao was now in the navy and was clearly prohibited from gambling, Yuanyi was not the kind of stubborn person. For a person with a sense of standard like Yixiao, this kind of thing didn’t matter.

“Is it dice!?”

“Hahaha, I’ll join in too!”

Yixiao walked to the gambling table, took out Bailey from his pocket, groped to the corner of the table, and was about to sit down when he heard someone stop him. :

“Hey, hey, hey, navy!”

“How can you gamble?! Don’t you know that gambling is not allowed in the navy!”

“Come on, hurry up, or I’ll tell your superiors!”

“Which army are you from? ”

The speaker was a young girl about twenty years old, wearing a plaid shirt and with pink hair that stood out among the crowd.

At this time, the girl was sitting on the stool next to the gaming table, with her legs crossed and a cigarette hanging from her mouth. She mumbled something to drive away at Yixiao, looking like a second-generation ancestor.

“Hey, hey, Bellemere, how can you turn away guests?”

“And he’s the Navy Lord!”

“Hey, hey, do you want to play too? Let’s play together, haha, let’s play together!”

Zheng smiled. When he was about to turn around and leave in embarrassment, a fat man with small eyes at the gambling table grabbed Yixiao’s arm with quick eyesight and quick hands. He raised his eyes and looked at Yixiao. He looked a little shocked when he found out that Yixiao was a blind man. Then he quickly put this emotion aside. Covering up, he stood up with a smile and pulled Yixiao to his seat.

“Hehehe, thank you.”

Yixiao smiled and sat on his seat, touching the table with one hand, and then placed Bailey in his hand on the table.

One hundred thousand.

“Ho ho ho~ He’s still a big customer.” The little fat man who sat down with Yi Xiao glanced at Bailey at Yi Xiao’s hand, and the smile on his face suddenly became extremely bright.

Then he winked at the middle-aged man sitting in the banker, smiled and said to Yixiao: “Mr. Navy, our table is playing dice.” “It’s

very simple, bet big, bet small, the one on your left is small , the one on the right is big!”

“You can press as much as you want.”

Before the fat man could finish his words, he was interrupted by a bang on the table.


Bellemel, who was sitting opposite, saw Yixiao being pulled to his seat, with a gloomy look on his eyebrows. At this moment, he saw the fat man encouraging Yixiao to place a bet, and he immediately became angry.


Slapping the table, Bellemare scolded Yixiao: “A blind man is gambling?! Can you, a navy man, live a good life with your disability allowance?!” ”

Hey! Bellemare!”

“You What you said is a bit mean!”

“Mr. Marine is free to use his own money as he pleases!” ”

If you don’t want to play, you can get off the table!”

The fat man was interrupted and looked at Bellmer with cold eyes. , his right hand has been put into his arms, as if he is planning to take something out.

Seeing the fat man’s action, Bellmer curled his lips, sat back in his seat, raised his eyes and smiled, then shouted to the middle-aged man sitting in the banker: “Start! Start!”

“Okay! Bet big. Xiao, start betting!”

As soon as the middle-aged man finished speaking, he took out 10,000 beli with a smile, threw it on the left hand side, and pressed Xiao. He didn’t care at all about what Bellemere said to him before, his only interest was in the gambling table.

Bellemere saw a smile and took out ten thousand beli. His face was a little ugly, and then he took ten thousand beli from in front of him and pressed it on the big one. After the two placed their bets, the surrounding gamblers began to place bets one after another.

For a moment, the atmosphere at the gaming table became extremely lively.

Jiguo Yuanyi and Cyrus ignored the gambling smile. Yuanyi chatted with the bartender, and Cyrus listened quietly and tasted the wine.


However, at this moment, a gunshot suddenly rang out from the gaming table.

This sudden sound silenced the warm atmosphere in the tavern.


After the gunshot, a chubby figure slowly fell to the floor. There was a bullet mark in the center of his head, and blood mixed with white brains flowed out from the wound.

The people around him looked intently and found that the fat man held a short gun in his hand, and his index finger was already on the trigger. However, it was obvious that he did not fire this shot himself.

On one side of the gambling table, Bellemeier was holding a cigarette in his mouth and a short gun in his right hand. A faint smoke was coming out from the muzzle of the gun.

The gamblers around the gambling table were all staring blankly at Bellemare who suddenly made a move.

“Kill people!!!”

After a scream, the people in the tavern finally realized what happened and ran towards the outside of the tavern.

Everyone at the gambling table also ran away in an instant, leaving only Bellemeier who fired the gun, a smile sitting at the gambling table, and the middle-aged man who was sitting at the bank before.

At this time, the middle-aged man looked at Bellemere with a ferocious expression, and all the muscles in his body began to bulge. In the blink of an eye, a middle-aged man with a medium build turned into a muscular man with a height of over 180cm. The skin on his body also turned black quickly, and dense black manes grew out of his pores.

Even two long fangs appeared at the corners of the man’s mouth.


“Wild boar?!”

Cyrus looked at the scene from a distance and whispered strangely.

The next second, the middle-aged man who had completed the beast transformation grabbed the short gun in Bellemeier’s hand and pinched the muzzle of the gun.

Bellemare reacted quickly. When the opponent attacked, he quickly released his gun. He rolled back and left the gaming table, shouting: “Action!” As soon as he finished speaking,

eight navy men directly broke into the tavern, carrying slippers in their hands. He charged directly towards the middle-aged man with a long knife, and while charging, he shouted:

“Capo, the sheep trapper, is captured without a fight!”

“You are surrounded!”

Cyrus in front of the bar watched what happened suddenly. The scene was full of surprise.

“Is the Navy taking action? That girl with nimble movements is actually a Navy?!”

Enichi Tsukuni also focused on the “transformed” middle-aged man and chuckled:

“Does it have devil fruit powers? ”

In this case, these sailors may not be able to handle it!”

But just as Yuanyi finished speaking, he looked in the direction of the door, and his palm was already pressed on the handle of the knife, his expression He became a little solemn at this moment:

“Someone special…is here!”

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