
178. Chapter 178 Bloody announcement, the beast that will destroy the country! (2-in-1) 178. Chapter 178 A bloody announcement, a beast that will destroy the country! (2-in-1)

Chapter 178 A bloody announcement, a beast that will destroy the country! (2-in-1)

The Dawn warship sails very fast. Its excellent hull design and power system allow the warship to easily ride the wind and waves in waters like the New World, as if walking on flat ground.

Although there are no talented navigators like Nami on Enichi Tsukuni’s ship, the navigation experience accumulated by the Navy over the past hundreds of years is enough for them to get twice the result with half the effort when cultivating navigators.

The crew members who were at the helm and responsible for navigation on Ji Guoyuan’s ship were all transferred by Garp. They were all “old fritters” who had followed Garp for more than ten or even twenty years.

The journey that originally took several months to complete took them less than two months.

In March of the year 1500, Ji Guoyuan and their troops were finally about to end their months-long voyage.

In March in Dressrosa, the weather has started to warm up.

At midnight, the sky was pitch black, thick clouds and fog blocked the stars and moon in the sky, and thick fog enveloped the port of Dressrosa.

At night like this, the port of Dressrosa was silent. People who had worked hard all day were sleeping soundly. All the lights in the port were turned off. Only the lighthouse on the distant coast was still emitting light toward the sea.

A huge ship slowly broke through the layers of dense fog, and quietly approached the port of Dressrosa under the cover of night.

This is a huge black ship with a height of more than ten meters. It is a standard medieval giant sailboat. At the bow of the ship is a young golden eagle holding a giant lantern.

The fire was shining in the giant lantern, emitting dim light, illuminating the sea in front of the giant ship.

The sails on the ship had been furled, and as the giant ship slowly sailed into the port, the ship’s speed became even slower.

A middle-aged man wearing a pirate hat stood with his hands clasped on top of the golden statue of a girl on the bow of the ship, looking at the dock coldly.

The man, Mo Mo, was about 40 years old, more than three meters tall, with a majestic build, and his breath was long and lingering.

The weather was still a bit cold in the middle of March, but the middle-aged man was shirtless, except for a large black cloak, which was slung over his chest. His muscles were bulging, and his veins were like horned dragons, attached to his arms. superior.

Seeing the boat getting closer and closer to the dock, the middle-aged man also showed a smile full of desire on his face.


“Young men! Come on!”

“Bring me the women and the treasures to the boat! Hahahahaha!!”

A wild laugh broke the calm of the night, and with the middle-aged man’s cry Following the order, sharp cheers instantly sounded on the deck. The next second, the ship docked on the shore. Countless black figures took advantage of the cover of night and jumped on the dock one after another, rushing towards the surrounding houses.

Occasionally, frightened exclamations, screams, and cries filled the entire dock.

Ten minutes later, the alarm bell rang on the dock.

“Dang! Dang! Dang!”

As the bells spread in the distance, more and more people in Dressrosa were awakened from their sleep. People in the city also heard the bell ringing from the dock. They looked out the window and saw burning houses in the distance.

In the palace, the captain of the kingdom’s army who was in charge of night security anxiously slapped the door of King Liku’s room.

Not long after, Riku Dold III, wearing thin pajamas, opened the door. He frowned and looked solemnly at the army commander who knocked on his door in the middle of the night.

Knocking on his bedroom door in the middle of the night, I’m afraid something big has happened.

“King Riku! The dock encountered a large-scale pirate attack!”

When the army commander saw King Riku opening the door barefoot in his pajamas, he immediately knelt down on one knee, gave a big salute, and anxiously looked towards Riku Wang Hui reports.


“Pirate attack?!”

“Where is the security force at the pier?! Isn’t the top priority to dispatch the security force at the pier immediately?! Let the security force at the pier be dispatched immediately to clear the goods. You still need to ask me for instructions on this kind of thing? Any opinions?!”

“Tankure Pound, what are you doing as an army commander?!”

King Liku’s palace is located in the center of Dressrosa, and it was built based on a hill. Directly opposite Liku Dold III’s bedroom is a platform. There are no walls around the platform, and he can directly see the seaside.

King Riku, who heard the report from his subordinates, was already looking towards the port. Although there were layers of thick fog blocking it, the firelight at the dock could not be blocked by such thick fog.

Although the firelight in the distance looked a little blurry under the fog, when King Riku saw this scene, he immediately realized the seriousness of the situation and felt a bad feeling in his heart.

“I have already issued the order from King Riku, but the security forces at the dock have completely lost contact ten minutes ago.” ”

So, I have to come to disturb you. I think the self-defense forces need to be dispatched!”

De As a member of the World Government, the king of Dressrosa has the right to prepare his own army. The entire Dressrosa has a total of tens of thousands of troops.

This army is divided into three parts. One part is the royal city army that guards the palace and is permanently stationed in the palace. The other part is to respond to enemy aggression, suppress riots, and conduct daily patrols. It is permanently stationed in the school grounds on the outskirts of the city. It is called the self-defense army. The other part is to respond to enemy aggression. Pirate attacks, permanent security forces stationed at ports and docks.

Of these three troops, the Royal City Army has the smallest number and is also the most elite. Those who can join this army are at least elites who can fight one against three.

The largest number is the Self-Defense Force. Although the number is the largest, the quality of the soldiers is the worst.

As for the garrison, the number is in the middle, but the quality of the soldiers is seriously polarized. Because they often have to fight pirates, the turnover of personnel is very large. The veterans are all the best of the best, but there are also many, many new recruits, whose combat effectiveness is actually not as good as that of the royal city. military.

If these three forces, including the Royal City Army and the Self-Defense Army, are to be mobilized in large numbers, King Liku will need to personally order it. Due to its special attributes, the garrison can often act on its own. Tankure Pound, the army commander, can also mobilize the garrison.

In fact, before Tankure Pound reported to King Liku, the attack on the dock had already occurred for some time. Dressrosa, located in the New World, is actually frequently attacked by pirates, but the security force has nearly ten thousand people. Generally speaking, the little pirates with a bounty of 18 million have been sent away long ago.

But as the situation developed, Tankure Pound discovered that the pirates who attacked the dock this time did not seem to be ordinary people. Not only were the pirates at the dock not suppressed smoothly, but the security forces actually lost contact and started rioting. It seemed to be extending rapidly towards the city.

“Self-Defense Forces?!”

“Asshole! Is this still a matter of dispatching the Self-Defense Forces?!”

“Let the Royal City Army be proactively prepared!”

King Liku glanced at the scene in the distance and immediately became angry. He cursed, then quickly turned around and entered the bedroom.

“What happened?!” The young woman lying on King Liku’s bed heard the movement outside and woke up. She looked at King Liku who hurried back to the bedroom and asked worriedly.

“Nothing happened!”

“You can continue to sleep. I’m going out for a trip and I’ll be back soon.”

King Liku didn’t say much, but just expressed relief. Then he found his armor from the cabinet and hurriedly put it on. Then he grabbed the long sword on the shelf and left the bedroom directly.

Looking at King Riku leaving with his long sword, how could the young woman still be sleepy? She stood up and walked to the door. She noticed the scene at the dock and couldn’t wipe away the worry in her eyes.

The young woman clasped her hands in front of her chest, lowered her head slightly, and prayed secretly for her husband.


“Boys, get rid of these guys quickly! Don’t stay here anymore, go to the city. There are more treasures in the city and the women are more tender!”

The city of Dressrosa On the edge, the pirates charging towards the city have been intercepted by the self-defense forces who responded. The middle-aged man wearing a pirate hat looked at the guards surrounding him with a wild smile on his face.

As he spoke, he punched the guards in front of him. The next second, the terrifying fist blast directly knocked away several guards who were closer. As the bodies of the guards fell back to the ground, blood instantly covered them. The ground turned red.


“I am a man of strength who has eaten the power fruit. How can you wastes stop me?!”

The man looked at his masterpiece and laughed heartily.

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“Who are you, bastard?!”

When the guards saw their companions being killed so easily, they all looked at the tall man in horror. A guard used angry curses to cover up the fear in his heart and asked the man.


“You actually don’t know me?!”

The man turned his head and looked at the guard who questioned him. He frowned and had a gloomy look on his face.

The next second, the man suddenly disappeared from the spot. In a blink of an eye, he was in front of the guard. He quickly stretched out his arm and directly grabbed the guard’s neck. He raised his hands flat and lifted the guard up. Off the ground.

“Uh-huh.” The guard was grabbed by the neck and struggled hard, groaning in pain from his throat.

“Remember, I am Lou Winter, who has a bounty of 550 million Baileys.”

“Those people call me the beast that destroys the country!”

As he spoke, Lou Winter crushed the guard with a strong hand. neck, and then threw the body away casually.

The corpse directly hit several guards in the distance. The guard who couldn’t dodge was hit by the corpse of his companion, and his sternum was shattered, and he soon lost his voice.

“Wouldn’t it be better to live a good life?!”

“Why are you here to stop me?”

“As long as we take enough, we will leave. Don’t resist, just obey us and you will survive.”

Winter looked around. The guards surrounding him and his subordinates smiled and threatened.

And after his words fell, some guards actually started to retreat in fear. Obviously, his words had some effect.

Facing an enemy that cannot resist, most normal people would not dare to make a desperate move unless they were truly forced into a desperate situation.

The word bravery has always been used to describe a small number of people!


Seeing the guards start to retreat, Winter showed a ferocious smile on his face, clenched his fists, sprinted, and rushed directly into the crowd of guards.

Although these guards are not strong, if the opponent stubbornly resists, it will really waste some of their hands and feet.

Like now, if everyone has no fighting will, they will really become meat on the chopping board, ready to be slaughtered by others!

Winter, who entered among the guards, fired his bow from left to right, relying on the power of the Strength Fruit to make every punch he made become a sickle in the hand of the God of Death, harvesting the lives of the guards.

Guards hit by his fists often had no way of getting back up after falling to the ground. Even if you are just brushed by a fist, you will still be injured.

But in the blink of an eye, all the guards surrounding Winter’s pirates fell to the ground, and no one survived.

“Let’s go!”

Winter looked at the corpses of the guards all over the ground, laughed ferociously, waved to his subordinates, and then walked towards the city.

Soon, people began to cry for help on the edge of Dressrosa, and flames began to burn on the edge of the city.

Killing and setting fire are the two most skilled things for pirates.

Soon, the pirates were carrying a lot of “harvest” on their shoulders.

Winter’s team only had less than two hundred people in total. In a wealthy country like Dressrosa, just finding a few “rich people” would quickly satisfy the pirates’ desire for wealth.

In less than half an hour, Winter began to lead his men back towards the port, without even entering the central area of the city.

Just looting on the edge of the city was enough to make a lot of money.

Not long after Winter and others faded away, King Liku led the royal army and arrived. However, when they arrived, apart from leaving them with messes all over the ground and wailing and screaming people, there was nothing else. Are there any pirates? !

The raging fire was burning on the edge of the city, and started to spread in all directions under the blow of the wind. The surviving people saw the pirates disappear and ran out to put out the fire.

King Riku and his men asked several survivors and learned that the pirates were beginning to retreat towards the port, and immediately ordered people to chase them.

However, when King Riku led his royal army to the port where corpses were strewn on the ground, the pirate ship with the golden statue of the girl on the bow had already disappeared in the thick fog.

On the sea area, thick fog covered the area. Liku looked towards the sea and could only see a slightly blurry light on the sea. There was no trace of the pirate ship at all, let alone the flag of the pirate ship.

Knowing that this group of pirates had left, King Riku didn’t even know who the enemy was attacking his kingdom.

This group of people is like evil ghosts in the thick fog. They come and go as quickly as they come.

All that was left was “pain” all over the floor.


“Damn bastards! I will never let these guys go!”

King Riku dismounted, stood on the bow of the ship, and roared through gritted teeth as he watched the light gradually disappearing in the thick fog. After venting his emotions, King Liku began to send people to appease and rescue the people and count the losses.

This night was destined to be an uneventful night.

In the early morning, King Liku, who looked exhausted, returned to the palace under the escort of the Royal City Army. The losses suffered by Dressrosa last night have been almost calculated.

Apart from the immeasurable property, there were hundreds of military casualties, the vast majority of which were port security forces.

The number of victims was five to six thousand.

Seeing this data reported by his subordinates, King Liku looked extremely ugly and summoned the commander of the security force and countless officers early in the morning.

guess what? ! Most of the middle and senior management of the security force who could not be contacted last night were contacted this morning!

“Afraid of war.”

“You bastards actually dare to be afraid of war?!!!”

“You are holding back the people’s support at this time! Bastards! You guys are all bastards!!!”

On the throne, King Liku clutched the paper in his hand tightly, looked at the officers of all levels of the security force kneeling below, and said angrily.

Contrary to King Riku’s imagination, the security forces were not completely wiped out by the pirates, but instead retreated.

Except for a few hot-blooded and upright team captains who led the attack, most of the people were ordered to huddle in the camp and protect the captain and his family members.

While King Riku was investigating the losses caused by the pirate attack last night, he was investigating the responsibility. At that time, a warship slowly docked at the shore of Dressrosa.

“What’s going on?”

“Did you encounter a pirate attack?!”

On the bow of the warship, Cyrus’s face was full of excitement. After seeing the tragic situation at the dock, his face also darkened. He couldn’t bear it. Zhu whispered.

Soon, Cyrus left the bow and hurried towards the cabin.

Not long after, Ji Guoyuan led Yixiao, Mihawk and others to appear on the bow of the ship. Under the guidance of Cyrus, they looked towards the dock.

At this time, traces of the pirate madness last night still remained on the dock. The blood on the ground had solidified and oxidized. The victims were digging through the rubble in grief, trying to dig out the bodies of their relatives and friends.

The road in front of the houses was covered with white cloths. Some of the white cloths seemed a bit small, with heads or feet exposed under the white cloths.

Cries of grief filled the entire dock.

Ji Guoyuan, who was called to the bow of the ship by Cyrus, frowned when he saw this scene. He couldn’t help but murmur to himself:

“It seems that it is the work of pirates.”

“And it is very vicious and evil. Character!”

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