this chapter)

184. Chapter 184 Roger’s shock, the huge naval branch! (2-in-1) 184. Chapter 184 Roger’s shock, the huge naval branch! (2-in-1)

Chapter 184 Roger was shocked, the huge navy branch! (Two in one)

Human beings’ destiny often changes dramatically because they encounter different people and things.


The sun is shining, the sky is blue and the sea is blue.

The ripples of the microtide are lapping at the coast of Dressrosa, and the sea breeze blows. The coolness delivered to people makes people naturally ignore the salty smell in the air.


“We’re here again!”

“Dressrosa, this place has really changed a lot!”

A small boat with a length of only five or six meters slowly sailed into the port. The edge of the pier stopped. A middle-aged man stood in the cockpit, holding the rudder with both hands, looking at the lively scene in Dressrosa port, and couldn’t help but let out a sigh.

The middle-aged man is about forty or fifty years old. Perhaps because he travels on boats all year round, the skin on his face is very rough although there is no obvious surrounding. The only things that could mark a man’s age were the wrinkles at the corners of his eyes and some white hair hidden by a red hat.

The middle-aged man wore black trousers, a pair of brown leather boots, a red floral shirt, and a Western knife at his waist. It gives people a casual and rough feeling.

Perhaps because of the hot weather, the middle-aged man’s shirt was unbuttoned for a moment, leaving his chest exposed. As the sea breeze blew, the shirt fluttered in the wind, and several scars could be vaguely seen on the man’s body.

This middle-aged man is none other than the Pirate King Gol D. Roger who left his wife and re-entered the new world.

“Just use my eyes to confirm it for yourself!”

As he spoke, Roger grabbed a small backpack next to the rudder and walked out of the wheelhouse. After putting down the anchor and stopping the boat, Roger looked around to see that no one had noticed him, then he jumped lightly, landed on the pier, and walked towards the center of the pier.

Ever since Jiguoyuanyi and his Dwan branch were located in Dressrosa, this port has really changed day by day.

It has been five months since the Giant Pirates ravaged Dressrosa. After that shocking man-made disaster, the branch of Tsukuni Enichi started to build a new one on top of the ruins.

Since the navy branch covers an area of 100 acres, a simple conversion would be 66,000 square meters. In this era, there were no high-level operating machines, so the construction of the branch relied entirely on manpower.

The navy branch occupies a large enough area. Even excluding the vacant land and school grounds that only need to be simply filled in, the area that needs to be built for houses still occupies nearly 20,000 square meters.

In order to speed up the construction period, siphon the population, and quickly revitalize the port, Jiguo Yuanyi also recruited as many craftsmen as possible.

Just to build such a naval branch, nearly 5,000 craftsmen were used.

A large working population means a large amount of consumption power. During the period when the naval branch was being built, the people and traders of Dressrosa saw the future of the port and spontaneously purchased real estate and shops here. , various shops have sprung up like mushrooms after a rain.

After several months of development, this place has developed into a closed-loop consumption town.

Coupled with the fact that Ji Guoyuan and the others are based in Dressrosa, they have created a peaceful business environment here, and the maritime trade in Dressrosa is becoming more and more developed.

King Riku has always paid attention to the navy and the development of this seaport. After realizing the potential here, King Riku also used the rights of the state to vigorously develop the seaport and expand the entire dock and seaport.

More labor force has made the business here more developed. In addition to normal catering, there are also more and more various other consumption places.

Out of gratitude and for the convenience of the navy, King Liku also designated an exclusive area for Jiguoyuan and his branch in this port. Only warships are allowed to travel, and other merchant ships and civilian ships are not allowed to travel.

Therefore, when Roger landed on the island, he was directed to dock at the very edge of the harbor.

When he walked to the central area of the pier, the first thing he saw was the blue and white navy branch buildings.

“Oh! It’s incredible, the Navy is preparing to do something big in Dressrosa!”

Seeing Dwan’s huge building complex, Roger sighed with emotion, his tone was full of ridicule, and his face became extremely ugly. .

Looking at the busy people on the dock, Roger frowned and began to look carefully around this huge building complex. At the same time, Roger’s domineering aura quickly enveloped the entire naval branch.

After a brief perception, Roger’s face became more solemn. In this hot summer, his face could already drip with gloomy water.

“Such a huge naval branch was established, and so many craftsmen were used!”

“And there are actually women and children.”

“That boy, who became the vice admiral of the naval headquarters at a young age, has been blinded by power. “?”

Roger’s domineering aura swept towards the branch that was still under construction, and he immediately sensed the auras of countless people. The auras of most people were peaceful and weak. Among these auras, there were Nearly a hundred auras were extremely weak.

You don’t even need to take a closer look to know that those people are underage children. Judging from the activeness of their auras, these children are still working.

As a pirate, Roger would not believe such nonsense that labor is the most glorious. Roger always believed that labor was a punishment from God to mankind.

Such a punishment would be very painful if it were imposed on an adult, but if it were imposed on a child, it would be punished by God!

But such a situation occurred in Jiguo Yuanyi’s branch.

The main purpose of Roger’s visit to Dressrosa this time was to see how the “Navy Future” who dared to take action against the “Dragon Shield” was doing.

Now it seems that he was disappointed.

Roger didn’t feel any powerful atmosphere in the navy branch. When he looked at the military port, he didn’t see any warships in the port.

It seems that the people from the navy must have left because of something.

After thinking for a while, Roger found a pub on the street and walked in.

“Boss, have a bottle of Bramester.”

After passing through the cowboy door, Roger glanced at the empty tavern, walked to the bar, and sat down on the seat in front of the bar. Putting the small backpack on the empty stool beside him, Roger greeted the boss behind the bar.


“A strong drink?”

“It’s really unusual to come to a pub to drink strong drinks so early in the morning!”

“Guest, has something happened to you?”

As we all know, all bar owners He is a well-known chatterbox. In the chatterbox world, bar owners, taxi drivers, barbers, and real estate agents are known as the four kings of chatterbox circles.

This kind of law is the same even in another world.

No, the bar owner who was wiping glasses behind the bar looked at Roger and immediately said with a smile.


“Boss, you are really good at judging people, hahahaha!”

Roger laughed immediately after hearing this. Seeing Roger’s cheerful look, the bar owner took out a drink from the wine cabinet behind him and said,

“If you don’t mind, can you tell me?”

“If something unpleasant happens to you, If you say it, there is no way to relieve your boredom by drinking alone!”

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“Speaking it out will make people feel better.”

The boss helped open the Bramester in his hand, placed it in front of Roger, and presented him with a cup.

But unexpectedly, Roger didn’t need the cup he handed him. He grabbed the bottle and drank heavily.

I drank half of a 700ml bottle of red wine in one gulp.

“Bang!” After taking a sip, Roger slammed the bottle on the table, then raised his head, smiled at the boss and said,

“Unpleasant things! They really do happen.”

” Some people’s growth trajectories exceed my expectations and disrupt my plans, which is really annoying.”

Roger said in a deep voice. Upon hearing this, the boss briefly looked at Roger’s appearance. He immediately answered with a smile:

“Yes, yes!”

“For people of our age, besides work, children are the most worrying thing.” ”

You don’t know, that boy of mine is too You’re disobedient.”

“You don’t want to learn business from me, and you want to be a navy in the future. Tell me, what’s so good about the navy?” ”

It’s nothing more than relying on justice, having a little momentum, a little strength, and a little power. , there are only hundreds of thousands of Baileys every year.”

“Put your head in your waistband for these things. If you die, you will have nothing.” ”

Oh, you don’t listen to advice!”

The bar owner obviously said. I misunderstood Roger. He said what he thought was empathy. As he spoke, he took two more bottles of Bramest from the wine cabinet and put them on the table. After opening one himself, he grabbed one. With only a cup, I sat down and chatted with Roger.

There are very few people in the bar at this time in the morning. Generally speaking, the bar business reaches its peak in the evening.

Finally having a customer to relieve his boredom, the bar owner stopped what he was doing and drank with Roger.

Roger didn’t explain anything to his boss, he just smiled after hearing this. However, when Roger heard that the boss’s child actually planned to become a navy, and heard that the boss had just made a very positive comment about the navy, his expression was startled.

It sounds like this boss has no complaints against the Navy?

The people of this country seem to disapprove of the fact that so much civilian power is being used to build a branch in this country?

“Boss, what do you mean by what you just said?”

“It seems like being in the navy would be good, right?” ”

Speaking of which, I saw that there is a navy branch being built opposite your pub?” “It’s

really awesome. ! With so many craftsmen building the Navy branch, the Navy must have spent a lot of money.”

Roger sighed with emotion. While speaking, he glanced at the bar owner and observed his expression. I originally thought that the boss would start pouring out his bitterness and accusing the navy of its evil deeds.

Unexpectedly, after hearing Roger’s words, the boss nodded seriously and said, “Yes, Lieutenant General Ji Guoyuan and the others spent a lot of money to build this naval branch!”

Roger was obviously taken aback when he heard this.

As far as he knows, the navy only pays for materials and labor when building naval branches in the participating countries, and they are all built by the manpower organized by the participating countries of the World Government.

The participating countries use civilian power. When did they pay? This is a feudal society with an aristocratic system, and ordinary people are beings who can be deployed at will!

What made Roger unexpected was that the Navy seemed to be paying for the construction of the naval branch in Dressrosa?

“When building the naval branch, the craftsmen are paid very generously. Those with a little skill can get 6,000 beli for working nine hours a day, and those who work hard can get 3,500 beli a day.” “The labor force is relatively

weak . The old people and children are paid by the hour, and the navy gives 200-300 beli for every hour they work.” ”

And the navy still provides food and accommodation.”

“In Dressrosa, craftsmen can get these. As long as you save a little money, you can live a good life.”

“In order to maintain such welfare conditions, Lieutenant General Ji Guoyuan has come to Dressrosa. As soon as he gets news about the pirates, he will immediately Just go to sea.”

“It’s really hard work! Lieutenant General.”

When the boss talked about Ji Guoyi, his eyes were full of admiration and gratitude, which surprised Roger.

He seemed to have misunderstood the matter. Although Enichi Jiguo mobilized people to build a branch in Dressrosa, he was obviously different from other navies.

Roger had roughly sensed the number of craftsmen who were building the naval branch before. A rough calculation showed that Ji Guoyuan would have to spend almost 20 million beli every day to maintain such welfare conditions. This is still an estimate, and the real figure will only be higher. .

And when Roger estimated this value, he was stunned, with a look of astonishment on his face.

With so much money, where does Jiguoyuan come from? ! Would the Navy Headquarters provide so much money to build a branch? What are you dreaming about?

And it’s just a branch. Jiguoyuan actually occupies tens of thousands of square meters of land. This is the camp part. If you add the coast and sea areas derived from the navy branch, there may be about 200,000 square meters of land.

What is he going to do?

Generally speaking, a naval branch only has nearly a hundred people. A branch with thousands of people is already very large. A navy that can lead a thousand people must at least be an officer of the rank of major general or above.

If Jiguoyuanyi’s branch is completed, it will probably be able to accommodate five to six thousand people.

One branch can handle more than a dozen or even dozens of people all over the world. This kind of scale is the only one Roger knows except the main branch. The largest outside.

“To build such a large naval branch in the New World, this boy has too much power.”

“Isn’t there anyone to restrain him?”

“It is not easy to maintain the normal operation of a navy of this size. “Things”

“Is this kid capable of doing this kind of thing?”

“It seems that it is necessary to meet this kid.”

After hearing what the bar owner said, Roger began to mentally calculate the fate of Yuki Kuni. The strength of the naval branch also surprised Roger with the results.

If these five or six thousand naval generals are fully equipped, Ji Guoyuan can send dozens of warships to sea at the same time.

If the branch gives birth to several powerful middle-level officers, Ji Guoyuan and a vice admiral of the navy headquarters can It can be said that after launching a demon-slaying order on four or five islands at the same time

, after Ji Kunoyuan completely established the branch and recruited and trained the navy, although his military rank was only a lieutenant general in the navy headquarters, in terms of power, he was comparable to Admiral.

Thinking of this, Roger was not only shocked but also shocked. He didn’t know if the senior officials of the Navy headquarters knew about what Enichi Tsukuni was doing in Dressrosa.

Roger believed that if he were a senior naval officer, he would never allow this to happen.

The bar owner saw that Roger suddenly fell silent, seeming to be thinking about something, so he didn’t disturb him. It was Roger himself who noticed his gaffe, adjusted his mood, and started chatting with his boss.

The content of the chat also revolved around Jiguo Enichi and his navy.

The bar owner didn’t have any doubts about this. After all, Roger was not the first outsider to talk to him about this matter.

In a place like the New World, the naval branch stationed in Dressrosa is naturally the focus of everyone’s attention.

And just when Roger landed in Dressrosa, Kazumasa Tsukikuni led a group of marines to “fish” at sea.

It’s just that the “fish” caught by Yuanyi are very different from the fish caught by others.

The fish he was fishing for were the Moonlight Pirates, a large pirate group with a total bounty of over 700 million beli.

The captain of this pirate group is one of the future Shichibukai, Moonlight Moria!

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