
191. Chapter 191 Surrender, the purpose of the Pirate King! (2-in-1) 191. Chapter 191 Surrender, the purpose of One Piece! (2-in-1)

Chapter 191 Surrender, the purpose of the Pirate King! (Two-in-one)

Jiguo Enichi’s slashing attack set off huge waves on the sea. Waves more than ten meters high directly hit the warship, shaking it for a while.


As a sound broke through the air, Ji Guoyuan quickly fell to the bow of the ship. With a slight click, he stood firmly on the bow of the ship, lowering his head and looking into the sea.

Yixiao also quickly came behind Yuanyi, and his domineering aura extended towards the sea. Seeing that Jiguo Yuanyi actually made such a noise, Mihawk lowered his head slightly, closed his eyes, and put the black knife in his hand on his back again.

He took action simply because he wanted to feel how powerful the man known as the Pirate King was.

After having a clear understanding, Mihawk did not intend to continue taking action.

He was a swordsman, and in his mind, Roger was a swordsman.

Besieging a swordsman was not what Mihawk wanted to see. If possible, he wanted to fight Roger alone. But judging from the current situation, Ji Guoyuanyi and Yixiao have no intention of giving him a one-on-one opportunity.

“Smile, here we come!”

The waves fell back to the sea, setting off sparkling waves.

And at this moment, Jiguo Yuanyi felt Roger’s aura rising rapidly from the sea. Yuanyi couldn’t help but have a slightly condensed look on his face, and softly reminded Yixiao.


As soon as Jiguo Yuanyi finished speaking, a black shadow burst out of the sea and quickly came to the deck. The moment the black shadow arrived on the deck, a sonic explosion rang in the ears of Jiguoyuan and others, and then the black shadow rushed directly to Jiguoyuan at the bow of the ship.

The figure breaking out of the sea was none other than Roger, who had just been slashed into the sea by Ji Guoyuan.


“Kid, you’ve become stronger!”

As Roger rushed towards Yuanyi, a hearty laughter also passed into the ears of Yuanyi and the others. The next second, Roger’s The figure appeared in front of Enichi Jiguo, and the Ace in his hand fell directly towards Yuanyi’s chest.

Jiguo Yuanyi was aware of it long before the black shadow broke out of the sea. When Roger’s attack came, Yuanyi quickly raised his sword with both hands to block it.


As a crisp golden sound came out, Roger’s attack was successfully blocked by Yuanyi.

“Kid, long time no see!”

Roger grabbed the knife with one hand, raised his eyes to look at the young boy in front of him, and grinned, with a relaxed look, as if he was not meeting a navy, but a friend he hadn’t seen for many years. Same as partners.

Yuanyi didn’t say anything, silently resisting Roger’s attack. The opponent was very powerful and domineering. Yuanyi worked hard and only just blocked the opponent’s attack.

And Yuan Yi could tell that Roger didn’t seem to be using all his strength.

I don’t know if Roger can’t use his full strength or if he doesn’t want to use his full strength.

“Why don’t you say anything? I came here specially to see you!”

In fact, Roger and Jiguo Yuanyi didn’t have much friendship at all, but Roger was an acquaintance and continued to talk to Yuanyi. And the power in his hand also slowly increased.

Yuanyi couldn’t bear the opponent’s strong power, so he quickly swung his sword sideways, trying to remove the opponent’s power. However, Roger seemed to have expected it. The moment Yuanyi made a move, he quickly retracted his knife and slashed diagonally towards Yuanyi.

Jiguo Yuan frowned slightly, quickly sheathed his sword, and then his figure flashed and disappeared directly on the bow of the ship. The very next moment Jiguo’s figure disappeared, Roger’s slash struck directly from the place where Yuanyi had just stood. It flashed past, and then quickly fell into the sea, causing another huge wave.

“It flashed very fast!”

“Not only has the domineering power of the overlord become stronger, but the domineering power of seeing and hearing has also become stronger!”

When Enichi Tsukuni appeared again, he was already on the deck, and Roger stood At the bow of the ship, he turned around and looked down at the three people Jiguo Yuanyi, Yixiao, and Mihawk on the deck. The smiles on their faces became brighter and brighter.

“Sa, you’re welcome.”

“You all come together!”

“I haven’t felt this excited for a long time!”

Roger waved the long knife lightly in his hand, and a strong aura radiated from his body.

Ji Guoyuan, who landed on the deck, paced towards Roger, his domineering aura quickly wrapped around the long knife in his hand.

“Yixiao, I’ll be the main attacker, you cover me!”

Jiguo Yuanyi didn’t ask Mihawk to attack together. After spending time together, Yuanyi also had an understanding of Mihawk’s character.

If Mihawk wanted to take action, there would be no need for Jiguoyuan to give him orders. But if Mihawk doesn’t want to take action, even if Yuanyi calls him, he will still be indifferent.

Jiguo Enichi might be able to tell Mihawk to stop, but if he wants to assign Mihawk, he would have to think too much.

“Won’t that kid come with you?”

Roger turned his head, glanced at Mihawk, and asked with a smile. When Jian Yuanyi and others didn’t answer, Roger chuckled and said to himself:

“Well, that’s it.”

“You two can keep me entertained.”

As he spoke, Ji Guoyuan was already He jumped up and flew towards Roger quickly. When Yuanyi acted, Roger could also see a flash of flames gathering on Jiguo Yuanyi’s sword.

The red flame quickly approached Roger, illuminating his face red.

“Frontal assault, boy, do you think you are more domineering than me?!”

Roger saw a little excitement in his eyes when he saw the oncoming attack, and then he quickly raised his sword to block it.

“Boom!!!” The two people’s overlord-colored domineering energy collided in the air. The blades did not collide with each other, but there was a gap of nearly ten centimeters. In the space between the two blades, the light was somewhat distorted.

Roger’s overlord’s aura was so strong that Enichi Tsukuni’s slashing attacks had no way of breaking through his defense from the front.

After failing to hit the target, Ji Guoyuan quickly jumped up and disappeared from Roger’s eyes.

And at the moment that Jiguo Enichi’s figure disappeared, a terrifying force of gravity hit Roger directly.

Gravity knife!

Yixiao seized the opportunity and attacked directly. His attack method is different from swordsmen like Enichi Jiguo and Roger. Yixiao’s flying slashes are not domineering, but gravity.


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Gravity directly hit Roger’s knife, and the terrifying force made Roger take a step back involuntarily. Before Roger could adjust, Jiguo Enichi’s figure suddenly appeared above Roger’s head, and stabbed Roger directly with the long knife in his hand.

Ji Guoyuanyi and Yixiao cooperated quite well.


in order to cooperate with Yixiao, Jiguo Yuanyi gave up the sight-killing effect of “Selfless Realm”. The purpose was to allow Yixiao to sense his position and thus assist Yuanyi in attacking.

But in this way, Roger’s knowledge and knowledge can easily capture Enichi Jiguo’s movement trajectory and predict Enichi’s next attack.

Originally, Roger could only rely on his special ability of “listening to the breathing of all things” to roughly know Yuanyi’s location, and then passively defend himself after Yuanyi took action.

But if the power of seeing and hearing is useful, Roger can even fight back!

As soon as he raised his head, Roger looked directly at Jiguo Yuanyi. He slapped the long knife in his hand, and actually hit the long knife in Yuanyi’s hand with the blade accurately, causing a huge change in the direction of Yuanyi’s stabbing. offset.

After blocking, Roger slashed Yuanyi’s chest with his sword.

In an instant, Roger changed from passive to active.

However, just when Roger’s slash was about to hit Enichi’s chest, Tsukikuni Enichi suddenly pulled out the scabbard from his waist. His domineering aura instantly poured into the scabbard, directly blocking Roger’s slash. hit.

The long knife in Hou Yanyi’s right hand also quickly changed direction and slashed at Roger’s arm.


“Nice move!”

Jiguo Yuanyi’s on-the-spot reaction was very fast. Roger’s eyes lit up when he saw this scene, then his feet hit the ground, he quickly took a step back, avoiding Yuanyi’s blade, and made a fist with his left hand. , and smashed directly towards Yuanyi.

Facing the counterattack, Ji Guoyuan made a mistake with both hands. The long sword and scabbard were placed in the shape of a “cross” in front of his chest. Roger’s fist also failed to land on Yuan Yi’s chest, but directly hit the ” In the center of the word “ten”, Yuanyi will be knocked back.

At the same time as Ji Guoyuan’s figure retreated, Yixiao came to Roger with a thrust and slashed at Roger with his sword. Roger raised his hand to block and looked at Enichi Tsukuni.

Sure enough, after Yuan Yi, who had just been repelled by him, fell back to the deck, he also made a sudden advance and came to Roger. Together with Yixiao, he attacked Roger with a knife.

Under the siege of the two men, Roger sometimes waved his sword to block, sometimes sideways to dodge, his agile figure dancing under the blades of Ji Guoyuan and Yixiao.

And this feeling of walking on the blade made Roger even more excited, and he burst into laughter from time to time.

If Ji Guoyuan hadn’t known the details of Roger, he would have really thought that this guy had eaten the Nikka fruit like Wang Luffy and couldn’t control his smile.

Tsukuni Enichi’s overlord-like domineering energy was rapidly depleted in the battle with Roger. Although Yixiao’s fruit ability is very strong, his attacks cannot scare Roger.

When blocking Yixiao’s attack, Roger used Armed Color Haki.

Armed Haki and Overlord Haki, these two types of Haki are like two unrelated jars placed in the human body, each with its own capacity.

It was easy to deal with Yixiao, but Roger was a little more serious in dealing with Yuanyi. At least, he had to use Ba Tang to block Yuanyi’s offensive.

The aftermath of the battle between several people affected this sea area.

At this time, on the coast of Dressrosa, people looked at the huge waves that broke out from time to time in the distance, with dull expressions on their faces. The navy stationed at the port and the guards of Dressrosa had all gathered on the coast at this moment, watching the battle on the sea with bated breath.

“Roger, the Pirate King, is so powerful.”

“Not only him, Enichi Tsukuni’s strength is also quite terrifying. With the cooperation of Yixiao, he actually suppressed Roger?”

On the deck, Mihawk Watching the battle of several people intently, I sighed in my heart.

He was so close that he could personally feel the terrifying sense of oppression when Jiguo Enichi and Roger’s Overlord Se Haki were fighting against each other. Moreover, he once fought against Jiguo Yuanyi. In front of Yuanyi, he was defeated by Yuanyi in a single confrontation.

But such a powerful Jiguo Enichi, with the help of Yixiao, still failed to capture Roger.

All I can say is that he is worthy of being called the Pirate King!

While Mihawk was sighing in his heart, Roger was also secretly frightened at this moment.

Compared with when they met before, Jiguoyuanyi was not only much more domineering, but his use of domineering had also become extremely sophisticated.

When Ji Kunoyuan attacks, he does not use Ba Tang blindly, but uses a mixture of Armed Haki and Ba Tang. The sword moves used to create opportunities to attack are armed with weapons. The sword moves that can cause damage when opportunities arise are used to use Ba Tang.

This ingenious use greatly increases the battery life of Jiguo Yuanyi.

Roger originally planned to use up Yuanyi’s domineering energy, but as he continued to fight, Roger suddenly found that the opponent’s attack did not weaken, and his breathing became heavier and heavier.

“It looks like there’s no way to have fun anymore!”

“Boy, let’s stop here!”

Roger felt a burning sensation in his lungs. He knew that it was time to end this battle.

However, Yuanyi had no intention of listening to the pirate. After a slash from Yixiao, Yuanyi quickly came to Roger’s side and slashed at Roger.

Seeing Yuanyi’s attack, Roger’s eyes narrowed slightly. Instead of raising his sword to block, he stepped forward towards the blade. His domineering energy quickly gathered on his body. At the same time, the long sword in Roger’s hand also quickly He slashed towards Yuanyi’s chest with his backhand.

In an instant, blood splattered everywhere.

Jiguo Enichi’s long knife slashed diagonally at Roger’s armpit, and was stuck in Roger’s ribs. Although protected by armed domineering force, Roger still had horrific wounds on his body.

On Jiguoyuanyi’s side, he realized that Roger was unable to dodge when he was about to exchange injuries, so he could only gather his domineering energy in his chest and forcefully block the opponent’s attack.

The long knife slashed across Yuanyi’s chest, and the blood immediately dyed the snow-white military uniform red.

After exchanging swords, Ji Guoyuan retreated several meters. He lowered his head and took a look at his wounds with a clear view of the world. He frowned and looked at Roger intently.

At this time, Roger was covering the huge wound under his armpit, grinned at Yuanyi, and asked with a smile:

“Now, can you stop for a moment?”

Yuanyi’s injury was deeper than Roger’s. Roger’s domineering intensity is stronger than Yuanyi’s, and his slashes are more ferocious than Yuanyi’s.

Sensing that Yuanyi’s aura was weakening, he smiled and realized that Yuanyi was injured. He did not continue to attack Roger, and quickly came to Yuanyi Jiguo’s body, blocking Yuanyi behind him.

Mihawk, who had been silent all this time, took action when he saw Yuanyi was seriously injured, and quickly came to Yuanyi’s body, holding the black knife in his hand.

Although Mihawk didn’t want to besiege a swordsman like Roger, he couldn’t watch Roger kill Enichi Tsukuni.

Until now, the purpose of the pirate king in front of him has always been a mystery.

Taking a deep breath, Ji Guoyuan used his life-returning ability to control the muscles in his chest, reducing the amount of bleeding from the wound.

Jiguo Yuanyi did not attack Roger again. He originally planned to kill Roger, but until now, Yuanyi has not been able to see Roger’s “death state”. Yuanyi had a hunch that if the fight continued, with Roger’s abilities, he might be able to be buried with him.

“Hahahahaha, don’t be nervous!”

“I’m here, actually, I’m here to surrender like a navy.”


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