
193. Chapter 193 Let me tell you a secret? ! (Two in one) 193. Chapter 193 Let me tell you a secret? ! (2-in-1)

Chapter 193 Let me tell you a secret? ! (2-in-1)

In the office, I learned that Roger had behaved abnormally in Sengoku when he was caught by Jiguoyuan and others.

He had no choice but to lose his composure after learning such shocking news. One Piece Roger is a contemporary of him. Although he disappeared for a while after the other person became the Pirate King, there is no doubt about the other person’s strength.

As an admiral of the Navy Headquarters, Sengoku had fought against Roger several times before, and he knew how difficult the opponent was.

Even though he and Garp joined forces and cooperated with a group of naval officers, they still failed to defeat the Roger Pirates.

But now someone told him that Enichi Tsukuni and the others had captured the Pirate King Roger.

Although Sengoku recognized Jiguo Enichi’s genius, he still couldn’t believe the news.

The Dawn branch of the Navy was established less than a year ago, and Enichi Sikuni, who became a member of the Navy less than three years ago, captured the Pirate King Roger? !

“Fake news!”

He couldn’t help but curse in his heart. Warring States lowered his head and looked at the phone receiver in his hand. Although he thought so in his heart, Warring States also took the news seriously.

The person who reported to him was Cyrus. He had an impression of this young man. He was a very upright person and would not lie to him. And even if it is a lie, it is impossible to deceive him about this kind of thing, because the impact is too great, and if it is false news, it can be easily exposed.

After figuring out the problem, Zhan Guo took a deep breath, tried to calm down, put down the receiver in his hand, and walked out of the office.

This kind of news is no longer something that a general like him can digest!

Soon, Warring States came to the office of Navy Marshal Cyborg Kong, and then told Cyrus exactly what Cyrus had reported to him.

When he heard the news that Roger, the Pirate King, was captured, Cyborg Kong looked startled, his face full of confusion. He seemed not to hear clearly what Sengoku was saying, and asked blankly:

“What did you just say?”

“Roger was captured. ” Did they arrest Jiguo Enichi? Which Roger?”

The news was so shocking that even people like Cyborg Kong, who had always been in high positions, were unable to digest such news for a while.

“Gol D. Roger, that Pirate King Roger!”

“Cyrus from the Dwan branch reported it.”

Sengoku reiterated the news he had received, his face full of seriousness.


After hearing Warring States’ confirmation again, Cyborg Kong fell silent. He sat behind the desk and tapped the table with his fingers, seeming to be thinking about something.

After a while, Cyborg Kong asked Sengoku:

“Where is Enichi Jiguo? Have you contacted him? Is this news reliable?!”

Cyborg Kong told him in his heart that such a big event should be impossible. A case of false reporting. But reason is also telling him that with the power of a navy branch, it is simply unrealistic to capture the Pirate King alive.

If someone told him today that Jiguoyuanyi killed Roger, Cyborg Kong would be able to believe it. After all, Jiguoyuanyi had a terrifying record of killing the Golden Lion before. Killing someone like Roger Although things are still outrageous, Cyborg Kong will not think it is impossible.

But capturing alive and killing are completely different concepts, and the difficulty is not the same at all.

“We haven’t contacted Enichi Jiguo yet. According to Cyrus, the branch is under a lot of pressure now.” ”

The news seems to have spread. Dressrosa is now a mixed bag, and Enichi Jiguo is very busy.”

” But I think the news should be reliable, neither Cyrus nor Enichi Jiguo would joke about this kind of thing.”

Faced with Gang Gu Kong’s inquiry, Sengoku said with certainty.

Although the news was shocking, Sengoku knew that it was impossible for Enichi Jiguo to joke about this kind of thing. He knew something about Enichi Jiguo, and he was not the kind of person to talk nonsense.

Hearing this, Cyborg Kong nodded. He asked this not because he didn’t trust Warring States, but because he simply wanted to hear a positive answer from Warring States.

Because at this moment, he was trying to convince himself of the news.

“Sengoku, notify Garp, He and Zefa and ask them to come to my office!”


After believing the news in his heart, Cyborg Kong also made a quick decision and immediately asked Sengoku to notify several people in the navy. A senior executive.

Faced with such a situation, their naval headquarters must take action as soon as possible to prevent changes.

Soon, Garp and others, who received the summons from Cyborg Kong, quickly came to his office. Crane and Garp are both lieutenant generals in the headquarters. At a time when the navy is not ready to fully exert its influence in the new world, these two top naval forces will not leave the navy headquarters easily.

As for the Warring States Period, as a general, it was his duty to be stationed at Marineford, and Zefa, as the navy’s chief instructor, would not leave the navy headquarters unless he was taking new recruits out to sea for training.

So soon, these high-level officials gathered in Ganggu Kong’s office.

“What happened? You called me here in such a hurry?”

“Oh? Not only me, but also Tsuru-chan and Zefa were called here?”

“It seems like something big happened!”

from the office The door was pushed open. Garp grabbed the “Navy Specialty” in one hand and walked into the office with eight-step steps. He glanced around the office. Garp saw He and He who were already sitting on the sofa. Zefa and others said with a smile.

At Cyborg Kong’s signal, Garp sat down on the single sofa on the other side, and the smile on his face gradually faded.

“Tell me, call us over. What’s the matter?”

Zefa raised his eyes and glanced at Garp. When he saw that everyone had arrived, he folded his hands on his chest and asked Cyborg Kong.

Cyborg Kong looked at Warring States. After receiving the signal, Warring States stood up and announced to everyone:

“There is news from the Navy Dwan branch.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Zefa looked up at Warring States and couldn’t help but interrupt: “Is it Enichi?”

“Ah, it’s Enichi’s branch.”

“The Dwan branch reported that they captured the Pirate King, Gol D. Roger!”

As soon as Sengoku finished speaking, Garp said directly He ejected from the sofa and shouted: “What! Roger?”

“Captured by Enichi and the others? How is this possible?”

Ignoring the excited Garp, Sengoku turned to look at Zefa and He. He continued:

“The news was reported by Cyrus from the branch. So far, I have not contacted Jiguo Yuanyi.” ”

However, there should be no doubt whether the news is true or false.”

I heard what Warring States said. , He quickly adjusted his mentality, nodded slightly, and began to think about what the navy would need to do if the news was accurate.

Zefa looked slightly startled. After a long time, Zefa’s face showed a bright smile. Then Zefa seemed to be unable to restrain his mood. He ignored Cyborg Kong and Sengoku in the office and laughed loudly. He stood up:


“Well done!”

“That boy Yuanyi has done something big again!”


Cyborg Kong looked at the gaffeed Garp and there were Zefa and the others couldn’t help but cover their foreheads, feeling a headache.

“The marshal has called you here just to discuss the next plan with you.”

“However, before that, the first thing we need to confirm is the accuracy of the news.”

“At the same time, bring Roger back to the Navy Headquarters. ”

With that said, Warring States walked to the side and sat down.

Cyborg Kong also took over the conversation at this moment, and followed Sengoku’s train of thought and said:

“Garp, Sengoku, please go to Dressrosa.”

“I don’t trust others doing this, you go to Dawn The branch has confirmed the accuracy of the news. If it is true, the task of extraditing Roger will be left to you two.”

“Successfully capturing Roger, the Pirate King, is the biggest achievement of our navy in the past ten years!” ”

This will herald the beginning of the future! , our navy and the pirates have achieved a milestone victory in this long struggle.”

“We must be very energetic and deal with this matter!”

Cyborg Kong said in a deep voice, who said this At this time, Gang Gu Kong’s face was full of solemnity.

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“Dong dong dong!”

At this moment, someone suddenly knocked on the office door.

Cyborg Kong frowned, glanced at Warring States and others, stopped talking, and shouted loudly toward the door: “What’s the matter? We’re in a meeting!”

“There’s nothing urgent, come back later!”

I thought that the people outside the door would just retreat, but unexpectedly, a sharp shout came from outside the door:

“Marshal Cyborg Kong, something big has happened, a very big thing has happened!!”

Hearing this, he didn’t wait. Cyborg Kong spoke, and Zeng Guo stood up naturally, walked to the door and opened it.

Then, a young green-haired marine held a roll of newspaper in his hand and broke into the office rashly. He ran directly to Cyborg’s empty desk and placed the newspaper on Cyborg’s empty desk.

“Hey, Branyu, what do you look like in a panic?”

Warring States knew this navy man who ran into the office. Seeing the other man’s gaffe, he couldn’t help but remind him.

“I’m sorry!”

“General of the Warring States Period.”

“Big deal. Big deal!”

Brannu came in a hurry. He didn’t know whether it was because of tiredness or nervousness, and his breathing was quite rapid.

As he spoke, his fingers trembled slightly and kept pointing at the newspaper on the table.

Cyborg Kong looked at it strangely, then grabbed the newspaper and read it carefully.

With just one glance, Cyborg Kong’s pupils suddenly shrank.

On the front page of this newspaper was a color photo that would hardly appear in a newspaper.

In the center of the photo was a red-haired boy wearing a naval officer’s uniform. There was a long bloodstain on the boy’s chest. It looked like he had been seriously injured.

However, it was not just this boy who caught Gang Gukong’s attention. Among the team behind the boy, a middle-aged man with “thick nose hair” and shackled hands caught his attention.

If he read it correctly, the middle-aged man trapped in the team has been wanted by their navy – Roger, the Pirate King!

“It seems that the accuracy of the news does not need

to be confirmed.” “The news spread so quickly.”

As he said that, Cyborg stood up, grabbed the newspaper, walked to the sofa, and dropped the newspaper on the coffee table.

Garp looked intently at the newspaper. He saw several familiar figures on the newspaper and immediately reached out to get the newspaper. However, Zefa took the lead and grabbed the newspaper in his hand.

“Hey, Zefa!”

Garp complained, quickly put his head on Zefa’s shoulder, and looked at the newspaper in his hand. After looking at the photos for a few times, Karp focused on the report on the newspaper’s headline.

“Pirate King Roger was arrested, and a new navy legend was born!”

The eye-catching title was an exaggerated narrative, but when Garp and others saw this report, they didn’t feel the slightest sense of violation.

“Garp, Sengoku, you two will set off for Dressrosa immediately!”

“Right now Jiguo Enichi and the others are probably under tremendous pressure.”

After the news was confirmed, Cyborg Kong made a quick decision. After Karp carefully reviewed the report, he quickly stood up and left the office to prepare for the voyage.

“That kid really did something big!” He glanced at the newspaper in Zefa’s hand for a few times, and finally couldn’t help sighing.

When Zefa heard He’s words, the smile on his face became even brighter, and he couldn’t help but laugh a few times.

As Garp and Sengoku left one after another, the naval port of the Navy Headquarters began to become lively. Some generals who were originally on vacation were hurriedly summoned to the warships and followed the Warring States Warship No. 0 as it set sail.

In less than an hour, more than ten warships set off from the port in a mighty manner.

I don’t know what means Morgans used to get the news that the Navy had successfully captured Roger. In just one day, the news had begun to spread to all parts of the world.

On an island in the New World, the Whitebeard Pirates who were resting on the island also received the newspaper delivered by the News Bird.

“Roger. Is this brat your choice?”

“Gula la la la!”

“Are you a fool?”

Whitebeard looked at the newspaper sent by his son, looked at the red-haired boy in the center of the newspaper, and smiled. got up. However, there was no “happy” emotion at all in Whitebeard’s laughter, instead it was full of bitterness.

Before Roger surrendered, he met him once. Whitebeard also knew about Roger’s situation.

Who would have thought that Roger, the Pirate King, actually planned to end his life in this way.

Falling into the hands of a brat from the Navy, in Whitebeard’s opinion, the price has really dropped a bit.

It was not only Whitebeard who also received the news, but members of the Roger Pirates scattered around the world also received the news one after another.

“Captain Roger!!”

On an island in the East China Sea, Shanks clutched the newspaper in his hand tightly, crying into tears. A hoarse roar came from his throat.

After staying on Roger’s ship for so many years, Shanks has already regarded Roger as his father.

As news of Roger’s arrest spread, the sea became even more unstable.

Barrett, who had been on the Roger Pirates’ ship for a while, refused to accept the news and began to go on a rampage, ravaging the towns he passed.

At the same time, Barrett also set his sights on the Dwan branch of the Navy in Dressrosa. It was self-evident what he planned to do.

Barrett is not the only pirate who is eyeing Dressrosa.

The pirates who respected Roger began to take action one after another, and endless dark clouds were approaching Dressrosa.

“Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!”

The construction of Navy Dawn has come to an end, and some houses are already in normal use. Dressrosa, which has been experiencing drought all year round, received a heavy rain today.

Ji Guoyuan sat in front of the window sill, looking sideways at the heavy rain outside the window with an incomprehensible expression.

“Kid, you look very worried!”

A deep voice sounded in the room.

At this time, there was not only Jiguo Yuanyi alone in the room. In a corner of the room, Roger was lying on the stone bed with a comfortable look on his face. He looked at Jiguo Yuanyi who was sitting in front of the window sill and asked with a smile. road.

“Of course.”

“You, the Pirate King, are here with me. I haven’t slept well for some time.”

“There have been many people of unknown origin in Dressrosa recently. Because they are not wanted, I can’t take action rashly.”

“But guarding against thieves all the time is not easy to live like this!”

Ji Guoyuan sighed softly, facing Roger, Yuanyi complained.


“Being in the navy is really tied up.”

“Hey, do you want to be a pirate? Feel the free life?”

Roger laughed when he heard this, resting his head with his hands and looking up He said towards the ceiling.

Ji Guoyuan ignored Roger and remained silent.

After a long time, Roger suddenly said to Jiguo Yuanyi:

“Boy, I am very optimistic about you.”

“Shall I tell you a secret?”

Roger said, turning his head to look at Jiguo Yuanyi. Kunoyuanyi still looked indifferent, and Roger said to himself:

“Boy, if you are lucky enough to get a devil fruit called ‘rubber fruit’ in the future, you can eat it by yourself!” ”

If that’s the case, Your words.”

At this point, Roger changed his tone and said with a smile:

“That fruit will be helpful to you.”

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