this chapter)

203. Chapter 203 The beginning of the conflict! (Two in one) 203. Chapter 203 The beginning of the conflict! (2-in-1)

Chapter 203 The beginning of the conflict! (2-in-1)

Roger’s death is not the end of an era, but the beginning of an era.

The impact of Pirate King Roger’s public execution by the Navy has only just begun.

As his heroic words before his death were spread around the world through various channels, countless people pursuing the dream of getting rich overnight rushed to sea and poured into the great sea route to pursue the great contiguous sea that Roger mentioned. Secret treasure.

The four seas, which were originally peaceful, began to become chaotic. Even the East China Sea, known as the “symbol of peace”, people were filled with ambition and poured into the sea one after another.

And by coincidence, the place where Roger was executed happened to be in Rogge Town in the East China Sea. When Roger was executed, many pirates from all over the world gathered in Rogge Town.

These pirates also provide some conveniences for people who want to go to sea. Therefore, the East China Sea, which used to be the calmest and most peaceful, has become the most chaotic place in the world.

Roger’s death has an impact on the world’s security environment on one hand, and on the other hand, it has an impact on Roger’s former crew members.

After the death of the Pirate King, the World Government began to “settlement the accounts”. CPs directly under the government mobilized collectively to search for people and things related to Roger all over the world.

A crazy hunt also began for the crew members who had lived on the Roger pirate ship.

Not only these crew members, but also Tom, the fishman known as “the world’s best shipbuilder” who once built a pirate ship for Roger, was also regarded as a thorn in the side of the World Government.

Building a ship for Roger became his “crime” and he was sentenced to death by the World Government.

However, because Tom needed to build a “sea train” for the Seven Waters Capital, the World Government took exception to this matter and postponed Tom’s execution time. When Tom successfully built the sea train, it was when Tom was taken away for execution.

The day after Roger’s death, the World Government gained something. They captured a crew member who had been on Roger’s ship, and this crew member had met Roger before he surrendered. He knew that Roger had a wife, and also knew that Roger’s wife was pregnant.

After this crew member was captured by the World Government, he was tricked by a Devil Fruit user in CP9, and the news that Roger had a wife and children was also leaked.

Fortunately, Roger did not mention his wife’s name and location in detail when talking to the crew member, so the World Government did not take immediate action.

But the world government was also shocked when they received the news.

One Piece Roger has a child? How could they accept this kind of thing?

Roger was already a huge headache for them, and Roger was from the damn D clan. His son, the “son of the devil”, would never be able to allow that child to be born smoothly.

For this reason, the World Government put aside other matters for the time being and began to fully trace the whereabouts of Roger’s wife and children.

It is precisely because the World Government learned this news that Patrila Island in the South China Sea has been paid more and more attention by the people of the World Government.

Originally, the World Government only found out that Roger had stayed on the island, but as the investigation deepened, they discovered that Roger stayed on the island for a very long time.

In other words, since Roger went to Lavdru, most of his remaining time was spent on Patrila Island in the South China Sea.

This also made the world government more suspicious of this, and began to impose martial law on the entire island, and began to search all pregnant women on the island, whether they were married or unmarried, they were all targets of investigation.

Moreover, due to insufficient personnel, the naval branches closer to Patrila Island have received orders and are required to fully cooperate with the CP9 investigation.

A rear admiral led three or four nearby branches, and nearly a thousand navy arrived at Patrila Island for the people of the World Government to drive.

The island was under complete martial law.

During this period, Cyrus and others who found Lujiu did not leave the island smoothly. Because what they had planned before was to wait for the people from the World Government to leave before taking Lujiu away.

At that time, Cyrus and the others did not expect that Roger’s wife and children would be leaked, and the people in the World Government were already alert. If they wanted to leave by boat, they needed to be inspected by the World Government.

In this regard, there is no way Cyrus and the others can silently take Lujiu away from under the eyes of the World Government.

If they break in by force, it will undoubtedly bring trouble to Ji Guoyuan, which is what Cyrus does not want to see.

But after the news that “Roger has a wife and children” was leaked, the World Government sealed off the entire island. No ships were allowed to leave the island. The situation of Cyrus and the others became even more passive. stand up.

At noon, there was a noise in the street.

Cyrus and the others opened the windows and saw groups of marines passing quickly through the streets.

In the past few days, the World Government has figured out the number of women on the entire island, as well as the number of pregnant women. Today is the day to officially arrest people.

In order to “absolutely avoid any accidents”, the World Government has decided to execute all pregnant women on this island, together with their unborn children!

Regardless of the cruelty of this order, this is already the result of Navy Marshal Cyborg’s hard work.

Originally, according to the original intention of the World Government, it planned to use the Demon-Slaying Order.

Being able to persuade the World Government to give up this idea is enough to show that Cyborg still has some “face” in the eyes of senior officials, and his status is completely different from that of the future Navy Marshal Sakaski.

But let alone using the Demon-Slaying Order, even this decision is already contrary to “justice”.

Vice Admiral Garp also lost his temper after learning the news. At this moment, he had already left the Navy Headquarters and went back to his hometown of Donghai to relax. Under the leadership of Garp, there were many voices of opposition within the Navy, but they were all suppressed by Cyborg Kong.

So what if we don’t suppress it? No matter how noisy the people below are, they can’t change the outcome!

On the street, one group after another of sailors passed by the street in front of Cyrus and the others. Looking at the chaotic street, Cyrus frowned slightly, not knowing what was going on.

They are on this island and have few ways to receive news. So far, they don’t know what happened. They only know that the island is under martial law and no ships are allowed to leave.

“I don’t know what happened suddenly, but so many navy came to this island.” ”

I’m afraid we won’t be able to leave for a while.”

“Do I need to report the situation here to Lieutenant General Jiguo? ?”

Yixiao stood by the window sill, sensing the situation outside with a domineering look, and said worriedly to Cyrus. For some reason, he had an ominous premonition in his heart.

In fact, it’s not just Yixia who feels this way, Cyrus and Mihawk also feel this way.

The tense atmosphere permeating the town can even be felt by ordinary people, let alone strong people like them.

“Let’s wait and see.”

“Maybe it’s temporary, and martial law will be lifted soon.”

“It would be too useless for us to consult the Lieutenant General on such a ‘little matter’.” ”

I’ll go down and ask. Let’s ask about what happened.”

Cyrus said, and wanted to leave the room, intending to rely on his status as a navy to find someone to ask what happened.

Just as Cyrus was about to leave, a roar came from the street.

Several people looked up and happened to see a team of navy dragging out a young woman with a bulging belly from a resident’s home.

And a thin man pulled the arm of the sailor wearing the “Justice” cloak, and while trying to snatch his wife away from the hands of these sailors, he yelled at them: ”

What are you going to do?! ”

Why are you arresting my wife!”

“My wife has never done anything. You have arrested the wrong person. Let her go!”

Faced with the man’s tug, the sailor frowned and looked at it with some unbearability. The other party glanced at him, then quickly took the gun without saying a word and hit the man’s chin hard with the butt of the gun.

The thin man felt pain and opened his arms.

“This is an order from the superiors. We did not arrest the wrong person!”

Haibing looked at the man who fell to the ground, put aside his sympathy and intolerance, and said indifferently.

When the world government does things, it is quite “systematic”. The order to kill all pregnant women on the island was issued by the World Government, and the order from the Navy Headquarters to the branch was to fully cooperate with CP9’s actions.

The CP9s were also thoughtful. They were only responsible for the search, and left all arrests and executions to the “just” navy.

Even scum like CP9, whose hands are stained with the blood of ordinary people, do not want to be responsible for such things that arouse public outrage.

Although this so-called public anger is not painful to them at all.

The indifferent navy were like ruthless machines, escorting the pregnant woman and preparing to leave.

However, at this moment, a young strong man carrying a big sword blocked their way. Behind the strong man, there were two more people.

A blind man and an eagle-eyed man.

“Can you still be considered a navy with your behavior like this?”

“Is it what you should do to punish someone for something like this without teaching them?”

“What did she commit?”

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The three people who stopped in front of this group of navy, It was Cyrus and the three of them.

Cyrus, the leader, asked the navy with a calm face. Behind his calmness was full of anger. He had such an arrogant attitude towards the people. If these navy couldn’t give him a reasonable explanation today, he would definitely not be able to accept such a thing.

“Who are you?”

“We are the navy and we are on a mission. No one else is waiting to leave!”

“Otherwise, don’t blame us for being rude!”

A sergeant in his early thirties walked out of the queue and walked toward the residents. Lu Shi and others drove away. As he spoke, the sailors behind him raised their guns.

A row of guns were pointed at Cyrus and others.



“Does the navy do things like you do?”

Cyrus couldn’t help but let out a sigh when he saw this scene, then he kicked his eyes and couldn’t help but let out an angry cry in his throat. Grow.

“We in the Navy don’t need anyone else to tell us how to do things.”

“You guys, come to me quickly.”

Just as the sergeant waved his hand and continued to drive away Cyrus and others, he suddenly felt someone tugging at the corner of his clothes. Looking back, he found that a young navy man in the team had arrived in front of him, his face was pale and he was pulling at the corner of his clothes.


“I seem to have seen those two people somewhere.”

Hearing his subordinates pointing at Mihawk and Yixiao and whispering, the sergeant just glanced at his subordinates and spoke righteously. Said:

“Whether you know it or not, we have to carry out the orders of our superiors.”

“You guys, get out of the way quickly. If you don’t get out of the way, you will be responsible for the consequences!”

As he said this, the sergeant raised his hand and pointed towards his subordinates. He signaled, and at the same time, seeing his signal, a group of marines also put their fingers on the triggers, ready to shoot at any time.

“It’s really violent!”

“I can’t see such filth. I don’t know if it’s my luck or my misfortune.”

Yixiao noticed the movement of the navy, sighed, and slowly took the cane. On his chest, his right hand was already holding the handle of the knife.

Seeing the other party’s appearance, Mihawk stood behind Cyrus with his arms folded across his chest. He glanced at Cyrus’s slightly trembling body and felt a little funny.

The righteous navy, if he hadn’t seen such a scene here today, he would have been brainwashed by Ji Guoyi to join the navy.

After all, his judgment was correct. The navy is just an ordinary person standing under the banner of “justice”, isn’t it?

Money, power, influence.

These are the things that everyone is chasing. Isn’t the Navy also chasing them? justice? what is that?

“Cyrus, what should we do now?”

“Do you want to retreat? These ‘just’ naval forces are also performing their ‘mission’.”

Mihawk asked with a slight smile as the corner of his mouth raised slightly.

He was not a marine. Seeing the scene happening in front of him, Mihawk’s anger was far less intense than that of Cyrus and Yixiao.

He now wanted to see how Cyrus would choose.

As a navy, would you take action against an opponent who is also a navy?

When Cyrus heard this, his expression changed several times, as if he was considering what to do.

And when the sergeant saw that Cyrus and the others were still refusing to get out of the way, his face turned cold, and he raised his hand to lower it.

“Sergeant! Wait a minute!”

At this moment, the young sailor hurriedly grabbed the sergeant’s arm, yelled, and then handed a newspaper he took out from nowhere to the sergeant’s face. .

“He, he, they are also navy!”

As he said, the young sailor pointed at the photo on the newspaper.

Looking at the location of the photo pointed by his subordinate, the sergeant couldn’t help but shrink his pupils.

This is an old newspaper, and what it reports is a photo of Ji Guoyuan just after he captured Roger and got off the ship back to Dressrosa.

In the photo, Ji Guoyuanyi and Roger were of course the largest, but several marines following Ji Guoyuanyi also showed their faces, including Yixiao, Mihawk and others.

“You are.”

The sergeant raised his head in astonishment and compared the appearance in the photo with the appearance of the people in front of him. His tone changed and his posture instantly became awe-inspiring.

The navy that participated in the operation to capture Roger!

To them, local navies from all over the world, that is an adult!

The sergeant instructed his men to put down their guns and hurriedly ran up to Cyrus. After bowing, they didn’t know what to call Cyrus and the others.

Facing the sergeant’s low profile, Cyrus’ anger did not dissipate and asked,

“Now, can you tell us what the woman you arrested committed?”

Cyrus asked in a deep voice, The woman who was being escorted by the sailors in the distance also realized that there seemed to be some “big shot” coming, and immediately shouted: “No!! I have never done anything!”

“I am unjust, I have not done anything. !”

The woman’s shrill cries made Cyrus frown even more.

Hearing these words, the sergeant looked embarrassed. He looked at the crowd that was gathering around him. He could only hook his hand towards Cyrus. After Cyrus listened, he explained in a low voice: ”

This Sir, this is an order from above.”

“We are the navy of the S-331 branch of the South China Sea. The order given to us by the navy headquarters is to cooperate with the World Government’s CP9 operation.” ”

This operation is to capture all pregnant women on this island. , secret execution.”

“I heard that the Pirate King Roger stayed here for a long time before he was executed. He had a wife, and his wife was pregnant.” What the

sergeant said was partly official news, and partly It was information he got through some channels. These things were supposed to be confidential, but facing Cyrus and the others, the sergeant had no intention of hiding it.

He just wanted to make it clear and ask the other party not to stop him from carrying out his mission.

However, upon hearing the news, Cyrus was startled at first, then his eyes widened, and the anger in his chest welled up.

“Execute all the pregnant women on the island?!”

When he heard that the navy was looking for Roger’s wife and children, he was not that angry at first, but when he heard that all the pregnant women on the island were to be executed, Cyrus’ hair stood up in anger. stand up.

Cyrus’ roar also attracted the attention of everyone around him. When the people heard the news, their expressions changed suddenly. Some people no longer cared about watching the excitement and left one after another.

In fact, when Cyrus and the others were confronting this group of navy, arrests of pregnant women could be seen everywhere on this island.

Roars, pleas, and cries filled the island.

The peaceful and peaceful Patrira Island can be said to be in dire straits at this moment.


“Are you kidding me!”

Cyrus couldn’t help shouting, grabbed the collar of the sergeant in front of him, and lifted him up.

At the same time, he roared at the navy:

“Who is the leader of your operation this time! I want to see him!”

“I am Cyrus from the Dawn branch of the New World, I want to see him!”

Cyrus shouted violently From far away, a group of sailors saw that the sergeant was caught by Cyrus, and they quickly pointed their guns at Cyrus. The sergeant being carried by Cyrus also noticed the movements of his subordinates and hurriedly said: “Don’t mess around, inform Major General Cobb!”

Hearing the sergeant shouting, the navy under his command quickly called in the communications troops, He took out his phone bug and started reporting.

Seeing the other party’s cooperation, Cyrus snorted coldly and threw the sergeant away. He also took out the phone bug and started to contact Enichi Jiguo.

Cyrus knew very well that things were serious.

The order was given by the Navy Headquarters. With his status, it was impossible to change the Navy Headquarters’ will.

Cyrus would never allow the navy to cause such brutal killings under his nose. He must prevent such a thing from happening. Reporting to Enichi Jiguo, Cyrus also hoped to get support from Enichi Jiguo. Cyrus knew that if Enichi Jiguo knew about it, he would never leave such a matter alone!

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