this chapter)

221. Chapter 221 Demon-Slaying Order and Justice! (2-in-1) 221. Chapter 221 Demon-Slaying Order and Justice! (2-in-1)

Chapter 221 Demon-Slaying Order and Justice! (2-in-1)

“Demon-slaying order?”

Listening to the voice coming from the phone bug, Gvar Saron couldn’t help but whisper. Since he joined the navy until now, he has never seen it with his own eyes. He has served in the navy and executed the demon-slaying order.

However, although Gvar Salon has not seen it with his own eyes, he has been in the navy system for such a long time and is aware of the horror of the Demon-Slaying Order.

Demon-Slaying Order:

Led by at least five vice-admirals, more than 10 warships will carry out devastating attacks on target people and islands.

To put it simply, the Demon-Slaying Order is the strongest force that the navy can use when the general’s combat power is not taken into account.

This is what shocked Saron. The designated target of this navy’s demon-slaying order is O’Hara, known as the archaeological holy land in the Western Sea. This island has the world’s largest library, which contains millions of books – the Tree of Omniscient .

Saron really couldn’t understand why such a place that symbolized “civilization” would attract a demon-slaying order? Are there any “demons” on this island that can only be solved with the Demon-Slaying Order?

“Marshal, why do you want to impose a demon-slaying order on O’Hara? Didn’t I already capture Nicole Olivia?”

“There should be no wanted criminals on the island.”

Saron pointed out two fingers . Holding the receiver of the phone bug, he asked in a deep voice. But the one who answered him was Cyborg Kong’s decisive voice: “Saron, as a navy, you only need to execute the order. You don’t need to ask why.”

With that, Cyborg Kong hung up the phone.

In the navy headquarters, Cyborg Kong hung up the phone and looked at the phone bug in front of him for a long time, and then couldn’t help but sigh.

“Have you caught Nicole Olivia?”

“If it is Saron, he will definitely dig into it. The truth of the incident he discovered will be more profound!”

He did not tell Saron the real reason. Long, it’s also for Saron’s sake. As a naval marshal, he more or less understands the personalities of the lieutenant generals in his headquarters.

Saron is actually just a pawn used by Cyborg Kong in the power struggle.

The order to launch the demon-slaying order against O’Hara was actually not directly issued by Cyborg Kong. O’Hara’s scholars studied the “blank history” and the historical truth 800 years ago, which is fundamentally important to their navy. It’s just an inconsequential thing.

Those who want to cover the lid are the Five Old Stars, the World Government, and the Celestial Dragons.

Therefore, the task of launching the demon-slaying order against O’Hara was issued directly from Wulaoxing. He was just an executor.

Before he had accumulated enough power, he could not reveal his ambition prematurely or break up with the opponent, so Cyborg Kong followed the trend and issued this order.


the World Government intends to throw the blame on their navy. How can Cyborg Kong let them get their way so easily?

Sending the upright Saron to execute this demon-slaying order might bring him some unexpected effects.

“In this action, I have to gain enough say!”

“I’m not just a dog tied to the position of marshal!”


After thinking for a while, Cyborg Kong He chuckled lightly, grabbed the phone bug, and dialed another vice-admiral’s number:

“Kuzan, you are in the West Sea now, right? Lead the fleet to O’Hara, and cooperate with other vice-admirals to carry out the attack on O’Hara. Demon-slaying order.”

After saying that, without waiting for any response from the other end of the phone, Cyborg Kong hung up the phone and touched his chin.

“Saron is not powerful enough to make waves. Kuzan and he are close friends, so they should make waves in this operation.” ”

If we can get that boy from Dressrosa to come out, then It’s even more interesting!”

After selecting two naval “dove factions” to participate in the demon-slaying order, Cyborg Kong also frowned slightly and began to think about it. After thinking about it, he felt that this matter still couldn’t be like this. “flagrant”.

The Five Old Stars are not fools. When they saw Cyborg Kong’s arrangement, they probably easily realized that Cyborg Kong was not sincere in executing the “Demon Slaying Order”.

“Now, we can’t let the Five Old Stars be suspicious of me!” Cyborg Kong thought to himself, and after thinking about it for a while, he decided to send three more hawk navy to go together.

These three people are Vice Admiral Sakaski, Huoshaoshan and Stoloberg of the Navy Headquarters.

These three lieutenant generals are all selfless people. They are the Mesozoic representatives of the hawks in the navy. They will absolutely execute the orders of their superiors meticulously.

Cyborg Kong couldn’t help but look forward to what would happen if these five lieutenant generals were asked to execute the demon-slaying order.

In fact, the Navy’s attitude towards O’Hara has always been “ambiguous”. In the future, the Navy will publicly issue a wanted order for O’Hara’s survivor Nicole Robin, but in pursuit of Nicole Robin In this matter, it was all done with a casual attitude.

Even as a general, Kuzan had countless opportunities to capture Nicole Robin, but he never did so.

If you bump into her, chase her. If you don’t bump into her, then don’t chase her. This is the Navy’s attitude towards Nico Robin.

But the World Government is different. They worked hard on the Nicole Robin matter. Later, CP9 successfully captured Nicole Robin and brought her back to Judiciary Island. If it hadn’t been for the iron-headed boy Wang Lufei, , Nicole Robin was already dying on Justice Island.

After Robin was rescued by Wong Luffy and boarded Wong Luffy’s ship, the navy did not vigorously pursue Wong Luffy and the others. It was not until Wong Luffy punched the Celestial Dragons in the Shampoo Islands that the Straw Hat Pirates encountered their biggest crisis.

But that was not because of Robin but because Wang Luffy beat the Celestial Dragon.

Two years after the Straw Hat Pirates disappeared, the World Government still did not give up hunting Wang Luffy. When Wang Luffy fought with Kaido in Wano Country, CP0 was sent to try to snatch Robin.

It wasn’t until Wang Luffy defeated Kaido, became the Fifth Emperor, and came into contact with Vegapunk that the Navy pretended to send Porusalino to cooperate with one of the five old stars, Jaygo Lucia Sal. Operation Tansheng.

Some of the reasons are for Zhan Momomaru, some are for Nico Robin, some are because of Vegapunk, and some are because of Wang Luffy. I am afraid only Kizaru himself knows.

West Sea.

It was really cold on the sea in January. Standing on the deck, Kuzan slowly took the phone bug back into his arms, raised his head and looked at the night sky, and couldn’t help but murmur to himself:

“Demon-slaying order.”

“Become After becoming a lieutenant general, the first big event he encountered was the Demon-Slaying Order!”

After exiting the new world, Kuzan has been leading his subordinates to be active in the West Sea. His own military rank has also been promoted from rear admiral to navy. Lieutenant General of the headquarters.

Not counting Tsui Kuni Enichi, Kuzan’s upgrade speed can be said to be the fastest in the history of the Navy.


Footsteps sounded from behind Kuzan. He turned around and saw Yixiao walking out of the cabin and onto the deck. When he saw the person coming, Kuzan couldn’t help but have a trace of emotion on his face. Smiling, he greeted:

“Commodore Yixiao, haven’t you rested so late?”

After being transferred from the “Sword of Dawn”, Yixiao’s upgrade speed was like riding on a rocket. Although Yixiao had only joined the navy for a few years, His resume is very impressive, and Yixiao’s personal strength is terrifying. He and Kuzan showed their faces around the world for a while, and were strongly promoted by Warring States and Cyborg Kong.

In the early days of the Great Pirate Age, the navy headquarters was extremely short of combat power. Yixiao, who had once served as the deputy officer of Jiguoyuan, seemed to have been trained by Cyborg Kong and Sengoku as a future general.

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Jiguo Enichi is an orphan, and he studied under the former general Zefa. He can be said to be the most upright person in the navy. Jiguo Enichi’s confidant can also be regarded as “the most upright person”, so he is in Yixiao’s body. , the Navy will not set any “threshold” at all.


“Lieutenant General Kuzan, aren’t you awake too?”

“I don’t know why, but I feel a little restless and always feel like something is going to happen.”

Yixiao gently tapped the wooden planks on the deck with his cane, walked to Kuzan, and said to Kuzan.

Hearing this, Kuzan raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: “What can happen?”

“A pirate attack?”

“There are no pirates who can threaten you in the West Sea.”

“Speaking of which, Brigadier Yixiao , I received the order from the marshal to execute the demon-slaying order on O’Hara.” ”

The warship needs to turn around and sail. I’m afraid there is no way to get to Rich Man Island.”

Rich Man Island is an island in the West Sea. Don’t think this is called Rich Man. The islands are all filled with rich people and rich men. Actually, they are not. This island is a famous “Gambling Island” in the West Sea. There are always news about ordinary people getting rich overnight. Yixiao also yearns for this island. Of.

I originally planned to go to Rich Man Island “by the way” to try my luck.

“Haha, it doesn’t matter, the mission is important.”

After saying this, he smiled and looked at Kuzan with some doubts: “O’Hara? Are you going to execute the demon-slaying order on O’Hara?”

O’Hara’s reputation is not small. , even though he has lived in the New World all year round, Yixiao has heard rumors about O’Hara. He did not expect that such an island, which represented “wisdom” and “inheritance”, was about to face a demon-slaying order.

Kuzan nodded slightly, confirmed the news, and then explained to Yixiao: “I don’t know the specific situation yet. Let’s go and have a look first.”

With that, Kuzan left the deck and went to the driver’s seat. The room asked his subordinates to adjust the course.

The navy received the order and was gathering towards O’Hara.

And it was on this night that the warship led by Saron inexplicably encountered a terrifying storm when heading to O’Hara. During the storm, Saron only had time to release Nicole Olivia from prison. When they came out, the warship capsized in the waves.

“The ship has capsized!! The ship has capsized!!”

As the navy screamed, sea water poured into the cabin. Saron hurriedly protected Olivia in his arms, and then directly lifted a large wall. Board, trying to break out of the cell.

The marines in the cell tried to follow Saron to an open area. However, in the rapids, ordinary navy could not even stand firm. After realizing this, Saron directly punched through the wall panel, and the seawater poured in. At that time, Saron also got out through the hole.

The marines behind were all well-trained, and they held their breath and sank into the water. After the undercurrent became smaller, they successfully passed through the hole and swam toward the sea.

Dark clouds shrouded the sky, and heavy rain fell from the sky onto the sea.

The sea was constantly rough and rough, and the naval survivors who had successfully swam out of the sea had just raised their heads when they were faced with a big wave, which directly pulled them back into the sea.

In the face of the power of nature, the training that the navy has undergone seems a bit ridiculous.

Amid the endless beating of the waves, Salon persisted for a day and a night, but he also began to lose strength and gradually lost consciousness. Until Saron closed his eyes, Nicole Olivia was protected by him on the board of the boat.

The midday sun shines down.

On the beach, Salon felt the warmth coming from his body and slowly opened his eyes.

“Are you awake?” As soon as he opened his eyes, Salon saw a little girl about seven or eight years old standing on the beach in front of him, looking at him with some surprise, and asked aloud.

The little girl was wearing a black dress, with long black hair, and a smile on her face.

“This is…” Saron slowly sat up, looked around, and asked confusedly.

“This is O’Hara. You encountered a shipwreck. How do you feel now?”

The little girl spoke calmly, not at all scared by Saron’s huge size. She answered Saron’s question with concern. asked.

“O’Ohal’s eyes widened slightly. He looked at the little girl in front of him, and the muscles of his body couldn’t help but tense up.

And while the two people, older and younger, were talking, a group of people from the island came over. On the shore, the leader is a skinny old man with a strange inverted “three-leaf” hairstyle. It is not entirely accurate to say that the hairstyle is because the top of his head is the “handle” of the leaf, and his beard is the three-leaf leaf. One of the pieces.

Seeing Saron wake up, the old man smiled and said to Saron: “You finally woke up. Thank you for sending Olivia back. Thank you so much! ”

Seeing the old man’s arrival, the little daughter ran briskly to the old man’s side, grabbed the old man’s arm affectionately, and asked: “Dr. Clover, is my mother awake? Hearing this

, Dr. Clover patted the girl’s head and shook his head with a smile: “Not yet, but Robin, don’t worry. The doctor has checked it and there is nothing wrong. She should be able to wake up soon.” . ”

Listening to the conversation between Dr. Clover and Robin, and looking at the group of concerned and grateful people behind Dr. Clover, Saron sat up, pressed his temples, and felt a headache. After

a shipwreck, he was actually homeless. Arriving in O’Hara? And actually being rescued by O’Hara’s people?

Looking at the O’Hara people in front of him, Saron couldn’t help but feel silent for a while. In these people, Saron couldn’t feel the murderous aura or murderous intent. The smell of blood.

What he could feel was a strong bookish smell, especially the old man in front of him. On Dr. Clover, Saron could even smell a faint smell of ink.

O’Hara. It’s all like this. A group of people?

Then why did the Navy implement the demon-slaying order against O’Hara?

Once the question arises in the mind, there is no way to eliminate it.

At the kind invitation of Dr. Clover, Saron followed him into the island In the next few days, Saron changed out of his “navy uniform” and wore a rough gray cloth, and lived on the island. In the

past few days, Saron fell in love with a little girl named Robin . baby. The love here has no messy emotions, it’s just because the young Robin is sensible and kind-hearted, and he will take Salon to “sightseeing” on the island from time to time.

At the same time, Saron also took a deep look at the people on the island and found no “demon” worthy of being “slaughtered”.

And just three days after Saron lived there, Robin’s mother, Nicole Olivia, woke up. After she woke up, she also learned about Saron’s existence through a conversation with Dr. Clover. At the same time, he also told Dr. Clover that the Navy planned to implement the demon-slaying order against O’Hara.

After learning the news, Dr. Clover acted extremely calmly. After thinking for a long time, late one night, he summoned all the scholars on the island and called Saron.

After Saron came to the island, Dr. Clover was actually observing Saron. He felt that Saron was a trustworthy person and someone who could be entrusted with the funeral arrangements!

Therefore, after Saron arrived, Dr. Clover revealed everything about Scholar O’Hara’s study of 800-year-old history and the invocation of the Demon-Slaying Order.

It was only then that Salon knew why the Navy implemented the demon-slaying order on O’Hara. While shocked, Salon was filled with anger.

Although studying the blank history of 800 years ago is forbidden by the World Government’s order, dispatching so many vice admirals and warships to carry out the demon-slaying order just because of such a thing is going too far.

And even if the person doing the research is punished with death, what about the other people on the island? Not everyone at O’Hara is a scholar.

Saron’s “justice” was recognized by Dr. Clover. When he learned that the Navy planned to launch a demon-killing order against O’Hara, Dr. Clover had actually given up hope of survival. He hoped that Saron could help him. It was to let ordinary people leave, but to protect young Robin.

Not only him, but all the scholars in O’Hara have become enlightened!

Before the Navy’s demon-slaying order came, Dr. Clover had already begun to build an asylum ship and transfer books at the same time. Dr. Clover’s decision was also supported by Saron.

Salon even said that he would do his best to protect O’Hara:

“I will never allow such a thing to happen in front of me!”

“This is definitely not the justice I am pursuing!!!”

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