One Sword to Immortality

165. The bright moon is in the sky


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Bai Qiulian was not so affectionate towards Aunt Lian. Instead, he was a little disgusted. He did not greet her and asked directly: "Is our ancestor here?"

Aunt Lian laughed and said, "My ancestors are waiting for you! Come quickly!"

Then she glanced at Xu and said lightly: "You come too!"

Xu Liao didn't know how she had offended this "Aunt Lian", and she murmured a little in her heart as she followed Bai Qiulian inside. ∏∈,

After entering this majestic high-rise building, I saw four pairs of young men and women, sitting on both sides, not daring to whisper, very polite. In the middle sat a young girl, at most thirteen or fourteen years old. Years old, he is dressed in an old-fashioned way, with an old dragon-headed walking stick in front of him, and he is concentrating with his eyes closed.

Bai Qiulian bowed down and shouted: "Old ancestor, my grandson Qiulian wants to send you my regards!"

He didn't want to make a fuss about it, and followed Bai Qiulian to salute without saying a word.

The young ancestor suddenly opened his eyes slightly, and Xu Liao felt as if needles pricked his whole body. Black gold demonic energy and black light demonic energy spontaneously flowed throughout his body, giving rise to a sense of defense.

This was the first time he encountered this situation, and he couldn't help but be secretly surprised, thinking: "The ancestors of the Bai family are so strong! I wonder what realm they have reached?"

Xu Liao has met the three elders of Dongxuanxian Sect. Yun Qingke, Li Qingya, and Lu Mingchi are all Dayan disciples, but the ancestors of the Bai family are obviously more skilled than the three elders of Dongxuanxian Sect. To be more profound, that is to say, this ancestor is at least the Demon Commander level.

The seven pure-blood families are different from the Ten Thousand Demons Association, the Eighteen Immortals Sect, and the four major legions. These demon clan giants will not clearly show their strength. Therefore, very few people know who the masters of the seven pure-blood families are, and whether there are any strong ones at the demon-god level.

The ancestor of the Bai family glanced at Xu, and a joking smile appeared on his face, and he said lightly: "Qiu Lian, for your sake, even my ancestor dared to resist. I originally thought he was some pretty boy, using nothing but A way to get on the stage. I deceived my little nineteen, but I didn’t expect it to be pretty good. Little nineteen is quite discerning.”

Bai Qiulian suddenly blushed, and even Xu was a little embarrassed. At this moment, he did not dare to say that he and Bai Qiulian were not in a relationship. Although he was quite stupid in this regard, he also knew that telling the truth would be tantamount to Bai Qiulian was cheated.

The ancestor patted the old dragon-headed crutch lying in front of him.

With a low drink, the old dragon-head crutch turned into a big purple-scaled dragon, coiling in front of the young ancestor. She stroked the big purple-scaled dragon a few times and said softly: "Since Xiaojiu is also You are back, you can start the inheritance of spiritual weapons tonight!"

The other four young men and women present all made a promise together! Even Bai Qiulian followed him with a low drink.

This shows the majesty of the ancestors of the Bai family. Even the most out-of-the-box young man would not dare to fly in front of her.

The young ancestor pointed casually. The big purple-scaled dragon meandered away, flying out in half clouds and half mist. She shouted: "I'll let Ah Zi give you a ride. Follow it and go to the ancestral land of our Bai family first." .”

Xu Lu stood up and suddenly felt a small hand pulling on him. He looked up and saw Bai Qiulian's long eyelashes flickering, but he refused to look up and just held him tightly.

Xu felt a little funny and followed Bai Qiulian for a few steps. Seeing the big purple-scaled dragon emerging from the high-rise building where the ancestors of the Bai family lived, it took off. The rest of the young people of the Bai family jumped into flight. Bai Qiulian also sped up slightly and couldn't help but ask: "The Bai family, let me Not allowed to fly?"

Bai Qiulian was slightly surprised and shouted: "The Bai family does not have a no-fly rule, but we are still at the level of demon warriors. The Bai family's bloodline does not have the talent to fly, so we cannot fly at all."

Xu Wen understood that Feixiang would not violate the rules of the Bai family, so he smiled. A bright moon suddenly appeared, covering himself and Bai Qiulian. They floated leisurely in the air, chasing each other under the envious and jealous eyes of the other four pairs of young men and women. He went with the purple-scaled dragon.

It was promised that when the bloodline awakens, he can transform into black light and fly away, but the flight is not very high. Since the advancement of the Nine Mysteries True Method, he can no longer suppress the Heavenly Demon Killing Immortal Technique. After learning the Moon Transformation Style, he can control it. A bright moon floats leisurely in the sky.

It's just that he has the Flying Shield Demon and the Yunxi Beast in hand, and he has never tried flying in the Moon Transformation Style!

Bai Qiulian was surprised and happy. She already felt that Xu Zuo was great, but she never expected that Xu Zuo could give her such a big surprise.

The girl from the Bai family lowered her voice and asked: "What Kung Fu spell did you choose? It's so mysterious? Kung fu skills that can fly at the demon level have extremely extraordinary origins. None of us in the Bai family have skills of this level. Law?"

Xu didn't dare to say that he was practicing the Heavenly Demon Killing Immortal Technique. The Heavenly Demon Killing Immortal Technique was one of the seven great demon strategies. He could cultivate the technique of the Heavenly Demon. Once exposed, he didn't know how much trouble it would cause.

He said vaguely: "I chose a kung fu called demon nerve!"

Bai Qiulian was slightly surprised and shouted: "You actually chose the Demon God? This skill has been lost a long time ago! Although our Bai family does not have all the training techniques for the Demon God, we still have two volumes, and there is no blood essence of the ancient demon. , this skill is simply impossible to practice. Even if you have the blood of the ancient great goblin, such a tyrannical bloodline will inevitably conflict with your own bloodline. Since ancient times, few people have been able to cultivate the demon nerve. How do you practice it?"

Xu Zuo couldn't help but feel very embarrassed. He really didn't know that the Bai family also had the remains of demonic spirits, and he didn't know how to continue lying. Everyone knows that the bloodline he awakened is the "Immortal Tree", but the three volumes of "Demon Nerve" include "Transformation of Animals", "Transformation of Sky Birds", and "Transformation of Fish and Dragons", but there is no transformation of flowers, plants and trees.

Bai Qiulian immediately noticed Xu Zuo's embarrassment. She was smart and did not ask any more questions. Instead, she smiled and said: "There is an elder in our Bai family. He wanted to cultivate the Qilin transformation to become a demon, so he tried every means to get it. A bottle of Qilin blood. But no matter how hard he practices, he still can't cultivate the Qilin true body. I'll ask him for some later, and you can try and see if you can achieve such a transformation."

When he promised to choose a demon, he really didn't think about how to get the blood essence of the ancient demon. When Bai Qiulian said this, he regretted it slightly and secretly thought: "I should have known that the essence blood of the ancient demon was so difficult to obtain." Why did I choose the demon god? With the blood of the ancient demon, it would conflict with my own bloodline. Wouldn't it be completely impossible to practice? I chose this martial arts for nothing, no wonder no one else chose this seemingly powerful one. Kung Fu!"

The purple-scaled dragon roared and suddenly got into the clouds. Xu You and Bai Qiulian hid in a bright moon, hanging high in the sky above the purple-scaled dragon. The moonlight shone brightly, like gods among gods.

There is a high mountain looming not far ahead, that is the ancestral land of the Bai family! (To be continued.)

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