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Bai Xuanzai patted Bai Xia'a's shoulder and said seriously: "How could my cousin harm you? I asked you to come here for a very profound reason. The Qilin Avatar I have cultivated is going to go crazy after practice, but maybe The Kui Niu Transformation that I have mastered does not have this defect. As long as you have his help, you can also complete the Kui Niu Transformation!"

It took a lot of time for Xu to get rid of the phantom in his mind. He couldn't hear half of a sentence clearly, so he couldn't help but ask: "What did you say?"

Bai Xuanzai said with a smile: "I said...if I have your help, my seventh brother can cultivate Kui Niu Transformation."

Xu Liao couldn't help but said: "Why should I help your brothers?"

Bai Xuanzai suddenly became serious and said seriously: "Helping others means helping yourself. You should understand this!"

Xu Luo naturally didn't think that helping others was helping himself, and he didn't think he had any reason to help Bai Xia'a. But what Bai Xuan said next made him couldn't help but click "like" thirty-six times.

Bai Xuan smiled and said: "You and my little nineteener will definitely be together in the future, but have you ever thought about it? The Bai family is one of the seven pure-blood families! Although there are enlightened new generations like us, there are all kinds of There is no shortage of old antiques. You helped Xia'a. If you and Xiao Jiu'er encounter some difficulties in the family in the future, won't he help you? Help him develop a demon nerve. Such a big favor, he will do it in the future. Even if you vomit blood, you can still pay it back!"

Although Xu Liao is not very sensitive emotionally, he also knows that his relationship with Bai Qiulian is definitely more than just ordinary friends!

He must be really stupid!

But he's not that stupid.

When I think that I might be with Bai Qiulian in the future, investing in Bai Xia'a, one of the most promising "elders-in-law" of the Bai family, is indeed a very cost-effective deal.

Bai Xia'a was stunned and lowered his voice and said, "Third brother! Isn't this bad? I have worked so hard to practice the Kui Niu Transformation, why do you have to help me do it too?"

Bai Xuanzai chuckled and put his hands behind his back. From the funny third child, he became a hero with amazing temperament.

He said casually: "Seventh, you always want to do something, but with your qualifications, at most it is about the same as the fourth, which is outstanding among your peers. But not the best. Besides, the fourth was born earlier than you. After several years, your skills have always been under pressure, and now you have mastered the Qiankun Sword in the sleeves of the Dongxuan Immortal Sect. It will not be easy for you to turn around."

Bai Xia'a's face suddenly became a little sad,

He sighed and said, "It's because I have no future and I can never compare to Fourth Brother!"

Xu Luo heard that there was a conflict between Bai Xia'a and Bai Xianji, so he immediately made up his mind and shouted: "Third brother! This matter is your pimp. If seventh brother doesn't help me in the future, I will talk to you!" "

Bai Xuan looked up to the sky and let out a long laugh. He agreed repeatedly and said with a smile on his face: "Look for me, look for me! If Old Seven doesn't take care of you, don't you still have me?"

Bai Xia'a didn't expect Xu Ruo to agree so happily, and she was very grateful. She immediately swore categorically: "If someone in the family hinders you and Nineteenth Sister in the future, I, Bai Xia'a, will definitely deal with it with all my strength. Absolutely." Don’t let the old guys in the family mess up your affairs. If I violate this oath, my energy and blood will flow backwards when I practice. I will be burned to death!"

Xu said repeatedly: "You are serious! You are serious! Where should we go to practice?"

Bai Xuanzai said with a smile: "Of course it's here. No one usually comes here in the ancestral land. It's just right for you to practice."

He casually threw out an emerald gourd, threw it to Bai Xia'a, and said: "I helped you this time, but you will have to take care of yourself in the future. The Bai family's demon spirit will never lose to the Dongxuan Immortal Sect. The Qiankun Sword in his sleeve, as long as you are willing to work hard, it is not impossible to catch up with the fourth child."

Bai Xuanzai sneered, and his body suddenly showed some heroic qualities. He said calmly: "After all, the fourth child has a natural shortcoming. He joined the Dongxuan Immortal Sect. He has lost the blood of the Bai family, and his body is not demonic. It is spiritual. If the goods are genuine, there is no way he can compare. Old Seventh you!"

Although Xu Liao didn't quite understand the struggles of this kind of family, from Bai Xuan's actions today, he could get a glimpse of one of them. He couldn't help but secretly thought in his heart: "Even if I work with Bai Qiulian in the future, I will never get involved." The affairs of their Bai family and the power struggle between the aristocratic families are really too troublesome and too dark."

Bai Xia'a swallowed the Kui Niu essence and blood presented by Bai Xuanzai in one gulp, and immediately sat down cross-legged.

Xu Luo activated the Jiuxuan Zhenfa to convert the demonic energy, reached out and patted Bai Xia'a's shoulder, and poured his own thunder and lightning demonic energy into it.

Bai Xia'a herself was still cultivating demonic energy. When Xu Liao did not help Bai Qiulian, she was worried that her demonic energy would attack the source of her spiritual energy, so she did her best to help.

Bai Xia'a's cultivation is even more advanced than Bai Qiulian's. He is already at the peak of the ninth-level demon warrior. He can break through in just half a step. With Xu's help, he can practice the Kui Niu Transformation in just an instant, and he can stabilize the thunder and lightning. The demonic energy broke through the realm one after another, but it broke through to the third level in a matter of seconds.

After all, the basic skills of the Bai family are not as mysterious as the Jiu Xuan Zhenfa. After Bai Xia'a broke through to the third level of Kui Niu Transformation, he was unable to continue. Xu Luo noticed this and quietly stopped.

In order to practice to perfection, Bai Xia'a did not open his eyes, but still meditated with his eyes closed to stabilize Kui Niu Bian's cultivation.

Although he agreed, he had no intention of staying. After he stopped, he said hello to Bai Xuanzai, and Shi Shiran went straight to the subway station.

When Xu arrived at the subway station, Bai Qiulian hadn't arrived yet, so he bought the ticket with his demon card and started strolling around Xixuan Station.

This subway station is even larger than the largest shopping mall "Tianpeng Dynasty" on Luoyang Street in Beidou City. There are really many places to hang out.

Xu promised that there was no shortage of money on hand, and after shopping around, he couldn't help but buy a few more things.

This time he finally realized why when he came, Bai Qiulian asked him if he had forgotten anything.

At that time, he remembered to buy gifts for Qu Lei, he remembered to buy gifts for Zhao Yanqin, and he also bought something for his mother, but he didn't buy anything for Bai Qiulian beside him.

Xu Liao didn't know what Bai Qiulian liked. In his impression, Bai Qiulian never liked anything in particular, and he didn't seem to lack anything.

After much deliberation, he bought a white handbag for Bai Qiulian. Although he had never seen Bai Qiulian carrying a bag with him, he had seen that many girls in movies and TV series liked to buy bags, so he felt that this should be the case. It's a gift that, even if it won't be particularly popular, will definitely hit the wrong target.

When Xu Liao was swiping his card to pay, he vaguely heard a commotion not far away. He turned his head and glanced, but was extremely horrified because he saw an "acquaintance"!

Sun Zhonghu! (To be continued.)

ps: ps: In the last few chapters, it was mentioned that the Bai family did not have the Kui Niu transformation. In fact, there should be no swallowing sea black whale transformation. I have changed it in the previous chapters so that some logic is smooth. Also, in the last chapter, I actually wanted to use "The shadows of flowers on the partition wall move, and I suspect that a beautiful woman is coming" to write Xu Chun's heart is moved, and something is happening in front of him, but I can't think of something that suits me... Unfortunately, it's still the custom tonight. Third update, please give me monthly votes and recommendations. I really couldn’t write it down at the beginning of the month.

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