One Sword to Immortality

183. The first team member, Shi Ji!

ps: Due to various reasons, after so many years of writing books, this is the first time I have encountered double monthly tickets... I am telling the truth. Please vote for a few more monthly votes and let me know what it's like. By the way, please also vote for today's recommendation. It is very needed. Next update at ten o'clock

Although it was not the first time for Bai Xuanzai to fly, his face was still a little pale. The speed of the Yunxi beast was too fast, and Xu Zuo was accelerating desperately without any regard. It was far from as stable as an ordinary passenger plane. Fortunately, he was the Demon King who had condensed his Gang Pulsations, so he could suppress the discomfort in his body by circulating his demon energy a little bit.

When Bai Xuan felt Xu Liao circling in the sky over Beidou City, he lowered his voice and said, "If Sun Zhonghu takes the subway into Beidou City, your patrol will be useless."

Xu Zuo was stunned for a moment, but he also knew that Bai Xuan was right, and asked hurriedly: "What should I do?"

Bai Xuanzai shook his head and said: "There is no way at all. The most important thing you should do now is to recharge your batteries. Even though the Qiankun Sword in your sleeve is the best at challenging, the Six Demon Art of the Changsheng Sect is not a vegetarian, especially This Sun Zhonghu, among the younger generation in the Changsheng Sect, is second only to the Changsheng Double Dragons Kou Wenxing and Chen Jing, and is probably slightly better than me."

Xu was slightly surprised. If you don’t count the challenge-level magical skill of Qiankun Sword in His Xiu, Bai Xuanzai’s realm is still above that of Bai Xianji. If he even admits that he is not as good as Sun Zhonghu, the younger generation of Dongxuanxian Sect and the Changsheng Sect. The gap is too big.

Bai Xuanzai glanced at him and said with a smile: "The Eighteen Immortals Sect is divided into the upper five sects and the lower thirteen sects! Although the Changsheng Sect is ranked at the bottom of the upper five sects, after all, it is better than the Dong who is also ranked at the bottom among the lower thirteen sects. The Xuanxian Sect is much stronger. I don’t know what Qiu Lian thinks, but he actually refuses to become a disciple of one of the five sects, Shinhwa, and insists on going to the Dongxuanxian Sect to learn skills.”

When Xu Luo heard Bai Qiulian's name, he couldn't help but feel a faint pain in his heart. If Bai Qiulian hadn't followed him to the Dongxuanxian Sect, would everything have been fine?

I didn’t even dare to think about this problem.

Bai Xuanzai patted Xu Zuo's shoulder and gave another suggestion, saying: "Looking at you like this, you don't have the mood to recharge your batteries. Why don't you find a helper from the Seven-Day War. Where do you come from? In Beidu City, the only comrades you can find are in Beidu City."

Xu Zuo's heart sank slightly, nodded, and moved the Yunxi beast slightly. It flew over Luoyang Street and then landed slowly.

The first comrade Xu Lio thought of was Shi Ji!

Only two people came to him and asked if they could join his team and fight the Seven-Day War together. One is Bai Qiulian and the other is Shi Ji.

Thinking of this incident, Xu Xu's heart ached again.

He promised and said nothing.

He went straight to Tianpeng Dynasty Shopping Center. The last time he met was Shi Ji at Tianpeng Dynasty Shopping Center.

Bai Xuan was looking around, and it was quite new. In order to break through the realm, he had been retreating in his family's Xixuan Cave all year round. He had almost never been to Beidou City, and naturally he had never been to Luoyang Street, which was known as the most prosperous street in the demon world.

Although Bai's Xixuan Shopping Center is larger than Tianpeng Dynasty. But after all, there is only one, and it is not as prosperous as Luoyang Street. The commercial atmosphere of the entire street here is ten times stronger than that of Xixuan Dongtian.

When he followed Xu into the Tianpeng Dynasty Shopping Center, he couldn't help but click his tongue a little, and thought to himself: "Although this place is quite grand, it is not bigger than our Bai family's Xixuan Shopping Center. Although the goods are It’s a little more, but it’s not necessarily that great.”

As one of the seven pure-blood families, the Bai family is affiliated with the Ten Thousand Demons Association. The Eighteen Immortals Sect has contacts with the four major legions. Many members of the family are members of these major forces. However, after all, China is still dominated by the Ten Thousand Demons Association, so it is difficult for people from the Bai family to obtain the four major legions. supply.

Of course, there are no taboos in the Ten Thousand Demons Association. Therefore, although the Tianpeng Dynasty is slightly smaller in scale, the quality and source of its goods are much better than those of the Bai family's Xixuan Cave Heaven.

Xu Lio didn't bother to look at anything at all. He rushed all the way to the counter of Xikunlun. Although he saw four beautiful girls, none of them was the one he was familiar with, and he couldn't help but frown slightly. He asked directly: "Do you know where Shi Ji is?"

A shopping guide girl from West Kunlun with fiery red hair said very politely: "Senior Sister Shi Ji has returned to the sect and will not be back for a while!"

Xu Lio said straightforwardly without any nonsense: "Shi Ji and I have become better and went to participate in the Seven-Day War together. I will enter the devil's prison soon. Can you give me a channel to contact her?"

The expressions of the shopping guide girls immediately changed. Even they knew about the Seven-Day War. It was a huge matter, and no one dared to shirk it by saying that they didn't know Shi Ji's contact information. The girl with red hair who just spoke immediately grabbed her communicator, which was a small gadget that looked like a watch.

There was a voice on the other end of the communicator, and she said softly: "Senior Brother Dewey? There is someone who wants to find Senior Sister Shi Ji. He said that he and Senior Sister Shi Ji have made an agreement to participate in the Seven-Day War together."

The voice in the communication was slightly silent, and immediately said: "Give me the communication device!"

The red-haired girl handed over the communicator without even asking who Xu was.

A familiar voice came from the communicator that promised the results. It was the young Taoist priest guarding the West Kunlun warehouse. He said unceremoniously: "Have you broken through to the Tiangang Shi?"

Xu Luo replied simply: "No!"

Dewey asked again: "Then you are the Demon King?"

Xu Liao replied: "No!"

Dewey sneered and said, "You should know that Junior Sister Shi Ji is a Tiangang warrior! She can only participate in the Seven-Day War at the Demon King level. If you are not in the same realm as her, you will only drag her down. I will not tell this matter. To Junior Sister Shiji."

Xu Liao said calmly: "I can defeat you!"

Dewey couldn't help but chuckle and asked: "How many days have you been to the Dongxuan Immortal Sect? Have you passed the Twelve Sword Pass? Have you learned the Immortal Martial Arts of Three Classics and Six Ultimate Arts? Do you think you can defeat it? Me? But do you know what kind of kung fu I practice? What realm is it? Even your senior brother Bai Xianji of the Dongxuan Immortal Sect may not dare to brag about this."

Xu Liao said in a calm tone: "I passed the Twelve Sword Pass, learned the Xiuli Qiankun Sword and the Dongtian Sword Sutra, and... I am now the senior brother of the Dongxuan Immortal Sect!"

The light screen in front of Dewey was pulled forward. He was using the built-in communicator of the battle beast, which could make direct video calls. But after he pulled the light screen closer, he remembered that the one Xu used was from a West Kunlun outer disciple. The communicator cannot video chat with me at all.

He still couldn't believe Xu Ruo's words, so he could only say: "If you are really confident, come to the warehouse to find me! If you can defeat me, I will help you contact Junior Sister Shi Ji."

Xu Luo replied calmly: "Okay!"

He threw the communicator to the red-haired girl and strode away from the West Kunlun counter. (To be continued.)

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