One Sword to Immortality

184. Sit back and wait.

ps: Tomorrow is the annual meeting of Qidian. Many rich people are going to have fun, and many of my cousins ​​are also going. The editor-in-chief asked me a month ago, and I agreed to go back... However, I didn't know there was a double at that time, so I decided to let the editor-in-chief let me go and stay and work hard on coding. I worked hard for the seven-day double... Look I have this righteous and awe-inspiring face, please vote for me quickly! If I don’t vote, I should cry

Xu Luo and Bai Xuanzai left the warehouse in West Kunlun and randomly found a coffee shop.

Xu took a sip of coffee and suddenly remembered that he and Bai Qiulian had been to Moonlight Cafe together. Looking at the familiar Moonlight Cafe, he couldn't help but feel sad. He stretched out his hand to cover his face and left Bai Xuanzai to go to the bathroom.

He didn't want others to see him cry, but if he didn't find a place where no one was around, he might really be able to cry.

Xu Lio stayed in the bathroom for a full hour. When he returned to the Moonlight Cafe, he found that Bai Xuanzai's face was very ugly.

He asked casually: "What happened?"

Bai Xuan gritted his teeth and said, "It was the fourth child who revealed to Sun Zhonghu that you were dating Qiu Lian and returned to the Bai family together."

Xu Zuoteng stood up in an instant, his hair stood up angrily, and he let out a low roar, shouting: "Does Bai Xianji really want Qiu Lian to die? Your Bai family doesn't care about your own cousin." Do you still have humanity when you start... Damn it! I was wrong, you are monsters to begin with." o m

Bai Xuanzai defended with some embarrassment: "Sun Zhonghu knew about this through Chen Jing of the Changsheng Sect. Both the Changsheng Shuanglongs participated in the Longhua Meeting, and Chen Jing was an acquaintance with Laosheng, and what he asked about was irrelevant. I mentioned it casually..."

Bai Xuan was silent for a while, then lowered his voice and said, "I guess he also told you about becoming the senior brother of the Dongxuan Immortal Sect. I don't know how you and Sun Zhonghu became enemies, but he must have felt that if you are not sure, At this opportunity, I may not be able to suppress you in terms of cultivation, so I decided to take action."

Xu snorted coldly, but his anger was still hard to extinguish, and he gritted his teeth and said, "When I go back to the Dongxuan Immortal Sect, I will definitely teach Bai Xianji an unforgettable lesson."

Bai Xuanzai paused and then said: "The Bai family is very angry about this. The ancestors have sent a letter to the Changsheng Sect, and the Changsheng Sect has also received a reply. They have expelled Sun Zhonghu from the sect and will no longer protect him. But we set a condition that only people from the Bai family are allowed to intercept and kill!"

Xu tightened his fingers and crushed the white porcelain coffee cup to pieces. He said hoarsely, "I can join Bai's family!"

Bai Xuanzai patted Xu Xu's frightened shoulder,

Said: "Although I am very touched, but... you really don't need to marry into the family. As long as you are Qiu Lian's fiancé, you can intervene in this matter. There is also news that our Bai family has mobilized all resources and Beidou City The manpower found that Sun Zhonghu had sneaked into Beidou City."

Xu Luo stood up suddenly and shouted in a low voice: "Where is he?"

Bai Xuanzai shook his head and said: "Under the deliberate concealment of a Tiangang warrior, no one can find out his exact whereabouts unless Wan Yaohui takes action. The best we in the Bai family can do is to know who he is. Entered Beidu City."

Xu Zuo sneered, lowered his voice and said, "Then let me find him!"

Bai Xuan disappeared in front of Bai Xuan in a flash. Since he refined the black light demonic energy into the Zhuxian demonic energy, he can pass through almost any material without hindrance, is not afraid of most forbidden formations, and can even resist a small number of spells. With the interference of demonic energy and the combination of Yunxi beast, he can go almost anywhere.

Xu Liao flew into the sky with the Yunxi Beast, and within a moment he arrived near Yaohui Street. He spread the black beetles as much as possible, and laid the tightest surveillance network around Yaohui Street and his home.

Xu Lie walked around Qu Lei's house, hesitated a little, and set up a black beetle surveillance. He looked at the window of Qu Lei's house for a while, and finally sighed and gave up the idea of ​​meeting Qu Lei.

Xu was in an excited mood and didn't notice that Qu Lei's house was empty and there was no one...

After finishing this task, he breathed a sigh of relief. He lay on the somersault cloud and tried his best to let go of his thoughts. He established contact with every black beetle and monitored the place he was most familiar with.

Bai Xuanzai was abandoned at Yue Coffee. He drank dozens of cups of coffee, but still didn't wait for Xu Zuo to come back. He couldn't help but mutter: "This guy actually left me alone, even if he thought he would be alone." If you can handle Sun Zhonghu, you won’t be so alone!”

Bai Xuanzai was mumbling something when suddenly his eyes lit up and he saw a very enchanting and fashionable woman walking into Yue Coffee. He couldn't help but say hello from a distance.

"Hello! I'm Bai Xuanzai, nice to meet you!"

This very coquettish beauty meets all the ideals in a man's mind. She has a tall bust, a delicate face, a height and long legs, and a hint of unruliness and wildness.

Like a ball of flame, it is constantly exuding amazing charm, attracting the attention of all the opposite sex.

She raised her hand to push her sunglasses to her forehead, glanced at Bai Xuanzai, and sneered: "You want to seduce your sister even if your hair isn't even long?"

Bai Xuan has been practicing hard for many years, and he does look young. Even when he is with Xu Liao, everyone will think that they are of the same age. But his real age is not known: "If you want to know whether my hair has grown, you can come and try it yourself!"

The coquettish fashion beauty was quite disdainful and ordered a moonlight coffee shop by herself, ignoring Bai Xuan again.

Bai Xuanzai was very angry, but he also knew not to cause trouble in Luoyang Street.

There is a boundless barrier in Luoyang Street, and the strength of monsters without the monster membership card of the Ten Thousand Monsters Society will be suppressed to one-tenth. Bai Xuan can only exert the strength of a sixth- or seventh-level monster at the moment.

He thought viciously: "I don't believe you have stayed in Luoyang Street. When you leave here, let's see how I deal with you!"

Cui Ying felt Bai Xuanzai's malicious look from afar, and felt helpless, thinking to herself: "I just came here to drink coffee and relax all afternoon, why did I provoke such a brat?"

She took half a sip of coffee, then called the waiter over. After paying the bill, she stood up swayingly and left Yue Coffee.

Bai Xuanzai was overjoyed and immediately threw down the two hundred coins without asking for change, and quickly chased after him. But as soon as he left Moon Cafe, he saw a red sports car speeding past. He said fiercely: "Want to run? How can this kind of sports car be faster than me?"

Bai Xuan unfolded his unicorn true form and ran all the way, but a few minutes later, Cui Ying turned into a high-end residential complex. After Bai Xuan found out that she lived in Luoyang Street, he was immediately depressed to the extreme. He howled several times and turned gray. Leaving in a hurry.

Bai Xuanzai activated his body skills and floated up into the air, looking for Xu all over the northern city. Now he also wanted to find Sun Zhonghu quickly and give this guy a good beating to vent his anger. (To be continued.)



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