One Sword to Immortality

188. Inner demons

ps: I’m going to change my stance and beg again. It’s not easy for a newcomer to write a book. I beg readers to give me more monthly votes.

Xu Zuo pointed his finger and created a huge wave. Sun Zhonghu was not afraid and roared, blowing away the huge wave purely with his breath.

The huge waves dispersed, revealing a large black hole, which swallowed Sun Zhonghu under the hood.

Xu Luo used the Small Universe as a weapon and took Sun Zhonghu away!

Sun Zhonghu was taken away with one blow, and he was not polite when he promised. He immediately activated the demon-slaying sword energy stored in this small universe and began to bombard him wildly.

This time, it’s a matter of catching a turtle in a urn and beating a dog behind closed doors...

Xu Luo spent more than a thousand sword energy and blasted Sun Zhonghu into a small piece of black meat!

But this time, Sun Zhonghu could no longer use the life and death duel talisman to restore his vitality, because the Small Universe world blocked the infusion of vitality from the outside world.

He sneered, slowed down, and launched a sword energy and a sword energy, forcibly destroying Sun Zhonghu's last defense.

The real body of the demon was indeed unparalleled. The little piece of black flesh that Sun Zhonghu had condensed with all his power actually withstood nearly a hundred sword qi blasts before it cracked, and more than three hundred sword qi blasts before it was completely blasted away.

Sun Zhonghu had lost his vocal organs and could only whimper horribly, but he could not stop anything.

Xu grinned, he only needed dozens more sword energy to settle his grudges. At this moment, the life and death duel talisman suddenly collapsed, and the strong energy absorbed accumulated towards the center of Feiyun Pavilion.

Xu Weisheng was awe-inspiring, and he held the mountain and sea stick across his chest, feeling horrified and wondering what other methods Sun Zhonghu had prepared.

In just an instant, the boundless energy gathered into a young man with high spirits and extraordinary aura. He nodded slightly at Xu and said, "I am Chen Jing of the Changsheng Sect!"

Xu had heard of the name of the Two Dragons of Immortality, and Chen Jing and Kou Wenxing each had their own strengths. The two of them also took turns serving as the senior brothers of the Changsheng Sect, unlike other sects. Often the senior brother is more than ten years old and does not change for decades, so he is very stable.

Xu Liao asked coldly: "Why is Senior Brother Chen Jing here?"

Chen Jingqing rolled his sleeves and said: "The Life and Death Duel Talisman can no longer sense Junior Brother Sun Zhonghu's aura, but the soul lamp he left in my hand has not been extinguished yet, so it must have been suppressed by you, so I came to ask for a favor. "

He smiled and said,

He didn't speak anymore. Instead, it accelerated the speed of bombarding Sun Zhonghu's last remaining marks.

Chen Jing knew full well that if he agreed, he would definitely refuse. There was a strange light shining in his eyes, which was very strange.

Xu Zuo secretly said something bad and hurriedly activated the Sea Swallowing Black Whale Transformation, but suddenly found that he could not lift his arm.

"Oops! I actually fell under this person's spell."

Xu Xu's mind moved slightly, and the Eight Techniques of Crossing the Sea were crazily poured into the Mountain and Sea Stick. He wanted to use brute force to break the game, but Chen Jing heard Chen Jing say: "Junior Brother Xu. I am different from Junior Brother Sun Zhonghu. He practices the Six Demon Art." The real body of the demon, pays attention to the sanctification of the body, hair plucking and transformation. What I practice is the inner demons and myriad illusions of the Six Demon Art. What I focus on is the analysis of the human heart and the supreme will! You fall into my inner demons and myriad illusions, and you become a complete body. No matter how powerful the technique is, it can't be used to the fullest extent..."

Xu Liao watched helplessly as Chen Jing slowly reached out to grab him, but no matter how much evil energy he spread throughout his body, the Shanhai Stick still didn't respond. He couldn't help but feel frightened and angry, and gave a sharp shout, somersaulting in the air. Caixiao and Zixiao flew out together, each transforming into themselves. They divided into three directions and attacked Chen Jing.

Chen Jing frowned slightly. Wantai also used the inner demons and all the illusions to confuse the three-day Yunxi Beast, but under the stimulation of the inner demons, he only felt that the three clones were empty, without any thoughts at all, and they couldn't be confused.

Xu was just desperate and sought medical treatment. He didn't know that these three cloud-like beasts would not be deceived by the inner demons. The three-headed cloud-like beasts transformed into himself. When he attacked, he immediately felt that he was suppressed. That power disappears.

He let out a long roar, withdrew the black gold demon body, activated the Heavenly Demon's Immortal Killing Technique, and turned it into a bright moon and rolled over.

When he made the promise, he had thought that the life and death duel talisman could swallow vitality, the star-swallowing style could also do it, and the golden chain armor could also do it. It might not be impossible to break this talisman, but he didn't find a chance.

Chen Jing obviously relied on the vitality swallowed by the Life and Death Duel Talisman to transform into a clone and deliver his power. Xu Xu naturally wanted to draw out the firepower. As long as the vitality swallowed by the Life and Death Duel Talisman was plundered, Chen Jing would have no support for his projection. The power naturally retreated.

Chen Jing had never seen the Heavenly Demon Killing Immortal Technique, but after all, he was one of the two most outstanding disciples of the Changsheng Sect. He immediately roared, raised his right hand, and slapped it hard.

In Xu Liaozai's eyes, Chen Jing's hands turned into five-finger mountains and were photographed like mountains. All his energy and energy were captured by his big hands, and even his body involuntarily froze.

Fortunately, the three Yunxi beast clones he released, Somersault Yun, Caixiao and Zixiao, showed no signs of being confused. Each of them transformed into a black iron rod and pointed at Chen Jing at the same time.

The clones of the three-headed Yunxi Beast all activated the stick technique of killing gods and destroying Tao. However, Chen Jing was almost invincible. Even at the Longhua Conference, he was a prominent figure. Facing these three-headed clouds, The Xi beast clone was also a little helpless.

He could only float slightly, spinning around in the air, generating boundless twisting power, pulling away the black iron rods that were attacked by the three cloud beast clones.

Xu Liao also took the opportunity to get rid of the control of the inner demon Wanhuan, and used a stick in time to deflect Chen Jing's "sky-scraping hand".

Xu Liao and Chen Jing exchanged several moves, the rabbit was rising and the falcon was falling, the lightning flashed and the stone was flashing, both of them were slightly awe-inspiring.

Xu Liao was extremely uncomfortable. All his attacks would be affected by the inner demons. Chen Jing was like a strange object that was changing anytime and anywhere. Every minute, every second, every tiny moment was different. He His attacks also came with extremely strong mental power, making it impossible for Xu Liao to guess whether his shots were strong or weak, fast or slow, and the various changes were intertwined with reality and reality, making it really difficult to figure out.

Chen Jing also didn't expect that Xu Lio would be so cunning. The three clones he created were completely out of control of his inner demons. If it weren't for the fact that these three clones were too weak and couldn't take up much of his energy, he would have been unable to do so. It's time to get away and never fight this kind of enemy again.

Xu Liao tried a few moves and found that the Shanhai Stick was affected by the inner demons and could not always make moves as he wished, so he put away this high-grade spiritual weapon and started using his fists and kicks.

He didn't know how many fists and kicks he fought with Chen Jing, but the sparks of the fight were brilliant and everything revived.

Without the protection of the life and death duel talisman, in just a few seconds, the Feiyun Pavilion was smashed to pieces, and finally turned into clouds.

The moment Feiyun Pavilion was blasted to pieces, Xu Zuo felt slightly relieved, because the last bits of Sun Zhonghu's remains and consciousness that he had taken into the Small Universe world were exploded by his Demon-Slaying Sword!

The dead can no longer die! (To be continued.)

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