One Sword to Immortality

190. Promise! is it you?

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ps: My aunt is not here. I heard that monthly votes can prevent pregnancy. Please vote for me...

Xu Zuo felt a little embarrassed. He couldn't argue with Qu Lei now, so he could only quietly pull the respirator apart, put the Tongmai Powder to the girl's mouth, and then pressed the spit button.

What Xu bought was Tongmai Powder produced by Wan Yao Hui. It was the most expensive. It was similar to a throat spray for treating coughs. It was a small tube and could be sprayed out by pressing the button. It could be used thirty or forty times. .

Every time you practice, if any meridians are blocked, just spray it on the acupoints there. It will have immediate and miraculous effects.

Xu sprayed it into Qu Lei's mouth, which was considered normal usage. Qu Lei's little mouth moved slightly and she sucked in the powdered medicine.

Xu was afraid that the medicine would not be strong enough, so he kept pressing the button since he bought a lot. After a while, he sprayed a tube of Tongmai Powder onto Qu Lei.

After Qu Lei swallowed a tube of Tongmai Powder, her breathing immediately became longer. Although her brows could not help but wrinkle slightly, her face looked much better.

Qu Lei's face just now was pale and almost bloodless.

Xu Luo felt a little more relieved, and quietly changed into the Sea Swallowing Mysterious Whale Transformation, stimulating the surging water vapor, which penetrated through the pores of Qu Lei's body, helping the girl flush out all the congestion in her body.

Qu Lei's body is like a rag doll, with at least seven broken bones. If there is no medical miracle, even if she can survive, she will become disabled. From now on, she can only sit in a wheelchair, and even her life will be difficult. Unable to take care of oneself.

After Xu washed away the congestion, he then circulated the demonic energy of the Swallowing Sea Black Whale to dissolve the power of the Tongmai Powder that had just been sent into Qu Lei's body, and at the same time carefully repaired Qu Lei's body. After all the power of the medicine was fully dissipated, Xu Liao switched to the Kui Niu Changing Method, using the slightest electric current to stimulate Qu Lei's body to activate the girl's vitality and revitalize body cells.

Even though I promised to have profound cultivation, I was exhausted and sweating profusely after finishing it. It's more tiring than fighting with others.

After all, he had to control the demonic energy meticulously. If the input of demonic energy was just a little stronger, Qu Lei would be injured, which would be worse than being hit by a car.

Xu Liao was about to reinstall the respirator. Then I heard a soft voice calling in a low voice: "Yes! Is it you?"

Xu Zuo hesitated for a moment and agreed, "It's me! I'm here to see you."

Qu Lei miraculously opened her eyes,

The tears in his eyes suddenly flowed down his cheeks, and he raised his hands after eating. Although there are many treatments. But Qu Lei's body still couldn't exert any effort, and it was even difficult to raise her hand. Xu Ruo could only stretch out her hand and let Qu Lei hold it.

Qu Lei moved her lips and lowered her voice and asked: "Although I have been in a coma, I can occasionally hear the doctors' words. They all say that I will never recover. Even if I survive, I will become disabled. Will you still return the favor?" be with me?"

Xu Liao said without hesitation: "I will definitely do it!"

Qu Lei suddenly smiled and said softly: "Although I don't believe it. You will stay with me forever, but at least your words comfort me. Can you come to stay with me often until I am discharged from the hospital? I I’m so scared now…”

There was a slight smile on Qu Lei's face, but when she spoke, the helpless panic could be heard even by a boy like Xu Ling, who was not very sensitive.

He clenched his fists fiercely and thought bitterly: "Sun Zhonghu! You brothers are not human, so come here if you want to kill me? Why harm innocent people? Qu Lei has no grudge against you, she doesn't even I know who you are. I just hate that it was too easy to kill, and I didn’t let you experience the fear of life and death struggle."

Xu shook Qu Lei's hand and said with a relaxed smile: "When I heard something happened to you, I rushed back from the field immediately. I will always be with you. Every day!"

Xu Liao knew her physical condition better than Qu Lei. To ordinary people, Qu Lei's injuries would not be cured unless by a miracle, but to Xu Liao, who was a monster, even without Tongmai Powder. He can save it. Qu Lei's body is currently recovering. As long as she takes good care of herself and keeps up with her nutrition, she will be fine in a few days at most.

Of course Xu Luo would not talk about this to Qu Lei. Qu Lei didn't need him to talk about these magical things. As long as he stayed with her for a few more days and waited for Qu Lei's health to improve, he would naturally no longer have this fear.

Qu Lei moved her head, looked at it for a while, and whispered: "Do you think I'm stupid? Before I was knocked away, I realized that I was wrong. There was no one there..."

Xu Le could only pretend to understand and asked: "Why is there no one there?"

Qu Lei looked a little sad and said: "You won't believe it. I saw you were about to be hit by a car, so I rushed to save you, but in fact there was no one there. Everyone doesn't know why I suddenly rushed To the car, will you believe what I say?”

Xu Luo patted her cheek gently and said with a smile: "You even call my name when you are unconscious and tell me to run away. How can I not believe it?"

Qu Lei's face suddenly showed shyness and she refused to speak anymore.

He said nothing and just held Qu Lei's hand. The two stayed in silence for a long time before Qu Lei suddenly called out: "Where is my mother? Have you seen her?"

Xu raised his hand and said, "When I came in, I saw my aunt resting. She must be exhausted, so I didn't disturb her."

Qu Lei struggled to take a look, and then felt a little relieved. She smiled at Xu and asked, "Do you know what day it is today?"

Xu took out his mobile phone, glanced at the time, and replied: "Today is August 4th!"

Qu Lei said worriedly: "I don't know if I can still make it in time for school to start!"

Xu smiled softly and said softly: "There must be no problem."

Qu Lei chuckled, closed her eyes for a while, then opened them after a while, and asked: "Have you got the admission notice?"

Xu shook his head. He had never cared about whether he could pass into high school. Besides, he had been busy recently, either in the Dongxuan Immortal Sect, the Bai family, or searching for the whereabouts of Sun Zhonghu in Beidou City. I haven't even returned home, and I haven't seen the admission notice anywhere.

Qu Lei didn't ask again, but she suddenly remembered that she had bought a gift for her. But when she thought that the gift was bought at Bai's Xixuan Shopping Center, she felt a pain in her heart when she said yes, and then thought of Bai Qiulian. .

Xu took out Boss's small Bluetooth speaker, placed it on Qu Lei's bedside, and said: "I was traveling, and suddenly I remembered that you really like listening to music, so I bought this thing as a gift. I don't know if you will like it." Will like it."

Qu Lei glanced at the packaging box, showing a bit of surprise, and shouted: "How do you know that I like this small speaker? It's just that it's too expensive. I've always been reluctant to buy it. Please open it for me." (~^~ )

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