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ps: The author's moral integrity is already in arrears. Readers should quickly recharge with monthly tickets, otherwise there will be no next chapter today...

When Xu Liao saw Bai Xuanzai and Cui Ying, they were in such a state. While drinking, they activated their demonic energy to create an illusory battlefield, and each commanded an army to fight desperately.

Cui Ying's eyes turned red and she completely ignored Xu Zi who entered the room. Her delicate hands kept forming complicated hand seals to mobilize her troops, but she still watched Bai Xuan thiefly put his The army was divided and surrounded, and they were wiped out one by one.

When the last soldier under Cui Ying's control was killed, the coquettish beauty slapped the ground angrily, shaking the whole building.

Bai Xuanzai took a sip of red wine proudly, waved to Xu, and asked, "Would you like to play a game too?"

Xu Liao asked curiously: "What kind of game is this?"

Bai Xuanzai replied: "This is one of the few games dedicated to monsters. I am the third generation of the Big Monster King series "Time and Space Monster". The protagonist returns to the earth from the future and gives a golden finger to his past self. I hope to change my timeline so that my girlfriend who will die tragically in the future can survive. Players can choose any camp. In the initial state, they only have one existing martial art or spell, and their demon power is also limited to 1%. , the map is the same size as the earth, we are playing campaign mode, the rules are slightly different..."

Bai Xuanzai was eloquent and introduced this game specifically for monsters. He shook his head and said he was not interested in this game at all. When he came back, he said goodbye to Bai Xuanzai and prepared to leave for Dongxuanxian Sect. .

Bai Xuanzai did not continue to persuade Xu, but Cui Ying was very unconvinced and shouted: "Come and play a game with your sister!"

Naturally, he refused. Cui Ying sneered and said, "I heard that you want to fight in the Seven-Day War? If you can beat me for ten games in a row, I will join your team, and you don't want the wish fruit."

Xu Zuo sat down immediately and said to Bai Xuanzai: "How to play? Teach me!"

Bai Xuan smiled and pointed Xu how to input the demon power. How to create a character, various operation methods, the created character can only input one kind of evil spirit. Xu Luo tried to inject Zhuxian's demonic energy and immediately activated the newly created character.

Xu Liao and Cui Ying still chose the battle mode. At first, they each had a hilltop and no subordinates.

Xu Lie separated out a ray of life thoughts. Falling into the game, I suddenly had a wonderful feeling of becoming two separate persons.

His character in "Time and Space Demon" is the same as himself.

After promising to activate the demonic energy a little, I found that I could only use the Star Swallowing Style and the Moon Transformation Style, and the demonic energy value was reduced to over 100. All kinds of miscellaneous tricks and tricks are gone. There is no more black gold evil spirit.

The power in his body was unprecedentedly "pure" and also unprecedentedly weak, which made Xu Liao quite curious. He controlled the character and went straight to a wolf den in the back mountain. He and Cui Ying had more than ten dens of monsters on the top of the mountain. Once tamed, he can become a helper, and it is also the basic source of troops for the two of them.

In order to gain time, Xu Liao rushed into the wolf's den. Without a word of nonsense, he activated the Star Swallowing Style and crushed them all the way. This pack of demon wolves were relatively weak and no match for Xu Zuo. They were killed by him one by one, even the cubs were not spared.

Bai Xuan covered his eyes, unable to bear to watch any more.

This wolf den was the first place where troops could be recruited, but Xu Luo actually killed them all. He didn't recruit a demon wolf at all, and he had no subordinates. There is no way to deal with the second monster nest, and the start is doomed to failure. He even lost the idea of ​​continuing to give Xu advice, because he couldn't think of any other way to turn the tables.

Cui Ying glanced at Xu Liao and couldn't help but smile. Although she was not as good as Bai Xuanzai in playing "Time and Space Demon Spirit", she was still an experienced player, much better than Xu Liao. Taking advantage of Xu Liao's "mistake", she quickly subdued her. The first group of wolf monsters rushed towards the second monster lair.

Xu Liao was a step ahead of Cui Ying, and he rushed into the second monster lair. He still adopted the strategy of killing all the pig monsters here, pushing all the way in the star-swallowing style.

What surprised Bai Xuanzai and Cui Ying was that he encountered no obstacles and easily bulldozed the pig demon's lair, then turned around and headed straight for the third monster lair.

Cui Ying took a step back. After all, subduing the demon soldiers was much slower than killing them all. She watched helplessly as Xu Luo slaughtered all the bull demon lairs in the third place. She suddenly realized that something was wrong and shouted: "You How come your demonic aura has increased so much?"

Of course Xu Ruo would not tell her that this was the magical effect of the Star Swallowing Style. Instead, he grinned and said: "When I bulldoze all the monster nests, the monster energy value will break through the one thousand mark. Even if you have subdued them all, Even the demon soldiers will not be my opponent."

Cui Ying's face changed slightly. She calculated for a while and found that it was indeed the case. After Xu Yao killed all the bull monsters, his strength jumped to another level. When Xu Yao killed all the monsters on his mountain, he must be tyrannical. It's so despairing that even though she has more than ten demon soldiers, she still has to surrender.

Cui Ying shouted angrily: "You cheated!"

Xu Liao said innocently: "My demonic aura is born like this, how can it be called cheating?"

Cui Ying gritted her teeth and continued to recruit demon soldiers, but the final outcome was just as she expected. Xu Ling's personal strength grew, and he bulldozed her mountains all the way, and even beat her up with a moon-turning blow. Became empty dust.

Cui Ying gritted her teeth and fought with Xu Liao for ten rounds. Although Xu Liao only had one move, he was able to defeat the charming beauty with her unpredictable tactics, many tricks, and racked her brains.

Cui Ying gave the final angrily blow and smashed the game into pieces. She put her hands on her hips and angrily said, "I won't play anymore!"

Bai Xuan reached out to grab it distressedly, but couldn't catch anything. He couldn't help but screamed: "I bought this game a long time ago, and there are so many save files stored in it! Do you know how precious these save files are? You actually destroyed them for me. Already?"

Xu ignored Bai Xuanzai, stared at Cui Ying and asked word for word: "I wonder if what you said before counts?"

Cui Ying shouted angrily: "What are the names of you two ghosts? What I said is spitting and nailing. Of course it is true. So what if I accompany you on a trip to the devil's prison in vain?"

After getting the promise, Bai Xuanzai didn't bother to care about the strange screams of distress. He patted his shoulder, got up and left. He had to rush back to Dongxuanxian Sect overnight, and the last member was still missing, so he had to hurry up. That's it.

The moment Xu Zuo walked out of the room, Bai Xuanzai roared, jumped up, threw himself at Cui Ying, and threw her down on the bed.

Cui Ying was not to be outdone and kicked her legs continuously, but Bai Xuan was not afraid to rely on Qilin's true body, and stalked her, and the two of them started fighting on the bed...

This is an authentic goblin fight! (To be continued.)

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