One Sword to Immortality

196. Body and sword combined 1

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The Eight Techniques of Dancing in the Sea are powerful and powerful, and combined with the mountain and sea stick in hand, it is enough to make Xu Liao invincible. But if he wants to win against Hu Xiuqing, the shortcomings of Du Hai Ba Fa's slightly slower luck and difficulty in reaching far will become a huge obstacle.

After Xu hesitated for a moment, he switched to Kui Niu's change of heart method, and the surging water turned into thunderous thunder. For a moment, the sky thundered and lightning flashed, shining brightly across the sky.

He made a sword secret, used the authentic swordsmanship of Dongxuanxian Sect to activate the thunder and lightning, and used the thunder and lightning as the sword light. The sparks of the sword fight with Hu Xiuqing's Xuantian Baidi were brilliant and the sword energy was overflowing.

The Qiankun Sword in the Sleeve can indeed be challenged by levels, and is even one of the strongest techniques in the challenge mode. However, this sword technique is not invincible, otherwise it will not be just one of the three classics and six unique arts, slightly inferior to the six unique arts of the three classics. First of all, it is a method comparable to the Immortal Code.

In the last sword competition, Hu Xiuqing lost to Xu Lie. After going back and learning from the experience, he came up with several countermeasures.

The Qiankun sword in Xu Luo's sleeve is different. It can emit thousands of sword lights in one go. Otherwise, Hu Xiuqing wouldn't even have to think about it by herself.

Regardless of whether it is the Eighteen Immortal Sects or the four major legions that are hostile to the Eighteen Immortal Sects, they have developed many methods for the Qiankun Sword in their sleeves. Especially the Dongxuan Immortal Sect itself has collected more related methods so that it can target them. Improved Xiuli Qiankun Sword usage skills.

If Xu Xu also condenses the Gang Veins and is promoted to the Demon King, Hu Xiu has no other solution besides abandoning his sword and admitting defeat. However, Xu Xu is only a ninth-level demon warrior, so he can still come up with many ways to deal with it, among which the simplest is the simplest. An effective one is to trade distance and speed for space.

As long as he is given room to move, the shortcomings of the Qiankun Sword in Xu Zuo's sleeve will be infinitely magnified. The Demon-Slaying Sword Qi of the demon warrior level, with weak lethality and too slow speed, will be magnified by distance and space to determine the outcome. level.

At the beginning of the battle, Xu Luo thought that he could use the Qiankun Sword in his sleeve to turn the situation around at any time, but he soon discovered that Hu Xiuqing's targeted tactics were not enough. I couldn't find a chance to activate this stunt.

Although Xu Luo is extremely talented in swordsmanship, he broke through the Twelve Swordsmanship Levels in a short period of time, and was even able to master "The Twelve Swordsmanship Glows into One Qi, After Thousands of Refinements, He Can Kill Demons!" He used this as a basis to enter kendo, but in the end he was inferior to Hu Xiuqing, who was single-minded and never distracted.

Even if he promised to use Kui Niubian to harness the thunder and lightning energy of the Nine Heavens, it would turn into a brilliant thunder and lightning sword light. But Xuantian Baidi Sword Sutra is also one of the three major sword sutras of Dongxuanxian Sect.

Hu Xiuqing made a slight adjustment, Xuantian Baidi's sword energy changed from strong to weak, and was divided into eight. A Xuantian Baidi sword energy was like a lightning rod, easily diverting the thunder and lightning sword light away, allowing Xu Luo to use all his strength. The thunder and lightning sword light disappeared invisible.

Xu Luo immediately changed his hand to the authentic sky drum and thunder sounder, and a dry thunder struck the sky and the earth, and countless thunder balls flew out.

Hu Xiuqing knew immediately that this move had been refined over time, and it was not just a matter of adapting to the situation. There is no way to use our swordsmanship to activate the thunder and lightning sword light. There is no chance to take advantage of it, and there is no way to divert it with sword energy. We can only cross the sword light in the hand, and the eight Xuantian Baidi sword energy merge into one again.

The white light is like a rainbow, and the sky is like a dragon!

Xuantian Baidi's sword shook the sky drum's thunder hand, and countless thunder and lightning balls hit the sky-shattering sword light, exploding with traces of electricity.

Xu Liao's demonic energy was powerful, Hu Xiuqing's sword energy was condensed, and the lightning ball and the shocking sword light collapsed together. Both sides were slightly shocked when they sensed Qi. Xu Luo's clothes were instantly torn apart, and Hu Xiuqing's body erupted with azure electricity, which made them suffer a lot.

Hu Xiuqing casually waved a sword energy. After extinguishing the electric energy on his body, Xu Zuo was in a sorry state. He was a demon cultivator and could not condense the Gang Qi battle suit at all. If the clothes were torn, he could not use his energy to repair them, and a large area of ​​skin was suddenly exposed.

There are many ways to do it. But it was not suitable to use it in public, and I felt quite aggrieved, so I could only shrink the thunder and lightning demonic energy and condense the electric energy, firstly to cover the body, and secondly, to improve the defense.

Hu Xiuqing had no scruples at all. She harnessed the shocking sword light and surrounded Xu Zuo. She used the sword to escape like lightning and pressed forward step by step.

In the blink of an eye, the two exchanged thousands of moves again, making hundreds of attempts to defeat the enemy, but all failed under Hu Xiuqing's pure Xuantian Baidi Sword.

Only then did he finally understand how powerful this swordsman genius, who was known as the number one swordsman of Dongxuanxian Sect, really was, and how lucky he was to beat Hu Xiuqing in one move last time.

"If I hadn't come out of nowhere in the last sword debate ceremony, I'm afraid Bai Xianji would have lost to Hu Xiuqing, and he wouldn't have been able to take the position of senior brother!"

The more Hu Xiuqing fought, the more enjoyable he became. He believed that his talent was far superior to that of Bai Xianji, but in sword debates in the sect, he always lost to this senior brother whose swordsmanship was not as good as his own, because the Qiankun Sword in his sleeve was too powerful. , can condense dozens of sword energy, but it is too frustrating.

Last time, he was forced to retreat with hundreds of sword rays, which was even more humiliating to this swordsman genius.

This time he retreated, not only condensed three more Gang meridians, but also made a breakthrough in the Xuantian Baidi Sword Sutra. The sword light was condensed like a divine weapon's sharp blade, and he promised that even a hundred sword energies could not break his Xuantian Sword Circle. This hand was originally reserved for Bai Xianji.

Hu Xiuqing suddenly jumped up into the sky, the sword light outside her body was like lightning, and became one with himself. She shouted: "Senior Brother Xu! If you can take my move and merge your body and sword, I will lose this battle." Got it!"

Hu Xiuqing turned into a brilliant sword light, slashing the sky and splitting the earth. Without thinking, Xu activated the sky drum and thunder hand, and with one move, "a thunder resounded all over the world". The thunder and lightning demonic energy condensed into a ball that was extremely bright, like the sun. The ball of light also hit hard with one move.

The two of them were facing each other with this fierce move, and Xu realized something was wrong. Hu Xiuqing's sword light was actually superficial, and he easily blasted it through. However, in the next moment, he felt a slight chill on his lower back. , a sword energy broke through his protective energy and hit it.

Hu Xiuqing was behind him, sighing softly: "Senior Brother Xu! Although I calculated mentally and unintentionally, and practiced countermeasures against the Qiankun Sword in my sleeve, you shouldn't be so careless? In this battle, you were in a daze and tied your hands. Bound feet, even if I beat you, I won’t feel proud. Next time, when you calm down, I will challenge you again!”

Xu Liohun didn't expect that he would actually lose!

Since his debut, he has experienced dozens of battles, and most of his enemies are stronger than him, but every time he has used various methods to deal with them, and he has never been defeated like this.

In this battle, apart from the fact that he had tied his hands and feet, he had scruples in many methods and did not dare to use them. He was indeed in a trance as Hu Xiuqing said. He even... he underestimated the enemy a bit, and actually only used the sea-swallowing black whale. Bian and Kui Niu responded to the enemy without even using the Nine Mysteries True Dharma.

In fact, he did not lose unjustly... (To be continued.)

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