One Sword to Immortality

200. Even if there is regret, it is difficult to achieve unity!

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"Can you never get the person you like?"

Xu Luo's heart was slightly shaken, and he suddenly felt infinite emotions. He slapped his hand and injected his demonic energy into it. With a wave of his hand, he released more than a thousand sword energy, breaking the duel between the two girls.

Ren Lingxuan smiled and said nothing, but Shi Ji's face suddenly turned cold.

Xu Liao said calmly: "This team is mine, and I am the strongest, so..." After a pause, he said decisively: "Listen to me in everything!"

Shi Ji's sword energy was as strong as a mountain, but soon she smiled calmly and said: "That's right, you are strong! I listen to you!"

Xu Lioyin persuaded Ren Lingxuan and Shi Ji, glanced at Bai Xuanzai and Cui Ying, and said coldly: "You guys too!"

Bai Xuanzai shrugged his shoulders and said that he had no intention of competing for the leadership of the team. Cui Ying raised her eyebrows slightly, but Bai Xuanzai secretly pulled her and smiled and said: "I lost to you, so... …Listen to you!"

Xu Luo sat down casually, but his aura was different from before. Although he had been tempered, he had never had this kind of experience as a leader. He had never thought about leading this team, but the fight between Ren Lingxuan and Shi Ji made him understand one thing. If he couldn't suppress everyone, the team would fall apart sooner or later.

Bai Xuanzai is the proud son of the Bai family, and he is unruly and unruly. Even Bai Juan, who has become the senior sister of Shinhwa, cannot win his heartfelt approval.

Cui Ying is a very senior demon king in Beidu City. Xu Liao doesn't know her details. He would be even more surprised if he knew. Cui Ying, Granny Huai, and Yun Shuai are the demon kings directly under Xu Fuyuan of the Kyoto Monster Affairs Agency, and the actual person in charge of the Ten Thousand Demons Association in Beidou City. Sister Cui usually stomps her feet in Beidou City. The ground will tremble three times.

Shi Ji is a disciple of Xikunlun. Xikunlun is known as the number one in killing, and his disciples are all guys with heads on top of their heads. No one looks down on him, and Shiji is almost the representative of them. She didn't even think that except for the top five sects of the Eighteen Immortals Sect, others had any qualifications to be on an equal footing with her.

Not to mention Ren Lingxuan, the delicate daughter of the Tianhu Ren family of the seven pure-blood families, and one of the seven Tiangang disciples of the Dongxuan Immortal Sect. She has repeatedly competed with Yingqiang for the position of senior sister. She is arrogant and never Who will be convinced?

If no one suppresses them, these four people will definitely not be safe.

In this team. Xu Liao is the weakest in his realm, but he is undoubtedly the strongest. He is also the one who brought everyone together.

So he must take responsibility.

Xu Zuo suddenly felt that he was no longer a child. There was not even a transitional stage in the middle, and he was not given a period of growth. He was about to face the most complex and dangerous things in the world.

All he can do is grow!

Xu was silent for a while, and then said calmly: "Bai Xuanzai was born in the Bai family. He cultivated the Qilin True Body, and Shi Ji was born in West Kunlun. He is proficient in Neijing Yuan Shen and Xumi Mountain Sword. Ren Lingxuan and I were born in the Dongxuan Immortal Sect. Ren Lingxuan is proficient in the Ren family's Xiangsi sword technique, and I learned the Xiuli Qiankun sword, and I am also proficient in the Kui Niu transformation of the demon nerve, and... other small tricks."

Xu Lio stared at Cui Ying and said, "Cui Ying, please introduce the kung fu you are good at!"

Xu Lio did not tell all his trump cards. He knew that others must have their own trump cards. For example, Bai Xuanzai never showed his two top-grade spiritual weapons, Thunder Ya and Shuangjiao, and Ren Lingxuan never mentioned them either. . She also practiced the Xuantian Baidi Sword Sutra and Mingkong Lei Jue of Dongxuanxian Sect.

But since we are a team, everyone knows each other somewhat. It is the first step to promote the relationship. He is not forcing Cui Ying to reveal his trump cards. Instead, she was forced to integrate into the team.

Cui Ying smiled sweetly and gracefully, nodded slightly and said, "Everyone in Beidou City knows about my sister's skills. My most proud skill is called Longevity Corpse Clothes."

There was no reaction from Xu Li. Not only did he not know the details of Cui Ying, he had never even heard of the martial arts of Wanshou Shroud.

Shi Ji didn't react at all, but Bai Xuanzai and Ren Lingxuan's expressions changed. Bai Xuanzai shouted in surprise: "Are you Jade Corpse Cui Ying, that three-thousand-year-old zombie?"

Cui Yingying smiled and said with awe in her eyes: "Is there any inch of my body that you haven't touched, sister? You still don't know my details?"

Cui Ying emphasized the word details, and Bai Xuan's face changed several times, and finally turned into a look of ecstasy, with beams of joy, a feeling of "I've made a profit". He put his arms around Cui Ying and said repeatedly: "We don't know enough yet. We need to deepen our understanding in the future."

Xu Ruo really couldn't stand the adulterer and the adulterer, so he interrupted the ambiguous conversation and said: "I heard that the Seven-Day War assigned us a piece of land, and we had to hold on for seven days before those big shots could take this land. A piece of land was transformed and separated from the Demon Prison. I can both attack and defend, and I have the Qiankun Sword in my sleeves to focus on attack. If there are any powerful enemies, you can let me go, but my realm is a little inferior, and the enemies that move at high speed will be escaped by you. .”

Cui Ying said with a smile: "Sister, I have participated in the Seven-Day War sixteen times. I am different from you newbies. If you have anything you want to ask, you should ask me. Our captain is still a newcomer, and many times he takes the tactics for granted. .”

Xu Liao wanted to establish his authority, but Cui Ying used this method to gain some right to speak, but he couldn't refute it. After all, the experience of the sixteen Seven-Day War was really extraordinary. No amount of emotion or reason can stop Cui Ying from introducing such valuable experience to everyone.

Cui Ying is indeed very experienced. He talks about the Seven-Day War in detail. No matter who asks any questions, he can answer them quickly and provide various suggestions.

Unknowingly, this subway that the monsters converted has arrived. The destination of this subway is highly confidential, so although everyone can buy tickets, they don't know where it goes.

After getting off the subway, there was endless desolation. In the distance was the unimaginable Grand Canyon. There were almost no plants, let alone animals.

Xu Le even doubted whether this place was still on Earth. Outside the subway station, there was a place similar to a recruiting station. There were more than a dozen soldiers wearing old military uniforms, but it was impossible to tell which country they were. Their eyes were sinister. , looked at the people getting off the bus coldly, and there were more than forty people who followed Xu Xu and them. This was the first time Xu Xu had seen so many passengers since he took the monster-only subway.

A big man who looked like an army officer pointed to the side and said: "All the guys who participated in the Seven-Day War, first choose a room to live there. Someone will explain to you about the situation in the Demon Prison in the next few days. This is your life-saving thing, remember to listen carefully."

Xu glanced at these soldiers and couldn't help but be slightly surprised. These people were full of evil spirits. There were at least two demon kings, and the rest were all top-level demon warriors. There was not a single weak one.

Without saying a word, he turned around and went to a row of iron houses next to him, and kicked open the door of one of the rooms. This house was very simple, with only an iron bed and nothing else.

After being given the opportunity to meditate cross-legged, he opened his eyes and looked out through the window. The afterglow of the setting sun indicated that night was about to enter here.

He really couldn't sleep. No one among Bai Xuan came to chat with him. He was bored. Xu rummaged through the sundries he had brought with him. With a slight thought, he pulled out a roll of red rope and tried to compile one according to his memory. Tie together.

Bai Qiulian had taught him at the beginning, but he didn't take it seriously. No matter how hard he thought about it now, or even urged the Nine-Yuan Sutra, he couldn't successfully compile it.

After trying dozens of times, he suddenly remembered the one in his cave. There were originally two, but he just lost one and they couldn't make a pair. Now even if he wanted to make amends and compile an identical one, he never imagined that this thing would be so difficult.

Xu Zuo suddenly lowered his head and couldn't help but shed tears.

Even if there is repentance, it is difficult to achieve unity!

ps: This volume is finished, and the next chapter of the Seven-Day War is about to begin.

Originally, according to the outline, Xiaobai and Qu Lei were both going to die for Xu Ling, and Zhao Yanqin would become Xu Ling's comrade-in-arms. After a long, long, long time, Granny Huai asked about Zhao Yanqin, Xu Ling was single now, you can try to follow her. Together with him, Zhao Yanqin said: When Xu was in the most danger, Qu Lei and Bai Qiulian rushed forward. I hesitated. I had already lost by then. Even though everyone was gone, I still couldn't win.

As many old friends said, I was so good to the protagonist that I couldn't bear to kill off the two heroines. I couldn't write that plot, so I could only write a short story about it in the future to earn tears. (To be continued.)

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