One Sword to Immortality

230. The inheritance mark of the ancient demon clan

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The East Palace is like a giant bell, majestic and majestic, with extremely thick arches, but it is empty inside. It makes no difference no matter which gate you enter through.

Every gate can be penetrated. In the East Palace, there is a vast world with a height of nearly ten thousand meters and a circumference of hundreds of kilometers. Fortunately, this boundless space is not empty. There are countless light eggs floating in the East Palace. Even if you use your eyesight, you can't see clearly what's inside.

Xu Zuo was very surprised. He raised his arms and his feet were suspended in the air, and he started to fly.

He approached the nearest light egg and activated the Jade Cauldron's mental technique to transform into a Dingxuan Mirror. Only then could he see clearly that there seemed to be something hazy inside the light egg.

Xu Zhou bypassed this light egg and looked for another one. He still used the Dingxuan Mirror to look at it, but he could still only see a vague outline.

Xu Zuo flew higher and higher, and the auras of the light eggs he encountered became more and more powerful. He rummaged through more than ten light eggs, and finally found one with a matching aura, emitting blazing fire.

He looked into the Xuanjing Mirror, and this time he could clearly see that inside was a winged fire spirit snake with three pairs of wings, which seemed to be calling him to break open the light egg and let him out.

Xu urged the black gold demonic energy, and was about to shatter the light egg. Suddenly, his heart moved slightly, and he ignored the light egg and continued to fly high into the sky. The Winged Fire Spirit Snake inside the light egg suddenly became violent. , constantly hitting the light egg.

Xu Zuo ascended several dozen meters into the air again, and saw another light egg that matched his own aura. This light egg was filled with thunder and light, and the Dingxuan Mirror revealed a Kui cow inside that was spitting out thunder and lightning, and was extremely powerful.

Xu did not stop, but continued to rise into the sky. Soon he encountered an infinite ocean inside a light egg filled with water vapor, and a sea-swallowing black whale cruising back and forth.

Only then did Xu Xu make some guesses, and continued to take off until he reached the highest point of the East Palace.

At the highest point of the East Palace, there are only six light eggs floating and sinking. One of them was surrounded by Qilin's true fire, but it did not echo Xu Liao's aura. Instead, it revealed a sense of unruliness.

Xu Zuo activated the Dingxuan Mirror and shined it for a long time, but he couldn't see clearly inside. He thought to himself: "These six light eggs should be the six strongest ancient demon species. One of them must be Qilin. I wonder what the other five are?"

Xu Ling didn't know what would happen if an ancient demon species was released, but he had a vague feeling that there would be endless benefits.

Xu Ruo pushed the Xuanjin Demon Qi Valley to its limit and clapped his hands with both hands to break the unicorn's true fire-filled light egg.

This shot had at least ten tons of force. Even if the locomotive was flattened, the light egg swayed slightly and remained motionless.

Xu Zuo tugged at his ear and pulled out a black gold iron wire. It turned into a black iron rod and hit the light egg surrounded by Qilin's true fire. The whole East Palace made a loud rumble, but this light egg didn't even have any marks. It was incredibly strong. .

Xu Luo tried various methods again, but to no avail.

Without thinking, Xu reached out and cut a wound on his arm, and sprinkled the black gold demon's blood on the Qilin's true fire light egg, but it was bounced away by a demonic force. Not even a drop of it can fall on this light egg.

The unicorn light egg was extremely repulsive to the mysterious gold demon blood that had been promised, but a mysterious gold light egg with black magic patterns suddenly moved and released a mysterious gold halo. It absorbed all the black gold demon blood that was sprinkled on the Kirin light egg and swallowed it all.

This black gold light egg with black magic lines seemed not to be satisfied after swallowing all the black gold demon blood. It roared and bumped wildly, knocking the other five light eggs away. He pushed hard against Xu.

Xu Zuotan grabbed the light egg and forced out seven streaks of black gold demon blood with one shot, almost half of the blood essence was forced out.

The seven rays of black gold demon blood were absorbed by the black gold light egg without hesitation, and it swallowed up a lot of blood essence. The aura gradually transformed, becoming more and more consistent with Xu Le's.

The young man pressed his palms on the black gold light egg to activate the black gold demonic energy. He wanted to try to sacrifice the light egg, but he only held it down with his hands. Countless ancient inheritances came to mind.

Xu Liao originally thought these light eggs were some kind of treasure, but he understood countless secrets in an instant and knew that he was totally wrong.

These light eggs are not treasures, but the inherited marks of the ancient demon clan, and the "itself" of the Eastern Imperial Palace.

Each light egg records all the secrets of an ancient demon clan, including the secret of bloodline and supreme inheritance, as well as a permission.

——The authority to control the Eastern Palace!

The first thing Xu Lio did was to hide the remaining five light eggs into the deepest void of the East Palace with a flick of his hand. Without his instructions, these five light eggs would never appear again.

Each light egg has different authority. The six light eggs representing the highest authority all have the highest authority of the East Palace. If one of them is obtained by others, they can compete with Xu Liao for control of the East Palace. Of course Xu would not allow this to happen.

Xu hid the remaining five light eggs before trying to take over the East Palace!

This most important heavenly palace in the ancient demon clan's heaven is not only the residence of the prince of the ancient demon clan's heaven, but also the place where all the demons in the world are educated.

Every generation of demon princes in charge of the Eastern Palace has the obligation to be the master of demons in the world!

Therefore, the Eastern Palace is also the place where the most precious wisdom, the most profound inheritance, and the purest bloodline of the ancient demon clan are stored. Every monster who enters the East Palace can choose a light egg and accept its inheritance and status.

If Xu Ruo took the light egg of the Winged Fire Spirit Snake, he would no longer be able to choose a higher inheritance, nor would he be able to improve his status.

Once someone obtains higher authority, he can control him at will, and even be controlled by the root bloodline.

The most important class of the ancient demon clan!

The suppression of the bloodline of the inferior by the superior is even stronger than any restraining spell.

The ancient demon clan also values ​​strength the most, and only the strong will be respected.

However, there will also be strong men in the lower bloodlines, and there will also be ineffective monsters in the upper bloodlines. Class and power cannot be perfectly unified, which ultimately leads to the collapse of the rule of the ancient monster clan. Even the demon nerves cannot suppress the heavenly destiny of the ancient monster clan.

Xu Ruo obtained the highest control authority of the East Palace and wandered around the world in an instant, visiting every corner of the East Palace.

The only place he didn't dare to touch were the two sacred trees. These two sacred trees were sleeping and he didn't know when they would wake up.

Of course Xu Luo didn't want these two sacred trees to wake up. He got the East Palace. Once he was awakened by these two sacred trees, he found that his new master was not the prince of the ancient demon clan. No one knew what they would do. What a reaction. (To be continued.)

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