Daolu Palace is second only to Yuding Palace and Chijing Palace, but because there are twelve Taoists in charge, there are many disciples, and the human destiny is the first among many floating heavenly palaces. ▲∴▲∴,

Xu Ruo stepped on the light and came to the outside of Daolu Palace. This heavenly palace is like a dome, surrounded by twelve gates. There are countless Jade Tripod disciples coming and going, making it very lively.

When Xu arrived outside a gate, a Taoist boy immediately greeted him and asked: "I am not from this palace. You must give your name. Whoever you want to visit can only enter with permission."

Xu Liu said without hesitation: "I'm here to visit Senior Brother Yang Banruo!"

It's hard to say that you are here to see your nephew, otherwise you have to explain a few more words and stress your seniority a little, which will save you a lot of trouble.

The Taoist boy showed regret on his face and replied: "It's unfortunate that Mr. Yang Banruo has received the guidance of the Guyang God Ancestor and is practicing hard in seclusion. He wants to move up to a higher level. I don't know when he will be able to come out."

Xu Zuo was immediately disappointed and could only turn around and leave. As soon as he got out of the light, he heard someone shouting from behind: "But Xu Zuo?"

Xu was slightly surprised. Only two or three people in the Sixteenth Level Demon Prison knew his real name, but this voice sounded unrecognizable.

He looked back and saw a young woman wearing plain green clothes with her hair pulled into a bun. She looked like a hibiscus, delicate and elegant, but she was indeed a stranger.

Xu slightly arched his hands and asked, "I wonder...any advice?"

Now that the other party recognizes him, he doesn't know how to call him. The sixteenth level of the Demon Prison has an ancient style and the name is also quaint. He is actually not very used to it.

The young woman smiled and said: "I am the sixth disciple of Master Gu Yangshen and the senior sister of Yang Banruo, so I recognize... my uncle!"

The last two words, "Master's Uncle", were made using a secret method. Only Xu Liao could hear them, and no one else could hear them.

Xu Liao knew that the other party wanted to conceal his identity for him. After all, he also concealed his identity. The other party was just having fun, but he was also very grateful. He was too embarrassed to call his nephew back, so he could only change the topic. Asked: "Why did Yang Prajna suddenly go into seclusion?"

The young woman smiled and said, "Let's talk in another place."

Promising that it was a rare encounter and being able to chat for a while, he readily agreed and followed the master's niece to join the escape light and fly away at will.

"My name is Yin Suhua! Uncle Master, you can call me Suhua.

Or Yin nephew! "

Xu Liao was a little embarrassed and did not dare to use such an intimate name. He laughed and passed away. Watching the two people flying "outside" under the guidance of Yin Suhua, he couldn't help but ask: "What are we doing here?" Where are you going?"

Yin Suhua chuckled and said: "Of course we go outside the fairyland. There are only these dozens of suspended heavenly palaces in the fairyland, and there is nothing interesting. Only the flashy world outside has all kinds of interesting things."

Xu Liao also knew that the area covered by the Suspended Heavenly Palace was called the Immortal Realm by outsiders. Although the Jade Cauldron Sect rarely called themselves Immortal Realm, they also acquiesced in this title.

The flashy world outside the Immortal Realm has long been recognized by the Jade Cauldron Sect, and the ordinary human monsters outside also call themselves this.

Xu Ruo comes from Earth. Although the monster population is very small, the ordinary population is billions. Modernization is progressing very quickly, and all kinds of luxury goods are not scarce. Naturally, there is some resistance to the Sixteenth Level Demon Prison, and I don't think there is anything fun in the flashy world.

It's just that his temperament has subsided a lot now, and he doesn't compare himself to others, nor does he talk about how beautiful it is outside. He just smiled slightly and followed Yin Suhua to activate the escape light.

The two flew for six or seven hours before they faintly saw a high wall on the ground that separated the inside and outside.

Yin Suhua pointed to the high wall below and said: "This city wall is originally useless, but those creatures from the flashy world will sneak in if they have nothing to do, either to steal something. They just want to worship in various heavenly palaces and learn magic. , and even broke in just to destroy something deliberately, which made everyone very annoyed, so they could only build high walls to isolate the inside and outside."

Xu Liao asked: "If those creatures really want to seek the Tao, wouldn't they have no way out?"

Yin Suhua shook her head and said: "Our heavenly palaces all have pavilions outside. As long as you are willing to come and become a disciple, you can learn the Jade Cauldron Heart Technique in the pavilions. As long as you have the foundation, you can be introduced everywhere. Heavenly Palace. There is such an upright and bright way, but these people are unwilling to take it and insist on finding a way on their own. This has always made me feel strange. Why do they want to come?"

Xu Liao also found it strange, but considering that people's hearts are complicated and difficult to fathom even with powerful magic, they didn't bother to think about these useless things.

Xu You and Yin Suhua passed through this high wall and couldn't help but take a few more glances. This high wall is thousands of meters high and hundreds of meters thick. It surrounds the fairyland in a circle. Occasionally, there are people walking on it. , don’t know what to do.

Yin Suhua took him for a long time and flew thousands of kilometers before she turned on the escape light and took him around a few street corners and walked into the door of a restaurant.

Yin Suhua casually threw a small piece of silver ingot to the waiter standing majestically at the door, wearing a simplified version of the armor, and shouted: "Bring up all the best wine and food, twenty portions of each kind."

The waiter agreed and hurried to the kitchen to make arrangements. He and Yin Suhua went to the highest floor of the restaurant and sat down in a private room facing the street. Then he continued to ask: "How is Yang Prajna now? I There are still things I want to ask him!"

Seeing Xu's worry, Yin Suhua smiled and said: "He has made great achievements and got back the relics of senior brother, so the master used secret methods to help him fuse several of senior brother's rare treasures to increase his power as a reward. "

Xu Xu was relieved, and he couldn't help but feel slightly envious. However, even if he took those few treasures, he couldn't integrate them into himself. Even if he intercepted them, he could only watch them in vain, and at most use them to fight against the enemy.

Yin Suhua saw the disappointment on Xu Liao's face, laughed, and asked: "If you have anything else, ask me the same thing. I can also answer anything that Junior Brother Yang Banruo can answer!"

Xu thought for a while and asked, "I wonder if our master has a treasure like the wish fruit?"

Yin Suhua was stunned for a moment, then said: "What is the wish fruit? I have never heard of it, I guess it doesn't exist."

Xu was greatly disappointed and sighed, with a slightly gloomy look on his face.

Yin Suhua couldn't help but ask: "It sounds like this treasure is not used directly, but used to make wishes with the help of it. What wish do you have? Maybe our master has other ways. It doesn't have to be some wish fruit, right?" "

Xu Luo said casually: "I have a friend who was turned into a sculpture by the petrification spell. I want to save her!" (To be continued.)

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