One Sword to Immortality

238. The Secret of the Eastern Emperor

Yin Suhua was actually quite curious about Xu Liao. She was considered a relatively valued disciple of Guyang Shenmen, so she learned about Xu Liao's origins from her master.

Gu Yangshen wanted to help Yang Prajna practice, so he didn't do much, but he told his disciples to be as friendly as possible.

If it weren't for Xu Ruo entering the East Palace and never coming out, people from Daolu Palace would have been looking for him in those days.

Yin Suhua was extremely patient. It wasn't until the two of them had finished their meal, and tea was served, and they chatted for a long time, that she asked about Xu Zai: "You entered the East Palace that day. Junior Brother Yang Banruo waited for a long time before turning back to Daolu. Palace, I hope Master can rescue you. Master said you had a great adventure this time, so he was relieved to retreat. Can you tell me what is in the East Palace? What benefits have you gained?"

Xu Lio smiled slightly and replied: "The East Palace is the residence of the prince of the demon clan, and it has the power to educate the demons in the world. There are countless ancient inheritances in it, but it is a pity that I cannot open them all, and can only open a very few."

Yin Suhua was slightly surprised. Although the ancestor of the Jade Cauldron could not open the East Imperial Palace, the Jade Cauldron lineage did not know anything about the East Palace. They also probably knew that there might be inheritance from the ancient demon clan in the Heavenly Palace.

What Xu Luo said coincided with the legend of the East Palace. Yin Suhua was sure that Xu Luo was not lying.

After all, she was not familiar with Xu Luo. From her perspective, Xu Luo was at the level of the Demon King before entering the East Palace, and now he is still at the level of the Demon King. Naturally, he did not get any benefits. Even if there were some benefits, it would not matter. .

Xu Luo was indeed just the Demon King before entering the East Palace, and he was still the Demon King after entering the East Palace, but the difference between the two was as big as heaven and earth.

Yin Suhua pondered slightly and asked: "Why do you know how to open very few parts?"

Xu shrugged his shoulders and said: "I have cultivated several kinds of demon nerves, so it is no problem to activate the corresponding inheritance."

Xu Luo's answer was very vague, and Yin Suhua couldn't tell whether his words were true or false, so she could only accept them all, believing them.

Xu Luo didn't mean to lie. Now he is the only one who can enter the East Palace, but after all, he is still a disciple of the Yuding Sect. If the Jade Cauldron Patriarch ordered him to take out all the inheritance inside, he would be powerless to refuse.

Xu Ruo doesn't mind giving these inheritances, but it can't be given in vain, it must be exchanged for some benefits.

Yin Suhua's eyes shone slightly. He smiled and said: "If I also want to get one of these inheritances, I wonder if my uncle can help me?"

Xu Liao pretended to frown.

Said: "Although I also want to help, if I can't cultivate the relevant demon nerves, I can't open the inheritance. If I have cultivated the relevant demon nerves, I will tell you directly, so why go to the East Palace to check?"

Yin Suhua smiled and said: "Even if you don't have demon nerves, as long as you have enough demon blood, you can make some kind of demon energy appear in the body in an instant, and maybe you can open up the inheritance. I can provide a large amount of blood essence to my uncle, Even if it doesn’t work out, I don’t blame Uncle Master.”

When Xu Luo heard what Yin Suhua said, he readily agreed: "If Suhua is not stingy with the blood of the ancient great goblin, I can give her a try."

Yin Suhua no longer wants to drink tea. He had to rush back to Daolu Palace immediately, so he promised to do everything he could and set off with her.

This time, the two of them were not in a hurry, and Xu had time to take a look at the scenery of the glitzy world.

He originally thought that the flashy world must look like ancient times, but when he looked around, he felt that the fantasy style was strong. Not only did it not appear backward and old, but it was full of novelty, just like a new continent in fantasy novels.

Radiating outward from the Fairyland, the Brilliant World is divided into fan-shaped blocks one after another. The further out you go, the larger the area of ​​the block becomes.

The neighborhood where he and Yin Suhua were located was very close to the Immortal Realm. It was extremely prosperous, and there were people wearing armor everywhere on the streets. There are warriors riding various monsters, there are also shops selling all kinds of strange goods that cannot be seen on earth, and there are also extremely magnificent palaces.

Seeing that he was interested in the flashy world, Yin Suhua pointed to the distance and said: "The flashy world is centered on the fairyland and is divided into 138 rings and 36,000 blocks. The largest one has a population of more than 700,000 , a total of 8.9 billion mortals and monsters live in it, covering an area of ​​millions of miles. Outside the Flashy World, there is still the wilderness of Demon Prison, where various demons and monsters also live, and they will attack the Flashy World from time to time, every time. We, the Yuding Sect, will help them deal with the threat."

Xu Liao asked casually: "Is there a country in the flashy world?"

Yin Suhua smiled and said: "What does the country need to do?"

Xu Luo hesitated for a moment and said, "There has to be someone to manage these people, right?"

Yin Suhua shook her head and said: "Where is the need? As long as these creatures are given enough land, they can support themselves, and they don't need anyone to manage them. Some people want to be free, so they choose a sparsely populated neighborhood , some people like prosperity, so they choose a neighborhood with a prosperous population, and some people want some rules, so they form a neighborhood with laws. Everyone chooses to live where they like, and no one should care about other people's lives. Isn't that right? Very good?"

Xu couldn't refute for a while. He was used to living on earth. Almost every inhabited land was controlled by the state. It seemed that without a state, it would be impossible to live in an orderly manner and not be able to do many things. But there is no country in the flashy world, no one cares about everyone, everyone does their own thing, and it seems to look pretty good.

At least when he looked at it, he felt that there were very few disputes here and the people lived and worked in peace and contentment.

After a quick glance, he naturally knew that he could not understand the true appearance of the flashy world. In fact, he had no intention of understanding the flashy world. He only wanted to go back to the fairyland quickly, go to Yanxia Palace to find Ling Qingxu to express his gratitude, and by the way, ask for help from Yanxia Palace's expert in Nine. Touluanfeng transformed into a man to save Bai Qiulian.

If he could save Bai Qiulian, he would do anything.

Xu didn't dare to think about what happened next. After all, he couldn't bear to change the world and open the passage between the devil's prison and the earth.

Yin Suhua and Xu Liao put their escaping light together, and soon crossed the high wall of the fairyland. Xu Liao looked at it from a distance, feeling anxious, and shouted in a low voice: "Sister, please take your time, I will Returning is like an arrow, so take the first step."

Xu Luo shook his body and transformed into a four-winged fire spirit snake. He flapped his two wings and his speed suddenly increased nearly twice, and he threw Yin Suhua away in the blink of an eye.

Yin Suhua pursed her lips and smiled, but did not stop him. She just thought to herself: "Master asked us to be as good friends as possible. I don't know whether it is because he has extraordinary qualifications and will be successful in the future, or because he can enter the East Palace. He has a bright future. Even my ancestor is willing to accept him as his disciple, and other masters and uncles are not allowed to accept him. There must be something remarkable about this young man."

Yin Suhua had a meal with Xu Liao, but she didn't see anything remarkable about this young man, so she was still a little unsure. (~^~)

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