One Sword to Immortality

240. The true form of the nine-headed Luanfeng

The black gold light egg with black magic lines seemed to be aware of its owner's emotions, and it bloomed with mysterious light, covering the other five light eggs.

Xu Liao responded to the aura of the light egg, and his demonic aura was getting stronger and stronger, and it penetrated the entire East Palace in an instant. With the help of the power of the entire East Palace, he gently grabbed the light egg shrouded in colorful clouds and held it in his hand.

This light egg circulated with strange light, but no matter how powerful it was, it could not resist the entire Eastern Palace. Although it kept beating, it still could not break free from Xu Lie's grasp.

Xu Luo connected his consciousness with the Xuanjin Light Egg and began to search for the memory of Jiu Luanfeng.

Although Xu Lio obtained the inheritance of the Xuanjin Light Egg, the inheritance of hundreds of millions of years of this light egg is too huge, and he has no way to digest it all. He can only absorb the most important inheritance first, like the Nine-headed Luanfeng. The first-level memory can only be temporarily put aside.

The East Palace and these hundreds of thousands of light eggs, if you use a vivid metaphor: the East Palace is a huge spaceship, these light eggs are the intelligent center that controls the spacecraft, and can be understood as something like a light brain. A light egg can control the East Palace, which means the level of authority varies.

It's just that they are different from the inherent thinking mode of human beings. These light eggs have different inheritance marks and have no connection with each other. They are all completely independent, just like installing hundreds of thousands of them on a super spaceship. Independent optical computers, each optical computer also has its own operating system and independent database.

The black gold light egg obtained by Xu Luo is one of the six light eggs with the highest authority. Not only does it have the highest authority of the Eastern Imperial Palace, it also records the history of the ancient demon clan from birth to annihilation, which lasts for hundreds of millions of years, as well as the history of the ancient demon clan. All the wisdom of the Supreme Imperial Clan.

After promising to swim through the endless history of the ancient demon clan, I felt the world suddenly shake. There was a heaven that shook out of the void and opened up.

This heaven has twenty-eight floors, each floor is extremely vast, and countless birds and beasts live in it. There are one hundred and eight heavenly palaces on the highest level, and the towering emperor sits on top of the highest one. Even though he has fallen for an unknown number of years, he still has the aura to suppress the world and rule the world.

Qilin is known as the leader of all beasts and the emperor of beasts. The Qilin clan was also called the royal clan in ancient times. However, the demon clan that commanded the ancient demon clan in heaven was a class above the Qilin clan and called itself the "imperial clan"!

The black gold light egg obtained by Xu is the inheritance of the imperial clan. However, in the inheritance of the Xuanjin Light Egg, all information about the origin, birth, and bloodline of the Imperial Clan were deliberately erased, making this demon clan that once commanded the ancient demon clan heaven even more mysterious.

Even though this emperor is just the inheritance mark in the Xuanjin light egg and does not really exist, it is so majestic that even if he promised it, he would not dare to look at it more.

Bypassing this mark, we continued to search for information about Jiu-headed Luanfeng.

Xu Liao traveled upstream in the long river of illusory history of black golden light eggs. Soon I found the memory about Jiu Luanfeng.

Billions of golden lights flashed, and a celestial phoenix was covered in five colors of light, with a length of hundreds of millions of miles. There is a world of its own on its back, with thousands of miles of rivers and mountains, and endless scenery. Carrying all the Phoenix clan on its back and descending to the ancient times, it created the history of the Phoenix clan.

Xu Zao looked at it with eyes filled with confusion. The flow of time accelerated a thousand times, and he soon saw the birth of the Nine-headed Luanfeng.

The Phoenix clan is one of the oldest bloodlines of the ancient demon clan. There are seven orthodox Phoenix clans, named: Tianhuang. Lihuang, Xihuang. Minghuang, Wahuang. Phoenix, Danhuang.

Under the Phoenix clan are the Luan birds, which have nine branches in total, and the Nine-headed Luan Feng is one of the Nine Luan birds!

Under the Luan are birds, headed by the Suzaku! There is a bird under the sparrow, and the black bird is the king!

Nine-headed Luanfeng is a different species of the Phoenix Clan. He is born with the ability to control nine kinds of magical powers. In terms of the tyranny of the magical powers, he is almost as good as the Phoenix Clan. However, because his temperament is also very changeable, he loves to be rebellious, and even attacked Tianhuang, so he was rejected by the Phoenix Clan. Although she later took refuge in the ancient demon clan's Heavenly Court, she was unwilling to be restrained and disobeyed the demon clan's Heavenly Emperor's orders several times. The Heavenly Emperor suppressed the Nine-headed Luanfeng with his immense magical power and banished her descendants.

The giant palm of the Emperor of Heaven took a picture, and the thousand-mile-long Nine-headed Luan Phoenix was gradually shrunk by the boundless magical power.

The nine-headed phoenix screamed loudly, and the shaking sky and earth changed colors, but it could not shake the Heavenly Emperor's magical power in the slightest. Its nine heads each activated nine kinds of magical powers, but none of them could hurt the Heavenly Emperor's giant palm.

From being restrained by the Emperor's magical power to finally being suppressed, Jiu-head Luanfeng used all kinds of magical powers, but still could not change the result. He was turned into a light egg by the Emperor's infinite magical power and was thrown into the East Palace.

Xu Lao took a deep breath when he saw this scene. Only then did he know why the light egg of the Nine-Headed Luan Phoenix could swallow the essence and blood, because this light egg contained not only the inheritance of the Nine-headed Luan Phoenix, but also the ancestor. The true form of Nine-headed Luanfeng.

"I'm afraid this demon bird is not a heavenly demon, but it's almost there. Once it's released, I don't know if Patriarch Jade Cauldron can resist it."

Xu Luo exited the Xuanjin Light Egg and stared at the Nine-headed Luanfeng inheritance light egg shrouded in colorful clouds, feeling very complicated.

Ling Qingxu gave him the essence and blood of the Nine-Headed Luan Phoenix and taught him the transformation of the Nine-Headed Luan Phoenix, but he lost the essence and blood of the Nine-Headed Luan Phoenix. Did he really want to ask Ling Qingxu for another Nine-Headed Luan Phoenix? Essence and blood?

Without the essence and blood of the Nine-headed Luanfeng, it is impossible to practice the Nine-headed Luanfeng Transformation. Without the magical power of the Nine-headed Luanfeng Transformation, it is impossible to save Bai Qiulian.

This is an unacceptable result for Xu Lei.

Xu Luo let out a long sigh and thought to himself: "It's better to sacrifice face and ask Senior Brother Ling Qingxu for blood essence again! Face is not as important as saving people after all. "

After making a long whistle, and just as he was about to hide the six light eggs of the highest inheritance, he heard a clear and beautiful phoenix cry, and spit out a drop of blood essence from the nine-headed Luan Phoenix light egg.

Ling Qingxu was very generous. He gave him the Nine-headed Luanfeng essence and blood, which was enough to practice the Nine-headed Luanfeng transformation for more than ten times. However, this drop of essence and blood was not even one percent of the original amount, and it was not much bigger than a sesame seed. .

But this drop of essence and blood has an indescribable aura, which is ancient, chaotic and crazy, full of boundless wildness, and various forces that cannot be described in words or even conflict with each other.

Xu Zuo hesitated for a moment, then he opened his mouth and inhaled, swallowing the drop of tranquility into his stomach. He activated the Nine-headed Luan Feng Transformation. In just an instant, the drop of essence and blood exploded like a raging fire.

Xu Ling's consciousness was shattered by the explosion, and was pulled by a mysterious force. All the fragments of consciousness were thrown into the Nine-headed Luan Phoenix Egg.

Having lost his sense of self, Xu Zuo's body floated quietly in the East Palace, just like other light eggs. (To be continued.)

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