One Sword to Immortality

242. Kill conscience

The black-robed Taoist's palm was less than three inches away from Xu Zhi's chest. Only then did he react. With a clear whistle, his whole body turned into flames and spread out.

The palm of the black-robed Taoist has a strong corrosive aura. If it hits the body, even if the nine-headed phoenix transforms into the body, it will suffer a big loss. But he turned into flames, and the black-robed Taoist slapped his palm in the air. He also knew that something was wrong, and hurriedly shook the black robe, and it turned into foam and spread out, and the fire-winged knife that promised to counterattack also fell. In the empty space.

The black-robed Taoist blocked Xu Zuo for a moment, and then all the black-winged crows caught up with him. Hundreds of black-winged crows sprayed poisonous flames from their mouths, immediately surrounding Xu Zuo.

Xu Luo remained calm in the face of danger. He seemed to be born to be an expert in manipulating flames. He used his phoenix true fire god to the extreme. The boundless flames sometimes turned into fire knives, sometimes turned into rockets, sometimes turned into flaming whips, and transformed into thousands of weapons. With the blade, dozens of black-winged crows were killed in a matter of seconds.

Under the cover of the black-winged crow, the black-robed Taoist made several sneak attacks and was forced to move away. Occasionally, once or twice he failed to make a move, he turned into flames and dispersed, making all the enemy's attacks useless. Return with success.

The black-robed Taoist's physical skills were more than expected, but he was obviously a little afraid of the Phoenix True Fire. Whenever he felt in danger, he would drive his black-winged crows up and hide aside.

Xu tried several times to kill him first, but he was attacked desperately by the black-winged crows. He had to deal with these monster birds and missed the best opportunity.

In this fierce fight, the sky was dark and the earth was dark. Xu Luo killed more than two hundred black-winged crows. Seeing that he could not take advantage, the black-robed Taoist saw that the number of black-winged crows under his command was no longer enough to help him win. Jie Jie's strange roar disappeared into thin air and never appeared again.

Xu Liao deeply hated these black-winged crows. He didn't stop, but activated the phoenix true fire to spread across the sky. Kill these black-winged crows that are deeply hostile to themselves one by one, and then one by one, the black-winged crows turn into fireballs and fall from the sky. Only then did he feel relieved a little.

After killing hundreds of black-winged crows, something vaguely emerged in Xu Zuo's mind, but he couldn't make it clear when he thought about it carefully. He stood high in the sky for a while, then turned into a flame and headed straight for the five-color mountain peak.

After the battle just now, Xu Luo became more proficient in controlling the true fire of the phoenix, and could even separate his true body into a body of flames. It is more convenient to fly than to escape in person.

When Xu Ruo was flying over a swamp, a mud dragon suddenly sprang up from below. This mud dragon's whole body was made of silt, turbid and slippery, and its entire body was filled with dark miasma. It reached for the flames flying high in the sky with its claws.

Xu Liao didn't know the details of this mud dragon, so he twisted his body to get out of the way, and flew out a flame with his backhand,

It burned for a moment. A section of the mud dragon's body was burned into red tiles.

This part of the body fell from the mud dragon. This mud dragon did have some magical powers, and the lower half of its body swelled. Then it was attached to the half body, still ferocious and ferocious, without losing any of its majesty.

Xu was deeply surprised that this mud dragon was so weird. He was burning his body piece by piece. He didn't know how long he would have to fight fiercely, so he escaped from the light and rose high into the sky, trying to get out of the way of this mud dragon. .

Just as he escaped from the light, he rose more than a hundred meters. Before leaving the battle, it was like a bubble bursting around him. The black-robed Taoist pressed his chest with his palm again.

He promised this time but did not dodge, and slapped him back with a palm. The true phoenix fire gathered into the shape of phoenix claws, and penetrated the black-robed Taoist's palm in one move, even burning his arms, and finally penetrated his chest.

The black-robed Taoist didn't expect Xu Leo to be so resolute and resolute. He roared and tried to use transformation to get away. However, no matter how hard he used the demonic energy, he could no longer turn into nothing and escape. His body was burned by the true fire of the phoenix, and he disappeared in an instant. For ashes.

As soon as the black-robed Taoist died, the mud dragon could no longer do anything. He blasted the phoenix real fire back to the swamp. When the mud dragon jumped out again, the young man had already disappeared without a trace.

After Xu killed the black-robed Taoist, his mind exploded like silver paste, and countless memories flowed out. These memories were all the bad things he had done in his life, such as failing to hand in his homework, and lying to his mother to score seventy points when he actually failed the exam. He passed the exam and skipped class to participate in the activity just to please Qu Lei...

It has not been long since he became a monster, and naturally he has not done anything bad. After becoming a monster, he has always been forced to accept challenges, so naturally it is not a bad thing, so he is the black-robed Taoist who embodies all the sins in his life. , he was just weak enough to survive successive battles.

After having these memories, his whole mood was not quite right. The black-robed Taoist was the bad thing he had done in his life, and it was also the darkest side of his character. Although he was not that bad, at this moment he It is understandable that only negative emotions remain in his mind, and his behavior tends to be surly.

Xu Ruo flew not far away, then turned back, rushed into the swamp, activated the phoenix true fire, burning each piece, and when the mud dragon jumped out, he laughed evilly and started fighting with the monster. .

This fierce fight lasted for a day and a night, and only then did the burned mud dragon break into pieces and scatter them everywhere in the swamp.

It wasn't until there was no more mud in the swamp that could be absorbed into the body of the mud dragon that he fired out dozens of Phoenix True Fires, blowing up the entire swamp, leaving only a giant crater hundreds of meters deep. And go.

Xu killed the mud dragon and suppressed the escaping light along the way. This time he went to look for various monsters. Whenever he encountered a slightly hostile creature, he activated the phoenix true fire to suppress it. He didn't know how many monsters he killed. Only then did they fight all the way to the foot of the five-color mountain peak.

Xu killed countless monsters and got back many memory fragments, but he was also vaguely aware that some memories did not belong to him. He sealed these memory fragments for further investigation in the future.

The five-color peak seemed to have a strange power. Once Xu flew closer, he could no longer control the light. His body felt as heavy as the mountain, and he had to land on the ground and walk all the way up the mountain.

After walking slowly for a day, I saw a thatched cottage. In the thatched cottage sat a handsome young man, grilling meat on an iron stove.

Xu Ruo walked into the thatched cottage, and the young man asked with a smile: "He who has never eaten barbecue for a long night is not worthy of his life! Do you want to come and eat together?"

Xu said "good" and sat down. He grabbed the pieces of meat that had been roasted and swallowed a few pieces. Suddenly he felt abdominal pain. He glanced at the young man and felt that he looked like an enemy. He punched him with his backhand. He hit him so hard that his brains exploded.

After killing this young man, Xu Zuo felt depressed and didn't know how to vent it, but there was no pain in his stomach. He reflected carefully and suddenly shouted: "This young man looks so familiar, isn't he my conscience? I just killed my conscience. Now, are you going to become an absolutely evil person in the future?" (To be continued.)

ps: ps: It’s the last day of January, please try to get some monthly tickets

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