One Sword to Immortality

246. Baijiao inheritance

Xu Luo led these Baijiao tribesmen into the depths of the tribe. Bai Qiulian felt something was wrong, but he didn't know how to stop it.

The Baijiao clan has a population of over a thousand, and the clan leader is also very busy in dealing with clan affairs. On this day, the clan leader was not in the clan, only the great wizard was there. When Xu Liao and everyone rushed to the great wizard's residence, the great wizard had a look on his face. He looked worried, but said cheerfully: "I admit that Duoxie is the king of the tribe."

Xu Luo had just urged Chi Jing to defeat Meng Su. The great wizard had already seen it. After all, the Baijiao tribe was not that big. Of course, he knew that he was unable to compete with this rising young man. After weighing the pros and cons, he decided to give in.

He secretly praised the great wizard for understanding the reality and shouted: "The great wizard has recognized the status of the king of our clan. The original clan leader has worked hard and made great achievements. He will become the helper of the wizard. Our Baijiao clan is strong and should be As the king of the wilderness, will you all join me in conquering the four directions?"

This declaration immediately aroused cheers and cheers from the clan members. Although the Baijiao clan was powerful, generations of clan leaders had no intention of making progress. They just wanted to live and work in peace and contentment. The tyrannical clan members had long been dissatisfied and hoped to expand their hunting grounds and obtain more resources. Live a richer life.

Xu raised his arms and immediately attracted the approval of countless tribesmen. He did not stay in the tribe for long, and immediately led all the young men to kill the nearby tribe, leaving only the old and the weak to look after the house.

Bai Qiulian felt more and more that something was wrong, but she felt extra at ease following Xu. In the end, she simply didn’t think much about it and just followed Xu closely. She had already made up her mind and she would do whatever Xu asked her to do. What.

There is a Qingjiao tribe near the Baijiao tribe. They usually have battles with the Baijiao tribe. With their large numbers, they always have the upper hand and kill many people from the Baijiao tribe.

The White Flood Dragon tribe was usually bullied very hard, and many people had relatives killed by the Green Flood Dragon tribe.

Xu Luo led the Baijiao tribe to attack the Qingjiao tribe. The soldiers of the Baijiao tribe were so high in fighting spirit that they did not even think about whether they would fail.

The young men of the Qingjiao tribe had all gone out to hunt. When they rushed into the tribe, there happened to be only women and the elderly and the weak.

I promise not to care about anything. A stream of red liquid appeared above the head, and it rolled out. Any Qingjiao tribesman who resisted was wiped out by the red liquid, and no one could compete with it.

Although there are still two to three thousand people left by the Qingjiao tribe. But most of them were not warriors, and some rushed to kill them, and the Qingjiao clan was quickly disintegrated.

According to the rules of the Great Wilderness, the Baijiao tribe kidnapped all the women and children and took them back, killing all the old and weak. Then they robbed the Qingjiao tribe's accumulated property, materials, livestock and food, and then returned home satisfied.

When Xu Liu returned to the tribe with a full load of warriors,

The clan leader was waiting with more than a hundred people. The clan leader also heard that something big had happened to the clan, so he hurried back, with only these most loyal warriors around him.

When the clan leader saw that Xu Laohe had brought a large number of women and children of the Qingjiao tribe, as well as various goods, livestock and food, his face became extremely ugly, and he shouted: "How evil! If you attack the Qingjiao tribe, you will definitely make people suffer." The Qingjiao Tribe hates us, the White Dragon Tribe..."

Xu Luo shouted loudly: "But we have already won. We have defeated the Qingjiao tribe. From now on, there will only be us white dragons and no more green dragons. Why do you still worry about hatred? You are not worthy of being the leader of the tribe at all. You are just a coward and a coward!" "

Xu Xu returned in triumph. The clan leader and the warriors around him did not know that all the young warriors of the Qingjiao tribe were out hunting and were not at home. They only thought that Xu Xu had really defeated the Qingjiao tribe and returned with a complete victory. Their expressions changed greatly. I don’t know how to refute it.

Xu Liao shouted loudly: "Tribesmen! You are willing to roam the wilderness under my leadership and be proud and proud. No one dares to bully you anymore. Still under the original clan leader, you have suffered all the anger of others, even though you have great power. , but it can still only be a small tribe, with no development for hundreds of years?"

Countless warriors from the Baijiao clan shouted: "We are willing to follow Duoxie!"

Even the few warriors around the clan leader rushed out and joined Xu Zhe's side. Xu Liao stared at the clan leader and said: "I am the king of the clan now! You should go and do some sacrificial chores with the great wizard. The Baijiao clan no longer needs you, so abdicate!"

The clan leader was trembling all over, but looking at Xu Zuo, who was waiting for everyone, he knew that he was unable to resist, so he could only clenched his fists and stepped aside. Even the dozens of warriors around him joined Xu Zuo's team after hesitating for a moment.

Xu Luo distributed the women and children of the Qingjiao tribe to the families of the Baijiao tribe, and began to arrange the sacrificial ceremony, asking the ancestors to favor them and grant these new women and children who joined the Baijiao tribe the blood of Baijiao.

Under the auspices of the great wizard, Xu Liao led his tribe to offer sacrifices. The sky was covered with dark clouds, and a jade-like white dragon hung its huge head from the clouds and screamed for a long time.

Xu did everything he did before to sacrifice to the white dragon. Now he did not hesitate and led countless people to pray. The white dragon hovered in the sky for a long time, and then it spat out a rain of blood.

Under normal circumstances, these dragon blood would fall on every clan member, but at this moment, Xu Zuo raised his hand and released a whirlwind to swallow up all the dragon blood. With a wave of his hand, the extremely strong dragon blood Bai Qiulian, who was standing aside and didn't know what was going on, was poured out.

The people of the Baijiao clan were stunned. They didn't know why Xu Ruo did this. But after Bai Qiulian was poured with the essence and blood of the Baijiao, fragments of his consciousness emerged one by one, and he could not help but have a complicated look on his face when he got back his banned memories. He glanced at Xu, with a bit of joy and a bit of pride in his eyes.

Bai Qiulian roared, and his body gradually grew, becoming three or four years older than before, and returned to his original girlish appearance.

He didn't care about the people of the White Flood Dragon clan anymore. He let out a long laugh, his body disintegrated quietly like a bubble, and his consciousness exited the White Flood Dragon's light egg.

His consciousness returned to his physical body, and after a while, he saw Bai Qiulian also opening his eyes. There were faint waves of water in his eyes, and there were layers of clouds outside his body. His whole person was incomparably beautiful.

Under Xu Liao's interference, Bai Qiulian has obtained the inheritance of Bai Jiao in the fastest and safest way.

As ancient demon gods, although the Baijiao clan is only a branch of the Dragon clan, they have tens of millions of years of history, accumulated countless wisdom, and have the highest level of inheritance.

The aura in Bai Qiulian's body is also rising steadily under the induction of the white dragon's light eggs, but she has long since converted to spiritual energy. Every time her strength increases, she has to transform the demonic energy into spiritual energy before it can be incorporated into herself.

Despite this, Bai Qiulian still broke through the realm of the Spiritual Master after more than a hundred breaths, entered the level of the Tiangang Master, and began to condense the Gang Veins... (To be continued.)

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