One Sword to Immortality

257. Serious and negative

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Xu changed his mind slightly and said with a smile: "There is nothing difficult! It's just that I don't have any other disciples in the East Palace lineage, so I have very few manpower..."

Yang Banruo hurriedly interjected: "If Uncle Master needs it, our Daolu Palace can relocate another million people to help Uncle Master expand the territory."

Only then did Xu Luo suddenly realize, and thought to himself: "It turns out that all senior brothers still don't like people from the flashy world, and want to push people to come to me."

Xu Luo was already short of people, so he immediately nodded and applauded. Only then did Yang Banruo show his joy. He chatted with Xu Luo for a long time, talking about the scenery of his friendship that day. The friendship between the two was not due to the fact that they had not seen each other for a long time, but because they had made progress. Xu Ruo became the master of the Eastern Palace, and Yang Prajna broke through to the realm of Dayan, and became even closer.

Just like ordinary people who haven't seen each other for many years, if their careers are high or low, they naturally have nothing to talk about. If they are all having a bad life, they can get together to drink and complain. If they are all doing well, they can each brag. , invited frequently, it seems that everyone has always been on good terms.

Even sages may not be able to escape the philistine, unless they really do not eat the fireworks of the world. Although the Yuding lineage is a sect of immortals, after all, they still have human relationships, and many times they are no different from the human world.

When Yang Banruo and Xu Liao were chatting, they also vaguely revealed an idea. Several of the strongest heavenly palaces wanted to join forces and set aside several reserved areas for demons and monsters. Now that Xiaotianting has escaped from the Demon Prison, the Demons have never been able to kill, and will inevitably become a scarce resource. In the future, the Jade Cauldron Sect will also need to extract the blood of the Demons to practice magic, so this is a precautionary measure.

According to what Yang Banruo revealed, if he agrees and is willing to join, he can be given some of the benefits and allowed to raise some demons and monsters.

Xu Luo pondered slightly. He responded and hinted that he was willing to participate in this matter.

You're not stupid if you agree, this is something that a few of the strongest heavenly palaces take the lead on. If you don't participate in it, won't you be squeezed out? It would be even more foolish to oppose it. There are benefits for him to participate, but not only is there no benefit to opposing it, he is afraid that he will also anger many powerful senior brothers, making himself enemies in the Jade Cauldron Sect.

Yang Prajna's purpose of coming here had been achieved, and he was even more happy. He told Xu Liao many things about the various heavenly palaces, and also mentioned the various heavenly palaces' views on Xu Liao, the youngest junior disciple.

Xu Luo actually voluntarily went to the most remote place and did not compete with several senior brothers for benefits. He was quite popular, and because of his ability to recruit refugees from the flashy world, several senior brothers were willing to help him and push him along the way.

Xu Liao knew these many secrets,

He was also slightly happy in his heart. He had no contact with any of the heavenly palaces. Although he was familiar with Yang Banruo and Yin Suhua, and went to Yanxia Palace and received many benefits from Ling Qingxu, he was not too familiar with them after all.

Yang Banruo came here. It actually made him a little bit more integrated into the Yuding sect.

Yang Banruo stayed for half a day, then said goodbye and left a few days later. Hundreds of thousands of refugees from the flashy world were sent to various heavenly palaces one after another, allowing the population of the block Xu occupied to expand to more than two million in an instant.

Xu Luo followed the original rules and asked his eighteen leaders to place the refugees from the Glorious World who were sent there. However, these refugees were not sent with resources but were forcibly sent away by various heavenly palaces, so they were not allowed to live there. Even though he was convinced and restrained, he did not know how many troubles he caused.

It was promised in more than ten days. Almost all of them are busy patrolling everywhere, looking for anyone who stirs up trouble. They collected them all in the Small Universe and sent them to a nearby neighborhood. Let them fend for themselves.

After sending away nearly 100,000 people in this way, the neighborhood under his command was considered stable. Based on his experience in playing Caesar, Xu Luo designated public areas such as altars, parks, squares, tourist areas, lakes, and water systems in the neighborhood, and then divided the residential areas into countless Small plots of land were allocated to the settled population.

Fortunately, these refugees from the flashy world had experience in building homes, so they could cooperate with Xu and settle down one after another. If Xu was an ordinary person in the human world, Xu Xu would not be able to build his neighborhood in a short time even if he was extremely busy.

With an additional population of more than two million, Xu Luo was finally able to pull together a motley army of tens of thousands of people to force the demons and monsters in the blocks they occupied out of the border. Finally, with the help of the power of altars scattered throughout the blocks, they The massive formation protected this neighborhood.

With the Great Formation, demons and monsters can no longer sneak into this neighborhood. Although the cultivation level of the more than two million people is not too high, they gather together and breathe out a lot of spiritual energy every day.

Xu Luo saw the neighborhoods under his jurisdiction every day, with the demonic aura gradually fading away, and all kinds of ideas coming to mind. He was quite pleased that his efforts had finally yielded results, but he couldn't help but feel a little worried.

Since Xiao Tianting escaped from the Demon Prison, he has never seen any demons and monsters above the demon general level, nor has he seen a powerful demon tribe. It seems that these powerful demons and monsters disappeared in an instant, or maybe they didn't exist. He came with Xiao Tianting and stayed in the Demon Prison.

But Xu Luozeng remembered that the Jade Cauldron Patriarch once said that after using the Dingxuan Mirror to sweep away the Little Heavenly Court, a total of 3.8 billion demons followed the Little Heavenly Court to escape from the devil's prison. As for the various kinds of monsters, they should be countless.

With the East Palace in hand, Xu Luo naturally does not have to worry about being attacked by the demon. No matter how powerful the demon is, he will not be able to break the defense of the East Palace. Even the Jade Cauldron Patriarch is helpless, and I am sure the Demon Lord level is also helpless. There are two sacred trees in the East Palace.

But even if there is a huge formation, it is difficult for Xu's neighborhood to withstand the powerful demon attack, especially now that the demon energy in the neighborhood has only been converted into one or two thousandths, and it will not be possible to transform it into inspiration in less than ten years, which can be used to defeat the demons. Human restraint is not strong.

Xu Liao also knew that there was no use in worrying like this. He could only practice harder when he was free, and gradually became less involved in the management of the neighborhood.


Kongyin glanced at the crowd majestically. Since he received the inheritance of the Ming Shen Bird, in addition to the great increase in his cultivation of the Ming Shen Jue, he has also gained the wisdom inherited by the Ming Shen Bird clan for tens of thousands of years, and has learned many ancient secrets.

To Xu Liao, the wisdom of the Ming Shen Bird clan was not worth mentioning, and the secrets he knew were of little use. But to a monster of Kong Yin's level, it was already a stormy wave. After digesting the Ming Shen Bird, he After absorbing the ancient wisdom of the clan, Yin Ran has become a good general under Xu, with great majesty.

After being scanned by this bald boy, the more than thirty leaders present were slightly uneasy, especially Xu Bi who couldn't help but muttered: "Little bald man! Why do you look at everyone like this? Who has done something wrong? "

Kong Yin said sternly: "The young master has given you many orders not to practice demonic energy, nor to protect those who practice demonic energy, but you are doing it in disguise. Do you know that this is a big mistake?" (To be continued.)

ps: ps: I was busy this morning, so my update is late today, I will continue writing, and there will be more later. First of all, I would like to wish everyone a happy New Year, and by the way, I would like to ask for auspicious monthly tickets for the New Year... Monthly tickets, monthly tickets, I have been working hard on writing on New Year's Eve, so I really need the monthly ticket rewards!

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